LangString welcome ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "This wizard will guide you through the installation of ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}.\r\n\r\nIf you are upgrading an existing installation of ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}, please close it before proceeding.\r\n\r\nClick Next to continue." LangString finish ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "${PORTABLEAPPNAME} has been installed on your device.\r\n\r\nClick Finish to close this wizard." LangString runwarning ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Please close all instances of ${CLOSENAME} and then click OK. The portable app can not be upgraded while it is running." LangString invaliddirectory ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "The destination folder you selected is invalid. Please choose a valid folder." LangString notenoughspace ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "The device you have selected to install to does not have enough free space for this app." LangString checkforplatform ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Checking for Platform" LangString refreshmenu ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Refreshing Menu" LangString copylocalfilesnotfound ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "This installer copies a local version of the application and makes it portable. Unfortunately, a local copy of the application was not found. You may reinstall or copy the files yourself to complete the installation at a later time. (ERROR: $MISSINGFILEORPATH could not be found.)" LangString downloadfilemismatch ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "The downloaded copy of ${DownloadName} is not valid and can not be installed." LangString downloadfailed ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "The installer was unable to download ${DownloadName}. The installation of the portable app will be incomplete without it. (ERROR: $DOWNLOADRESULT)" LangString extractfailed ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "The installer was unable to extract the necessary file from the downloaded file. The installation of the portable app will be incomplete without it." LangString downloading ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Downloading ${DownloadName}..." LangString prepareupgrade ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Preparing to upgrade ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}..." LangString installingstatus ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Installing ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}..." LangString downloadremaining ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "remaining" LangString downloadconnecting ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "Connecting..." LangString downloadsecond ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "second" LangString downloadhour ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "hour" LangString downloadminute ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "minute" LangString downloadplural ${LANG_VALENCIAN} "s"