Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: entrypoints Version: 0.4 Summary: Discover and load entry points from installed packages. Home-page: Author: Thomas Kluyver Author-email: Requires-Python: >=3.6 Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Project-URL: Documentation, **This package is in maintenance-only mode.** New code should use the `importlib.metadata module `_ in the Python standard library to find and load entry points. Entry points are a way for Python packages to advertise objects with some common interface. The most common examples are ``console_scripts`` entry points, which define shell commands by identifying a Python function to run. *Groups* of entry points, such as ``console_scripts``, point to objects with similar interfaces. An application might use a group to find its plugins, or multiple groups if it has different kinds of plugins. The **entrypoints** module contains functions to find and load entry points. You can install it from PyPI with ``pip install entrypoints``. To advertise entry points when distributing a package, see `entry_points in the Python Packaging User Guide `_. The ``pkg_resources`` module distributed with ``setuptools`` provides a way to discover entrypoints as well, but it contains other functionality unrelated to entrypoint discovery, and it does a lot of work at import time. Merely *importing* ``pkg_resources`` causes it to scan the files of all installed packages. Thus, in environments where a large number of packages are installed, importing ``pkg_resources`` can be very slow (several seconds). By contrast, ``entrypoints`` is focused solely on entrypoint discovery and it is faster. Importing ``entrypoints`` does not scan anything, and getting a given entrypoint group performs a more focused scan. When there are multiple versions of the same distribution in different directories on ``sys.path``, ``entrypoints`` follows the rule that the first one wins. In most cases, this follows the logic of imports. Similarly, Entrypoints relies on ``pip`` to ensure that only one ``.dist-info`` or ``.egg-info`` directory exists for each installed package. There is no reliable way to pick which of several `.dist-info` folders accurately relates to the importable modules.