; This file contains the Google Chrome Portable default settings. ; You can copy this file to GoogleChromePortable\ and change settings in it. ; Any settings missing from that file will have their defaults (listed here) ; used. [GoogleChromePortable] Google ChromeDirectory=App\Chrome-bin ; The main app directory ProfileDirectory=Data\profile ; The profile directory SettingsDirectory=Data\settings ; The directory containing settings. Currently only used for the master ; password hash, if enabled. AdditionalParameters= ; More parameters to pass to chrome.exe, use to enable experimental features. Google ChromeExecutable=chrome.exe ; The EXE name WaitForProgram=true ; Waits for the program to run. Don't set to false as it is required for ; cleanup to avoid leaving files on the local system, and to avoid breaking ; local Google Update and Chrome. DisableSplashScreen=false ; Disables the splash screen, if it has been compiled into the launcher. RunLocally=false ; Forces the profile to be copied to the local computer, as if the portable app ; is run from a CD. The profile will be copied back to the portable device ; afterwards (minus cache files). CacheInTemp=true ; If this is true, the disk Cache will be set to use the local computer, and ; will be deleted on exit, even if RunLocally is false. ; Note that using either of the previous two options can represent a risk of ; other users of the same computer discovering your internet surfing ; activities on that computer. Although Google Chrome Portable deletes the ; locally saved data when it is finished, it is possible this may not happen ; (Google Chrome Portable or the computer crashes) and even if it does, some ; of the data may be recoverable using disk recovery tools. For this reason ; it is recommended you use Incognito mode for any browsing you don't want ; others to know about. HTTPS browsing is never written to cache and thus not ; an issue. ImportJava=false ; If true, it will import the Java plugin from a copy of Java Portable if you ; have it installed, and if you do not already have a Java plugin installed in ; Google Chrome Portable. Note that Java Portable is not yet supported; the ; plugin will attempt to use a locally installed Java. UsePAMLanguage=true ; Forces Google Chrome to use the language selected by PortableApps.com Menu ; when it is launched from PAM. The language is only used if Google Chrome ; supports it, otherwise it falls back to the user-selected language (or ; the local system language). If "true", you won't be able to change the ; language within Google Chrome when launched from PAM since PAM will override ; it. PortablePasswords=false ; Stores your saved passwords using a master password you select on startup, ; working around Chrome's normal mechanism of tying saved passwords to a local ; user account. This setting causes a prompt for the master password on ; every startup so it's opt-in. EncryptPortablePasswords=true ; Uses a master password to re-encrypt passwords. If this is false, Portable ; Passwords will be insecurely stored as plaintext, but you will not need to ; use a master password. You may find setting this to false useful if you ; already use an encryption solution such as TrueCrypt to store ; GooglechromePortable. ; ; If you want to change any of the following: ; - The Portable Passwords algorithms, salts, or implementation in such a way ; that would break your existing Portable Passwords (through an upgrade of ; Google Chrome Portable that changes these). ; - Your master password, or lack of a master password. ; ; You can keep your Portable Passwords by first ensuring that your passwords ; have been successfully imported into your Google Chrome profile with the ; local user account. To do this, simply start GCP before upgrading it or ; changing your password or Portable Passwords settings. Then, delete the ; master password hash in Data\settings and the Portable Passwords files in ; your profile (by default, there is only one in Data\profile\Default. A ; power user with more than one profile will have one for each profile). ; Next, perform the upgrade, or change the settings, if you wanted to. Now ; run GCP and enter a new master password (or the same one, but it CAN be new ; if you want). Once you close Google Chrome the new Portable Passwords ; database will be constructed using your saved passwords from Google Chrome.