# 5. Clipboard

Here you can find the functions description for interaction with desktop GUI applications

How to use both x32 and x64 python processes (it can be helpfully, if another app GUI is on another bitness than your app)

from pyOpenRPA.Robot import UIDesktop
#Section for robot init
lPyOpenRPA_SettingsDict = {
        "Python32FullPath": "..\\Resources\\WPy32-3720\\python-3.7.2\\python.exe", #Set from user: "..\\Resources\\WPy32-3720\\python-3.7.2\\OpenRPARobotGUIx32.exe"
        "Python64FullPath": "..\\Resources\\WPy64-3720\\python-3.7.2.amd64\\python.exe", #Set from user
        "Python32ProcessName": "pyOpenRPA_UIDesktopX32.exe", #Config set once
        "Python64ProcessName": "pyOpenRPA_UIDesktopX64.exe" #Config set once
# Init the pyOpenRPA configuration
# Now you can use pyOpenRPA with both bitness.


| `Get_OSBitnessInt`()

 | Detect OS bitness.

| `PWASpecification_Get_PWAApplication`(…)

            | #Backend selection - attribute «backend» («win32» || «uia») in 1-st list element

| `PWASpecification_Get_UIO`(…)

                       | #Backend def selection - attribute «backend» («win32» || «uia») in 1-st list element #old name - GetControl

| `UIOSelectorSecs_WaitAppear_Bool`(…)

                | Wait for UI object will appear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

| `UIOSelectorSecs_WaitDisappear_Bool`(…)

             | Wait for UI object will disappear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

| `UIOSelectorUIOActivity_Run_Dict`(…[, …])

           | Run the activity in UIO (UI Object)

| `UIOSelector_Exist_Bool`(inUIOSelector)

             | Check if object is exist by the UIO selector.

| `UIOSelector_FocusHighlight`(inUIOSelector)

         | Set focus and highlight (draw outline) the element (in app) by the UIO selector.

| `UIOSelector_GetChildList_UIOList`([…])

             | Get list of child UIO’s by the parent UIOSelector

| `UIOSelector_Get_BitnessInt`(inSpecificationList)

   | Detect process bitness by the UI Object UIO Selector.

| `UIOSelector_Get_BitnessStr`(inSpecificationList)

   | Detect process bitness by the UI Object UIO Selector.

| `UIOSelector_Get_UIO`(inSpecificationList[, …])

     | Get the pywinauto object by the UIO selector.

| `UIOSelector_Get_UIOActivityList`(inUIOSelector)

    | Get the list of the UI object activities

| `UIOSelector_Get_UIOInfo`(inUIOSelector)

            | Get the UIO dict of the attributes

| `UIOSelector_Get_UIOList`(inSpecificationList)

      | Get the UIO list by the selector

| `UIOSelector_Highlight`(inUIOSelector)

              | Highlight (draw outline) the element (in app) by the UIO selector.

| `UIOSelector_SafeOtherGet_Process`(inUIOSelector)

   | Safe get other process or None if destination app is the other/same bitness

| `UIOSelector_SearchChildByMouse_UIO`(…)

             | UIOSelector (see description on the top of the document) #old name - AutomationSearchMouseElement

| `UIOSelector_SearchChildByMouse_UIOTree`(…)

         | !!!!Safe call is included (you can set activity and UIDesktop will choose the bitness and return the result)!!!!!

| `UIOSelector_TryRestore_Dict`(inSpecificationList)

  | Try to restore (maximize) window, if it’s minimized.

| `UIOSelectorsSecs_WaitAppear_List`(…[, …])

          | Wait for many UI object will appear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

| `UIOSelectorsSecs_WaitDisappear_List`(…[, …])

       | Wait for many UI object will disappear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.Get_OSBitnessInt()
Detect OS bitness.

* **Результат**

    int 32 or int 64

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.PWASpecification_Get_PWAApplication(inControlSpecificationArray)
#Backend selection - attribute «backend» («win32» || «uia») in 1-st list element

* **Параметры**

    **inControlSpecificationArray** – List of dict, dict in pywinauto.find_windows notation

* **Результат**

    process application object

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.PWASpecification_Get_UIO(inControlSpecificationArray)
#Backend def selection - attribute «backend» («win32» || «uia») in 1-st list element
#old name - GetControl

* **Параметры**

    **inControlSpecificationArray** – List of dict, dict in pywinauto.find_windows notation

* **Результат**

    list of UIO object

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelectorSecs_WaitAppear_Bool(inSpecificationList, inWaitSecs)
Wait for UI object will appear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

* **Параметры**

    * **inSpecificationList** – UIOSelector. Example: [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»OK»}]

    * **inWaitSecs** – Float value (seconds) for wait UI element appear in GUI

* **Результат**

    True - UI object will appear. False - else case

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelectorSecs_WaitDisappear_Bool(inSpecificationList, inWaitSecs)
Wait for UI object will disappear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

* **Параметры**

    * **inSpecificationList** – UIOSelector.
    Example: [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»OK»}]

    * **inWaitSecs** – Float value (seconds) for wait UI element disappear in GUI

* **Результат**

    True - UI object will disappear. False - else case

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelectorUIOActivity_Run_Dict(inUIOSelector, inActionName, inArgumentList=None, inkwArgumentObject=None)
Run the activity in UIO (UI Object)

* **Параметры**

    * **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

    * **inActionName** – UIOActivity (name) activity name string from Pywinauto

    * **inArgumentList** – 

    * **inkwArgumentObject** – 

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Exist_Bool(inUIOSelector)
Check if object is exist by the UIO selector.

