# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
# Version 4.0.1
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.

from __future__ import division, print_function

from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info
if _swig_python_version_info < (2, 7, 0):
    raise RuntimeError("Python 2.7 or later required")

# Import the low-level C/C++ module
if __package__ or "." in __name__:
    from . import _fitz
    import _fitz

    import builtins as __builtin__
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__

def _swig_repr(self):
        strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
    except __builtin__.Exception:
        strthis = ""
    return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_instance_variable(set):
    def set_instance_attr(self, name, value):
        if name == "thisown":
        elif name == "this":
            set(self, name, value)
        elif hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property):
            set(self, name, value)
            raise AttributeError("You cannot add instance attributes to %s" % self)
    return set_instance_attr

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(set):
    def set_class_attr(cls, name, value):
        if hasattr(cls, name) and not isinstance(getattr(cls, name), property):
            set(cls, name, value)
            raise AttributeError("You cannot add class attributes to %s" % cls)
    return set_class_attr

def _swig_add_metaclass(metaclass):
    """Class decorator for adding a metaclass to a SWIG wrapped class - a slimmed down version of six.add_metaclass"""
    def wrapper(cls):
        return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy())
    return wrapper

class _SwigNonDynamicMeta(type):
    """Meta class to enforce nondynamic attributes (no new attributes) for a class"""
    __setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(type.__setattr__)

import os
import weakref
import io
from binascii import hexlify
import math

fitz_py2 = str is bytes           # if true, this is Python 2

VersionFitz = "1.16.0"
VersionBind = "1.16.2"
VersionDate = "2019-09-12 17:43:20"
version = (VersionBind, VersionFitz, "20190912174320")





















































ANNOT_3D = _fitz.ANNOT_3D

PDF_ANNOT_IS_Invisible = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_Invisible

PDF_ANNOT_IS_Hidden = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_Hidden

PDF_ANNOT_IS_Print = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_Print


PDF_ANNOT_IS_NoRotate = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_NoRotate


PDF_ANNOT_IS_ReadOnly = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_ReadOnly

PDF_ANNOT_IS_Locked = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_Locked

PDF_ANNOT_IS_ToggleNoView = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_ToggleNoView

PDF_ANNOT_IS_LockedContents = _fitz.PDF_ANNOT_IS_LockedContents

ANNOT_XF_Invisible = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_Invisible

ANNOT_XF_Hidden = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_Hidden

ANNOT_XF_Print = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_Print

ANNOT_XF_NoZoom = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_NoZoom

ANNOT_XF_NoRotate = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_NoRotate

ANNOT_XF_NoView = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_NoView

ANNOT_XF_ReadOnly = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_ReadOnly

ANNOT_XF_Locked = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_Locked

ANNOT_XF_ToggleNoView = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_ToggleNoView

ANNOT_XF_LockedContents = _fitz.ANNOT_XF_LockedContents











ANNOT_LE_None = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_None

ANNOT_LE_Square = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_Square

ANNOT_LE_Circle = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_Circle

ANNOT_LE_Diamond = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_Diamond

ANNOT_LE_OpenArrow = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_OpenArrow

ANNOT_LE_ClosedArrow = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_ClosedArrow

ANNOT_LE_Butt = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_Butt

ANNOT_LE_ROpenArrow = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_ROpenArrow

ANNOT_LE_RClosedArrow = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_RClosedArrow

ANNOT_LE_Slash = _fitz.ANNOT_LE_Slash






























WIDGET_Ff_ReadOnly = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_ReadOnly

WIDGET_Ff_Required = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Required

WIDGET_Ff_NoExport = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_NoExport








WIDGET_Ff_Multiline = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Multiline

WIDGET_Ff_Password = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Password

WIDGET_Ff_FileSelect = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_FileSelect

WIDGET_Ff_DoNotSpellCheck = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_DoNotSpellCheck

WIDGET_Ff_DoNotScroll = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_DoNotScroll

WIDGET_Ff_Comb = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Comb

WIDGET_Ff_RichText = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_RichText





WIDGET_Ff_NoToggleToOff = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_NoToggleToOff

WIDGET_Ff_Radio = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Radio

WIDGET_Ff_Pushbutton = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Pushbutton

WIDGET_Ff_RadioInUnison = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_RadioInUnison







WIDGET_Ff_Combo = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Combo

WIDGET_Ff_Edit = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Edit

WIDGET_Ff_Sort = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_Sort

WIDGET_Ff_MultiSelect = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_MultiSelect

WIDGET_Ff_CommitOnSelCHange = _fitz.WIDGET_Ff_CommitOnSelCHange

CS_RGB = _fitz.CS_RGB


















class Matrix(object):
    """Matrix() - all zeros\nMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f)\nMatrix(zoom-x, zoom-y) - zoom\nMatrix(shear-x, shear-y, 1) - shear\nMatrix(degree) - rotate\nMatrix(Matrix) - new copy\nMatrix(sequence) - from 'sequence'"""
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if not args:
            self.a = self.b = self.c = self.d = self.e = self.f = 0.0
            return None
        if len(args) > 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        if len(args) == 6:                       # 6 numbers
            self.a = float(args[0])
            self.b = float(args[1])
            self.c = float(args[2])
            self.d = float(args[3])
            self.e = float(args[4])
            self.f = float(args[5])
            return None
        if len(args) == 1:                       # either an angle or a sequ
            if hasattr(args[0], "__float__"):
                theta = math.radians(args[0])
                c = math.cos(theta)
                s = math.sin(theta)
                self.a = self.d = c
                self.b = s
                self.c = -s
                self.e = self.f = 0.0
                return None
                self.a = float(args[0][0])
                self.b = float(args[0][1])
                self.c = float(args[0][2])
                self.d = float(args[0][3])
                self.e = float(args[0][4])
                self.f = float(args[0][5])
                return None
        if len(args) == 2 or len(args) == 3 and args[2] == 0:
            self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f = float(args[0]), \
                0.0, 0.0, float(args[1]), 0.0, 0.0
            return None
        if len(args) == 3 and args[2] == 1:
            self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f = 1.0, \
                float(args[1]), float(args[0]), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
            return None
        raise ValueError("illegal Matrix constructor")

    def invert(self, src=None):
        """Calculate the inverted matrix. Return 0 if successful and replace
        current one. Else return 1 and do nothing.
        if src is None:
            dst = TOOLS._invert_matrix(self)
            dst = TOOLS._invert_matrix(src)
        if dst[0] == 1:
            return 1
        self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f = dst[1]
        return 0

    def preTranslate(self, tx, ty):
        """Calculate pre translation and replace current matrix."""
        tx = float(tx)
        ty = float(ty)
        self.e += tx * self.a + ty * self.c
        self.f += tx * self.b + ty * self.d
        return self

    def preScale(self, sx, sy):
        """Calculate pre scaling and replace current matrix."""
        sx = float(sx)
        sy = float(sy)
        self.a *= sx
        self.b *= sx
        self.c *= sy
        self.d *= sy
        return self

    def preShear(self, h, v):
        """Calculate pre shearing and replace current matrix."""
        h = float(h)
        v = float(v)
        a, b = self.a, self.b
        self.a += v * self.c
        self.b += v * self.d
        self.c += h * a
        self.d += h * b
        return self

    def preRotate(self, theta):
        """Calculate pre rotation and replace current matrix."""
        theta = float(theta)
        while theta < 0: theta += 360
        while theta >= 360: theta -= 360
        if abs(0 - theta) < EPSILON:

        elif abs(90.0 - theta) < EPSILON:
            a = self.a
            b = self.b
            self.a = self.c
            self.b = self.d
            self.c = -a
            self.d = -b

        elif abs(180.0 - theta) < EPSILON:
            self.a = -self.a
            self.b = -self.b
            self.c = -self.c
            self.d = -self.d

        elif abs(270.0 - theta) < EPSILON:
            a = self.a
            b = self.b
            self.a = -self.c
            self.b = -self.d
            self.c = a
            self.d = b

            rad = math.radians(theta)
            s = math.sin(rad)
            c = math.cos(rad)
            a = self.a
            b = self.b
            self.a = c * a + s * self.c
            self.b = c * b + s * self.d
            self.c =-s * a + c * self.c
            self.d =-s * b + c * self.d

        return self

    def concat(self, one, two):
        """Multiply two matrices and replace current one."""
        if not len(one) == len(two) == 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f = TOOLS._concat_matrix(one, two)
        return self

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return (self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e, self.f)[i]

    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        v = float(v)
        if   i == 0: self.a = v
        elif i == 1: self.b = v
        elif i == 2: self.c = v
        elif i == 3: self.d = v
        elif i == 4: self.e = v
        elif i == 5: self.f = v
            raise IndexError("index out of range")

    def __len__(self):
        return 6

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Matrix" + str(tuple(self))

    def __invert__(self):
        m1 = Matrix()
        return m1
    __inv__ = __invert__

    def __mul__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Matrix(self.a * m, self.b * m, self.c * m,
                          self.d * m, self.e * m, self.f * m)
        m1 = Matrix(1,1)
        return m1.concat(self, m)

    def __truediv__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Matrix(self.a * 1./m, self.b * 1./m, self.c * 1./m,
                          self.d * 1./m, self.e * 1./m, self.f * 1./m)
        m1 = TOOLS._invert_matrix(m)[1]
        if not m1:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("matrix not invertible")
        m2 = Matrix(1,1)
        return m2.concat(self, m1)
    __div__ = __truediv__

    def __add__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Matrix(self.a + m, self.b + m, self.c + m,
                          self.d + m, self.e + m, self.f + m)
        if len(m) != 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        return Matrix(self.a + m[0], self.b + m[1], self.c + m[2],
                          self.d + m[3], self.e + m[4], self.f + m[5])

    def __sub__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Matrix(self.a - m, self.b - m, self.c - m,
                          self.d - m, self.e - m, self.f - m)
        if len(m) != 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        return Matrix(self.a - m[0], self.b - m[1], self.c - m[2],
                          self.d - m[3], self.e - m[4], self.f - m[5])

    def __pos__(self):
        return Matrix(self)

    def __neg__(self):
        return Matrix(-self.a, -self.b, -self.c, -self.d, -self.e, -self.f)

    def __bool__(self):
        return not (max(self) == min(self) == 0)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return not (max(self) == min(self) == 0)

    def __eq__(self, m):
        if not hasattr(m, "__len__"):
            return False
        return len(m) == 6 and bool(self - m) is False

    def __abs__(self):
        return math.sqrt(sum([c*c for c in self]))

    norm = __abs__

    def isRectilinear(self):
        return (abs(self.b) < EPSILON and abs(self.c) < EPSILON) or \
            (abs(self.a) < EPSILON and abs(self.d) < EPSILON);

class IdentityMatrix(Matrix):
    """Identity matrix [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]"""
    def __init__(self):
        Matrix.__init__(self, 1.0, 1.0)
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in "ad":
            self.__dict__[name] = 1.0
        elif name in "bcef":
            self.__dict__[name] = 0.0
            self.__dict__[name] = value

    def checkargs(*args):
        raise NotImplementedError("Identity is readonly")

    preRotate    = checkargs
    preShear     = checkargs
    preScale     = checkargs
    preTranslate = checkargs
    concat       = checkargs
    invert       = checkargs

    def __repr__(self):
        return "IdentityMatrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)"

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((1,0,0,1,0,0))

Identity = IdentityMatrix()

class Point(object):
    """Point() - all zeros\nPoint(x, y)\nPoint(Point) - new copy\nPoint(sequence) - from 'sequence'"""
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if not args:
            self.x = 0.0
            self.y = 0.0
            return None

        if len(args) > 2:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        if len(args) == 2:
            self.x = float(args[0])
            self.y = float(args[1])
            return None
        if len(args) == 1:
            l = args[0]
            if hasattr(l, "__getitem__") is False:
                raise ValueError("bad Point constructor")
            if len(l) != 2:
                raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
            self.x = float(l[0])
            self.y = float(l[1])
            return None
        raise ValueError("bad Point constructor")

    def transform(self, m):
        """Replace point by its transformation with matrix-like m."""
        if len(m) != 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.x, self.y = TOOLS._transform_point(self, m)
        return self

    def unit(self):
        """Return unit vector of a point."""
        s = self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y
        if s < EPSILON:
            return Point(0,0)
        s = math.sqrt(s)
        return Point(self.x / s, self.y / s)

    def abs_unit(self):
        """Return unit vector of a point with positive coordinates."""
        s = self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y
        if s < EPSILON:
            return Point(0,0)
        s = math.sqrt(s)
        return Point(abs(self.x) / s, abs(self.y) / s)

    def distance_to(self, *args):
        """Return the distance to a rectangle or another point."""
        if not len(args) > 0:
            raise ValueError("at least one parameter must be given")

        x = args[0]
        if len(x) == 2:
            x = Point(x)
        elif len(x) == 4:
            x = Rect(x)
            raise ValueError("arg1 must be point-like or rect-like")

        if len(args) > 1:
            unit = args[1]
            unit = "px"
        u = {"px": (1.,1.), "in": (1.,72.), "cm": (2.54, 72.),
             "mm": (25.4, 72.)}
        f = u[unit][0] / u[unit][1]

        if type(x) is Point:
            return abs(self - x) * f

# from here on, x is a rectangle
# as a safeguard, make a finite copy of it
        r = Rect(x.top_left, x.top_left)
        r = r | x.bottom_right
        if self in r:
            return 0.0
        if self.x > r.x1:
            if self.y >= r.y1:
                return self.distance_to(r.bottom_right, unit)
            elif self.y <= r.y0:
                return self.distance_to(r.top_right, unit)
                return (self.x - r.x1) * f
        elif r.x0 <= self.x <= r.x1:
            if self.y >= r.y1:
                return (self.y - r.y1) * f
                return (r.y0 - self.y) * f
            if self.y >= r.y1:
                return self.distance_to(r.bottom_left, unit)
            elif self.y <= r.y0:
                return self.distance_to(r.top_left, unit)
                return (r.x0 - self.x) * f

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return (self.x, self.y)[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return 2

    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        v = float(v)
        if   i == 0: self.x = v
        elif i == 1: self.y = v
            raise IndexError("index out of range")
        return None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Point" + str(tuple(self))

    def __pos__(self):
        return Point(self)

    def __neg__(self):
        return Point(-self.x, -self.y)

    def __bool__(self):
        return not (max(self) == min(self) == 0)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return not (max(self) == min(self) == 0)

    def __eq__(self, p):
        if not hasattr(p, "__len__"):
            return False
        return len(p) == 2 and bool(self - p) is False

    def __abs__(self):
        return math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y)

    norm = __abs__

    def __add__(self, p):
        if hasattr(p, "__float__"):
            return Point(self.x + p, self.y + p)
        if len(p) != 2:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        return Point(self.x + p[0], self.y + p[1])

    def __sub__(self, p):
        if hasattr(p, "__float__"):
            return Point(self.x - p, self.y - p)
        if len(p) != 2:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        return Point(self.x - p[0], self.y - p[1])

    def __mul__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Point(self.x * m, self.y * m)
        p = Point(self)
        return p.transform(m)

    def __truediv__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Point(self.x * 1./m, self.y * 1./m)
        m1 = TOOLS._invert_matrix(m)[1]
        if not m1:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("matrix not invertible")
        p = Point(self)
        return p.transform(m1)

