import psutil, datetime, logging, os, json ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # GLOBAL PARAMETERS gBuildFolderPathStr = '\\'.join(__file__.split('\\')[:-1]) gRobotRepositoryPathStr = os.popen(f'cd {gBuildFolderPathStr} && git rev-parse --show-toplevel').read().replace("\n",'').replace('/','\\') # needed for cmd and git pull gRobotStartFilePathStr = os.path.join(gBuildFolderPathStr,r"pyRobotName_x64_Run.cmd") # path\to\start\file gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr = "pyRobotName" # RobotProcessName gRobotADLoginStr = "AD LOGIN" # Login of the robot rdp session gRobotADPasswordStr = "AD PASSWORD" # Password for rdp session gRobotKeyStr = "pyRobotName" # Key for store OrchestratorConnector key-value (Orchstrator gSettings["Storage"][gRobotKeyStr]) gRDPSessionKeyStr = "pyRobotName" gRDPSessionHostStr = "localhost" # Rdp session host gRDPSessionPortStr = "3389" # Default RDP port is 3389 gControlPanelKeyStr = "pyRobotName" # Str key for RDP session key gControlPanelCheckRobotProcessFromOrchestratorUserBool = True # Check process activity from orchestrator GUI session (with help of task manager, when users on the same machine) # !! ATTENTION !! SCHEDULE TIME START STOP FILL BELOW IN ACTIVITY SECTION gRobotToOrchestratorKeyList = ["Storage",gRobotKeyStr,"RobotToOrchestrator"] gOrchestratorToRobotResetKeyList = ["Storage",gRobotKeyStr,"OrchestratorToRobotReset"] gOrchestratorToRobotResetSafeStopKeyList = gOrchestratorToRobotResetKeyList+["TurnOffSafeBool"] # # # # # # BUSINESS USER AD LOGIN # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # gADLoginList = [ "ADLOGIN_1", "ADLOGIN_2", "ADLOGIN_3", "ADLOGIN_4" ] gADDomainNameStr = "MY-PC" # DOMAIN or EMPTY str if no domain gADDomainIsDefaultBool = True # If domain is exist and is default (default = you can type login without domain name) ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # ACTIVITY TEMPLATE START RDP & SEND CMD gActivityROBOTStartTimeHH_MMStr = "01:01" # Time "HH:MM" [Server time] to execute activity, example "05:10" gActivityROBOTStartWeekdayList = [0,1,2,3,4] # WeekdayList when atcivity is starting, default [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] gActivityROBOTStartList = [ { # Start RDP Session "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionConnect", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr, "inHostStr": gRDPSessionHostStr, "inPortStr": gRDPSessionPortStr, "inLoginStr": gRobotADLoginStr, "inPasswordStr": gRobotADPasswordStr} # Args dictionary }, { # Run robot file in RDP session "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionProcessStartIfNotRunning", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr, "inProcessNameWEXEStr": f"{gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr}.exe", "inFilePathStr": gRobotStartFilePathStr, "inFlagGetAbsPathBool": False} # Args dictionary } ] ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # ACTIVITY TEMPLATE SAFE STOP (SIGNAL TO ROBOT TO STOP VIA ORCHESTRATOR CONNECTOR) gActivityROBOTSafeStopTimeHH_MMStr = "23:40" # Time "HH:MM" [Server time] to execute activity, example "05:10" gActivityROBOTSafeStopWeekdayList = [0,1,2,3,4] # WeekdayList when atcivity is starting, default [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] gActivityROBOTSafeStopList = [ { "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueSet", "KeyList": gOrchestratorToRobotResetSafeStopKeyList, "Value": True }, #{ # "Type": "ProcessStop", # Activity type # "Name": f"{gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr}.exe", # proces name with .exe # "FlagForce": False, # Safe kill # "User": gRobotADLoginStr #Empty, user or %username% #}, { "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueOperator+", # Activity type "KeyList": ['RobotRDPActive', 'ActivityList'], # RobotRDP Active ActivityList "Value": [ # ActivityList - see upper { # Kill process "DefNameStr": "RDPSessionMonitorStop", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList": [], # Args list "ArgDict": {"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr} # Args dictionary } ] } ] ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # ACTIVITY TEMPLATE FORCE STOP (SEND CMD TO STOP PROCESS & LOGOFF THE SESSION) gActivityROBOTStopList = [ { # Kill process "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionProcessStop", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr, "inProcessNameWEXEStr":f"{gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr}.exe","inFlagForceCloseBool": True} # Args dictionary }, { # Logoff RDP Session "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionLogoff", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr} # Args dictionary } ] ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # CONTROL PANEL RENDER FOR HTML def ControlPanelRenderDict(inRequest, inGSettings): # window.prompt("Укажите дату лога в формате дд.мм.гггг",null) lUAC = inRequest.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleAccessAsk"] # Alias for request user role ask """result={ "HeaderLeftText":"", "HeaderRightText":"
