;outfile attrib.exe ;name attrib ; Attrib ; ; Script to quickly set the FileAttribute ; of many files in a dir. ; ; Usage: ; Push "Dir" ; Call Attrib ; ; Notice that SetFileAttributes cannot take ; variables as "Attribute" so edit the script ; if you want some other attribute(s) to be ; assigned to the files. ; ; This might be a handy script when copying ; files from CD that need to be edited later. ; ; By: Hendri Adriaens ; HendriAdriaens@hotmail.com ;Section ; The demo zip includes two text-files. ; Check that they are "read-only" and ; then compile and run the script. ;Push $EXEDIR\prob ;Call Attrib ;Sectionend Function Attrib Exch $1 ; Dir Push $2 Push $3 FindFirst $2 $3 "$1\*.*" StrCmp $3 "" exitloop loop: StrCmp $3 "" exitloop StrCmp $3 "." next StrCmp $3 ".." next IfFileExists "$1\$3\*.*" next ; SetFileAttributes does not accept variables as attribute, ; so manually set this to the necessary value. SetFileAttributes "$1\$3" 0 next: FindNext $2 $3 Goto loop exitloop: FindClose $2 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 FunctionEnd