    __div__ = __truediv__

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(self))

class Rect(object):
    """Rect() - all zeros\nRect(x0, y0, x1, y1)\nRect(top-left, x1, y1)\nRect(x0, y0, bottom-right)\nRect(top-left, bottom-right)\nRect(Rect or IRect) - new copy\nRect(sequence) - from 'sequence'"""
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if not args:
            self.x0 = self.y0 = self.x1 = self.y1 = 0.0
            return None

        if len(args) > 4:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        if len(args) == 4:
            self.x0 = float(args[0])
            self.y0 = float(args[1])
            self.x1 = float(args[2])
            self.y1 = float(args[3])
            return None
        if len(args) == 1:
            l = args[0]
            if hasattr(l, "__getitem__") is False:
                raise ValueError("bad Rect constructor")
            if len(l) != 4:
                raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
            self.x0 = float(l[0])
            self.y0 = float(l[1])
            self.x1 = float(l[2])
            self.y1 = float(l[3])
            return None
        if len(args) == 2:                  # 2 Points provided
            self.x0 = float(args[0][0])
            self.y0 = float(args[0][1])
            self.x1 = float(args[1][0])
            self.y1 = float(args[1][1])
            return None
        if len(args) == 3:                  # 2 floats and 1 Point provided
            a0 = args[0]
            a1 = args[1]
            a2 = args[2]
            if hasattr(a0, "__float__"):    # (float, float, Point) provided
                self.x0 = float(a0)
                self.y0 = float(a1)
                self.x1 = float(a2[0])
                self.y1 = float(a2[1])
                return None
            self.x0 = float(a0[0])          # (Point, float, float) provided
            self.y0 = float(a0[1])
            self.x1 = float(a1)
            self.y1 = float(a2)
            return None
        raise ValueError("bad Rect constructor")

    def normalize(self):
        """Replace rectangle with its finite version."""
        if self.x1 < self.x0:
            self.x0, self.x1 = self.x1, self.x0
        if self.y1 < self.y0:
            self.y0, self.y1 = self.y1, self.y0
        return self

    def isEmpty(self):
        """Check if rectangle area is empty."""
        return self.x0 == self.x1 or self.y0 == self.y1

    def isInfinite(self):
        """Check if rectangle is infinite."""
        return self.x0 > self.x1 or self.y0 > self.y1

    def top_left(self):
        return Point(self.x0, self.y0)

    def top_right(self):
        return Point(self.x1, self.y0)

    def bottom_left(self):
        return Point(self.x0, self.y1)

    def bottom_right(self):
        return Point(self.x1, self.y1)

    tl = top_left
    tr = top_right
    bl = bottom_left
    br = bottom_right

    def quad(self):
        return Quad(self.tl, self.tr, self.bl, self.br)

    def round(self):
        return IRect(min(self.x0, self.x1), min(self.y0, self.y1),
                     max(self.x0, self.x1), max(self.y0, self.y1))

    irect = property(round)

    width  = property(lambda self: abs(self.x1 - self.x0))
    height = property(lambda self: abs(self.y1 - self.y0))

    def includePoint(self, p):
        """Extend rectangle to include point p."""
        if not len(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1 = TOOLS._include_point_in_rect(self, p)
        return self

    def includeRect(self, r):
        """Extend rectangle to include rectangle r."""
        if not len(r) == 4:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1 = TOOLS._union_rect(self, r)
        return self

    def intersect(self, r):
        """Restrict self to common area with rectangle r."""
        if not len(r) == 4:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1 = TOOLS._intersect_rect(self, r)
        return self

    def transform(self, m):
        """Replace rectangle with its transformation by matrix m."""
        if not len(m) == 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1 = TOOLS._transform_rect(self, m)
        return self

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return (self.x0, self.y0, self.x1, self.y1)[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return 4

    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        v = float(v)
        if   i == 0: self.x0 = v
        elif i == 1: self.y0 = v
        elif i == 2: self.x1 = v
        elif i == 3: self.y1 = v
            raise IndexError("index out of range")
        return None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Rect" + str(tuple(self))

    def __pos__(self):
        return Rect(self)

    def __neg__(self):
        return Rect(-self.x0, -self.y0, -self.x1, -self.y1)

    def __bool__(self):
        return not (max(self) == min(self) == 0)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return not (max(self) == min(self) == 0)

    def __eq__(self, p):
        if not hasattr(p, "__len__"):
            return False
        return len(p) == 4 and bool(self - p) is False

    def __abs__(self):
        if self.isEmpty or self.isInfinite:
            return 0.0
        return (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)

    def norm(self):
        return math.sqrt(sum([c*c for c in self]))

    def __add__(self, p):
        if hasattr(p, "__float__"):
            r = Rect(self.x0 + p, self.y0 + p, self.x1 + p, self.y1 + p)
            if len(p) != 4:
                raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
            r = Rect(self.x0 + p[0], self.y0 + p[1], self.x1 + p[2], self.y1 + p[3])
        return r

    def __sub__(self, p):
        if hasattr(p, "__float__"):
            return Rect(self.x0 - p, self.y0 - p, self.x1 - p, self.y1 - p)
        if len(p) != 4:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        return Rect(self.x0 - p[0], self.y0 - p[1], self.x1 - p[2], self.y1 - p[3])

    def __mul__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Rect(self.x0 * m, self.y0 * m, self.x1 * m, self.y1 * m)
        r = Rect(self)
        r = r.transform(m)
        return r

    def __truediv__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            return Rect(self.x0 * 1./m, self.y0 * 1./m, self.x1 * 1./m, self.y1 * 1./m)
        im = TOOLS._invert_matrix(m)[1]
        if not im:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("matrix not invertible")
        r = Rect(self)
        r = r.transform(im)
        return r

    __div__ = __truediv__

    def __contains__(self, x):
        if hasattr(x, "__float__"):
            return x in tuple(self)
        l = len(x)
        r = Rect(self).normalize()
        if l == 4:
            if r.isEmpty: return False
            xr = Rect(x).normalize()
            if xr.isEmpty: return True
            if r.x0 <= xr.x0 and r.y0 <= xr.y0 and \
               r.x1 >= xr.x1 and r.y1 >= xr.y1:
               return True
            return False
        if l == 2:
            if r.x0 <= x[0] <= r.x1 and \
               r.y0 <= x[1] <= r.y1:
               return True
            return False
        return False

    def __or__(self, x):
        if not hasattr(x, "__len__"):
            raise ValueError("bad operand 2")

        r = Rect(self)
        if len(x) == 2:
            return r.includePoint(x)
        if len(x) == 4:
            return r.includeRect(x)
        raise ValueError("bad operand 2")

    def __and__(self, x):
        if not hasattr(x, "__len__"):
            raise ValueError("bad operand 2")

        r1 = Rect(x)
        r = Rect(self)
        return r.intersect(r1)

    def intersects(self, x):
        """Check if intersection with rectangle x is not empty."""
        r1 = Rect(x)
        if self.isEmpty or self.isInfinite or r1.isEmpty or r1.isInfinite:
            return False
        r = Rect(self)
        if r.intersect(r1).isEmpty:
            return False
        return True

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(self))

class IRect(Rect):
    """IRect() - all zeros\nIRect(x0, y0, x1, y1)\nIRect(Rect or IRect) - new copy\nIRect(sequence) - from 'sequence'"""
    def __init__(self, *args):
        Rect.__init__(self, *args)
        self.x0 = math.floor(self.x0 + 0.001)
        self.y0 = math.floor(self.y0 + 0.001)
        self.x1 = math.ceil(self.x1 - 0.001)
        self.y1 = math.ceil(self.y1 - 0.001)
        return None

    def round(self):

    irect = round

    def rect(self):
        return Rect(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "IRect" + str(tuple(self))

    def includePoint(self, p):
        """Extend rectangle to include point p."""
        return Rect.includePoint(self, p).round()

    def includeRect(self, r):
        """Extend rectangle to include rectangle r."""
        return Rect.includeRect(self, r).round()

    def intersect(self, r):
        """Restrict rectangle to intersection with rectangle r."""
        return Rect.intersect(self, r).round()

    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        v = int(v)
        if   i == 0: self.x0 = v
        elif i == 1: self.y0 = v
        elif i == 2: self.x1 = v
        elif i == 3: self.y1 = v
            raise IndexError("index out of range")
        return None

    def __pos__(self):
        return IRect(self)

    def __neg__(self):
        return IRect(-self.x0, -self.y0, -self.x1, -self.y1)

    def __add__(self, p):
        return Rect.__add__(self, p).round()

    def __sub__(self, p):
        return Rect.__sub__(self, p).round()

    def transform(self, m):
        return Rect.transform(self, m).round()

    def __mul__(self, m):
        return Rect.__mul__(self, m).round()

    def __truediv__(self, m):
        return Rect.__truediv__(self, m).round()

    def __or__(self, x):
        return Rect.__or__(self, x).round()

    def __and__(self, x):
        return Rect.__and__(self, x).round()

class Quad(object):
    """Quad() - all zero points\nQuad(ul, ur, ll, lr)\nQuad(quad) - new copy\nQuad(sequence) - from 'sequence'"""
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if not args:
            self.ul = self.ur = self.ll = self.lr = Point()
            return None

        if len(args) > 4:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        if len(args) == 4:
            self.ul = Point(args[0])
            self.ur = Point(args[1])
            self.ll = Point(args[2])
            self.lr = Point(args[3])
            return None
        if len(args) == 1:
            l = args[0]
            if hasattr(l, "__getitem__") is False:
                raise ValueError("bad Quad constructor")
            if len(l) != 4:
                raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
            self.ul = Point(l[0])
            self.ur = Point(l[1])
            self.ll = Point(l[2])
            self.lr = Point(l[3])
            return None
        raise ValueError("bad Quad constructor")

    def isRectangular(self):
        """Check if quad is rectangular.

            Some rotation matrix can thus transform it into a rectangle.

        a = TOOLS._angle_between(self.ul, self.ur, self.lr)
        if abs(a.y - 1) > EPSILON:
            return False

        a = TOOLS._angle_between(self.ur, self.lr, self.ll)
        if abs(a.y - 1) > EPSILON:
            return False

        a = TOOLS._angle_between(self.lr, self.ll, self.ul)
        if abs(a.y - 1) > EPSILON:
            return False

        return True

    def isConvex(self):
        """Check if quad is convex.

            Every line connecting any two points of the quad will be inside
            the quad. This is equivalent to that two sides meeting in a corner
            always enclose an angle of no more than 180 degrees.
            Equivalently, the sine of this angle cannot be negative.
            True or False.

        a = TOOLS._angle_between(self.ul, self.ur, self.lr)
        if a.y < 0:
            return False

        a = TOOLS._angle_between(self.ur, self.lr, self.ll)
        if a.y < 0:
            return False

        a = TOOLS._angle_between(self.lr, self.ll, self.ul)
        if a.y < 0:
            return False

        return True

    def isEmpty(self):
        """Check if quad is empty retangle. If rectangular, we are done (not empty).
        But all 4 points may still be on one line. We check this out here.
        In that case all 3 lines connecting corners to ul will have same angle
        with the x-axis.
        if self.isRectangular:
            return False
        ul = Point()
        ur = (self.ur - self.ul).abs_unit
        lr = (self.lr - self.ul).abs_unit
        ll = (self.ll - self.ul).abs_unit
        if max(ur.y, lr.y, ll.y) - min(ur.y, lr.y, ll.y) < EPSILON:
            return True
        return False

    width  = property(lambda self: max(abs(self.ul - self.ur), abs(self.ll - self.lr)))
    height = property(lambda self: max(abs(self.ul - self.ll), abs(self.ur - self.lr)))

    def rect(self):
        r = Rect()
        r.x0 = min(self.ul.x, self.ur.x, self.lr.x, self.ll.x)
        r.y0 = min(self.ul.y, self.ur.y, self.lr.y, self.ll.y)
        r.x1 = max(self.ul.x, self.ur.x, self.lr.x, self.ll.x)
        r.y1 = max(self.ul.y, self.ur.y, self.lr.y, self.ll.y)
        return r

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return (self.ul, self.ur, self.ll, self.lr)[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return 4

    def __setitem__(self, i, v):
        if   i == 0: self.ul = Point(v)
        elif i == 1: self.ur = Point(v)
        elif i == 2: self.ll = Point(v)
        elif i == 3: self.lr = Point(v)
            raise IndexError("index out of range")
        return None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Quad" + str(tuple(self))

    def __pos__(self):
        return Quad(self)

    def __neg__(self):
        return Quad(-self.ul, -self.ur, -self.ll, -self.lr)

    def __bool__(self):
        return not self.isEmpty

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return not self.isEmpty

    def __eq__(self, p):
        if not hasattr(p, "__len__"):
            return False
        return len(p) == 4 and self.ul == p[0] and self.ur == p[1] and \
               self.ll == p[3] and self.lr == p[3]

    def __abs__(self):
        if self.isEmpty:
            return 0.0
        return abs(self.ul - self.ur) * abs(self.ul - self.ll)

    def transform(self, m):
        """Replace quad by its transformation with matrix m."""
        if len(m) != 6:
            raise ValueError("bad sequ. length")
        self.ul *= m
        self.ur *= m
        self.ll *= m
        self.lr *= m
        return self

    def __mul__(self, m):
        r = Quad(self)
        r = r.transform(m)
        return r

    def __truediv__(self, m):
        if hasattr(m, "__float__"):
            im = 1. / m
            im = TOOLS._invert_matrix(m)[1]
            if not im:
                raise ZeroDivisionError("matrix not invertible")
        r = Quad(self)
        r = r.transform(im)
        return r

    __div__ = __truediv__

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(self))

# Class describing a PDF form field ("widget")
class Widget(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.border_color       = None
        self.border_style       = "S"
        self.border_width       = 0
        self.border_dashes      = None
        self.choice_values      = None           # choice fields only
        self.field_name         = None           # field name
        self.field_label        = None           # field label
        self.field_value        = None
        self.field_flags        = None
        self.field_display      = 0
        self.fill_color         = None
        self.button_caption     = None           # button caption
        self.rect               = None           # annot value
        self.is_signed          = None           # True / False if signature
        self.text_color         = (0, 0, 0)
        self.text_font          = "Helv"
        self.text_fontsize      = 0
        self.text_maxlen        = 0              # text fields only
        self.text_format        = 0              # text fields only
        self._text_da           = ""             # /DA = default apparance
        self.field_type         = 0              # valid range 1 through 7
        self.field_type_string  = None           # field type as string
        self._text_da           = ""             # /DA = default apparance
        self.xref               = 0              # annot value

    def _validate(self):
        """Validate the class entries.
        if (self.rect.isInfinite
            or self.rect.isEmpty
            raise ValueError("bad rect")

        if not self.field_name:
            raise ValueError("field name missing")

        if self.field_label == "Unnamed":
            self.field_label = None
        if not self.text_color:
            self.text_color = (0, 0, 0)

        if not self.border_width:
            self.border_width = 0

        if not self.text_fontsize:
            self.text_fontsize = 0

        self.border_style = self.border_style.upper()[0:1]

        self._checker()  # any field_type specific checks

    def _adjust_font(self):
        """Ensure text_font is from our list and correctly spelled.
        if not self.text_font:
            self.text_font = "Helv"
        valid_fonts = ("Cour", "TiRo", "Helv", "ZaDb")
        for f in valid_fonts:
            if self.text_font.lower() == f.lower():
                self.text_font = f
        self.text_font = "Helv"

    def _parse_da(self):
        """Extract font name, size and color from default appearance string (/DA object).