", "DataStorageKey":"Robot_Name", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side "SubheaderText": "State: Turned on", "BodyKeyValueList":[ {"Key":"Session list","Value":""}, {"Key":"Session list","Value":""} ], "FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019", "FooterButtonX2List":[ {"Text":"Turn on", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickRunButton.replace("\\","\\\\")}, ], "FooterButtonX1List":[ {"Text":"Kill", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickForceCloseButton.replace("\\","\\\\")} ] }""" # START :: Create activities :: START # ## Robot START (create RDP session, send CMD to start process) lActivityROBOTStartEscaped = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerOperatorPlus({json.dumps(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'])},{json.dumps(gActivityROBOTStartList)});".replace("\"","\'") ## Robot SAFE STOP (SAFE STOP COMMAND (FROM ROBOT RULES), Logoff must do robot when safe turn off) lActivityROBOTSafeStopEscaped = f"mGlobal.Processor.Send({json.dumps(gActivityROBOTSafeStopList)});" ## Robot FORCE STOP (send CMD to stop process, logoff) lActivityROBOTStopEscaped = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerOperatorPlus({json.dumps(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'])},{json.dumps(gActivityROBOTStopList)});".replace("\"","\'") ## REPOSITORY GIT PULL (send CMD to git pull) gRobotRepositoryPathEscapedStr = gRobotRepositoryPathStr.replace("\\","\\\\") lActivityRepositoryGITPULL = f'mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText(\"cd \\\"{gRobotRepositoryPathEscapedStr}\\\" && git reset --hard && git pull\");'.replace("\"",""") lActivityRepositoryGITPULLHTML=f'Update GIT' # Activity download report ReportFileDocList lActivityReportDownloadHTML=f'Download' # Activity download report ReportPTSList lActivityReportListDownloadHTML=f'Download' # END :: Create activities :: END # # START :: Init result dict template :: START # # lBodyKeyValue_r3_start=f'Start' lStatistics = TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict = inGSettings, inKeyList = gRobotToOrchestratorKeyList+["Statistics"], inDefault={}) lResultDict={ "HeaderLeftText":"Robot description", "HeaderRightText":"Robot", "DataStorageKey":gControlPanelKeyStr, # CLIENT SIDE:: Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side "SubheaderText":"", "BodyKeyValueList":[ {"Key":"Reports","Value":""} ], "FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019", "FooterButtonX2List":[], "FooterButtonX1List":[], # "GlobalStorage": inGSettings.get("Storage",{}) # UNCOMMENT FOR DEBUG PURPOSE TO WATCH inGSettings on client side } # Start button if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Technical","Start"]): lResultDict["FooterButtonX2List"].append({"Text":"On", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityROBOTStartEscaped}) # Stop safe button if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Technical","StopSafe"]): lResultDict["FooterButtonX2List"].append({"Text":"Off", "Color":"orange", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityROBOTSafeStopEscaped}) # Stop force button if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Technical","StopForce"]): lResultDict["FooterButtonX1List"].append({"Text":"Force ", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityROBOTStopEscaped}) # END :: Init result dict template :: END # # START :: Fill BodyKeyValueList :: START # # Download report button ReportFileDocList.xlsx if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Business","ReportFileDocListDownload"]): lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"].append({"Key":"Report 1","Value":lActivityReportDownloadHTML}) # Download report button ReportList.xlsx if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Business","ReportListDownload"]): lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"].append({"Key":"Report 2","Value":lActivityReportListDownloadHTML}) # Add Addendum title if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Technical"]): lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"].append({"Key":"Additional","Value":""}) # Download log file lActivityLogDownloadOnclickStr = """var MyDate = new Date();var MyDateString;MyDateString = MyDate.getFullYear() + "_" + ('0' + (MyDate.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "_" + ('0' + MyDate.getDate()).slice(-2); var lLogFileNameWOExtStr = window.prompt("Please enter the date in format yyyy_mm_dd (example 2020_06_16)",MyDateString);'pyRobotName/Logs/'+lLogFileNameWOExtStr+'.log','_blank');""".replace("\"",""") lActivityDayLogDownloadHTML = f'Download' if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Technical","DayLogDownload"]): lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"].append({"Key":"Log on date","Value":lActivityDayLogDownloadHTML}) # update git button button if lUAC([gRobotKeyStr,"Technical","GITUpdate"]): lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"].append({"Key": "GIT Repository", "Value": lActivityRepositoryGITPULLHTML}) # END :: Fill BodyKeyValueList :: END # # START :: Fill SubheaderText :: START # ## FILL Robot state by the check the RDP session state lSubheaderRunTrueText="State: Turned on" lSubheaderRunFalseText="State: Turned off" if gControlPanelCheckRobotProcessFromOrchestratorUserBool and gRDPSessionKeyStr in inGSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"]: lResultDict["SubheaderText"]=lSubheaderRunTrueText else: lResultDict["SubheaderText"]=lSubheaderRunFalseText # END :: Fill