# GUI Application automation and testing library # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Mark Mc Mahon and Contributors # https://github.com/pywinauto/pywinauto/graphs/contributors # http://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/credits.html # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of pywinauto nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ Windows global hooks in pure Python The implementation uses foreign function interface (FFI) provided by standard Python module **ctypes** and inspired by pyHook, pyhooked and other similar modules (the code was re-written from scratch). It tends to be a superset of pyHook but in pure Python only so it doesn't require compilation. Current set of hooks implemented: * WH_MOUSE_LL * WH_KEYBOARD_LL More detailed documentation about Windows hooks can be found in MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632589.aspx This module can be used as a stand alone or along with pywinauto. The fork of this code (at some moment) was used in standalone library pyhooked 0.8 maintained by Ethan Smith. """ import six from ctypes import wintypes from ctypes import windll from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE from ctypes import POINTER from ctypes import c_int from ctypes import c_uint from ctypes import byref from ctypes import pointer import atexit import sys import time import win32con import win32api from .win32defines import VK_PACKET from .actionlogger import ActionLogger from .win32structures import KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT from .win32structures import MSLLHOOKSTRUCT from .win32structures import LRESULT HOOKCB = CFUNCTYPE(LRESULT, c_int, wintypes.WPARAM, wintypes.LPARAM) windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA.restype = wintypes.HMODULE windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA.argtypes = [wintypes.LPCSTR] windll.user32.SetWindowsHookExA.restype = wintypes.HHOOK windll.user32.SetWindowsHookExA.argtypes = [c_int, HOOKCB, wintypes.HINSTANCE, wintypes.DWORD] windll.user32.SetWindowsHookExW.restype = wintypes.HHOOK windll.user32.SetWindowsHookExW.argtypes = [c_int, HOOKCB, wintypes.HINSTANCE, wintypes.DWORD] windll.user32.GetMessageW.argtypes = [POINTER(wintypes.MSG), wintypes.HWND, c_uint, c_uint] windll.user32.TranslateMessage.argtypes = [POINTER(wintypes.MSG)] windll.user32.DispatchMessageW.argtypes = [POINTER(wintypes.MSG)] # BOOL WINAPI PeekMessage( # _Out_ LPMSG lpMsg, # _In_opt_ HWND hWnd, # _In_ UINT wMsgFilterMin, # _In_ UINT wMsgFilterMax, # _In_ UINT wRemoveMsg #); windll.user32.PeekMessageW.argtypes = [POINTER(wintypes.MSG), wintypes.HWND, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint] windll.user32.PeekMessageW.restypes = wintypes.BOOL # LRESULT WINAPI CallNextHookEx( # _In_opt_ HHOOK hhk, # _In_ int nCode, # _In_ WPARAM wParam, # _In_ LPARAM lParam # ); windll.user32.CallNextHookEx.argtypes = [wintypes.HHOOK, c_int, wintypes.WPARAM, wintypes.LPARAM] windll.user32.CallNextHookEx.restypes = LRESULT class KeyboardEvent(object): """Created when a keyboard event happened""" def __init__(self, current_key=None, event_type=None, pressed_key=None): self.current_key = current_key self.event_type = event_type self.pressed_key = pressed_key class