        Equivalent to 'pdf_parse_default_appearance' function in MuPDF's 'pdf-annot.c'.
        if not self._text_da:
        font = "Helv"
        fsize = 0
        col = (0, 0, 0)
        dat = self._text_da.split()  # split on any whitespace
        for i, item in enumerate(dat):
            if item == "Tf":
                font = dat[i - 2][1:]
                fsize = float(dat[i - 1])
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = dat[i-2] = ""
            if item == "g":            # unicolor text
                col = [(float(dat[i - 1]))]
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = ""
            if item == "rg":           # RGB colored text
                col = [float(f) for f in dat[i - 3:i]]
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = dat[i-2] = dat[i-3] = ""
        self.text_font     = font
        self.text_fontsize = fsize
        self.text_color    = col
        self._text_da = ""

    def _checker(self):
        """Any widget type checks.
        if self.field_type not in range(1, 8):
            raise ValueError("bad field type")

    def update(self):
        """Reflect Python object in the PDF.
        doc = self.parent.parent

        self._adjust_font()  # ensure valid text_font name

# now create the /DA string
        self._text_da = ""
        if   len(self.text_color) == 3:
            fmt = "{:g} {:g} {:g} rg /{f:s} {s:g} Tf" + self._text_da
        elif len(self.text_color) == 1:
            fmt = "{:g} g /{f:s} {s:g} Tf" + self._text_da
        elif len(self.text_color) == 4:
            fmt = "{:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} k /{f:s} {s:g} Tf" + self._text_da
        self._text_da = fmt.format(*self.text_color, f=self.text_font,
# finally update the widget

        TOOLS._save_widget(self._annot, self)
        self._text_da = ""

    def __repr__(self):
        return "'%s' widget on %s" % (self.field_type_string, str(self.parent))

    def __del__(self):

    def next(self):
        return self._annot.next

# link kinds and link flags
LINK_URI    = 2

# Text handling flags



# Simple text encoding options
# Stamp annotation icon numbers
STAMP_Approved            = 0
STAMP_AsIs                = 1
STAMP_Confidential        = 2
STAMP_Departmental        = 3
STAMP_Experimental        = 4
STAMP_Expired             = 5
STAMP_Final               = 6
STAMP_ForComment          = 7
STAMP_ForPublicRelease    = 8
STAMP_NotApproved         = 9
STAMP_NotForPublicRelease = 10
STAMP_Sold                = 11
STAMP_TopSecret           = 12
STAMP_Draft               = 13

# Base 14 font names and dictionary
Base14_fontnames = ("Courier", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Bold",
    "Courier-BoldOblique", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Oblique",
    "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-BoldOblique",
    "Times-Roman", "Times-Italic", "Times-Bold",
    "Times-BoldItalic", "Symbol", "ZapfDingbats")

Base14_fontdict = {}
for f in Base14_fontnames:
    Base14_fontdict[f.lower()] = f
Base14_fontdict["helv"] = "Helvetica"
Base14_fontdict["heit"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"
Base14_fontdict["hebo"] = "Helvetica-Bold"
Base14_fontdict["hebi"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
Base14_fontdict["cour"] = "Courier"
Base14_fontdict["coit"] = "Courier-Oblique"
Base14_fontdict["cobo"] = "Courier-Bold"
Base14_fontdict["cobi"] = "Courier-BoldOblique"
Base14_fontdict["tiro"] = "Times-Roman"
Base14_fontdict["tibo"] = "Times-Bold"
Base14_fontdict["tiit"] = "Times-Italic"
Base14_fontdict["tibi"] = "Times-BoldItalic"
Base14_fontdict["symb"] = "Symbol"
Base14_fontdict["zadb"] = "ZapfDingbats"

def _toc_remove_page(toc, first, last):
    """ Remove all ToC entries pointing to certain pages.

        toc: old table of contents generated with getToC(False).
        first: (int) number of first page to remove.
        last: (int) number of last page to remove.
        Modified table of contents, which should be used by PDF
        document method setToC.
    toc2 = []  # intermediate new toc
    count = last - first + 1  # number of pages to remove
# step 1: remove numbers from toc
    for t in toc:
        if first <= t[2] <= last:  # skip entries between first and last
        if t[2] < first:  # keep smaller page numbers
# larger page numbers
        t[2] -= count  # decrease page number
        d = t[3]
        if d["kind"] == LINK_GOTO:
            d["page"] -= count
            t[3] = d

    toc3 = []  # final new toc
    old_lvl = 0

# step 2: deal with hierarchy lvl gaps > 1
    for t in toc2:
        while t[0] - old_lvl > 1:  # lvl gap too large
            old_lvl += 1  # increase previous lvl
            toc3.append([old_lvl] + t[1:])  # insert a filler item
        old_lvl = t[0]

    return toc3

def getTextlength(text, fontname="helv", fontsize=11, encoding=0):
    """Calculate length of a string for a given built-in font.

        fontname: name of the font.
        fontsize: size of font in points.
        encoding: encoding to use (0=Latin, 1=Greek, 2=Cyrillic).
        (float) length of text.
    fontname = fontname.lower()
    basename = Base14_fontdict.get(fontname, None)

    glyphs = None
    if basename == "Symbol":
        glyphs = symbol_glyphs
    if basename == "ZapfDingbats":
        glyphs = zapf_glyphs
    if glyphs is not None:
        w = sum([glyphs[ord(c)][1] if ord(c)<256 else glyphs[183][1] for c in text])
        return w * fontsize

    if fontname in Base14_fontdict.keys():
        return TOOLS.measure_string(text, Base14_fontdict[fontname], fontsize, encoding)

    if fontname in ["china-t", "china-s",
                    "china-ts", "china-ss",
                    "japan", "japan-s",
                    "korea", "korea-s"]:
        return len(text) * fontsize

    raise ValueError("Font '%s' is unsupported" % fontname)

# Glyph list for the built-in font 'ZapfDingbats'
zapf_glyphs = (
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (32, 0.278), (33, 0.974), (34, 0.961), (35, 0.974),
 (36, 0.98), (37, 0.719), (38, 0.789), (39, 0.79), (40, 0.791), (41, 0.69),
 (42, 0.96), (43, 0.939), (44, 0.549), (45, 0.855), (46, 0.911), (47, 0.933),
 (48, 0.911), (49, 0.945), (50, 0.974), (51, 0.755), (52, 0.846), (53, 0.762),
 (54, 0.761), (55, 0.571), (56, 0.677), (57, 0.763), (58, 0.76), (59, 0.759),
 (60, 0.754), (61, 0.494), (62, 0.552), (63, 0.537), (64, 0.577), (65, 0.692),
 (66, 0.786), (67, 0.788), (68, 0.788), (69, 0.79), (70, 0.793), (71, 0.794),
 (72, 0.816), (73, 0.823), (74, 0.789), (75, 0.841), (76, 0.823), (77, 0.833),
 (78, 0.816), (79, 0.831), (80, 0.923), (81, 0.744), (82, 0.723), (83, 0.749),
 (84, 0.79), (85, 0.792), (86, 0.695), (87, 0.776), (88, 0.768), (89, 0.792),
 (90, 0.759), (91, 0.707), (92, 0.708), (93, 0.682), (94, 0.701), (95, 0.826),
 (96, 0.815), (97, 0.789), (98, 0.789), (99, 0.707), (100, 0.687), (101, 0.696),
 (102, 0.689), (103, 0.786), (104, 0.787), (105, 0.713), (106, 0.791),
 (107, 0.785), (108, 0.791), (109, 0.873), (110, 0.761), (111, 0.762),
 (112, 0.762), (113, 0.759), (114, 0.759), (115, 0.892), (116, 0.892),
 (117, 0.788), (118, 0.784), (119, 0.438), (120, 0.138), (121, 0.277),
 (122, 0.415), (123, 0.392), (124, 0.392), (125, 0.668), (126, 0.668),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788), (161, 0.732), (162, 0.544),
 (163, 0.544), (164, 0.91), (165, 0.667), (166, 0.76), (167, 0.76),
 (168, 0.776), (169, 0.595), (170, 0.694), (171, 0.626), (172, 0.788),
 (173, 0.788), (174, 0.788), (175, 0.788), (176, 0.788), (177, 0.788),
 (178, 0.788), (179, 0.788), (180, 0.788), (181, 0.788), (182, 0.788),
 (183, 0.788), (184, 0.788), (185, 0.788), (186, 0.788), (187, 0.788),
 (188, 0.788), (189, 0.788), (190, 0.788), (191, 0.788), (192, 0.788),
 (193, 0.788), (194, 0.788), (195, 0.788), (196, 0.788), (197, 0.788),
 (198, 0.788), (199, 0.788), (200, 0.788), (201, 0.788), (202, 0.788),
 (203, 0.788), (204, 0.788), (205, 0.788), (206, 0.788), (207, 0.788),
 (208, 0.788), (209, 0.788), (210, 0.788), (211, 0.788), (212, 0.894),
 (213, 0.838), (214, 1.016), (215, 0.458), (216, 0.748), (217, 0.924),
 (218, 0.748), (219, 0.918), (220, 0.927), (221, 0.928), (222, 0.928),
 (223, 0.834), (224, 0.873), (225, 0.828), (226, 0.924), (227, 0.924),
 (228, 0.917), (229, 0.93), (230, 0.931), (231, 0.463), (232, 0.883),
 (233, 0.836), (234, 0.836), (235, 0.867), (236, 0.867), (237, 0.696),
 (238, 0.696), (239, 0.874), (183, 0.788), (241, 0.874), (242, 0.76),
 (243, 0.946), (244, 0.771), (245, 0.865), (246, 0.771), (247, 0.888),
 (248, 0.967), (249, 0.888), (250, 0.831), (251, 0.873), (252, 0.927),
 (253, 0.97), (183, 0.788), (183, 0.788)

# Glyph list for the built-in font 'Symbol'
symbol_glyphs = (
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (32, 0.25), (33, 0.333), (34, 0.713),
 (35, 0.5), (36, 0.549), (37, 0.833), (38, 0.778), (39, 0.439),
 (40, 0.333), (41, 0.333), (42, 0.5), (43, 0.549), (44, 0.25), (45, 0.549),
 (46, 0.25), (47, 0.278), (48, 0.5), (49, 0.5), (50, 0.5), (51, 0.5),
 (52, 0.5), (53, 0.5), (54, 0.5), (55, 0.5), (56, 0.5), (57, 0.5),
 (58, 0.278), (59, 0.278), (60, 0.549), (61, 0.549), (62, 0.549),
 (63, 0.444), (64, 0.549), (65, 0.722), (66, 0.667), (67, 0.722),
 (68, 0.612), (69, 0.611), (70, 0.763), (71, 0.603), (72, 0.722),
 (73, 0.333), (74, 0.631), (75, 0.722), (76, 0.686), (77, 0.889),
 (78, 0.722), (79, 0.722), (80, 0.768), (81, 0.741), (82, 0.556),
 (83, 0.592), (84, 0.611), (85, 0.69), (86, 0.439), (87, 0.768),
 (88, 0.645), (89, 0.795), (90, 0.611), (91, 0.333), (92, 0.863),
 (93, 0.333), (94, 0.658), (95, 0.5), (96, 0.5), (97, 0.631), (98, 0.549),
 (99, 0.549), (100, 0.494), (101, 0.439), (102, 0.521), (103, 0.411),
 (104, 0.603), (105, 0.329), (106, 0.603), (107, 0.549), (108, 0.549),
 (109, 0.576), (110, 0.521), (111, 0.549), (112, 0.549), (113, 0.521),
 (114, 0.549), (115, 0.603), (116, 0.439), (117, 0.576), (118, 0.713),
 (119, 0.686), (120, 0.493), (121, 0.686), (122, 0.494), (123, 0.48),
 (124, 0.2), (125, 0.48), (126, 0.549), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46), (183, 0.46),
 (183, 0.46), (160, 0.25), (161, 0.62), (162, 0.247), (163, 0.549),
 (164, 0.167), (165, 0.713), (166, 0.5), (167, 0.753), (168, 0.753),
 (169, 0.753), (170, 0.753), (171, 1.042), (172, 0.713), (173, 0.603),
 (174, 0.987), (175, 0.603), (176, 0.4), (177, 0.549), (178, 0.411),
 (179, 0.549), (180, 0.549), (181, 0.576), (182, 0.494), (183, 0.46),
 (184, 0.549), (185, 0.549), (186, 0.549), (187, 0.549), (188, 1),
 (189, 0.603), (190, 1), (191, 0.658), (192, 0.823), (193, 0.686),
 (194, 0.795), (195, 0.987), (196, 0.768), (197, 0.768), (198, 0.823),
 (199, 0.768), (200, 0.768), (201, 0.713), (202, 0.713), (203, 0.713),
 (204, 0.713), (205, 0.713), (206, 0.713), (207, 0.713), (208, 0.768),
 (209, 0.713), (210, 0.79), (211, 0.79), (212, 0.89), (213, 0.823),
 (214, 0.549), (215, 0.549), (216, 0.713), (217, 0.603), (218, 0.603),
 (219, 1.042), (220, 0.987), (221, 0.603), (222, 0.987), (223, 0.603),
 (224, 0.494), (225, 0.329), (226, 0.79), (227, 0.79), (228, 0.786),
 (229, 0.713), (230, 0.384), (231, 0.384), (232, 0.384), (233, 0.384),
 (234, 0.384), (235, 0.384), (236, 0.494), (237, 0.494), (238, 0.494),
 (239, 0.494), (183, 0.46), (241, 0.329), (242, 0.274), (243, 0.686),
 (244, 0.686), (245, 0.686), (246, 0.384), (247, 0.549), (248, 0.384),
 (249, 0.384), (250, 0.384), (251, 0.384), (252, 0.494), (253, 0.494),
 (254, 0.494), (183, 0.46)

class linkDest(object):
    """link or outline destination details"""
    def __init__(self, obj, rlink):
        isExt = obj.isExternal
        isInt = not isExt
        self.dest = ""
        self.fileSpec = ""
        self.flags = 0
        self.isMap = False
        self.isUri = False
        self.kind = LINK_NONE
        self.lt = Point(0, 0)
        self.named = ""
        self.newWindow = ""
        self.page = obj.page
        self.rb = Point(0, 0)
        self.uri = obj.uri
        if rlink and not self.uri.startswith("#"):
            self.uri = "#%i,%g,%g" % (rlink[0]+1, rlink[1], rlink[2])
        if obj.isExternal:
            self.page = -1
            self.kind = LINK_URI
        if not self.uri:
            self.page = -1
            self.kind = LINK_NONE
        if isInt and self.uri:
            if self.uri.startswith("#"):
                self.named = ""
                self.kind = LINK_GOTO
                ftab = self.uri[1:].split(",")
                if len(ftab) == 3:
                    self.page = int(ftab[0]) - 1
                    self.lt = Point(float(ftab[1]), float(ftab[2]))
                    self.flags = self.flags | LINK_FLAG_L_VALID | LINK_FLAG_T_VALID
                        self.page = int(ftab[0]) - 1
                        self.kind = LINK_NAMED
                        self.named = self.uri[1:]
                self.kind = LINK_NAMED
                self.named = self.uri
        if obj.isExternal:
            if self.uri.startswith(("http://", "https://", "mailto:", "ftp://")):
                self.isUri = True
                self.kind = LINK_URI
            elif self.uri.startswith("file://"):
                self.fileSpec = self.uri[7:]
                self.isUri = False
                self.uri = ""
                self.kind = LINK_LAUNCH
                ftab = self.fileSpec.split("#")
                if len(ftab) == 2:
                    if ftab[1].startswith("page="):
                        self.kind = LINK_GOTOR
                        self.fileSpec = ftab[0]
                        self.page = int(ftab[1][5:]) - 1
                self.isUri = True
                self.kind = LINK_LAUNCH

# "Now" timestamp in PDF Format
def getPDFnow():
    import time
    tz = "%s'%s'" % (str(time.timezone // 3600).rjust(2, "0"),
                 str((time.timezone // 60)%60).rjust(2, "0"))
    tstamp = time.strftime("D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
    if time.timezone > 0:
        tstamp += "-" + tz
    elif time.timezone < 0:
        tstamp = "+" + tz
    return tstamp

def getPDFstr(s):
    """ Return a PDF string depending on its coding.