SubheaderText :: END # # Fill FooterText lResultDict["FooterText"]=f'Last update: {"%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y")}' return lResultDict # Technical def - Get item by the list of keys def TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict, inKeyList, inDefault={}): lResult=inDict for lItem in inKeyList: if lResult: lResult = lResult.get(lItem,None) if lResult is None: lResult=inDefault return lResult # Orchestrator - pyRobot business user-role access # Role model - if len of keys in dict is 0 - all access. If at least len is 1 - only this access # "pyRobot":{ # "Business": { # "Report": { # "ReportFileDocListDownload": {}, # Download a report # "ReportListDownload": {}, # Download a report # "DayLogDownload": {}, # Download a report # }, # }, # "Technical": { # Technical functions - for developers # "GITUpdate": {}, # Action to update git repository # "Start": {}, # Action for start robot # "StopForce": {}, # Action for the stop force # "StopSafe": {} # Actions for the safe stop # } # } # } # USAGE in .py # inRequest.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleAccessAsk"](["Orchestrator","RDPActive","Controls"]) - return True or False # inRequest.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleHierarchyGet"]() - Return dict of the role hierarchy or {} gRuleDomainUserDict = { "MethodMatchURLBeforeList": [ {"Method": "GET", "MatchType": "Beginwith", "URL": "/", "FlagAccess": True}, {"Method": "POST", "MatchType": "Beginwith", "URL": "/", "FlagAccess": True} ], "ControlPanelKeyAllowedList": [gControlPanelKeyStr], # If empty - all is allowed ["RobotScreenActive", ""] "RoleHierarchyAllowedDict": { gRobotKeyStr:{ "Business": { "ReportFileDocListDownload": {}, # Download a report "ReportListDownload": {}, # Download a report }, "Technical": { # Technical functions - for developers "DayLogDownload": {}, # Download a report # "GITUpdate": {}, # Action to update git repository # "Start": {}, # Action for start robot # "StopForce": {}, # Action for the stop force # "StopSafe": {} # Actions for the safe stop } } } } #Orchestrator settings update def SettingsUpdate(inGSettings): # Add user roles for lUserNameStr in gADLoginList: # Case add domain + user inGSettings["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"].update({(gADDomainNameStr.upper(),lUserNameStr.upper()):gRuleDomainUserDict}) if gADDomainIsDefaultBool: # Case add default domain + user inGSettings["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"].update({("",lUserNameStr.upper()):gRuleDomainUserDict}) #Add RobotRDPActive in control panel inGSettings["ControlPanelDict"]["RobotList"].append({"RenderFunction": ControlPanelRenderDict, "KeyStr": gControlPanelKeyStr}) # Add folder to server to download files lReportFolderItem = { "Method": "GET", "URL": f"/{gRobotKeyStr}/Reports/", # URL of the request "MatchType": "BeginWith", # "BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase", # "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(gBuildFolderPathStr, "Reports"), # Absolute or relative path "ResponseContentType": "application/octet-stream", #HTTP Content-type # "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result } inGSettings["Server"]["URLList"].append(lReportFolderItem) # Add folder to server to download files lReportFolderItem = { "Method": "GET", "URL": f"/{gRobotKeyStr}/Logs/", # URL of the request "MatchType": "BeginWith", # "BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase", # "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(gBuildFolderPathStr, "Logs"), # Absolute or relative path "ResponseContentType": "application/octet-stream", #HTTP Content-type # "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result } inGSettings["Server"]["URLList"].append(lReportFolderItem) # AUTOSTART Robot inGSettings["OrchestratorStart"]["ActivityList"].append( { "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueOperator+", #Activity type "KeyList": ['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'], # RobotRDP Active ActivityList "Value": gActivityROBOTStartList # ActivityList - see upper } ) # Add scheduler activity in Scheduler.ActivityTimeList # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # lActivityTimeItemRobotStart = { "TimeHH:MM": gActivityROBOTStartTimeHH_MMStr, #Time [HH:MM] to trigger activity "WeekdayList": gActivityROBOTStartWeekdayList, #List of the weekday index when activity is applicable, Default [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] "Activity":{ "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueSet", #Activity type "KeyList": ['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'], # RobotRDP Active ActivityList "Value": gActivityROBOTStartList # ActivityList - see upper } } inGSettings["Scheduler"]["ActivityTimeList"].append(lActivityTimeItemRobotStart) for lItem in gActivityROBOTSafeStopList: # Temporary method while Scheduler apply only 1 activity in 1 item inGSettings["Scheduler"]["ActivityTimeList"].append({ "TimeHH:MM": gActivityROBOTSafeStopTimeHH_MMStr, # Time [HH:MM] to trigger activity "WeekdayList": gActivityROBOTSafeStopWeekdayList, "Activity": lItem # Run actiovity 0 from list # List of the weekday index when activity is applicable, Default [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] }) return inGSettings