# 2. Функции StopSafe How to use StopSafe on the robot side ``` from pyOpenRPA.Tools import StopSafe StopSafe.Init(inLogger=None) StopSafe.IsSafeStop() # True - WM_CLOSE SIGNAL has come. taskkill /im someprocess.exe ``` # How to use # from pyOpenRPA.Tools import StopSafe # StopSafe.Init(inLogger=None) # StopSafe.IsSafeStop() # True - WM_CLOSE SIGNAL has come. taskkill /im someprocess.exe **Functions:** | `Init`([inLogger]) | Init the StopSafe module. | | `IsStopSafe`() | Check if stop signal has come. | ### pyOpenRPA.Tools.StopSafe.Init(inLogger=None) Init the StopSafe module. After that you can use def IsStopSafe() to check if close signal has come. * **Параметры** **inLogger** – Logger to log messages about StopSafe * **Результат** ### pyOpenRPA.Tools.StopSafe.IsStopSafe() Check if stop signal has come. * **Результат** **Functions:** | `LiveDebugCheckThread`(\*\*inKWARGS) | Create thread to wait file appear «init_debug» in the working directory. | ### pyOpenRPA.Tools.Debugger.LiveDebugCheckThread(\*\*inKWARGS) Create thread to wait file appear «init_debug» in the working directory. .. v1.2.14 replace:: v1.2.14