        If only ascii then "(original)" is returned, else if only 8 bit chars
        then "(original)" with interspersed octal strings \nnn is returned,
        else a string "<FEFF[hexstring]>" is returned, where [hexstring] is the
        UTF-16BE encoding of the original.
    if not bool(s):
        return "()"

    def make_utf16be(s):
        r = hexlify(bytearray([254, 255]) + bytearray(s, "UTF-16BE"))
        t = r if fitz_py2 else r.decode()
        return "<" + t + ">"                         # brackets indicate hex

# following either returns original string with mixed-in
# octal numbers \nnn for chars outside ASCII range, or:
# exits with utf-16be BOM version of the string
    r = ""
    for c in s:
        oc = ord(c)
        if oc > 255:                                  # shortcut if beyond code range
            return make_utf16be(s)

        if oc > 31 and oc < 127:
            if c in ("(", ")", "\\"):
                r += "\\"
            r += c

        if oc > 127:
            r += "\\" + oct(oc)[-3:]

        if oc < 8 or oc > 13 or oc == 11 or c == 127:
            r += "\\267"   # indicate unsupported char

        if oc == 8:
            r += "\\b"
        elif oc == 9:
            r += "\\t"
        elif oc == 10:
            r += "\\n"
        elif oc == 12:
            r += "\\f"
        elif oc == 13:
            r += "\\r"

    return "(" + r + ")"

def getTJstr(text, glyphs, simple, ordering):
    """ Return a PDF string enclosed in [] brackets, suitable for the PDF TJ

        The input string is converted to either 2 or 4 hex digits per character.
        simple: no glyphs: 2-chars, use char codes as the glyph
                glyphs: 2-chars, use glyphs instead of char codes (Symbol,
        not simple: ordering < 0: 4-chars, use glyphs not char codes
                    ordering >=0: a CJK font! 4 chars, use char codes as glyphs
    if text.startswith("[<") and text.endswith(">]"): # already done
        return text

    if not bool(text):
        return "[<>]"

    if simple:
        if glyphs is None:             # simple and not Symbol / ZapfDingbats
            otxt = "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].rjust(2, "0") if ord(c)<256 else "b7" for c in text])
        else:                          # Symbol or ZapfDingbats
            otxt = "".join([hex(glyphs[ord(c)][0])[2:].rjust(2, "0") if ord(c)<256 else "b7" for c in text])
        return "[<" + otxt + ">]"

    if ordering < 0:                   # not a CJK font: use the glyphs
        otxt = "".join([hex(glyphs[ord(c)][0])[2:].rjust(4, "0") for c in text])
    else:                              # CJK: use char codes, no glyphs
        otxt = "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].rjust(4, "0") for c in text])

    return "[<" + otxt + ">]"

Information taken from the following web sites:
paperSizes = { # known paper formats @ 72 dpi
        'a0': (2384, 3370),
        'a1': (1684, 2384),
        'a10': (74, 105),
        'a2': (1191, 1684),
        'a3': (842, 1191),
        'a4': (595, 842),
        'a5': (420, 595),
        'a6': (298, 420),
        'a7': (210, 298),
        'a8': (147, 210),
        'a9': (105, 147),
        'b0': (2835, 4008),
        'b1': (2004, 2835),
        'b10': (88, 125),
        'b2': (1417, 2004),
        'b3': (1001, 1417),
        'b4': (709, 1001),
        'b5': (499, 709),
        'b6': (354, 499),
        'b7': (249, 354),
        'b8': (176, 249),
        'b9': (125, 176),
        'c0': (2599, 3677),
        'c1': (1837, 2599),
        'c10': (79, 113),
        'c2': (1298, 1837),
        'c3': (918, 1298),
        'c4': (649, 918),
        'c5': (459, 649),
        'c6': (323, 459),
        'c7': (230, 323),
        'c8': (162, 230),
        'c9': (113, 162),
        'card-4x6': (288, 432),
        'card-5x7': (360, 504),
        'commercial': (297, 684),
        'executive': (522, 756),
        'invoice': (396, 612),
        'ledger': (792, 1224),
        'legal': (612, 1008),
        'legal-13': (612, 936),
        'letter': (612, 792),
        'monarch': (279, 540),
        'tabloid-extra': (864, 1296),
def PaperSize(s):
    """Return a tuple (width, height) for a given paper format string. 'A4-L' will
    return (842, 595), the values for A4 landscape. Suffix '-P' and no suffix
    returns portrait."""
    size = s.lower()
    f = "p"
    if size.endswith("-l"):
        f = "l"
        size = size[:-2]
    if size.endswith("-p"):
        size = size[:-2]
    rc = paperSizes.get(size, (-1, -1))
    if f == "p":
        return rc
    return (rc[1], rc[0])

def PaperRect(s):
    """Return a fitz.Rect for the paper size indicated in string 's'. Must conform to the argument of method 'PaperSize', which will be invoked.
    width, height = PaperSize(s)
    return Rect(0.0, 0.0, width, height)

def CheckParent(o):
    if not hasattr(o, "parent") or o.parent is None:
        raise ValueError("orphaned object: parent is None")

def CheckColor(c):
    if c is not None:
        if (
            type(c) not in (list, tuple)
            or len(c) not in (1, 3, 4)
            or min(c) < 0
            or max(c) > 1
            raise ValueError("need 1, 3 or 4 color components in range 0 to 1")

def ColorCode(c, f):
    if c is None:
        return ""
    if hasattr(c, "__float__"):
        c = (c,)
    if len(c) == 1:
        s = "%g " % c[0]
        return s + "G " if f == "c" else s + "g "

    if len(c) == 3:
        s = "%g %g %g " % tuple(c)
        return s + "RG " if f == "c" else s + "rg "

    s = "%g %g %g %g " % tuple(c)
    return s + "K " if f == "c" else s + "k "

def JM_TUPLE(o):
    return tuple(map(lambda x: round(x, 8), o))

def CheckMorph(o):
    if not bool(o): return False
    if not (type(o) in (list, tuple) and len(o) == 2):
        raise ValueError("morph must be a sequence of length 2")
    if not (len(o[0]) == 2 and len(o[1]) == 6):
        raise ValueError("invalid morph parm 0")
    if not o[1][4] == o[1][5] == 0:
        raise ValueError("invalid morph parm 1")
    return True

def CheckFont(page, fontname):
    """Return an entry in the page's font list if reference name matches.
    for f in page.getFontList():
        if f[4] == fontname:
            return f
        if f[3].lower() == fontname.lower():
            return f

def CheckFontInfo(doc, xref):
    """Return a font info if present in the document.
    for f in doc.FontInfos:
        if xref == f[0]:
            return f

def UpdateFontInfo(doc, info):
    xref = info[0]
    found = False
    for i, fi in enumerate(doc.FontInfos):
        if fi[0] == xref:
            found = True
    if found:
        doc.FontInfos[i] = info

def DUMMY(*args, **kw):

def planishLine(p1, p2):
    """Return matrix which flattens out the line from p1 to p2.

        p1, p2: point_like
        Matrix which maps p1 to Point(0,0) and p2 to a point on the x axis at
        the same distance to Point(0,0). Will always combine a rotation and a
    p1 = Point(p1)
    p2 = Point(p2)
    return TOOLS._hor_matrix(p1, p2)

def ImageProperties(img):
    """ Return basic properties of an image.

        img: bytes, bytearray, io.BytesIO object or an opened image file.
        A dictionary with keys width, height, colorspace.n, bpc, type, ext and size,
        where 'type' is the MuPDF image type (0 to 14) and 'ext' the suitable
        file extension.
    if type(img) is io.BytesIO:
        stream = img.getvalue()
    elif hasattr(img, "read"):
        stream = img.read()
    elif type(img) in (bytes, bytearray):
        stream = img
        raise ValueError("bad argument 'img'")

    return TOOLS.image_profile(stream)

def ConversionHeader(i, filename = "unknown"):
    t = i.lower()
    html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
div{position:relative;background-color:white;margin:1em auto}

    xml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document name="%s">\n""" % filename

    xhtml = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    text = ""
    json = '{"document": "%s", "pages": [\n' % filename
    if t == "html":
        r = html
    elif t == "json":
        r = json
    elif t == "xml":
        r = xml
    elif t == "xhtml":
        r = xhtml
        r = text

    return r

def ConversionTrailer(i):
    t = i.lower()
    text = ""
    json = "]\n}"
    html = "</body>\n</html>\n"
    xml = "</document>\n"
    xhtml = html
    if t == "html":
        r = html
    elif t == "json":
        r = json
    elif t == "xml":
        r = xml
    elif t == "xhtml":
        r = xhtml
        r = text

    return r

def _make_textpage_dict(TextPage, raw=False):
    """ Return a dictionary representing all text on a page.

        A number of precautions is taken to keep memory consumption under
        control. E.g. when calling utility functions, we provide empty lists
        to be filled by them. This ensures that garbage collection on the
        Python level knows them, when taking appropriate action.
        The utility functions themselves strictly return flat structures (e.g.
        no dictionaries, no nested lists) to prevent sub-structures that are
        not reachable by gc.
        raw: bool which causes inclusion of a dictionary per each character
             else characters are concatenated for each span.
    page_dict = {"width": TextPage.rect.width, "height": TextPage.rect.height}
    blocks = []
    num_blocks = TextPage._getBlockList(blocks)
    block_list = [0] * num_blocks
    for i in range(num_blocks):
        block = blocks[i]
        block_dict = {"type": block[0], "bbox": block[1:5]}
        lines = []  # prepare output for the block details

        if block[0] == 1:  # handle an image block
            rc = TextPage._getImageBlock(i, lines)  # read block data
            if rc != 0:  # any problem?
                raise ValueError("could not extract image block %i" % i)
            ilist = lines[0]  # the tuple we want
            block_dict["width"] = ilist[1]
            block_dict["height"] = ilist[2]
            block_dict["ext"] = ilist[3]
            block_dict["image"] = ilist[4]
            block_list[i] = block_dict  # insert image block to list
            del block_dict, ilist

            continue  # to next block

# process a text block
        num_lines = TextPage._getLineList(i, lines)  # read the line array
        line_list = [0] * num_lines

        for j in range(num_lines):
            line = lines[j]
            line_dict = {"wmode": line[0], "dir": line[1:3], "bbox": line[3:]}
            span_list = []
            characters = []
            num_chars = TextPage._getCharList(i, j, characters)
            old_style = ()
            span = {}
            char_list = []
            text = ""

            for char in characters:  # iterate through the characters
                orig_x, orig_y, x0, y0, x1, y1, fsize, flags, font, color, char_text = (
                pos = font.find("+")  # remove any garbage from font
                if pos > 0:
                    font = font[pos + 1 :]
                style = (fsize, flags, font, color)  # font info

# check if the character style has changed
                if style != old_style:

# check for first span
                    if old_style != ():  # finish previous span first
                        if raw:
                            span["chars"] = char_list  # char dictionaries
                            char_list = []  # reset char dict list
                            span["text"] = text  # accumulated text
                            text = ""  # reset text field

                        span["bbox"] = span_bbox  # put in bbox
                        span_list.append(span)  # output previous span

# init a new span
                    span = {"size": fsize, "flags": flags, "font": font, "color": color}
                    old_style = style
                    span_bbox = (x0, y0, x1, y1)

                span_bbox = (  # extend span bbox
                    min(x0, span_bbox[0]),
                    min(y0, span_bbox[1]),
                    max(x1, span_bbox[2]),
                    max(y1, span_bbox[3]),

                if raw:
                    char_dict = {
                        "origin": (orig_x, orig_y),
                        "bbox": (x0, y0, x1, y1),
                        "c": char_text,
                    text += char_text

# all characters in line have been processed now
            if max(len(char_list), len(text)) > 0:  # chars missing in outut?
                if raw:
                    span["chars"] = char_list
                    span["text"] = text

                span["bbox"] = span_bbox  # put in bbox

            line_dict["spans"] = span_list  # put list of spans in line dict
            del span_list
            line_list[j] = line_dict  # insert line dict to list of lines
            del line_dict

        block_dict["lines"] = line_list
        del line_list

        block_list[i] = block_dict
        del block_dict

    page_dict["blocks"] = block_list
    del block_list
    return page_dict

class Document(object):
    r"""open() - new empty PDF
open('type', stream) - from bytes/bytearray
open(filename, filetype='type') - from file"""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Document

    def __init__(self, filename=None, stream=None, filetype=None, rect=None, width=0, height=0, fontsize=11):
        r"""__init__(self, filename=None, stream=None, filetype=None, rect=None, width=0, height=0, fontsize=11) -> Document"""

        if not filename or type(filename) is str:
            if fitz_py2:  # Python 2
                if type(filename) is unicode:
                    filename = filename.encode("utf8")
                filename = str(filename)  # should take care of pathlib

        if stream:
            if not (filename or filetype):
                raise ValueError("need filetype for opening a stream")

            if type(stream) is bytes:
                self.stream = stream
            elif type(stream) is bytearray:
                self.stream = bytes(stream)
            elif type(stream) is io.BytesIO:
                self.stream = stream.getvalue()
                raise ValueError("bad type: 'stream'")
            stream = self.stream
            self.stream = None

        if filename and not stream:
            self.name = filename
            self.name = ""

        self.isClosed    = False
        self.isEncrypted = False
        self.metadata    = None
        self.FontInfos   = []
        self.Graftmaps   = {}
        self.ShownPages  = {}
        self._page_refs  = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

        _fitz.Document_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_Document(filename, stream, filetype, rect, width, height, fontsize))

        if self.thisown:
            self._graft_id = TOOLS.gen_id()
            if self.needsPass is True:
                self.isEncrypted = True
            else: # we won't init until doc is decrypted

    def close(self):

        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")
        if hasattr(self, "_outline") and self._outline:
            self._outline = None
        self.metadata    = None
        self.stream      = None
        self.isClosed    = True
        self.FontInfos   = []
        for gmap in self.Graftmaps:
            self.Graftmaps[gmap] = None
        self.Graftmaps = {}
        self.ShownPages = {}

        val = _fitz.Document_close(self)
        self.thisown = False

        return val

    def loadPage(self, number=0):
        r"""loadPage(self, number=0) -> Page"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        val = _fitz.Document_loadPage(self, number)

        if val:
            val.thisown = True
            val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
            pageCount = self.pageCount
            n = number
            while n < 0: n += pageCount
            val.number = n
            self._page_refs[id(val)] = val
            val._annot_refs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

        return val

    def _remove_links_to(self, first, last):
        r"""_remove_links_to(self, first, last) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__remove_links_to(self, first, last)

    def _loadOutline(self):
        r"""_loadOutline(self) -> Outline"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__loadOutline(self)

    def _dropOutline(self, ol):
        r"""_dropOutline(self, ol)"""
        return _fitz.Document__dropOutline(self, ol)

    def _embeddedFileNames(self, namelist):
        r"""_embeddedFileNames(self, namelist) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__embeddedFileNames(self, namelist)

    def _embeddedFileDel(self, idx):
        r"""_embeddedFileDel(self, idx) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__embeddedFileDel(self, idx)

    def _embeddedFileInfo(self, idx, infodict):
        r"""_embeddedFileInfo(self, idx, infodict) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__embeddedFileInfo(self, idx, infodict)

    def _embeddedFileUpd(self, idx, buffer=None, filename=None, ufilename=None, desc=None):
        r"""_embeddedFileUpd(self, idx, buffer=None, filename=None, ufilename=None, desc=None) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__embeddedFileUpd(self, idx, buffer, filename, ufilename, desc)

    def _embeddedFileGet(self, idx):
        r"""_embeddedFileGet(self, idx) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__embeddedFileGet(self, idx)

    def _embeddedFileAdd(self, name, buffer, filename=None, ufilename=None, desc=None):
        r"""_embeddedFileAdd(self, name, buffer, filename=None, ufilename=None, desc=None) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__embeddedFileAdd(self, name, buffer, filename, ufilename, desc)

    def embeddedFileNames(self):
        """ Return a list of names of EmbeddedFiles.
        filenames = []
        return filenames

    def _embeddedFileIndex(self, item):
        filenames = self.embeddedFileNames()
        msg = "'%s' not in EmbeddedFiles array." % str(item)
        if item in filenames:
            idx = filenames.index(item)
        elif item in range(len(filenames)):
            idx = item
            raise ValueError(msg)
        return idx

    def embeddedFileCount(self):
        """ Return the number of EmbeddedFiles.
        return len(self.embeddedFileNames())

    def embeddedFileDel(self, item):
        """ Delete an entry from EmbeddedFiles.