MouseEvent(object): """Created when a mouse event happened""" def __init__(self, current_key=None, event_type=None, mouse_x=0, mouse_y=0): self.current_key = current_key self.event_type = event_type self.mouse_x = mouse_x self.mouse_y = mouse_y class Hook(object): """Hook for low level keyboard and mouse events""" MOUSE_ID_TO_KEY = {win32con.WM_MOUSEMOVE: 'Move', win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: 'LButton', win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP: 'LButton', win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN: 'RButton', win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP: 'RButton', win32con.WM_MBUTTONDOWN: 'WheelButton', win32con.WM_MBUTTONUP: 'WheelButton', win32con.WM_MOUSEWHEEL: 'Wheel'} MOUSE_ID_TO_EVENT_TYPE = {win32con.WM_MOUSEMOVE: None, win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: 'key down', win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP: 'key up', win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN: 'key down', win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP: 'key up', win32con.WM_MBUTTONDOWN: 'key down', win32con.WM_MBUTTONUP: 'key up', win32con.WM_MOUSEWHEEL: None} # TODO: use constants from win32con: VK_BACK, VK_TAB, VK_RETURN ... ID_TO_KEY = {1: 'LButton', # win32con.VK_LBUTTON 2: 'RButton', # win32con.VK_RBUTTON 3: 'Cancel', # win32con.VK_CANCEL 4: 'MButton', # win32con.VK_MBUTTON 5: 'XButton1', # win32con.VK_XBUTTON1 6: 'XButton2', # win32con.VK_XBUTTON2 7: 'Undefined1', 8: 'Back', 9: 'Tab', 10: 'Reserved1', 11: 'Reserved2', 12: 'Clear', # win32con.VK_CLEAR 13: 'Return', # win32con.VK_RETURN 14: 'Undefined2', 15: 'Undefined3', 16: 'SHIFT', # win32con.VK_SHIFT 17: 'CONTROL', # win32con.VK_CONTROL 18: 'Menu', # win32con.VK_MENU 19: 'Pause', # win32con.VK_PAUSE 20: 'Capital', 21: 'Kana', # win32con.VK_KANA and win32con.VK_HANGUL 22: 'Undefined4', 23: 'Junja', # win32con.VK_JUNJA 24: 'Final', # win32con.VK_FINAL 25: 'Kanji', # win32con.VK_KANJI and win32con.VK_HANJA 26: 'Undefined5', 27: 'Escape', 28: 'Convert', # win32con.VK_CONVERT 29: 'NonConvert', # win32con.VK_NONCONVERT 30: 'Accept', # win32con.VK_ACCEPT 31: 'ModeChange', # win32con.VK_MODECHANGE 32: 'Space', 33: 'Prior', 34: 'Next', 35: 'End', 36: 'Home', 37: 'Left', 38: 'Up', 39: 'Right', 40: 'Down', 41: 'Select', # win32con.VK_SELECT 42: 'Print', # win32con.VK_PRINT 43: 'Execute', # win32con.VK_EXECUTE 44: 'Snapshot', 45: 'Insert', # win32con.VK_INSERT 46: 'Delete', 47: 'Help', # win32con.VK_HELP 48: '0', 49: '1', 50: '2', 51: '3', 52: '4', 53: '5', 54: '6', 55: '7', 56: '8', 57: '9', 58: 'Undefined6', 59: 'Undefined7', 60: 'Undefined8', 61: 'Undefined9', 62: 'Undefined10', 63: 'Undefined11', 64: 'Undefined12', 65: 'A', 66: 'B', 67: 'C', 68: 'D', 69: 'E', 70: 'F', 71: 'G', 72: 'H', 73: 'I', 74: 'J', 75: 'K', 76: 'L', 77: 'M', 78: 'N', 79: 'O', 80: 'P', 81: 'Q', 82: 'R', 83: 'S', 84: 'T', 85: 'U', 86: 'V', 87: 'W', 88: 'X', 89: 'Y', 90: 'Z', 91: 'Lwin', 92: 'Rwin', 93: 'App', 94: 'Reserved3', 95: 'Sleep', 96: 'Numpad0', 97: 'Numpad1', 98: 'Numpad2', 99: 'Numpad3', 100: 'Numpad4', 101: 'Numpad5', 102: 'Numpad6', 103: 'Numpad7', 104: 'Numpad8', 105: 'Numpad9', 106: 'Multiply', 107: 'Add', 108: 'Separator', # win32con.VK_SEPARATOR 109: 'Subtract', 110: 'Decimal', 111: 'Divide', 112: 'F1', 