Welcome to pyOpenRPA’s wiki¶

by Ivan Maslov (Russia) - see 3. Copyrights & Contacts.
! ATTENTION ! pyOpenRPA works only on MS Windows 7+/Server 2008+. Guys from Unix/Mac - sorry. We will come to you soon :)
pyOpenRPA is absolutely non-commercial project.
Please donate some $ if pyOpenRPA project is actual for you. Link to online donations. https://money.yandex.ru/to/4100115560661986
Dear RPA-tors. Let me congratulate you with great change in the RPA world. Since 2019 the first enterprise level open source RPA platform is here!
The pyOpenRPA - free, fast and reliable Powerful OpenSource RPA tool for business (based on python 3). Best performance and absolutely free!
The pyOpenRPA is based on Python and using well known OpenSource solutions such as Selenium, OpenCV, Win32, UI automation and others. Thanks to it we were able to create consolidated platform with all possible features. The pyOpenRPA is distributed under the MIT license which allows you to use it in any way you want and any time you need without any restrictions. At the time of this writing the pyOpenRPA is successfully using in several big Russian companies. Companies in which it was decided to develop own RPA division with no dependencies on expensive licenses.
Repo structure¶
The description of the each folder in GitLab repo is going below:
Agent: template build for the pyOpenRPA.Agent component
Orchestrator: template build for the pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator component
Resources: 3rd party resources which is needed to provide pyOpenRPA encapsulation from the Operating System (OS) dependencies.
Robot: template build for the robot
Sources: pyOpenRPA python package sources + sphinx sources
Studio: build for the pyOpenRPA.Studio which support Desktop UI (support x32 and x64 desktop UI apps)
Utils: many additional good tools for the python developer
Wiki: compiled wiki documentation
The pyOpenRPA structure¶
The pyOpenRPA has 4 main tools:¶
The pyOpenRPA.Studio tool has been developed to help RPA-tors to create the robot algorythms.
Run actions
Create visual algorythms of the robot
Desktop app: Analyze desktop app ui tree
Desktop app: Search desktop app ui by mouse
Desktop app: Generate & edit the UIO Selector
The pyOpenRPA.Robot package is the core of any action execution in the pyOpenRPA. All action from algorythms are perfoming by the Robot tool. It looks like a console process without graphic user interface.
Based on Python (killer feature)
Support Win32 GUI framework (desktop app)
Support UI automation framework (desktop app)
Support Selenium (web app)
Support PyAutoGUI (screen capture & mouse)
Support OpenCV (computer vision)
The pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator package has been developed to maintain robot infrastructure (2+ robots algorythm).
Start/Stop robot algorithm
Robot scheduler
Remote machine screenshot viewer
Remote machine cmd shell
Remote machine logs storage
The pyOpenRPA.Agent tool has been developed to maintain robot infrastructure (2+ robots algorythm).
Send CMD to the RPA GUI session (start/safe stop/force stop/logout)
Get screenshots from the RPA GUI session
Get the list of the running processes
Wiki structure¶
In wiki you can use the following docs:
ENG Guide HTML [|OPEN GITLAB|](https://gitlab.com/UnicodeLabs/OpenRPA/-/tree/master/Wiki/ENG_Guide/html/index.html)
ENG Guide MarkDown [|OPEN GITLAB|](https://gitlab.com/UnicodeLabs/OpenRPA/-/tree/master/Wiki/ENG_Guide/markdown/index.md)
ENG Guide PDF [|WAIT|]()
RUS Article: Less cost - no paid RPA [|OPEN HABR|](https://habr.com/ru/post/509644/)
RUS Tutorial Desktop UI [|OPEN HABR|](https://habr.com/ru/post/509644/); [|OPEN GITLAB|](https://gitlab.com/UnicodeLabs/OpenRPA/-/tree/master/Wiki/RUS_Tutorial/DesktopGUI_Habr/index.md)
RUS Tutorial Web UI [|OPEN HABR|](https://habr.com/ru/post/515310/); [|OPEN GITLAB|](https://gitlab.com/UnicodeLabs/OpenRPA/-/tree/master/Wiki/RUS_Tutorial/WebGUI_Habr/readme.md)
Guide content¶