            The argument must be name or index of an EmbeddedFiles item.
            Physical deletion of associated data will happen on save to a
            new file with appropriate garbage option.
            item: (str/int) the name or index of the entry.
        idx = self._embeddedFileIndex(item)
        return self._embeddedFileDel(idx)

    def embeddedFileInfo(self, item):
        """ Return information of an item in the EmbeddedFiles array.

            item: the number or the name of the item.
            A dictionary of respective information.
        idx = self._embeddedFileIndex(item)
        infodict = {"name": self.embeddedFileNames()[idx]}
        self._embeddedFileInfo(idx, infodict)
        return infodict

    def embeddedFileGet(self, item):
        """ Return the content of an item in the EmbeddedFiles array.

            item: the number or the name of the item.
            (bytes) The file content.
        idx = self._embeddedFileIndex(item)
        return self._embeddedFileGet(idx)

    def embeddedFileUpd(self, item, buffer=None,
        """ Make changes to an item in the EmbeddedFiles array.

            All parameter are optional. If all arguments are omitted, the
            method results in a no-op.
            item: the number or the name of the item.
            buffer: (binary data) the new file content.
            filename: (str) the new file name.
            ufilename: (unicode) the new filen ame.
            desc: (str) the new description.
        idx = self._embeddedFileIndex(item)
        return self._embeddedFileUpd(idx, buffer=buffer,

    def embeddedFileAdd(self, name, buffer,
        """ Add an item to the EmbeddedFiles array.

            name: the name of the new item.
            buffer: (binary data) the file content.
            filename: (str) the file name.
            ufilename: (unicode) the filen ame.
            desc: (str) the description.
        filenames = self.embeddedFileNames()
        msg = "Name '%s' already in EmbeddedFiles array." % str(name)
        if name in filenames:
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if filename is None:
            filename = name
        if ufilename is None:
            ufilename = unicode(filename, "utf8") if str is bytes else filename
        if desc is None:
            desc = name
        return self._embeddedFileAdd(name, buffer=buffer,

    def convertToPDF(self, from_page=0, to_page=-1, rotate=0):
        r"""Convert document to PDF selecting page range and optional rotation. Output bytes object."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document_convertToPDF(self, from_page, to_page, rotate)


    def pageCount(self):
        r"""pageCount(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_pageCount(self)

    def _getMetadata(self, key):
        r"""_getMetadata(self, key) -> char *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getMetadata(self, key)


    def needsPass(self):
        r"""needsPass(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_needsPass(self)

    def resolveLink(self, uri=None):
        r"""Calculate internal link destination."""
        return _fitz.Document_resolveLink(self, uri)

    def layout(self, rect=None, width=0, height=0, fontsize=11):
        r"""Re-layout a reflowable document."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        val = _fitz.Document_layout(self, rect, width, height, fontsize)


        return val

    def makeBookmark(self, pno=0):
        r"""Make page bookmark in a reflowable document."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document_makeBookmark(self, pno)

    def findBookmark(self, bookmark):
        r"""Find page number after layouting a document."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document_findBookmark(self, bookmark)


    def isReflowable(self):
        r"""isReflowable(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_isReflowable(self)

    def _deleteObject(self, xref):
        r"""Delete an object given its xref."""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__deleteObject(self, xref)

    def _getPDFroot(self):
        r"""Get XREF number of PDF catalog."""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getPDFroot(self)

    def _getPDFfileid(self):
        r"""Return PDF file /ID strings (hexadecimal)."""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getPDFfileid(self)


    def isPDF(self):
        r"""isPDF(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_isPDF(self)


    def _hasXrefStream(self):
        r"""_hasXrefStream(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__hasXrefStream(self)


    def _hasXrefOldStyle(self):
        r"""_hasXrefOldStyle(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__hasXrefOldStyle(self)


    def isDirty(self):
        r"""isDirty(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_isDirty(self)

    def can_save_incrementally(self):
        r"""Check if can be saved incrementally."""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_can_save_incrementally(self)

    def authenticate(self, password):
        r"""Decrypt document with a password."""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        val = _fitz.Document_authenticate(self, password)

        if val: # the doc is decrypted successfully and we init the outline
            self.isEncrypted = False
            self.thisown = True

        return val

    def save(self, filename, garbage=0, clean=0, deflate=0, incremental=0, ascii=0, expand=0, linear=0, pretty=0, encryption=1, permissions=-1, owner_pw=None, user_pw=None):
        r"""save(self, filename, garbage=0, clean=0, deflate=0, incremental=0, ascii=0, expand=0, linear=0, pretty=0, encryption=1, permissions=-1, owner_pw=None, user_pw=None) -> PyObject *"""

        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        if type(filename) == str:
        elif type(filename) == unicode:
            filename = filename.encode('utf8')
            raise TypeError("filename must be a string")
        if filename == self.name and not incremental:
            raise ValueError("save to original must be incremental")
        if self.pageCount < 1:
            raise ValueError("cannot save with zero pages")
        if incremental:
            if self.name != filename or self.stream:
                raise ValueError("incremental needs original file")

        return _fitz.Document_save(self, filename, garbage, clean, deflate, incremental, ascii, expand, linear, pretty, encryption, permissions, owner_pw, user_pw)

    def write(self, garbage=0, clean=0, deflate=0, ascii=0, expand=0, linear=0, pretty=0, encryption=1, permissions=-1, owner_pw=None, user_pw=None):
        r"""Write document to a bytes object."""

        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        if self.pageCount < 1:
            raise ValueError("cannot write with zero pages")

        return _fitz.Document_write(self, garbage, clean, deflate, ascii, expand, linear, pretty, encryption, permissions, owner_pw, user_pw)

    def insertPDF(self, docsrc, from_page=-1, to_page=-1, start_at=-1, rotate=-1, links=1, annots=1):
        r"""Copy page range ['from', 'to'] of source PDF, starting as page number 'start_at'."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        if id(self) == id(docsrc):
            raise ValueError("source must not equal target PDF")
        sa = start_at
        if sa < 0:
            sa = self.pageCount

        val = _fitz.Document_insertPDF(self, docsrc, from_page, to_page, start_at, rotate, links, annots)
        if links:
            self._do_links(docsrc, from_page = from_page, to_page = to_page,
                           start_at = sa)

        return val

    def _newPage(self, pno=-1, width=595, height=842):
        r"""_newPage(self, pno=-1, width=595, height=842) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        val = _fitz.Document__newPage(self, pno, width, height)

        return val

    def select(self, pyliste):
        r"""Build sub-pdf with page numbers in 'list'."""

        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        if not self.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")
        if not hasattr(pyliste, "__getitem__"):
            raise ValueError("sequence required")
        if len(pyliste) == 0 or min(pyliste) not in range(len(self)) or max(pyliste) not in range(len(self)):
            raise ValueError("sequence items out of range")

        val = _fitz.Document_select(self, pyliste)


        return val

    def _deletePage(self, pno):
        r"""_deletePage(self, pno) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Document__deletePage(self, pno)

    def permissions(self):
        r"""Get document permissions."""

        if self.isEncrypted:
            return 0

        return _fitz.Document_permissions(self)

    def _getCharWidths(self, xref, bfname, ext, ordering, limit, idx=0):
        r"""Return list of glyphs and glyph widths of a font."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__getCharWidths(self, xref, bfname, ext, ordering, limit, idx)

    def _getPageObjNumber(self, pno):
        r"""_getPageObjNumber(self, pno) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getPageObjNumber(self, pno)

    def _getPageInfo(self, pno, what):
        r"""Show fonts or images used on a page."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        val = _fitz.Document__getPageInfo(self, pno, what)

        x = []
        for v in val:
            if v not in x:
        val = x

        return val

    def extractFont(self, xref=0, info_only=0):
        r"""extractFont(self, xref=0, info_only=0) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document_extractFont(self, xref, info_only)

    def extractImage(self, xref=0):
        r"""Extract image which 'xref' is pointing to."""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document_extractImage(self, xref)

    def _delToC(self):
        r"""_delToC(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        val = _fitz.Document__delToC(self)

        return val

    def isStream(self, xref=0):
        r"""isStream(self, xref=0) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_isStream(self, xref)

    def getSigFlags(self):
        r"""getSigFlags(self) -> int"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_getSigFlags(self)


    def isFormPDF(self):
        r"""isFormPDF(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_isFormPDF(self)


    def FormFonts(self):
        r"""FormFonts(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document_FormFonts(self)

    def _addFormFont(self, name, font):
        r"""_addFormFont(self, name, font) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__addFormFont(self, name, font)

    def _getOLRootNumber(self):
        r"""_getOLRootNumber(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__getOLRootNumber(self)

    def _getNewXref(self):
        r"""_getNewXref(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__getNewXref(self)

    def _getXrefLength(self):
        r"""_getXrefLength(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getXrefLength(self)

    def _getXmlMetadataXref(self):
        r"""_getXmlMetadataXref(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getXmlMetadataXref(self)

    def _delXmlMetadata(self):
        r"""_delXmlMetadata(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__delXmlMetadata(self)

    def _getXrefString(self, xref, compressed=0, ascii=0):
        r"""_getXrefString(self, xref, compressed=0, ascii=0) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getXrefString(self, xref, compressed, ascii)

    def _getTrailerString(self, compressed=0, ascii=0):
        r"""_getTrailerString(self, compressed=0, ascii=0) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__getTrailerString(self, compressed, ascii)

    def _getXrefStream(self, xref):
        r"""_getXrefStream(self, xref) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__getXrefStream(self, xref)

    def _updateObject(self, xref, text, page=None):
        r"""_updateObject(self, xref, text, page=None) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__updateObject(self, xref, text, page)

    def _updateStream(self, xref=0, stream=None, new=0):
        r"""_updateStream(self, xref=0, stream=None, new=0) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__updateStream(self, xref, stream, new)

    def _setMetadata(self, text):
        r"""_setMetadata(self, text) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")

        return _fitz.Document__setMetadata(self, text)

    def _make_page_map(self):
        r"""_make_page_map(self) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        return _fitz.Document__make_page_map(self)

    def fullcopyPage(self, pno, to=-1):
        r"""fullcopyPage(self, pno, to=-1) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        val = _fitz.Document_fullcopyPage(self, pno, to)


        return val

    def _move_copy_page(self, pno, nb, before, copy):
        r"""_move_copy_page(self, pno, nb, before, copy) -> PyObject *"""
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        val = _fitz.Document__move_copy_page(self, pno, nb, before, copy)


        return val

    def initData(self):
        if self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("cannot initData - document still encrypted")
        self._outline = self._loadOutline()
        self.metadata = dict([(k,self._getMetadata(v)) for k,v in {'format':'format', 'title':'info:Title', 'author':'info:Author','subject':'info:Subject', 'keywords':'info:Keywords','creator':'info:Creator', 'producer':'info:Producer', 'creationDate':'info:CreationDate', 'modDate':'info:ModDate'}.items()])
        self.metadata['encryption'] = None if self._getMetadata('encryption')=='None' else self._getMetadata('encryption')

    outline = property(lambda self: self._outline)
    _getPageXref = _getPageObjNumber

    def getPageFontList(self, pno):
        """Retrieve a list of fonts used on a page.
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        if self.isPDF:
            return self._getPageInfo(pno, 1)
        return []

    def getPageImageList(self, pno):
        """Retrieve a list of images used on a page.
        if self.isClosed or self.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        if self.isPDF:
            return self._getPageInfo(pno, 2)
        return []

    def copyPage(self, pno, to=-1):
        """Copy a page within a PDF document.

            pno: source page number
            to: put before this page, '-1' means after last page.
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        pageCount = len(self)
        if (
            pno not in range(pageCount) or
            to not in range(-1, pageCount)
            raise ValueError("bad page number(s)")
        before = 1
        copy = 1
        if to == -1:
            to = pageCount - 1
            before = 0

        return self._move_copy_page(pno, to, before, copy)

    def movePage(self, pno, to = -1):
        """Move a page within a PDF document.

            pno: source page number.
            to: put before this page, '-1' means after last page.
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        pageCount = len(self)
        if (
            pno not in range(pageCount) or
            to not in range(-1, pageCount)
            raise ValueError("bad page number(s)")
        before = 1
        copy = 0
        if to == -1:
            to = pageCount - 1
            before = 0

        return self._move_copy_page(pno, to, before, copy)

    def deletePage(self, pno = -1):
        """ Delete one page from a PDF.
        if not self.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        pageCount = self.pageCount
        while pno < 0:
            pno += pageCount

        if not pno in range(pageCount):
            raise ValueError("bad page number(s)")

        old_toc = self.getToC(False)
        new_toc = _toc_remove_page(old_toc, pno+1, pno+1)
        self._remove_links_to(pno, pno)



    def deletePageRange(self, from_page = -1, to_page = -1):
        """Delete pages from a PDF.
        if not self.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")
        if self.isClosed:
            raise ValueError("document closed")

        pageCount = self.pageCount  # page count of document
        f = from_page  # first page to delete
        t = to_page  # last page to delete
        while f < 0:
            f += pageCount
        while t < 0:
            t += pageCount
        if not f <= t < pageCount:
            raise ValueError("bad page number(s)")

        old_toc = self.getToC(False)
        new_toc = _toc_remove_page(old_toc, f+1, t+1)
        self._remove_links_to(f, t)

        for i in range(t, f - 1, -1):  # delete pages, last to first


    def saveIncr(self):
        """ Save PDF incrementally"""
        return self.save(self.name, incremental=True, encryption=PDF_ENCRYPT_KEEP)

    def __repr__(self):
        m = "closed " if self.isClosed else ""
        if self.stream is None:
            if self.name == "":
                return m + "fitz.Document(<new PDF, doc# %i>)" % self._graft_id
            return m + "fitz.Document('%s')" % (self.name,)
        return m + "fitz.Document('%s', <memory, doc# %i>)" % (self.name, self._graft_id)

    def __getitem__(self, i=0):
        if type(i) is not int:
            raise ValueError("bad page number(s)")
        if i >= len(self):
            raise IndexError("bad page number(s)")
        return self.loadPage(i)

    def __len__(self):
        return self.pageCount

    def _forget_page(self, page):
        """Remove a page from document page dict."""
        pid = id(page)
        if pid in self._page_refs:
            self._page_refs[pid] = None

    def _reset_page_refs(self):
        """Invalidate all pages in document dictionary."""
        if self.isClosed:
        for page in self._page_refs.values():
            if page:
                page = None

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, "_reset_page_refs"):
        if hasattr(self, "Graftmaps"):
            for gmap in self.Graftmaps:
                self.Graftmaps[gmap] = None
        if hasattr(self, "this") and self.thisown:
            self.thisown = False

        self.Graftmaps = {}
        self.ShownPages = {}
        self.stream = None
        self._reset_page_refs = DUMMY
        self.__swig_destroy__ = DUMMY
        self.isClosed = True

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *args):

# Register Document in _fitz:

class Page(object):
    r"""Proxy of C fz_page_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise AttributeError("No constructor defined")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Page

    def bound(self):
        r"""bound(self) -> PyObject *"""

        val = _fitz.Page_bound(self)
        val = Rect(val)

        return val

    rect = property(bound, doc="page rectangle")

    def run(self, dw, m):
        r"""run(self, dw, m) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Page_run(self, dw, m)

    def getSVGimage(self, matrix=None):
        r"""Create an SVG image from the page."""