113: 'F2', 114: 'F3', 115: 'F4', 116: 'F5', 117: 'F6', 118: 'F7', 119: 'F8', 120: 'F9', 121: 'F10', 122: 'F11', 123: 'F12', 124: 'F13', 125: 'F14', 126: 'F15', 127: 'F16', 128: 'F17', 129: 'F18', 130: 'F19', 131: 'F20', 132: 'F21', 133: 'F22', 134: 'F23', 135: 'F24', 136: 'Unassigned1', 137: 'Unassigned2', 138: 'Unassigned3', 139: 'Unassigned4', 140: 'Unassigned5', 141: 'Unassigned6', 142: 'Unassigned7', 143: 'Unassigned8', 144: 'Numlock', 145: 'Scroll', # win32con.VK_SCROLL 146: 'OemSpecific1', 147: 'OemSpecific2', 148: 'OemSpecific3', 149: 'OemSpecific4', 150: 'OemSpecific5', 151: 'OemSpecific6', 152: 'OemSpecific7', 153: 'OemSpecific8', 154: 'OemSpecific9', 155: 'OemSpecific10', 156: 'OemSpecific11', 157: 'OemSpecific12', 158: 'OemSpecific13', 159: 'OemSpecific14', 160: 'Lshift', 161: 'Rshift', 162: 'Lcontrol', 163: 'Rcontrol', 164: 'Lmenu', 165: 'Rmenu', 166: 'BrowserBack', # win32con.VK_BROWSER_BACK 167: 'BrowserForward', # win32con.VK_BROWSER_FORWARD 168: 'BrowserRefresh', # not defined in win32con 169: 'BrowserStop', # not defined in win32con 170: 'BrowserSearch', # not defined in win32con 171: 'BrowserFavourites', # not defined in win32con 172: 'BrowserHome', # not defined in win32con 173: 'Volume_mute', # win32con.VK_VOLUME_MUTE 174: 'Volume_down', # win32con.VK_VOLUME_DOWN 175: 'Volume_up', # win32con.VK_VOLUME_UP 176: 'NextTrack', # win32con.VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK 177: 'PrevTrack', # win32con.VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK 178: 'StopTrack', # not defined in win32con 179: 'PlayPause', # win32con.VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE 180: 'LaunchMail', # not defined in win32con 181: 'MediaSelect', # not defined in win32con 182: 'LaunchApp1', # not defined in win32con 183: 'LaunchApp2', # not defined in win32con 184: 'Reserved4', 185: 'Reserved5', 186: 'Oem_1', 187: 'Oem_Plus', 188: 'Oem_Comma', 189: 'Oem_Minus', 190: 'Oem_Period', 191: 'Oem_2', 192: 'Oem_3', 193: 'Reserved6', 194: 'Reserved7', 195: 'Reserved8', 196: 'Reserved9', 197: 'Reserved10', 198: 'Reserved11', 199: 'Reserved12', 200: 'Reserved13', 201: 'Reserved14', 202: 'Reserved15', 203: 'Reserved16', 204: 'Reserved17', 205: 'Reserved18', 206: 'Reserved19', 207: 'Reserved20', 208: 'Reserved21', 209: 'Reserved22', 210: 'Reserved23', 211: 'Reserved24', 212: 'Reserved25', 213: 'Reserved26', 214: 'Reserved27', 215: 'Reserved28', 216: 'Unassigned9', 217: 'Unassigned10', 218: 'Unassigned11', 219: 'Oem_4', 220: 'Oem_5', 221: 'Oem_6', 222: 'Oem_7', 223: 'Oem_8', # not defined in win32cona 224: 'Reserved29', 225: 'OemSpecific15', 226: 'Oem_102', 227: 'OemSpecific16', 228: 'OemSpecific17', 229: 'ProcessKey', # win32con.VK_PROCESSKEY 230: 'OemSpecific18', 231: 'VkPacket', # win32con.VK_PACKET. It has a special processing in kbd_ll ! 