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – 

* **Результат**

    True - Object is exist. False - else case

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_FocusHighlight(inUIOSelector)
Set focus and highlight (draw outline) the element (in app) by the UIO selector.

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_GetChildList_UIOList(inUIOSelector=None, inBackend='win32')
Get list of child UIO’s by the parent UIOSelector

* **Параметры**

    * **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

    * **inBackend** – «win32» or «uia»

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_BitnessInt(inSpecificationList)
Detect process bitness by the UI Object UIO Selector.

* **Параметры**

    **inSpecificationList** – UIOSelector. Example: [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»OK»}]

* **Результат**

    int 32 or int 64

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_BitnessStr(inSpecificationList)
Detect process bitness by the UI Object UIO Selector.

* **Параметры**

    **inSpecificationList** – UIOSelector. Example: [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»OK»}]

* **Результат**

    str «32» or str «64»

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_UIO(inSpecificationList, inElement=None, inFlagRaiseException=True)
Get the pywinauto object by the UIO selector.

* **Параметры**

    * **inSpecificationList** – 

    * **inElement** – 

    * **inFlagRaiseException** – 

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_UIOActivityList(inUIOSelector)
Get the list of the UI object activities

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_UIOInfo(inUIOSelector)
Get the UIO dict of the attributes

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_UIOList(inSpecificationList, inElement=None, inFlagRaiseException=True)
Get the UIO list by the selector

* **Параметры**

    * **inSpecificationList** – UIO Selector

    * **inElement** – Входной элемент - показатель, что не требуется выполнять коннект к процессу

    * **inFlagRaiseException** – Флаг True - выкинуть ошибку в случае обнаружении пустого списка

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Highlight(inUIOSelector)
Highlight (draw outline) the element (in app) by the UIO selector.

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_SafeOtherGet_Process(inUIOSelector)
Safe get other process or None if destination app is the other/same bitness

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – UIO Selector of the UI object

* **Результат**

    None or process (of the other bitness)

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_SearchChildByMouse_UIO(inElementSpecification)
UIOSelector (see description on the top of the document)
#old name - AutomationSearchMouseElement

* **Параметры**

    **inElementSpecification** – UIOSelector of the UI Object

* **Результат**

    pywinauto element wrapper instance or None

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_SearchChildByMouse_UIOTree(inUIOSelector)
!!!!Safe call is included (you can set activity and UIDesktop will choose the bitness and return the result)!!!!!

* **Параметры**

    **inUIOSelector** – UIOSelector of the UI Object

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelector_TryRestore_Dict(inSpecificationList)
Try to restore (maximize) window, if it’s minimized. (!IMPORTANT! When use UIA framework minimized windows doesn’t appear by the UIOSelector. You need to try restore windows and after that try to get UIO)

* **Параметры**

    **inSpecificationList** – UIOSelector - List of items, which contains condition attributes

* **Результат**


### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelectorsSecs_WaitAppear_List(inSpecificationListList, inWaitSecs, inFlagWaitAllInMoment=False)
Wait for many UI object will appear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

* **Параметры**

    * **inSpecificationListList** – UIOSelector list.
    Example: [

    > [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»OK»}],
    > [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»Cancel»}]


    * **inWaitSecs** – Float value (seconds) for wait UI element appear in GUI

    * **inFlagWaitAllInMoment** – True - Wait all UI objects from the UIOSelector list to be appeared

* **Результат**

    List of index, which UI object UIO will be appeared. Example: [1] # Appear only UI object with UIO selector: [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»Cancel»}]

### pyOpenRPA.Robot.UIDesktop.UIOSelectorsSecs_WaitDisappear_List(inSpecificationListList, inWaitSecs, inFlagWaitAllInMoment=False)
Wait for many UI object will disappear in GUI for inWaitSecs seconds.

* **Параметры**

    * **inSpecificationListList** – UIOSelector list.
    Example: [

    > [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»OK»}],
    > [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»Cancel»}]


    * **inWaitSecs** – Float value (seconds) for wait UI element disappear in GUI

    * **inFlagWaitAllInMoment** – True - Wait all UI objects from the UIOSelector list to be disappeared.

* **Результат**

    List of index, which UI object UIO will be disappeared. Example: [1] # Disappear only UI object with UIO selector: [{«title»:»notepad»},{«title»:»Cancel»}]

* **Результат**


## References


		.. v1.2.12 replace:: v1.2.12


 replace:: Ivan Maslov <[ivan.maslov@unicodelabs.ru](mailto:ivan.maslov@unicodelabs.ru)>