        return _fitz.Page_getSVGimage(self, matrix)

    def addCaretAnnot(self, point):
        r"""Add 'Caret' annot on the page."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addCaretAnnot(self, point)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addLineAnnot(self, p1, p2):
        r"""Add 'Line' annot for points p1 and p2."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addLineAnnot(self, p1, p2)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addTextAnnot(self, point, text, icon=None):
        r"""Add a 'sticky note' at position 'point'."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addTextAnnot(self, point, text, icon)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addInkAnnot(self, list):
        r"""Add a 'handwriting' as a list of list of point-likes. Each sublist forms an independent stroke."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addInkAnnot(self, list)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addStampAnnot(self, rect, stamp=0):
        r"""Add a 'rubber stamp' in a rectangle."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addStampAnnot(self, rect, stamp)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addFileAnnot(self, point, buffer, filename, ufilename=None, desc=None, icon=None):
        r"""Add a 'FileAttachment' annotation at location 'point'."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addFileAnnot(self, point, buffer, filename, ufilename, desc, icon)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def _add_text_marker(self, quads, annot_type):
        r"""Add a text marker annotation."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")
        if not hasattr(quads, "__getitem__"):
            raise ValueError("'quads' must be a sequence")
        if len(quads) == 4:
            if hasattr(quads[0], "__float__"):
                quads = [quads]
            elif hasattr(quads[0], "__getitem__") and len(quads[0]) == 2:
                quads = [quads]
        if type(quads) not in (list, tuple):
            raise ValueError("bad argument 'quads'")
        for a in quads:
            if not hasattr(a, "__getitem__") or len(a) != 4:
                raise ValueError("bad items in 'quads'")

        val = _fitz.Page__add_text_marker(self, quads, annot_type)

        if not val:
            return None
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addStrikeoutAnnot(self, quads):
        """Add a 'StrikeOut' annotation."""
        return self._add_text_marker(quads, PDF_ANNOT_STRIKEOUT)

    def addUnderlineAnnot(self, quads):
        """Add a 'Underline' annotation."""
        return self._add_text_marker(quads, PDF_ANNOT_UNDERLINE)

    def addSquigglyAnnot(self, quads):
        """Add a 'Squiggly' annotation."""
        return self._add_text_marker(quads, PDF_ANNOT_SQUIGGLY)

    def addHighlightAnnot(self, quads):
        """Add a 'Highlight' annotation."""
        return self._add_text_marker(quads, PDF_ANNOT_HIGHLIGHT)

    def _add_square_or_circle(self, rect, annot_type):
        r"""Add a 'Square' or 'Circle' annotation."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page__add_square_or_circle(self, rect, annot_type)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addRectAnnot(self, rect):
        """Add a 'Square' annotation."""
        return self._add_square_or_circle(rect, PDF_ANNOT_SQUARE)

    def addCircleAnnot(self, rect):
        """Add a 'Circle' annotation."""
        return self._add_square_or_circle(rect, PDF_ANNOT_CIRCLE)

    def _add_multiline(self, points, annot_type):
        r"""Add a multiline annotation."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page__add_multiline(self, points, annot_type)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

    def addPolylineAnnot(self, points):
        """Add a 'PolyLine' annotation."""
        return self._add_multiline(points, PDF_ANNOT_POLYLINE)

    def addPolygonAnnot(self, points):
        """Add a 'Polygon' annotation."""
        return self._add_multiline(points, PDF_ANNOT_POLYGON)

    def addFreetextAnnot(self, rect, text, fontsize=12, fontname=None, text_color=None, fill_color=None, rotate=0):
        r"""Add a 'FreeText' annotation in rectangle 'rect'."""

        if not self.parent.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")

        val = _fitz.Page_addFreetextAnnot(self, rect, text, fontsize, fontname, text_color, fill_color, rotate)

        if not val: return
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self)
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val

                # page addWidget
    def addWidget(self, widget):
        """Add a form field.
        doc = self.parent
        if not doc.isPDF:
            raise ValueError("not a PDF")
        annot = self._addWidget(widget)
        if not annot:
            return None
        annot.thisown = True
        annot.parent = weakref.proxy(self) # owning page object
        self._annot_refs[id(annot)] = annot
        widget.parent = self
        widget._annot = annot
        return annot

    def _addWidget(self, Widget):
        r"""_addWidget(self, Widget) -> Annot"""
        return _fitz.Page__addWidget(self, Widget)

    def getDisplayList(self, annots=1):
        r"""getDisplayList(self, annots=1) -> DisplayList"""

        return _fitz.Page_getDisplayList(self, annots)

    def setCropBox(self, rect):
        r"""setCropBox(self, rect) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Page_setCropBox(self, rect)

    def loadLinks(self):
        r"""loadLinks(self) -> Link"""

        val = _fitz.Page_loadLinks(self)

        if val:
            val.thisown = True
            val.parent = weakref.proxy(self) # owning page object
            self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val
            if self.parent.isPDF:
                val.xref = self._getLinkXrefs()[0]
                val.xref = 0

        return val

    firstLink = property(loadLinks, doc="First link on page")

    def firstAnnot(self):
        r"""Points to first annotation on page"""

        val = _fitz.Page_firstAnnot(self)
        if val:
            val.thisown = True
            val.parent = weakref.proxy(self) # owning page object
            self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val


    def firstWidget(self):
        r"""firstWidget(self) -> Annot"""

        val = _fitz.Page_firstWidget(self)

        if not val:
            return None
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = weakref.proxy(self) # owning page object
        self._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        widget = Widget()
        TOOLS._fill_widget(val, widget)
        val = widget

        return val

    def deleteLink(self, linkdict):
        r"""Delete link if PDF"""

        val = _fitz.Page_deleteLink(self, linkdict)
        if linkdict["xref"] == 0: return
            linkid = linkdict["id"]
            linkobj = self._annot_refs[linkid]

        return val

    def deleteAnnot(self, fannot):
        r"""Delete annot if PDF and return next one"""

        val = _fitz.Page_deleteAnnot(self, fannot)
        if val:
            val.thisown = True
            val.parent = weakref.proxy(self) # owning page object
            val.parent._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        return val


    def MediaBoxSize(self):
        r"""Retrieve width, height of /MediaBox."""

        val = _fitz.Page_MediaBoxSize(self)

        val = Point(val)
        if not bool(val):
            r = self.rect
            val = Point(r.width, r.height)

        return val


    def CropBoxPosition(self):
        r"""Retrieve position of /CropBox. Return (0,0) for non-PDF, or no /CropBox."""

        val = _fitz.Page_CropBoxPosition(self)
        val = Point(val)

        return val


    def rotation(self):
        r"""Retrieve page rotation."""

        return _fitz.Page_rotation(self)

    def setRotation(self, rot):
        r"""Set page rotation to 'rot' degrees."""

        return _fitz.Page_setRotation(self, rot)

    def _addAnnot_FromString(self, linklist):
        r"""_addAnnot_FromString(self, linklist) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Page__addAnnot_FromString(self, linklist)

    def _getLinkXrefs(self):
        r"""_getLinkXrefs(self) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Page__getLinkXrefs(self)

    def _cleanContents(self):
        r"""_cleanContents(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Page__cleanContents(self)

    def _showPDFpage(self, fz_srcpage, overlay=1, matrix=None, xref=0, clip=None, graftmap=None, _imgname=None):
        r"""_showPDFpage(self, fz_srcpage, overlay=1, matrix=None, xref=0, clip=None, graftmap=None, _imgname=None) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Page__showPDFpage(self, fz_srcpage, overlay, matrix, xref, clip, graftmap, _imgname)

    def _insertImage(self, filename=None, pixmap=None, stream=None, overlay=1, matrix=None, _imgname=None, _imgpointer=None):
        r"""_insertImage(self, filename=None, pixmap=None, stream=None, overlay=1, matrix=None, _imgname=None, _imgpointer=None) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Page__insertImage(self, filename, pixmap, stream, overlay, matrix, _imgname, _imgpointer)

    def insertFont(self, fontname="helv", fontfile=None, fontbuffer=None,
                   set_simple=False, wmode=0, encoding=0):
        doc = self.parent
        if not doc:
            raise ValueError("orphaned object: parent is None")
        idx = 0

        if fontname.startswith("/"):
            fontname = fontname[1:]

        font = CheckFont(self, fontname)
        if font is not None:                    # font already in font list of page
            xref = font[0]                      # this is the xref
            if CheckFontInfo(doc, xref):        # also in our document font list?
                return xref                     # yes: we are done
    # need to build the doc FontInfo entry - done via getCharWidths
            return xref

    # the font is not present for this page

        bfname = Base14_fontdict.get(fontname.lower(), None) # BaseFont if Base-14 font

        serif = 0
        CJK_number = -1
        CJK_list_n = ["china-t", "china-s", "japan", "korea"]
        CJK_list_s = ["china-ts", "china-ss", "japan-s", "korea-s"]

            CJK_number = CJK_list_n.index(fontname)
            serif = 0

        if CJK_number < 0:
                CJK_number = CJK_list_s.index(fontname)
                serif = 1

    # install the font for the page
        val = self._insertFont(fontname, bfname, fontfile, fontbuffer, set_simple, idx,
                               wmode, serif, encoding, CJK_number)

        if not val:                   # did not work, error return
            return val

        xref = val[0]                 # xref of installed font

        if CheckFontInfo(doc, xref):  # check again: document already has this font
            return xref               # we are done

    # need to create document font info
        return xref

    def _insertFont(self, fontname, bfname, fontfile, fontbuffer, set_simple, idx, wmode, serif, encoding, ordering):
        r"""_insertFont(self, fontname, bfname, fontfile, fontbuffer, set_simple, idx, wmode, serif, encoding, ordering) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Page__insertFont(self, fontname, bfname, fontfile, fontbuffer, set_simple, idx, wmode, serif, encoding, ordering)

    def _getTransformation(self):
        r"""Return page transformation matrix."""

        val = _fitz.Page__getTransformation(self)
        val = Matrix(val)

        return val

    def _getContents(self):
        r"""Return list of /Contents objects as xref integers."""

        return _fitz.Page__getContents(self)

    def _setContents(self, xref=0):
        r"""Set the /Contents object in page definition"""

        return _fitz.Page__setContents(self, xref)

    def _isWrapped(self):
        """Check if /Contents is wrapped in string pair "q" / "Q".
        xrefs = self._getContents()
        doc = self.parent
        if len(xrefs) == 0:
            return True
        if len(xrefs) == 1:
            cont = doc._getXrefStream(xrefs[0]).split()
            if len(cont) < 1:
                return True
            if cont[0] != b"q" or cont[-1] != b"Q":
                return False
            return True
            cont = doc._getXrefStream(xrefs[0]).split()
            if len(cont) < 1 or cont[0] != b"q":
                return False
            cont = doc._getXrefStream(xrefs[-1]).split()
            if len(cont) < 1 or cont[-1] != b"Q":
                return False
            return True

    def _wrapContents(self):
        TOOLS._insert_contents(self, b"q\n", False)
        TOOLS._insert_contents(self, b"\nQ", True)

    def __str__(self):
        x = self.parent.name
        if self.parent.stream is not None:
            x = "<memory, doc# %i>" % (self.parent._graft_id,)
        if x == "":
            x = "<new PDF, doc# %i>" % self.parent._graft_id
        return "page %s of %s" % (self.number, x)

    def __repr__(self):
        x = self.parent.name
        if self.parent.stream is not None:
            x = "<memory, doc# %i>" % (self.parent._graft_id,)
        if x == "":
            x = "<new PDF, doc# %i>" % self.parent._graft_id
        return "page %s of %s" % (self.number, x)

    def _forget_annot(self, annot):
        """Remove an annot from reference dictionary."""
        aid = id(annot)
        if aid in self._annot_refs:
            self._annot_refs[aid] = None

    def _reset_annot_refs(self):
        """Invalidate / delete all annots of this page."""
        for annot in self._annot_refs.values():
            if annot:

    def xref(self):
        """Return PDF XREF number of page."""
        return self.parent._getPageXref(self.number)[0]

    def _erase(self):
        if getattr(self, "thisown", True):
        self.parent = None
        self.thisown = False
        self.number = None

    def __del__(self):

    def getFontList(self):
        return self.parent.getPageFontList(self.number)

    def getImageList(self):
        return self.parent.getPageImageList(self.number)

    def CropBox(self):
        x0 = self.CropBoxPosition.x
        y0 = self.MediaBoxSize.y - self.CropBoxPosition.y - self.rect.height
        x1 = x0 + self.rect.width
        y1 = y0 + self.rect.height
        return Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1)

    def MediaBox(self):
        return Rect(0, 0, self.MediaBoxSize)

# Register Page in _fitz:

class Pixmap(object):
    r"""Pixmap(Colorspace, width, height, samples, alpha)
Pixmap(Colorspace, Irect, alpha)
Pixmap(Colorspace, Pixmap) - converted copy
Pixmap(Pixmap, alpha) - copy & add / drop alpha
Pixmap(Document, xref) - from a PDF image"""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    x = property(_fitz.Pixmap_x_get, _fitz.Pixmap_x_set, doc=r"""x""")
    y = property(_fitz.Pixmap_y_get, _fitz.Pixmap_y_set, doc=r"""y""")
    w = property(_fitz.Pixmap_w_get, _fitz.Pixmap_w_set, doc=r"""w""")
    h = property(_fitz.Pixmap_h_get, _fitz.Pixmap_h_set, doc=r"""h""")
    n = property(_fitz.Pixmap_n_get, _fitz.Pixmap_n_set, doc=r"""n""")
    xres = property(_fitz.Pixmap_xres_get, _fitz.Pixmap_xres_set, doc=r"""xres""")
    yres = property(_fitz.Pixmap_yres_get, _fitz.Pixmap_yres_set, doc=r"""yres""")
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Pixmap

    def __init__(self, *args):
        __init__(self, cs, bbox, alpha=0) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, cs, spix) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, spix, w, h, clip=None) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, spix, alpha=1) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, cs, w, h, samples, alpha=0) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, filename) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, imagedata) -> Pixmap
        __init__(self, doc, xref) -> Pixmap
        _fitz.Pixmap_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_Pixmap(*args))

    def shrink(self, factor):
        r"""shrink(self, factor)"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_shrink(self, factor)

    def gammaWith(self, gamma):
        r"""gammaWith(self, gamma)"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_gammaWith(self, gamma)

    def tintWith(self, black, white):
        r"""tintWith(self, black, white)"""

        if not self.colorspace or self.colorspace.n > 3:
            print("warning: colorspace invalid for function")

        return _fitz.Pixmap_tintWith(self, black, white)

    def clearWith(self, *args):
        clearWith(self, value)
        clearWith(self, value, bbox)
        return _fitz.Pixmap_clearWith(self, *args)

    def copyPixmap(self, src, bbox):
        r"""copyPixmap(self, src, bbox) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_copyPixmap(self, src, bbox)

    def setAlpha(self, alphavalues=None):
        r"""setAlpha(self, alphavalues=None) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_setAlpha(self, alphavalues)

    def _getImageData(self, format):
        r"""_getImageData(self, format) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap__getImageData(self, format)

    def getImageData(self, output="png"):
        valid_formats = {"png": 1, "pnm": 2, "pgm": 2, "ppm": 2, "pbm": 2,
                         "pam": 3, "tga": 4, "tpic": 4,
                         "psd": 5, "ps": 6}
        idx = valid_formats.get(output.lower(), 1)
        if self.alpha and idx in (2, 6):
            raise ValueError("'%s' cannot have alpha" % output)
        if self.colorspace and self.colorspace.n > 3 and idx in (1, 2, 4):
            raise ValueError("unsupported colorspace for '%s'" % output)
        barray = self._getImageData(idx)
        return barray

    def getPNGdata(self):
        barray = self._getImageData(1)
        return barray

    def getPNGData(self):
        barray = self._getImageData(1)
        return barray

    def _writeIMG(self, filename, format):
        r"""_writeIMG(self, filename, format) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap__writeIMG(self, filename, format)

    def writeImage(self, filename, output=None):
        valid_formats = {"png": 1, "pnm": 2, "pgm": 2, "ppm": 2, "pbm": 2,
                         "pam": 3, "tga": 4, "tpic": 4,
                         "psd": 5, "ps": 6}
        if output is None:
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            output = ext[1:]

        idx = valid_formats.get(output.lower(), 1)

        if self.alpha and idx in (2, 6):
            raise ValueError("'%s' cannot have alpha" % output)
        if self.colorspace and self.colorspace.n > 3 and idx in (1, 2, 4):
            raise ValueError("unsupported colorspace for '%s'" % output)

        return self._writeIMG(filename, idx)

    def writePNG(self, filename, savealpha = -1):
        return self._writeIMG(filename, 1)

    def invertIRect(self, irect=None):
        r"""invertIRect(self, irect=None) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_invertIRect(self, irect)

    def pixel(self, x, y):
        r"""Return the pixel at (x,y) as a list. Last item is the alpha if Pixmap.alpha is true."""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_pixel(self, x, y)

    def setPixel(self, x, y, color):
        r"""Set the pixel at (x,y) to the integers in sequence 'color'."""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_setPixel(self, x, y, color)

    def setRect(self, irect, color):
        r"""Set a rectangle to the integers in sequence 'color'."""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_setRect(self, irect, color)

    def stride(self):
        r"""stride(self) -> int"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_stride(self)

    def alpha(self):
        r"""alpha(self) -> int"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_alpha(self)

    def colorspace(self):
        r"""colorspace(self) -> Colorspace"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_colorspace(self)

    def irect(self):
        r"""irect(self) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.Pixmap_irect(self)
        val = IRect(val)

        return val


    def size(self):
        r"""size(self) -> int"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_size(self)

    def samples(self):
        r"""samples(self) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Pixmap_samples(self)

    width  = w
    height = h

    def __len__(self):
        return self.size

    def __repr__(self):
        if not type(self) is Pixmap: return
        if self.colorspace:
            return "fitz.Pixmap(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.colorspace.name, self.irect, self.alpha)
            return "fitz.Pixmap(%s, %s, %s)" % ('None', self.irect, self.alpha)

    def __del__(self):
        if not type(self) is Pixmap: return

# Register Pixmap in _fitz:

class Colorspace(object):
    r"""Proxy of C fz_colorspace_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Colorspace

    def __init__(self, type):
        r"""__init__(self, type) -> Colorspace"""
        _fitz.Colorspace_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_Colorspace(type))

    def n(self):
        r"""n(self) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Colorspace_n(self)

    def _name(self):
        r"""_name(self) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Colorspace__name(self)

    def name(self):
        if self.n == 1:
            return csGRAY._name()
        elif self.n == 3:
            return csRGB._name()
        elif self.n == 4:
            return csCMYK._name()
        return self._name()

    def __repr__(self):
        x = ("", "GRAY", "", "RGB", "CMYK")[self.n]
        return "fitz.Colorspace(fitz.CS_%s) - %s" % (x, self.name)