232: 'Unassigned12', 233: 'OemSpecific19', 234: 'OemSpecific20', 235: 'OemSpecific21', 236: 'OemSpecific22', 237: 'OemSpecific23', 238: 'OemSpecific24', 239: 'OemSpecific25', 240: 'OemSpecific26', 241: 'OemSpecific27', 242: 'OemSpecific28', 243: 'OemSpecific29', 244: 'OemSpecific30', 245: 'OemSpecific31', 246: 'Attn', # win32con.VK_ATTN 247: 'CrSel', # win32con.VK_CRSEL 248: 'ExSel', # win32con.VK_EXSEL 249: 'ErEOF', # win32con.VK_EREOF 250: 'Play', # win32con.VK_PLAY 251: 'Zoom', # win32con.VK_ZOOM 252: 'Noname', # win32con.VK_NONAME 253: 'PA1', # win32con.VK_PA1 254: 'OemClear', # win32con.VK_OEM_CLEAR 1001: 'mouse left', # mouse hotkeys 1002: 'mouse right', 1003: 'mouse middle', 1000: 'mouse move', # single event hotkeys 1004: 'mouse wheel up', 1005: 'mouse wheel down', 1010: 'Ctrl', # merged hotkeys 1011: 'Alt', 1012: 'Shift', 1013: 'Win'} event_types = {win32con.WM_KEYDOWN: 'key down', # WM_KEYDOWN for normal keys win32con.WM_KEYUP: 'key up', # WM_KEYUP for normal keys win32con.WM_SYSKEYDOWN: 'key down', # WM_SYSKEYDOWN, is used for Alt key. win32con.WM_SYSKEYUP: 'key up', # WM_SYSKEYUP, is used for Alt key. } def __init__(self): self.handler = None self.pressed_keys = [] self.keyboard_id = None self.mouse_id = None self.mouse_is_hook = False self.keyboard_is_hook = False def _process_kbd_data(self, kb_data_ptr): """Process KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT data received from low level keyboard hook calls""" kbd = KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT.from_address(kb_data_ptr) current_key = None key_code = kbd.vkCode if key_code == VK_PACKET: scan_code = kbd.scanCode current_key = six.unichr(scan_code) elif key_code in self.ID_TO_KEY: current_key = six.u(self.ID_TO_KEY[key_code]) else: al = ActionLogger() al.log("_process_kbd_data, bad key_code: {0}".format(key_code)) return current_key def _process_kbd_msg_type(self, event_code, current_key): """Process event codes from low level keyboard hook calls""" event_type = None event_code_word = 0xFFFFFFFF & event_code if event_code_word in self.event_types: event_type = self.event_types[event_code_word] else: al = ActionLogger() al.log("_process_kbd_msg_type, bad event_type: {0}".format(event_type)) if event_type == 'key down': self.pressed_keys.append(current_key) elif event_type == 'key up': if current_key in self.pressed_keys: self.pressed_keys.remove(current_key) else: al = ActionLogger() al.log("_process_kbd_msg_type, can't remove a key: {0}".format(current_key)) return event_type def _keyboard_ll_hdl(self, code, event_code, kb_data_ptr): """Execute when a keyboard low level event has been triggered""" try: # The next hook in chain must be always called res = windll.user32.CallNextHookEx(self.keyboard_id, code, event_code, kb_data_ptr) if not self.handler: return res current_key = self._process_kbd_data(kb_data_ptr) event_type = self._process_kbd_msg_type(event_code, current_key) event = KeyboardEvent(current_key, event_type, self.pressed_keys) self.handler(event) except Exception: al = ActionLogger() al.log("_keyboard_ll_hdl, {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[0])) al.log("_keyboard_ll_hdl, code {0}, event_code {1}".format(code, event_code)) raise return res def _mouse_ll_hdl(self, code, event_code, mouse_data_ptr): """Execute when a mouse low level event has been triggerred""" try: # The next hook in chain must be always called res = windll.user32.CallNextHookEx(self.mouse_id, code, event_code, mouse_data_ptr) if not self.handler: return res current_key = None event_code_word = 0xFFFFFFFF & event_code if event_code_word in self.MOUSE_ID_TO_KEY: current_key = self.MOUSE_ID_TO_KEY[event_code_word] event_type = None if current_key != 'Move': if event_code in self.MOUSE_ID_TO_EVENT_TYPE: event_type = self.MOUSE_ID_TO_EVENT_TYPE[event_code] # Get the mouse position: x and y ms = MSLLHOOKSTRUCT.from_address(mouse_data_ptr) event = MouseEvent(current_key, event_type, ms.pt.x, ms.pt.y) self.handler(event) except Exception: al = ActionLogger() al.log("_mouse_ll_hdl, {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[0])) al.log("_mouse_ll_hdl, code {0}, event_code {1}".format(code, event_code)) raise return res def hook(self, keyboard=True, mouse=False): """Hook mouse and/or keyboard events""" if not (mouse or keyboard): return self.mouse_is_hook = mouse self.keyboard_is_hook = keyboard if self.keyboard_is_hook: @HOOKCB def _kbd_ll_cb(ncode, wparam, lparam): """Forward the hook event to ourselves""" return self._keyboard_ll_hdl(ncode, wparam, lparam) self.keyboard_id = windll.user32.SetWindowsHookExW( win32con.WH_KEYBOARD_LL, _kbd_ll_cb, win32api.GetModuleHandle(None), 0) if self.mouse_is_hook: @HOOKCB def _mouse_ll_cb(code, event_code, mouse_data_ptr): """Forward the hook event to ourselves""" return self._mouse_ll_hdl(code, event_code, mouse_data_ptr) self.mouse_id = windll.user32.SetWindowsHookExA( win32con.WH_MOUSE_LL, _mouse_ll_cb, win32api.GetModuleHandle(None), 0) self.listen() def unhook_mouse(self): """Unhook mouse events""" if self.mouse_is_hook: self.mouse_is_hook = False windll.user32.UnhookWindowsHookEx(self.mouse_id) def unhook_keyboard(self): """Unhook keyboard events""" if self.keyboard_is_hook: self.keyboard_is_hook = False windll.user32.UnhookWindowsHookEx(self.keyboard_id) def stop(self): """Stop the listening loop""" self.unhook_keyboard() self.unhook_mouse() def is_hooked(self): """Verify if any of hooks are active""" return self.mouse_is_hook or self.keyboard_is_hook def _process_win_msgs(self): """Peek and process queued windows messages""" message = wintypes.MSG() while True: res = windll.user32.PeekMessageW(pointer(message), 0, 0, 0, win32con.PM_REMOVE) if not res: break if message.message == win32con.WM_QUIT: self.stop() sys.exit(0) else: windll.user32.TranslateMessage(byref(message)) windll.user32.DispatchMessageW(byref(message)) def listen(self): """Listen for events""" atexit.register(windll.user32.UnhookWindowsHookEx, self.keyboard_id) atexit.register(windll.user32.UnhookWindowsHookEx, self.mouse_id) while self.is_hooked(): self._process_win_msgs() time.sleep(0.02) if __name__ == "__main__": def on_event(args): """Callback for keyboard and mouse events""" if isinstance(args, KeyboardEvent): if args.current_key == 'A' and args.event_type == 'key down' and 'Lcontrol' in args.pressed_key: print("Ctrl + A was pressed") if args.current_key == 'K' and args.event_type == 'key down': print("K was pressed") if args.current_key == 'M' and args.event_type == 'key down' and 'U' in args.pressed_key: hk.unhook_mouse() print("Unhook mouse") if args.current_key == 'K' and args.event_type == 'key down' and 'U' in args.pressed_key: hk.unhook_keyboard() print("Unhook keyboard") if isinstance(args, MouseEvent): if args.current_key == 'RButton' and args.event_type == 'key down': print("Right button pressed at ({0}, {1})".format(args.mouse_x, args.mouse_y)) if args.current_key == 'WheelButton' and args.event_type == 'key down': print("Wheel button pressed") hk = Hook() hk.handler = on_event hk.hook(keyboard=True, mouse=True)