from .draft04 import CodeGeneratorDraft04, JSON_TYPE_TO_PYTHON_TYPE from .exceptions import JsonSchemaDefinitionException from .generator import enforce_list class CodeGeneratorDraft06(CodeGeneratorDraft04): FORMAT_REGEXS = dict(CodeGeneratorDraft04.FORMAT_REGEXS, **{ 'json-pointer': r'^(/(([^/~])|(~[01]))*)*\Z', 'uri-reference': r'^(\w+:(\/?\/?))?[^#\\\s]*(#[^\\\s]*)?\Z', 'uri-template': ( r'^(?:(?:[^\x00-\x20\"\'<>%\\^`{|}]|%[0-9a-f]{2})|' r'\{[+#./;?&=,!@|]?(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+' r'(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?(?:,(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+' r'(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?)*\})*\Z' ), }) def __init__(self, definition, resolver=None, formats={}, use_default=True): super().__init__(definition, resolver, formats, use_default) self._json_keywords_to_function.update(( ('exclusiveMinimum', self.generate_exclusive_minimum), ('exclusiveMaximum', self.generate_exclusive_maximum), ('propertyNames', self.generate_property_names), ('contains', self.generate_contains), ('const', self.generate_const), )) def _generate_func_code_block(self, definition): if isinstance(definition, bool): self.generate_boolean_schema() elif '$ref' in definition: # needed because ref overrides any sibling keywords self.generate_ref() else: self.run_generate_functions(definition) def generate_boolean_schema(self): """ Means that schema can be specified by boolean. True means everything is valid, False everything is invalid. """ if self._definition is False: self.exc('{name} must not be there') def generate_type(self): """ Validation of type. Can be one type or list of types. Since draft 06 a float without fractional part is an integer. .. code-block:: python {'type': 'string'} {'type': ['string', 'number']} """ types = enforce_list(self._definition['type']) try: python_types = ', '.join(JSON_TYPE_TO_PYTHON_TYPE[t] for t in types) except KeyError as exc: raise JsonSchemaDefinitionException('Unknown type: {}'.format(exc)) extra = '' if 'integer' in types: extra += ' and not (isinstance({variable}, float) and {variable}.is_integer())'.format( variable=self._variable, ) if ('number' in types or 'integer' in types) and 'boolean' not in types: extra += ' or isinstance({variable}, bool)'.format(variable=self._variable) with self.l('if not isinstance({variable}, ({})){}:', python_types, extra): self.exc('{name} must be {}', ' or '.join(types), rule='type') def generate_exclusive_minimum(self): with self.l('if isinstance({variable}, (int, float)):'): if not isinstance(self._definition['exclusiveMinimum'], (int, float)): raise JsonSchemaDefinitionException('exclusiveMinimum must be an integer or a float') with self.l('if {variable} <= {exclusiveMinimum}:'): self.exc('{name} must be bigger than {exclusiveMinimum}', rule='exclusiveMinimum') def generate_exclusive_maximum(self): with self.l('if isinstance({variable}, (int, float)):'): if not isinstance(self._definition['exclusiveMaximum'], (int, float)): raise JsonSchemaDefinitionException('exclusiveMaximum must be an integer or a float') with self.l('if {variable} >= {exclusiveMaximum}:'): self.exc('{name} must be smaller than {exclusiveMaximum}', rule='exclusiveMaximum') def generate_property_names(self): """ Means that keys of object must to follow this definition. .. code-block:: python { 'propertyNames': { 'maxLength': 3, }, } Valid keys of object for this definition are foo, bar, ... but not foobar for example. """ property_names_definition = self._definition.get('propertyNames', {}) if property_names_definition is True: pass elif property_names_definition is False: self.create_variable_keys() with self.l('if {variable}_keys:'): self.exc('{name} must not be there', rule='propertyNames') else: self.create_variable_is_dict() with self.l('if {variable}_is_dict:'): self.create_variable_with_length() with self.l('if {variable}_len != 0:'): self.l('{variable}_property_names = True') with self.l('for {variable}_key in {variable}:'): with self.l('try:'): self.generate_func_code_block( property_names_definition, '{}_key'.format(self._variable), self._variable_name, clear_variables=True, ) with self.l('except JsonSchemaValueException:'): self.l('{variable}_property_names = False') with self.l('if not {variable}_property_names:'): self.exc('{name} must be named by propertyName definition', rule='propertyNames') def generate_contains(self): """ Means that array must contain at least one defined item. .. code-block:: python { 'contains': { 'type': 'number', }, } Valid array is any with at least one number. """ self.create_variable_is_list() with self.l('if {variable}_is_list:'): contains_definition = self._definition['contains'] if contains_definition is False: self.exc('{name} is always invalid', rule='contains') elif contains_definition is True: with self.l('if not {variable}:'): self.exc('{name} must not be empty', rule='contains') else: self.l('{variable}_contains = False') with self.l('for {variable}_key in {variable}:'): with self.l('try:'): self.generate_func_code_block( contains_definition, '{}_key'.format(self._variable), self._variable_name, clear_variables=True, ) self.l('{variable}_contains = True') self.l('break') self.l('except JsonSchemaValueException: pass') with self.l('if not {variable}_contains:'): self.exc('{name} must contain one of contains definition', rule='contains') def generate_const(self): """ Means that value is valid when is equeal to const definition. .. code-block:: python { 'const': 42, } Only valid value is 42 in this example. """ const = self._definition['const'] if isinstance(const, str): const = '"{}"'.format(self.e(const)) with self.l('if {variable} != {}:', const): self.exc('{name} must be same as const definition: {definition_rule}', rule='const')