# Register Colorspace in _fitz:

class Device(object):
    r"""Proxy of C DeviceWrapper struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr

    def __init__(self, *args):
        __init__(self, pm, clip) -> Device
        __init__(self, dl) -> Device
        __init__(self, tp, flags=0) -> Device
        _fitz.Device_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_Device(*args))
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Device

# Register Device in _fitz:

class Outline(object):
    r"""Proxy of C fz_outline_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise AttributeError("No constructor defined")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    title = property(_fitz.Outline_title_get, doc=r"""title""")
    page = property(_fitz.Outline_page_get, doc=r"""page""")
    next = property(_fitz.Outline_next_get, doc=r"""next""")
    down = property(_fitz.Outline_down_get, doc=r"""down""")
    is_open = property(_fitz.Outline_is_open_get, doc=r"""is_open""")

    def uri(self):
        r"""uri(self) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.Outline_uri(self)

        if val:
            nval = "".join([c for c in val if 32 <= ord(c) <= 127])
            val = nval
            val = ""

        return val


    def isExternal(self):
        r"""isExternal(self) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Outline_isExternal(self)
    isOpen = is_open

    def dest(self):
        '''outline destination details'''
        return linkDest(self, None)

    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Outline

# Register Outline in _fitz:

class Annot(object):
    r"""Proxy of C pdf_annot_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise AttributeError("No constructor defined")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Annot

    def rect(self):
        r"""Rectangle containing the annot"""

        val = _fitz.Annot_rect(self)
        val = Rect(val)

        return val


    def xref(self):
        r"""xref(self) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Annot_xref(self)

    def _getAP(self):
        r"""Get contents source of a PDF annot"""
        return _fitz.Annot__getAP(self)

    def _setAP(self, ap, rect=0):
        r"""Update contents source of a PDF annot"""
        return _fitz.Annot__setAP(self, ap, rect)

    def setName(self, name):
        r"""Set the (icon) name"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setName(self, name)

    def setRect(self, rect):
        r"""Set the rectangle"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setRect(self, rect)


    def vertices(self):
        r"""Point coordinates for various annot types"""

        return _fitz.Annot_vertices(self)


    def colors(self):
        r"""dictionary of the annot's colors"""

        return _fitz.Annot_colors(self)

    def update(self, fontsize=0, fontname=None, text_color=None, border_color=None, fill_color=None, rotate=-1):
        r"""Update the appearance of an annotation."""

        val = _fitz.Annot_update(self, fontsize, fontname, text_color, border_color, fill_color, rotate)

        The following code fixes shortcomings of MuPDF's "pdf_update_annot"
        function. Currently these are:
        1. Opacity (all annots). MuPDF ignores this proprty. This requires
           to add an ExtGState (extended graphics state) object in the
           C code as well.
        2. Dashing (all annots). MuPDF ignores this proprty.
        3. Colors and font size for FreeText annotations.
        4. Line end icons also for POLYGON and POLY_LINE annotations.
           MuPDF only honors them for LINE annotations.
        5. Always perform a "clean" for the annot, because MuPDF does not
           enclose their syntax in a string pair "q ... Q", which may cause
           Adobe and other readers not to display the annot.

        if not val is True:  # skip if something went wrong
            return val

        def color_string(cs, code):
            """Return valid PDF color operator for a given color sequence.
            if cs is None or cs == "":
                return b""
            if hasattr(cs, "__float__") or len(cs) == 1:
                app = " g\n" if code == "f" else " G\n"
            elif len(cs) == 3:
                app = " rg\n" if code == "f" else " RG\n"
            elif len(cs) == 4:
                app = " k\n" if code == "f" else " K\n"
                return b""

            if hasattr(cs, "__len__"):
                col = " ".join(map(str, cs)) + app
                col = "%g" % cs + app

            return bytes(col, "utf8") if not fitz_py2 else col

        type   = self.type[0]               # get the annot type
        dt     = self.border["dashes"]      # get the dashes spec
        bwidth = self.border["width"]       # get border line width
        stroke = self.colors["stroke"]      # get the stroke color
        fill   = self.colors["fill"]        # get the fill color
        rect   = None                       # used if we change the rect here
        bfill  = color_string(fill, "f")
        p_ctm  = self.parent._getTransformation() # page transformation matrix
        imat   = ~p_ctm                     # inverse page transf. matrix
        if dt:
            dashes = "[" + " ".join(map(str, dt)) + "] d\n"
            dashes = dashes.encode("utf-8")
            dashes = None

        line_end_le, line_end_ri = 0, 0     # line end codes
        if self.lineEnds:
            line_end_le, line_end_ri = self.lineEnds

        ap = self._getAP()  # get the annot operator source
        ap_tab = ap.splitlines()[1:-1]  # temporary remove of 'q ...Q'
        ap = b"\n".join(ap_tab)
        ap_updated = False  # assume we did nothing

        if type == PDF_ANNOT_FREE_TEXT:

        # read and update default appearance as necessary
            update_default_appearance = False
            tcol, fname, fsize = TOOLS._parse_da(self)
            if fname.lower() not in ("helv", "cour", "tiro", "zadb", "symb"):
                fname = "Helv"
                update_default_appearance = True
            if fsize <= 0:
                fsize = 12
                update_default_appearance = True
            if text_color is not None:
                tcol = text_color
                update_default_appearance = True
            if fontname is not None:
                fname = fontname
                update_default_appearance = True
            if fontsize > 0:
                fsize = fontsize
                update_default_appearance = True

            da_str = ""
            if len(tcol) == 3:
                fmt = "{:g} {:g} {:g} rg /{f:s} {s:g} Tf"
            elif len(tcol) == 1:
                fmt = "{:g} g /{f:s} {s:g} Tf"
            elif len(tcol) == 4:
                fmt = "{:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} k /{f:s} {s:g} Tf"
            da_str = fmt.format(*tcol, f=fname, s=fsize)
            TOOLS._update_da(self, da_str)

            if border_color is not None:
                for i, item in enumerate(ap_tab):
                    if not item.endswith(b" w"):
                    idx = i + 2  # step into wrong border color spec
                    ap_tab[i + 2] = color_string(border_color, "s")

            if dashes is not None:  # handle dashes
                ap_tab.insert(0, dashes)
                dashes = None

            ap = b"\n".join(ap_tab)         # updated AP stream
            ap_updated = True

        if bfill != "":
            if type == PDF_ANNOT_POLYGON:
                ap = ap[:-1] + bfill + b"b"  # close, fill, and stroke
                ap_updated = True
            elif type == PDF_ANNOT_POLYLINE:
                ap = ap[:-1] + bfill + b"B"  # fill and stroke
                ap_updated = True

        # Dashes not handled by MuPDF, so we do it here.
        if dashes is not None:
            ap = dashes + ap
        # reset dashing - only applies for LINE annots with line ends given
            ap = ap.replace(b"\nS\n", b"\nS\n[] d\n", 1)
            ap_updated = True

        # Opacity not handled by MuPDF, so we do it here. The /ExtGState object
        # "Alp0" referenced here has already been added by our C code.
        if 0 <= self.opacity < 1:
            ap = b"/Alp0 gs\n" + ap
            ap_updated = True

        # the following handles line end symbols for 'Polygon' and 'Polyline
        if max(line_end_le, line_end_ri) > 0 and type in (PDF_ANNOT_POLYGON, PDF_ANNOT_POLYLINE):

            le_funcs = (None, TOOLS._le_square, TOOLS._le_circle,
                        TOOLS._le_diamond, TOOLS._le_openarrow,
                        TOOLS._le_closedarrow, TOOLS._le_butt,
                        TOOLS._le_ropenarrow, TOOLS._le_rclosedarrow,
            le_funcs_range = range(1, len(le_funcs))
            d = 4 * max(1, self.border["width"])
            rect = self.rect + (-d, -d, d, d)
            ap_updated = True
            points = self.vertices
            ap = b"q\n" + ap + b"\nQ\n"
            if line_end_le in le_funcs_range:
                p1 = Point(points[0]) * imat
                p2 = Point(points[1]) * imat
                left = le_funcs[line_end_le](self, p1, p2, False)
                ap += bytes(left, "utf8") if not fitz_py2 else left
            if line_end_ri in le_funcs_range:
                p1 = Point(points[-2]) * imat
                p2 = Point(points[-1]) * imat
                left = le_funcs[line_end_ri](self, p1, p2, True)
                ap += bytes(left, "utf8") if not fitz_py2 else left

        if ap_updated:
            if rect:                        # rect modified here?
                self._setAP(ap, rect = 1)
                self._setAP(ap, rect = 0)

        # always perform a clean to wrap stream by "q" / "Q"

        return val

    def setColors(self, colors):
        Changes the 'stroke' and 'fill' colors of an annotation. If provided, values must be lists of up to 4 floats.

        return _fitz.Annot_setColors(self, colors)


    def lineEnds(self):
        r"""lineEnds(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_lineEnds(self)

    def setLineEnds(self, start, end):
        r"""setLineEnds(self, start, end)"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setLineEnds(self, start, end)


    def type(self):
        r"""type(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_type(self)


    def opacity(self):
        r"""opacity(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_opacity(self)

    def setOpacity(self, opacity):
        r"""setOpacity(self, opacity)"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setOpacity(self, opacity)

    def fileInfo(self):
        r"""Retrieve attached file information."""

        return _fitz.Annot_fileInfo(self)

    def fileGet(self):
        r"""Retrieve annotation attached file content."""

        return _fitz.Annot_fileGet(self)

    def fileUpd(self, buffer=None, filename=None, ufilename=None, desc=None):
        r"""Update annotation attached file."""


        return _fitz.Annot_fileUpd(self, buffer, filename, ufilename, desc)


    def info(self):
        r"""info(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_info(self)

    def setInfo(self, info):
        r"""setInfo(self, info) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setInfo(self, info)


    def border(self):
        r"""border(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_border(self)

    def setBorder(self, border):
        r"""setBorder(self, border) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setBorder(self, border)


    def flags(self):
        r"""flags(self) -> int"""

        return _fitz.Annot_flags(self)

    def _cleanContents(self):
        r"""_cleanContents(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Annot__cleanContents(self)

    def setFlags(self, flags):
        r"""setFlags(self, flags)"""

        return _fitz.Annot_setFlags(self, flags)


    def next(self):
        r"""next(self) -> Annot"""

        val = _fitz.Annot_next(self)

        if not val:
            return None
        val.thisown = True
        val.parent = self.parent  # copy owning page object from previous annot
        val.parent._annot_refs[id(val)] = val

        if val.type[0] != PDF_ANNOT_WIDGET:
            return val

        widget = Widget()
        TOOLS._fill_widget(val, widget)
        val = widget

        return val

    def getPixmap(self, matrix=None, colorspace=None, alpha=1):
        r"""getPixmap(self, matrix=None, colorspace=None, alpha=1) -> Pixmap"""

        return _fitz.Annot_getPixmap(self, matrix, colorspace, alpha)

    def _erase(self):
        if getattr(self, "thisown", True):
        self.parent = None
        self.thisown = False

    def __str__(self):
        return "'%s' annotation on %s" % (self.type[1], str(self.parent))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "'%s' annotation on %s" % (self.type[1], str(self.parent))

    def __del__(self):

# Register Annot in _fitz:

class Link(object):
    r"""Proxy of C fz_link_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise AttributeError("No constructor defined")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Link

    def _border(self, doc, xref):
        r"""_border(self, doc, xref) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Link__border(self, doc, xref)

    def _setBorder(self, border, doc, xref):
        r"""_setBorder(self, border, doc, xref) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Link__setBorder(self, border, doc, xref)

    def _colors(self, doc, xref):
        r"""_colors(self, doc, xref) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Link__colors(self, doc, xref)

    def _setColors(self, colors, doc, xref):
        r"""_setColors(self, colors, doc, xref) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Link__setColors(self, colors, doc, xref)

    def border(self):
        return self._border(self.parent.parent.this, self.xref)

    def setBorder(self, border):
        return self._setBorder(border, self.parent.parent.this, self.xref)

    def colors(self):
        return self._colors(self.parent.parent.this, self.xref)

    def setColors(self, colors):
        return self._setColors(colors, self.parent.parent.this, self.xref)


    def uri(self):
        r"""uri(self) -> PyObject *"""

        val = _fitz.Link_uri(self)

        if not val:
            val = ""
            nval = "".join([c for c in val if 32 <= ord(c) <= 127])
            val = nval

        return val


    def isExternal(self):
        r"""isExternal(self) -> PyObject *"""

        return _fitz.Link_isExternal(self)

    page = -1
    def dest(self):
        """Create link destination details."""
        if hasattr(self, "parent") and self.parent is None:
            raise ValueError("orphaned object: parent is None")
        if self.parent.parent.isClosed or self.parent.parent.isEncrypted:
            raise ValueError("document closed or encrypted")
        doc = self.parent.parent

        if self.isExternal or self.uri.startswith("#"):
            uri = None
            uri = doc.resolveLink(self.uri)

        return linkDest(self, uri)


    def rect(self):
        r"""rect(self) -> PyObject *"""

        val = _fitz.Link_rect(self)
        val = Rect(val)

        return val


    def next(self):
        r"""next(self) -> Link"""

        val = _fitz.Link_next(self)

        if val:
            val.thisown = True
            val.parent = self.parent  # copy owning page from prev link
            val.parent._annot_refs[id(val)] = val
            if self.xref > 0:  # prev link has an xref
                link_xrefs = self.parent._getLinkXrefs()
                idx = link_xrefs.index(self.xref)
                val.xref = link_xrefs[idx + 1]
                val.xref = 0

        return val

    def _erase(self):
        if getattr(self, "thisown", True):
        self.parent = None
        self.thisown = False

    def __str__(self):
        return "link on " + str(self.parent)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "link on " + str(self.parent)

    def __del__(self):

