#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Naked | A Python command line application framework # Copyright 2014 Christopher Simpkins # MIT License #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # c.cmd = Primary command (<executable> <primary command>) # c.cmd2 = Secondary command (<executable> <primary command> <secondary command>) # # c.option(option_string, [bool argument_required]) = test for option with optional test for positional arg to the option # c.option_with_arg(option_string) = test for option and mandatory positional argument to option test # c.flag(flag_string) = test for presence of a "--option=argument" style flag # # c.arg(arg_string) = returns the next positional argument to the arg_string argument # c.flag_arg(flag_string) = returns the flag assignment for a "--option=argument" style flag #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Application start def main(): import sys from Naked.commandline import Command #from Naked.toolshed.state import StateObject from Naked.toolshed.system import stderr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ Instantiate command line object ] # used for all subsequent conditional logic in the CLI application #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ c = Command(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ Instantiate state object ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #state = StateObject() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ Command Suite Validation ] - early validation of appropriate command syntax # Test that user entered a primary command, print usage if not #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if not c.command_suite_validates(): from Naked.commands.usage import Usage Usage().print_usage() sys.exit(1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ PRIMARY COMMAND LOGIC ] # Test for primary commands and handle them #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ args ] - identify the parsed arguments for a command string (2)= help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if c.cmd == "args": if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.args import help as args_help args_help() elif c.argc > 0: # there is an argument to where that is not help from Naked.commands.args import Args a = Args(c.arg_to_cmd) a.run() else: stderr("The args command requires an example command as an argument. Use 'naked args help' for more information.", 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ build ] - build the C code in the Naked library (2)= help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "build": if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.build import help as build_help build_help() else: from Naked.commands.build import compile_c_code import os, inspect abs_dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))), "toolshed", "c") compile_c_code(abs_dirpath) # function calls exit status code #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ classify ] - search Python application classifiers and display to user (args)-search string #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "classify": if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.classifier import help as classifier_help classifier_help() else: if c.second: # if search string was given search_string = c.second else: search_string = "" # absence of search string detected in Classifier, defaults to the entire list instead of search from Naked.commands.classifier import Classifier c = Classifier(search_string) c.run() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ dist ] - distribute source files to PyPI (2)=register, sdist, swheel, wheel, win, all, help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "dist": if c.argc > 1: from Naked.commands.dist import Dist d = Dist() if c.cmd2 == "register": # python setup.py register d.run('register') elif c.cmd2 == "sdist": # python setup.py sdist upload d.run('sdist') elif c.cmd2 == "swheel": # python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload d.run('swheel') elif c.cmd2 == "wheel": # python setup.py bdist_wheel upload d.run('wheel') elif c.cmd2 == "win": # python setup.py bdist_wininst upload d.run('win') elif c.cmd2 == "all": # python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel bdist_wininst upload d.run('all') elif c.cmd2 == "help": # help for command from Naked.commands.dist import help as dist_help dist_help() else: stderr("The naked dist secondary command was not recognized. Use 'naked dist help' for more information.", 1) else: stderr("Please enter a secondary command", 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ locate ] - locate Naked project files (2)= main, settings, setup, help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "locate": from Naked.commands.locate import Locator if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.locate import help as locate_help locate_help() elif c.cmd2 == "main": l = Locator('main') elif c.cmd2 == "settings": l = Locator('settings') elif c.cmd2 == "setup": l = Locator('setup') else: l = Locator('') #handles error report to user #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ make ] - make a new Naked project (2)=help (args)=project name #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "make": from Naked.commands.make import MakeController if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.make import help as make_help make_help() if c.arg1: # arg1 is not help so use it as the argument to the make command m = MakeController(c.arg1) else: m = MakeController(None) m.run() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ profile ] - run the profiler.py file in the Naked project (2)=help #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "profile": if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.profile import help as profile_help profile_help() else: from Naked.commands.profile import Profiler p = Profiler() p.run() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ pyh ] - help for python built-in library modules, classes, methods, functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "pyh": if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.pyh import pyh_help pyh_help() else: if c.argc > 1: from Naked.commands.pyh import python_help python_help(c.arg1) else: stderr("Please enter a query term with the pyh command. Use 'naked pyh help' for more information.", 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ test ] - Run unit tests on the project (2)= help,nose,pytest,tox,unittest (see help for args) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.cmd == "test": if c.argc > 1: if c.cmd2 == "help": from Naked.commands.test import help as tox_help tox_help() elif c.cmd2 == "nose": from Naked.commands.test import NoseTester n = NoseTester() n.run() elif c.cmd2 == "pytest": from Naked.commands.test import PyTester p = PyTester() p.run() elif c.cmd2 == "tox": from Naked.commands.test import ToxTester if c.arg2: #user specified a python version to run with one of the tox version defs t = ToxTester(c.arg2) #instantiate with the python version else: t = ToxTester() t.run() elif c.cmd2 == "unittest": from Naked.commands.test import UnitTester if c.arg2: t = UnitTester(c.arg2) t.run() else: stderr("Please include a unit test file path. Use 'naked test help' for more information.", 1) else: stderr("The secondary command was not recognized. Use 'naked test help' for more information.", 1) else: stderr("Please include a secondary command with the 'naked test' command. Use 'naked dist help' for more information.", 1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ NAKED FRAMEWORK COMMANDS ] # Naked framework provides default help, usage, and version commands for all applications # --> settings for user messages are assigned in the lib/PROJECT/settings.py file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elif c.help(): # User requested naked help (help.py module in commands directory) from Naked.commands.help import Help Help().print_help() elif c.usage(): # user requested naked usage info (usage.py module in commands directory) from Naked.commands.usage import Usage Usage().print_usage() elif c.version(): # user requested naked version (version.py module in commands directory) from Naked.commands.version import Version Version().print_version() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ DEFAULT MESSAGE FOR MATCH FAILURE ] # Message to provide to the user when all above conditional logic fails to meet a true condition #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else: print("Could not complete the command that you entered. Please try again.") sys.exit(1) #exit if __name__ == '__main__': main()