"""Tests for distutils.command.register.""" import os import unittest import getpass import urllib import warnings from test.support import check_warnings, run_unittest from distutils.command import register as register_module from distutils.command.register import register from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError from distutils.log import INFO from distutils.tests.test_config import BasePyPIRCCommandTestCase try: import docutils except ImportError: docutils = None PYPIRC_NOPASSWORD = """\ [distutils] index-servers = server1 [server1] username:me """ WANTED_PYPIRC = """\ [distutils] index-servers = pypi [pypi] username:tarek password:password """ class Inputs(object): """Fakes user inputs.""" def __init__(self, *answers): self.answers = answers self.index = 0 def __call__(self, prompt=''): try: return self.answers[self.index] finally: self.index += 1 class FakeOpener(object): """Fakes a PyPI server""" def __init__(self): self.reqs = [] def __call__(self, *args): return self def open(self, req, data=None, timeout=None): self.reqs.append(req) return self def read(self): return b'xxx' def getheader(self, name, default=None): return { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', }.get(name.lower(), default) class RegisterTestCase(BasePyPIRCCommandTestCase): def setUp(self): super(RegisterTestCase, self).setUp() # patching the password prompt self._old_getpass = getpass.getpass def _getpass(prompt): return 'password' getpass.getpass = _getpass urllib.request._opener = None self.old_opener = urllib.request.build_opener self.conn = urllib.request.build_opener = FakeOpener() def tearDown(self): getpass.getpass = self._old_getpass urllib.request._opener = None urllib.request.build_opener = self.old_opener super(RegisterTestCase, self).tearDown() def _get_cmd(self, metadata=None): if metadata is None: metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx', 'author_email': 'xxx', 'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx'} pkg_info, dist = self.create_dist(**metadata) return register(dist) def test_create_pypirc(self): # this test makes sure a .pypirc file # is created when requested. # let's create a register instance cmd = self._get_cmd() # we shouldn't have a .pypirc file yet self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.rc)) # patching input and getpass.getpass # so register gets happy # # Here's what we are faking : # use your existing login (choice 1.) # Username : 'tarek' # Password : 'password' # Save your login (y/N)? : 'y' inputs = Inputs('1', 'tarek', 'y') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ # let's run the command try: cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input # we should have a brand new .pypirc file self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.rc)) # with the content similar to WANTED_PYPIRC f = open(self.rc) try: content = f.read() self.assertEqual(content, WANTED_PYPIRC) finally: f.close() # now let's make sure the .pypirc file generated # really works : we shouldn't be asked anything # if we run the command again def _no_way(prompt=''): raise AssertionError(prompt) register_module.input = _no_way cmd.show_response = 1 cmd.run() # let's see what the server received : we should # have 2 similar requests self.assertEqual(len(self.conn.reqs), 2) req1 = dict(self.conn.reqs[0].headers) req2 = dict(self.conn.reqs[1].headers) self.assertEqual(req1['Content-length'], '1374') self.assertEqual(req2['Content-length'], '1374') self.assertIn(b'xxx', self.conn.reqs[1].data) def test_password_not_in_file(self): self.write_file(self.rc, PYPIRC_NOPASSWORD) cmd = self._get_cmd() cmd._set_config() cmd.finalize_options() cmd.send_metadata() # dist.password should be set # therefore used afterwards by other commands self.assertEqual(cmd.distribution.password, 'password') def test_registering(self): # this test runs choice 2 cmd = self._get_cmd() inputs = Inputs('2', 'tarek', 'tarek@ziade.org') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ try: # let's run the command cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input # we should have send a request self.assertEqual(len(self.conn.reqs), 1) req = self.conn.reqs[0] headers = dict(req.headers) self.assertEqual(headers['Content-length'], '608') self.assertIn(b'tarek', req.data) def test_password_reset(self): # this test runs choice 3 cmd = self._get_cmd() inputs = Inputs('3', 'tarek@ziade.org') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ try: # let's run the command cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input # we should have send a request self.assertEqual(len(self.conn.reqs), 1) req = self.conn.reqs[0] headers = dict(req.headers) self.assertEqual(headers['Content-length'], '290') self.assertIn(b'tarek', req.data) @unittest.skipUnless(docutils is not None, 'needs docutils') def test_strict(self): # testing the script option # when on, the register command stops if # the metadata is incomplete or if # long_description is not reSt compliant # empty metadata cmd = self._get_cmd({}) cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.strict = 1 self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, cmd.run) # metadata are OK but long_description is broken metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx', 'author_email': 'éxéxé', 'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx', 'long_description': 'title\n==\n\ntext'} cmd = self._get_cmd(metadata) cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.strict = 1 self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, cmd.run) # now something that works metadata['long_description'] = 'title\n=====\n\ntext' cmd = self._get_cmd(metadata) cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.strict = 1 inputs = Inputs('1', 'tarek', 'y') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ # let's run the command try: cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input # strict is not by default cmd = self._get_cmd() cmd.ensure_finalized() inputs = Inputs('1', 'tarek', 'y') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ # let's run the command try: cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input # and finally a Unicode test (bug #12114) metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': '\u00c9ric', 'author_email': 'xxx', 'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx', 'description': 'Something about esszet \u00df', 'long_description': 'More things about esszet \u00df'} cmd = self._get_cmd(metadata) cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.strict = 1 inputs = Inputs('1', 'tarek', 'y') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ # let's run the command try: cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input @unittest.skipUnless(docutils is not None, 'needs docutils') def test_register_invalid_long_description(self): description = ':funkie:`str`' # mimic Sphinx-specific markup metadata = {'url': 'xxx', 'author': 'xxx', 'author_email': 'xxx', 'name': 'xxx', 'version': 'xxx', 'long_description': description} cmd = self._get_cmd(metadata) cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.strict = True inputs = Inputs('2', 'tarek', 'tarek@ziade.org') register_module.input = inputs self.addCleanup(delattr, register_module, 'input') self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, cmd.run) def test_check_metadata_deprecated(self): # makes sure make_metadata is deprecated cmd = self._get_cmd() with check_warnings() as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") cmd.check_metadata() self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1) def test_list_classifiers(self): cmd = self._get_cmd() cmd.list_classifiers = 1 cmd.run() results = self.get_logs(INFO) self.assertEqual(results, ['running check', 'xxx']) def test_show_response(self): # test that the --show-response option return a well formatted response cmd = self._get_cmd() inputs = Inputs('1', 'tarek', 'y') register_module.input = inputs.__call__ cmd.show_response = 1 try: cmd.run() finally: del register_module.input results = self.get_logs(INFO) self.assertEqual(results[3], 75 * '-' + '\nxxx\n' + 75 * '-') def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(RegisterTestCase) if __name__ == "__main__": run_unittest(test_suite())