# Register Link in _fitz:

class DisplayList(object):
    r"""Proxy of C fz_display_list_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_DisplayList

    def __init__(self, mediabox):
        r"""__init__(self, mediabox) -> DisplayList"""
        _fitz.DisplayList_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_DisplayList(mediabox))

    def run(self, dw, m, area):
        r"""run(self, dw, m, area) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.DisplayList_run(self, dw, m, area)

    def rect(self):
        r"""rect(self) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.DisplayList_rect(self)
        val = Rect(val)

        return val

    def getPixmap(self, matrix=None, colorspace=None, alpha=1, clip=None):
        r"""getPixmap(self, matrix=None, colorspace=None, alpha=1, clip=None) -> Pixmap"""
        return _fitz.DisplayList_getPixmap(self, matrix, colorspace, alpha, clip)

    def getTextPage(self, flags=3):
        r"""getTextPage(self, flags=3) -> TextPage"""
        return _fitz.DisplayList_getTextPage(self, flags)

    def __del__(self):
        if not type(self) is DisplayList: return

# Register DisplayList in _fitz:

class TextPage(object):
    r"""Proxy of C fz_stext_page_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr

    def __init__(self, mediabox):
        r"""__init__(self, mediabox) -> TextPage"""
        _fitz.TextPage_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_TextPage(mediabox))
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_TextPage

    def search(self, needle, hit_max=16, quads=0):
        r"""search(self, needle, hit_max=16, quads=0) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.TextPage_search(self, needle, hit_max, quads)

        if len(val) == 0:
            return val
        nval = []
        for v in val:
            q = Quad(v)
            if not quads:
        val = nval

        return val

    def _getBlockList(self, list):
        r"""_getBlockList(self, list) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__getBlockList(self, list)

    def _getImageBlock(self, blockno, list):
        r"""_getImageBlock(self, blockno, list) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__getImageBlock(self, blockno, list)

    def _getLineList(self, blockno, list):
        r"""_getLineList(self, blockno, list) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__getLineList(self, blockno, list)

    def _getCharList(self, blockno, lineno, list):
        r"""_getCharList(self, blockno, lineno, list) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__getCharList(self, blockno, lineno, list)

    def _extractTextBlocks_AsList(self, lines):
        r"""_extractTextBlocks_AsList(self, lines) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__extractTextBlocks_AsList(self, lines)

    def _extractTextWords_AsList(self, lines):
        r"""_extractTextWords_AsList(self, lines) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__extractTextWords_AsList(self, lines)

    def rect(self):
        r"""rect(self) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.TextPage_rect(self)

        val = Rect(val)

        return val

    def _extractText(self, format):
        r"""_extractText(self, format) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.TextPage__extractText(self, format)

    def extractText(self):
        return self._extractText(0)

    def extractHTML(self):
        return self._extractText(1)

    def extractJSON(self):
        import base64, json
        val = _make_textpage_dict(self)

        class b64encode(json.JSONEncoder):
            def default(self,s):
                if not fitz_py2 and type(s) is bytes:
                    return base64.b64encode(s).decode()
                if type(s) is bytearray:
                    if fitz_py2:
                        return base64.b64encode(s)
                        return base64.b64encode(s).decode()

        val = json.dumps(val, separators=(",", ":"), cls=b64encode, indent=1)

        return val

    def extractXML(self):
        return self._extractText(3)

    def extractXHTML(self):
        return self._extractText(4)

    def extractDICT(self):
        return _make_textpage_dict(self)

    def extractRAWDICT(self):
        return _make_textpage_dict(self, raw=True)

    def __del__(self):
        if self.this:
            self.this = None

# Register TextPage in _fitz:

class Graftmap(object):
    r"""Proxy of C pdf_graft_map_s struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Graftmap

    def __init__(self, doc):
        r"""__init__(self, doc) -> Graftmap"""
        _fitz.Graftmap_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_Graftmap(doc))

    def __del__(self):

# Register Graftmap in _fitz:

class Tools(object):
    r"""Proxy of C Tools struct."""

    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr

    def gen_id(self):
        r"""Return a unique positive integer."""
        return _fitz.Tools_gen_id(self)

    def store_shrink(self, percent):
        r"""Free 'percent' of current store size."""
        return _fitz.Tools_store_shrink(self, percent)

    def image_profile(self, stream, keep_image=0):
        r"""Determine dimension and other image data."""
        return _fitz.Tools_image_profile(self, stream, keep_image)

    def store_size(self):
        r"""Current store size."""
        return _fitz.Tools_store_size(self)

    def store_maxsize(self):
        r"""Maximum store size."""
        return _fitz.Tools_store_maxsize(self)

    def fitz_config(self):
        r"""Show configuration data."""
        return _fitz.Tools_fitz_config(self)

    def glyph_cache_empty(self):
        r"""Empty the glyph cache."""
        return _fitz.Tools_glyph_cache_empty(self)

    def _fill_widget(self, annot, widget):
        r"""_fill_widget(self, annot, widget) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.Tools__fill_widget(self, annot, widget)

        widget.rect = Rect(annot.rect)
        widget.xref = annot.xref
        widget.parent = annot.parent
        widget._annot = annot  # backpointer to annot object

        return val

    def _save_widget(self, annot, widget):
        r"""_save_widget(self, annot, widget) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Tools__save_widget(self, annot, widget)

    def _parse_da(self, annot):
        r"""_parse_da(self, annot) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.Tools__parse_da(self, annot)

        if not val or val == "":
            retun ((0,), "", 0)
        font = "Helv"
        fsize = 12
        col = (0, 0, 0)
        dat = val.split()  # split on any whitespace
        for i, item in enumerate(dat):
            if item == "Tf":
                font = dat[i - 2][1:]
                fsize = float(dat[i - 1])
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = dat[i-2] = ""
            if item == "g":            # unicolor text
                col = [(float(dat[i - 1]))]
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = ""
            if item == "rg":           # RGB colored text
                col = [float(f) for f in dat[i - 3:i]]
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = dat[i-2] = dat[i-3] = ""
            if item == "k":           # CMYK colored text
                col = [float(f) for f in dat[i - 4:i]]
                dat[i] = dat[i-1] = dat[i-2] = dat[i-3] = dat[i-4] = ""

        val = (col, font, fsize)

        return val

    def _update_da(self, annot, da_str):
        r"""_update_da(self, annot, da_str) -> PyObject *"""
        return _fitz.Tools__update_da(self, annot, da_str)

    def _insert_contents(self, page, newcont, overlay=1):
        r"""Make a new /Contents object for a page from bytes, and return its xref."""
        return _fitz.Tools__insert_contents(self, page, newcont, overlay)

    def mupdf_version(self):
        r"""Return compiled MuPDF version."""
        return _fitz.Tools_mupdf_version(self)

    def mupdf_warnings(self):
        r"""mupdf_warnings(self) -> PyObject *"""
        val = _fitz.Tools_mupdf_warnings(self)
        val = "\n".join(val)

        return val

    def reset_mupdf_warnings(self):
        r"""Reset MuPDF warnings."""
        return _fitz.Tools_reset_mupdf_warnings(self)

    def _transform_rect(self, rect, matrix):
        r"""Transform rectangle with matrix."""
        return _fitz.Tools__transform_rect(self, rect, matrix)

    def _intersect_rect(self, r1, r2):
        r"""Intersect two rectangles."""
        return _fitz.Tools__intersect_rect(self, r1, r2)

    def _include_point_in_rect(self, r, p):
        r"""Include point in a rect."""
        return _fitz.Tools__include_point_in_rect(self, r, p)

    def _transform_point(self, point, matrix):
        r"""Transform point with matrix."""
        return _fitz.Tools__transform_point(self, point, matrix)

    def _union_rect(self, r1, r2):
        r"""Replace r1 with smallest rect containing both."""
        return _fitz.Tools__union_rect(self, r1, r2)

    def _concat_matrix(self, m1, m2):
        r"""Concatenate matrices m1, m2."""
        return _fitz.Tools__concat_matrix(self, m1, m2)

    def _invert_matrix(self, matrix):
        r"""Invert a matrix."""
        return _fitz.Tools__invert_matrix(self, matrix)

    def measure_string(self, text, fontname, fontsize, encoding=0):
        r"""Measure length of a string for a Base14 font."""
        return _fitz.Tools_measure_string(self, text, fontname, fontsize, encoding)

    def _hor_matrix(self, C, P):
        """Make a line horizontal.

            C, P: points defining a line.
            Given two points C, P calculate matrix that rotates and translates the
            vector C -> P such that C is mapped to Point(0, 0), and P to some point
            on the x axis maintaining the distance between the points.
            If C == P, the null matrix will result.
            Matrix m such that C * m = (0, 0) and (P * m).y = 0.

        S = (P - C).unit  # unit vector C -> P
        return Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -C.x, -C.y) * Matrix(S.x, -S.y, S.y, S.x, 0, 0)

    def _angle_between(self, C, P, Q):
        """Compute the angle between two lines.

            C, P, Q: points defining two lines which cross in P.
            Compute sine and cosine of the angle between two lines crossing in
            point P.
            (cos(alfa), sin(alfa)) of the angle alfa between the lines.
        m = self._hor_matrix(P, Q)
        return (C * m).unit

    def _le_annot_parms(self, annot, p1, p2):
        """Get common parameters for making line end symbols.
        w = annot.border["width"]          # line width
        sc = annot.colors["stroke"]        # stroke color
        if not sc: sc = (0,0,0)
        scol = " ".join(map(str, sc)) + " RG\n"
        fc = annot.colors["fill"]          # fill color
        if not fc: fc = (0,0,0)
        fcol = " ".join(map(str, fc)) + " rg\n"
        nr = annot.rect
        np1 = p1                   # point coord relative to annot rect
        np2 = p2                   # point coord relative to annot rect
        m = self._hor_matrix(np1, np2)  # matrix makes the line horizontal
        im = ~m                            # inverted matrix
        L = np1 * m                        # converted start (left) point
        R = np2 * m                        # converted end (right) point
        if 0 <= annot.opacity < 1:
            opacity = "/Alp0 gs\n"
            opacity = ""
        return m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity

    def _oval_string(self, p1, p2, p3, p4):
        """Return /AP string defining an oval within a 4-polygon provided as points
        def bezier(p, q, r):
            f = "%f %f %f %f %f %f c\n"
            return f % (p.x, p.y, q.x, q.y, r.x, r.y)

        kappa = 0.55228474983              # magic number
        ml = p1 + (p4 - p1) * 0.5          # middle points ...
        mo = p1 + (p2 - p1) * 0.5          # for each ...
        mr = p2 + (p3 - p2) * 0.5          # polygon ...
        mu = p4 + (p3 - p4) * 0.5          # side
        ol1 = ml + (p1 - ml) * kappa       # the 8 bezier
        ol2 = mo + (p1 - mo) * kappa       # helper points
        or1 = mo + (p2 - mo) * kappa
        or2 = mr + (p2 - mr) * kappa
        ur1 = mr + (p3 - mr) * kappa
        ur2 = mu + (p3 - mu) * kappa
        ul1 = mu + (p4 - mu) * kappa
        ul2 = ml + (p4 - ml) * kappa
    # now draw, starting from middle point of left side
        ap = "%f %f m\n" % (ml.x, ml.y)
        ap += bezier(ol1, ol2, mo)
        ap += bezier(or1, or2, mr)
        ap += bezier(ur1, ur2, mu)
        ap += bezier(ul1, ul2, ml)
        return ap

    def _le_diamond(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for diamond line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5             # 2*shift*width = length of square edge
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        M = R - (d/2., 0) if lr else L + (d/2., 0)
        r = Rect(M, M) + (-d, -d, d, d)         # the square
    # the square makes line longer by (2*shift - 1)*width
        p = (r.tl + (r.bl - r.tl) * 0.5) * im
        ap = "q\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, p.x, p.y)
        p = (r.tl + (r.tr - r.tl) * 0.5) * im
        ap += "%f %f l\n"   % (p.x, p.y)
        p = (r.tr + (r.br - r.tr) * 0.5) * im
        ap += "%f %f l\n"   % (p.x, p.y)
        p = (r.br + (r.bl - r.br) * 0.5) * im
        ap += "%f %f l\n"   % (p.x, p.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + fcol + "b\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_square(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for square line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5             # 2*shift*width = length of square edge
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        M = R - (d/2., 0) if lr else L + (d/2., 0)
        r = Rect(M, M) + (-d, -d, d, d)         # the square
    # the square makes line longer by (2*shift - 1)*width
        p = r.tl * im
        ap = "q\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, p.x, p.y)
        p = r.tr * im
        ap += "%f %f l\n"   % (p.x, p.y)
        p = r.br * im
        ap += "%f %f l\n"   % (p.x, p.y)
        p = r.bl * im
        ap += "%f %f l\n"   % (p.x, p.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + fcol + "b\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_circle(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for circle line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5             # 2*shift*width = length of square edge
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        M = R - (d/2., 0) if lr else L + (d/2., 0)
        r = Rect(M, M) + (-d, -d, d, d)         # the square
        ap = "q\n" + opacity + self._oval_string(r.tl * im, r.tr * im, r.br * im, r.bl * im)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + fcol + "b\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_butt(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for butt line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 3
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        M = R if lr else L
        top = (M + (0, -d/2.)) * im
        bot = (M + (0, d/2.)) * im
        ap = "\nq\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, top.x, top.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (bot.x, bot.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + "s\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_slash(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for slash line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        rw = 1.1547 * max(1, w) * 1.0         # makes rect diagonal a 30 deg inclination
        M = R if lr else L
        r = Rect(M.x - rw, M.y - 2 * w, M.x + rw, M.y + 2 * w)
        top = r.tl * im
        bot = r.br * im
        ap = "\nq\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, top.x, top.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (bot.x, bot.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + "s\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_openarrow(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for open arrow line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        p2 = R + (d/2., 0) if lr else L - (d/2., 0)
        p1 = p2 + (-2*d, -d) if lr else p2 + (2*d, -d)
        p3 = p2 + (-2*d, d) if lr else p2 + (2*d, d)
        p1 *= im
        p2 *= im
        p3 *= im
        ap = "\nq\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, p1.x, p1.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p2.x, p2.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p3.x, p3.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + "S\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_closedarrow(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for closed arrow line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        p2 = R + (d/2., 0) if lr else L - (d/2., 0)
        p1 = p2 + (-2*d, -d) if lr else p2 + (2*d, -d)
        p3 = p2 + (-2*d, d) if lr else p2 + (2*d, d)
        p1 *= im
        p2 *= im
        p3 *= im
        ap = "\nq\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, p1.x, p1.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p2.x, p2.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p3.x, p3.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + fcol + "b\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_ropenarrow(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for right open arrow line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        p2 = R - (d/3., 0) if lr else L + (d/3., 0)
        p1 = p2 + (2*d, -d) if lr else p2 + (-2*d, -d)
        p3 = p2 + (2*d, d) if lr else p2 + (-2*d, d)
        p1 *= im
        p2 *= im
        p3 *= im
        ap = "\nq\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, p1.x, p1.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p2.x, p2.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p3.x, p3.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + fcol + "S\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def _le_rclosedarrow(self, annot, p1, p2, lr):
        """Make stream commands for right closed arrow line end symbol. "lr" denotes left (False) or right point.
        m, im, L, R, w, scol, fcol, opacity = self._le_annot_parms(annot, p1, p2)
        shift = 2.5
        d = shift * max(1, w)
        p2 = R - (2*d, 0) if lr else L + (2*d, 0)
        p1 = p2 + (2*d, -d) if lr else p2 + (-2*d, -d)
        p3 = p2 + (2*d, d) if lr else p2 + (-2*d, d)
        p1 *= im
        p2 *= im
        p3 *= im
        ap = "\nq\n%s%f %f m\n" % (opacity, p1.x, p1.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p2.x, p2.y)
        ap += "%f %f l\n" % (p3.x, p3.y)
        ap += "%g w\n" % w
        ap += scol + fcol + "b\nQ\n"
        return ap

    def __init__(self):
        r"""__init__(self) -> Tools"""
        _fitz.Tools_swiginit(self, _fitz.new_Tools())
    __swig_destroy__ = _fitz.delete_Tools

# Register Tools in _fitz: