import requests, time, json from . import Processor # O2A - Data flow Orchestrator to Agent # f"{lProtocolStr}://{lHostStr}:{lPortInt}/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A" # Request BODY: # { "HostNameUpperStr": "", "UserUpperStr": "" } # Response BODY: # QUEUE ITEM # # { # # "Def":"DefAliasTest", # def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"]) # # "ArgList":[1,2,3], # Args list # # "ArgDict":{"ttt":1,"222":2,"dsd":3} # Args dictionary # # "ArgGSettings": # Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList) # # "ArgLogger": None # Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList) # # }, def O2A_Loop(inGSettings): lL = inGSettings["Logger"] lActivityLastGUIDStr = "" # Init empty ActivityLastGUIDStr while inGSettings["O2ADict"]["IsOnlineBool"]: # Send request to the orchestrator server lRequestBody = None try: lProtocolStr= "https" if inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["IsHTTPSBool"] else "http" lHostStr = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["HostStr"] lPortInt = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["PortInt"] lURLStr=f"{lProtocolStr}://{lHostStr}:{lPortInt}/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A" lDataDict = { "HostNameUpperStr": inGSettings["AgentDict"]["HostNameUpperStr"], "UserUpperStr": inGSettings["AgentDict"]["UserUpperStr"], "ActivityLastGUIDStr": lActivityLastGUIDStr} lResponse = lURLStr, cookies = {"AuthToken":inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["SuperTokenStr"]}, json=lDataDict, timeout=inGSettings["O2ADict"]["ConnectionTimeoutSecFloat"]) if lResponse.status_code != 200: if lL: lL.warning(f"Agent can not connect to Orchestrator. Below the response from the orchestrator:{lResponse}") time.sleep(inGSettings["O2ADict"]["RetryTimeoutSecFloat"]) else: lRequestBody = lResponse.text lBodyLenInt = len(lRequestBody) if lBodyLenInt != 0: # CHeck if not empty result when close the connection from orch lQueueList = lResponse.json() # Try to get JSON for lQueueItem in lQueueList: # Append QUEUE item in ProcessorDict > ActivityList lActivityLastGUIDStr = lQueueItem["GUIDStr"] # Check if ActivityItem ["ThreadBool"] = False > go sync mode in processor queue; Else: New thread if lQueueItem.get("ThreadBool",False) == False: inGSettings["ProcessorDict"]["ActivityList"].append(lQueueItem) else: Processor.ProcessorRunAsync(inGSettings=inGSettings,inActivityList=[lQueueItem]) # Log full version if bytes size is less than limit . else short lAgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt = 500 if lBodyLenInt <= lAgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt: if lL:"ActivityItem from orchestrator: {lQueueItem}"); else: if lL:"ActivityItem from orchestrator: Supressed - big size. Size is {lBodyLenInt} bytes"); else: if lL: lL.debug(f"Empty response from the orchestrator - loop when refresh the connection between Orc and Agent"); except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if lL: lL.error(f"O2A Connection error - orchestrator is not available. Sleep for {inGSettings['A2ODict']['RetryTimeoutSecFloat']} s.") time.sleep(inGSettings["O2ADict"]["RetryTimeoutSecFloat"]) except ConnectionResetError as e: if lL: lL.error(f"O2A Connection reset error - orchestrator is not available. Sleep for {inGSettings['A2ODict']['RetryTimeoutSecFloat']} s.") time.sleep(inGSettings["O2ADict"]["RetryTimeoutSecFloat"]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: if lL: lL.error(f"O2A JSON decode error - See body of the recieved content from the Orchestrator: {lRequestBody}") time.sleep(inGSettings["O2ADict"]["RetryTimeoutSecFloat"]) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: if lL: lL.exception(f"O2A requests timeout error (no response for long time). Sleep for {inGSettings['A2ODict']['RetryTimeoutSecFloat']} s.") time.sleep(inGSettings["O2ADict"]["RetryTimeoutSecFloat"]) except Exception as e: if lL: lL.exception(f"O2A Error handler. Sleep for {inGSettings['A2ODict']['RetryTimeoutSecFloat']} s.") time.sleep(inGSettings["O2ADict"]["RetryTimeoutSecFloat"])