ET.XML("And finally, here is an embedded XHTML fragment.
print ET.tostring(page)
Here's a prettyprinted version of the output from the above script::
This is a sample document
This is a paragraph with bold text in it!
This is another paragraph, with link.
Here are some reserved characters: <spam&egg>.
And finally, here is an embedded XHTML fragment.
For namespace support, you can pass a namespace map (``nsmap``)
and/or a specific target ``namespace`` to the ElementMaker class::
>>> E = ElementMaker(namespace="http://my.ns/")
>>> print(ET.tostring( E.test ))
>>> E = ElementMaker(namespace="http://my.ns/", nsmap={'p':'http://my.ns/'})
>>> print(ET.tostring( E.test ))
def __init__(self, typemap=None,
namespace=None, nsmap=None, makeelement=None):
self._namespace = '{' + namespace + '}' if namespace is not None else None
self._nsmap = dict(nsmap) if nsmap else None
assert makeelement is None or callable(makeelement)
self._makeelement = makeelement if makeelement is not None else ET.Element
# initialize the default type map functions for this element factory
typemap = dict(typemap) if typemap else {}
def add_text(elem, item):
last_child = elem[-1]
except IndexError:
elem.text = (elem.text or "") + item
last_child.tail = (last_child.tail or "") + item
def add_cdata(elem, cdata):
if elem.text:
raise ValueError("Can't add a CDATA section. Element already has some text: %r" % elem.text)
elem.text = cdata
if str not in typemap:
typemap[str] = add_text
if unicode not in typemap:
typemap[unicode] = add_text
if ET.CDATA not in typemap:
typemap[ET.CDATA] = add_cdata
def add_dict(elem, item):
attrib = elem.attrib
for k, v in item.items():
if isinstance(v, basestring):
attrib[k] = v
attrib[k] = typemap[type(v)](None, v)
if dict not in typemap:
typemap[dict] = add_dict
self._typemap = typemap
def __call__(self, tag, *children, **attrib):
typemap = self._typemap
# We'll usually get a 'str', and the compiled type check is very fast.
if not isinstance(tag, str) and isinstance(tag, _QName):
# A QName is explicitly qualified, do not look at self._namespace.
tag = tag.text
elif self._namespace is not None and tag[0] != '{':
tag = self._namespace + tag
elem = self._makeelement(tag, nsmap=self._nsmap)
if attrib:
typemap[dict](elem, attrib)
for item in children:
if callable(item):
item = item()
t = typemap.get(type(item))
if t is None:
if ET.iselement(item):
for basetype in type(item).__mro__:
# See if the typemap knows of any of this type's bases.
t = typemap.get(basetype)
if t is not None:
raise TypeError("bad argument type: %s(%r)" %
(type(item).__name__, item))
v = t(elem, item)
if v:
typemap.get(type(v))(elem, v)
return elem
def __getattr__(self, tag):
return partial(self, tag)
# create factory object
E = ElementMaker()