{# TODO: wrap all these in their own divs for easier styling #} {% if theme_donate_url or theme_opencollective or theme_tidelift_url %} <h3 class="donation">Donate/support</h3> {% endif %} {% if theme_donate_url %} <p> <a class="badge" href="{{ theme_donate_url }}"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-%E2%9D%A4%C2%A0-ff69b4.svg?style=flat" alt="Donate"> </a> </p> {% endif %} {% if theme_opencollective %} <p> <a class="badge" href="https://opencollective.com/{{ theme_opencollective }}/donate" target="_blank"> <img src="https://opencollective.com/{{ theme_opencollective }}/donate/button.png?color={{ theme_opencollective_button_color }}" width=300 /> </a> </p> {% endif %} {% if theme_tidelift_url %} <p> Professionally-supported {{ project }} is available with the <a href="{{ theme_tidelift_url }}">Tidelift Subscription</a>. </p> {% endif %}