# dejsonlz4 Decompress Mozilla Firefox bookmarks backup files Current Firefox bookmarks backup files are stored as non-standard file format based on lz4 compression. These files have a `.jsonlz4` extension. Use `dejsonlz4` to decompress them. `lz4.c` and `lz4.h` at this repository are verbatim copies from the Mozilla repository as of 2016-05-12 (as currently used by Firefox) [1]. ## Usage: ``` Usage: dejsonlz4 [-h] IN_FILE [OUT_FILE] -h Display this help and exit. Decompress Mozilla bookmarks backup file IN_FILE to OUT_FILE. If OUT_FILE is '-' or missing, decompress to standard output. ``` ## Build: - `gcc -Wall -o dejsonlz4 dejsonlz4.c lz4.c` ## Windows note: - `dejsonlz4` on Windows does not support unicode path/file names at this time. ## References: - Project page and source files: https://github.com/avih/dejsonlz4 - Releases and binary builds for Windows: https://github.com/avih/dejsonlz4/releases ### External resources: - Mozilla Firefox [bug 818587]( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=818587 ) - Compress bookmark backups. - Mozilla Firefox [bug 1209390]( https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1209390 ) - Use standard lz4 file format instead of the non-standard jsonlz4/mozlz4. [1] Mozilla's mercurial repo rev. c3f5e6079284: [lz4.h]( http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/c3f5e6079284/mfbt/lz4.h ) and [lz4.c]( http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/c3f5e6079284/mfbt/lz4.c )