from ctypes import ( FormatError, POINTER, Structure, WINFUNCTYPE, byref, c_long, c_void_p, oledll, pointer, windll ) from _ctypes import CopyComPointer import logging import os from comtypes import COMError, ReturnHRESULT, instancemethod, _encode_idl from comtypes.errorinfo import ISupportErrorInfo, ReportException, ReportError from comtypes import IPersist from comtypes.hresult import ( DISP_E_BADINDEX, DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND, E_FAIL, E_NOINTERFACE, E_INVALIDARG, E_NOTIMPL, RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE, S_FALSE, S_OK ) from comtypes.typeinfo import IProvideClassInfo, IProvideClassInfo2 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _debug = logger.debug _warning = logger.warning _error = logger.error ################################################################ # COM object implementation # so we don't have to import comtypes.automation DISPATCH_METHOD = 1 DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET = 2 DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT = 4 DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF = 8 class E_NotImplemented(Exception): """COM method is not implemented""" def HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(errcode): "Convert a Windows error code into a HRESULT value." if errcode is None: return 0x80000000 if errcode & 0x80000000: return errcode return (errcode & 0xFFFF) | 0x80070000 def winerror(exc): """Return the windows error code from a WindowsError or COMError instance.""" try: code = exc[0] if isinstance(code, int): return code except IndexError: pass # Sometimes, a WindowsError instance has no error code. An access # violation raised by ctypes has only text, for example. In this # cases we return a generic error code. return E_FAIL def _do_implement(interface_name, method_name): def _not_implemented(*args): """Return E_NOTIMPL because the method is not implemented.""" _debug("unimplemented method %s_%s called", interface_name, method_name) return E_NOTIMPL return _not_implemented def catch_errors(obj, mth, paramflags, interface, mthname): clsid = getattr(obj, "_reg_clsid_", None) def call_with_this(*args, **kw): try: result = mth(*args, **kw) except ReturnHRESULT as err: (hresult, text) = err.args return ReportError(text, iid=interface._iid_, clsid=clsid, hresult=hresult) except (COMError, WindowsError) as details: _error("Exception in %s.%s implementation:", interface.__name__, mthname, exc_info=True) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(winerror(details)) except E_NotImplemented: _warning("Unimplemented method %s.%s called", interface.__name__, mthname) return E_NOTIMPL except: _error("Exception in %s.%s implementation:", interface.__name__, mthname, exc_info=True) return ReportException(E_FAIL, interface._iid_, clsid=clsid) if result is None: return S_OK return result if paramflags is None: has_outargs = False else: has_outargs = bool([x[0] for x in paramflags if x[0] & 2]) call_with_this.has_outargs = has_outargs return call_with_this ################################################################ def hack(inst, mth, paramflags, interface, mthname): if paramflags is None: return catch_errors(inst, mth, paramflags, interface, mthname) code = mth.__code__ if code.co_varnames[1:2] == ("this",): return catch_errors(inst, mth, paramflags, interface, mthname) dirflags = [f[0] for f in paramflags] # An argument is an input arg either if flags are NOT set in the # idl file, or if the flags contain 'in'. In other words, the # direction flag is either exactly '0' or has the '1' bit set: # Output arguments have flag '2' args_out_idx = [] args_in_idx = [] for i, a in enumerate(dirflags): if a&2: args_out_idx.append(i) if a&1 or a==0: args_in_idx.append(i) args_out = len(args_out_idx) ## XXX Remove this: ## if args_in != code.co_argcount - 1: ## return catch_errors(inst, mth, interface, mthname) clsid = getattr(inst, "_reg_clsid_", None) def call_without_this(this, *args): # Method implementations could check for and return E_POINTER # themselves. Or an error will be raised when # 'outargs[i][0] = value' is executed. ## for a in outargs: ## if not a: ## return E_POINTER #make argument list for handler by index array built above inargs = [] for a in args_in_idx: inargs.append(args[a]) try: result = mth(*inargs) if args_out == 1: args[args_out_idx[0]][0] = result elif args_out != 0: if len(result) != args_out: msg = "Method should have returned a %s-tuple" % args_out raise ValueError(msg) for i, value in enumerate(result): args[args_out_idx[i]][0] = value except ReturnHRESULT as err: (hresult, text) = err.args return ReportError(text, iid=interface._iid_, clsid=clsid, hresult=hresult) except COMError as err: (hr, text, details) = err.args _error("Exception in %s.%s implementation:", interface.__name__, mthname, exc_info=True) try: descr, source, helpfile, helpcontext, progid = details except (ValueError, TypeError): msg = str(details) else: msg = "%s: %s" % (source, descr) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr) return ReportError(msg, iid=interface._iid_, clsid=clsid, hresult=hr) except WindowsError as details: _error("Exception in %s.%s implementation:", interface.__name__, mthname, exc_info=True) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(winerror(details)) return ReportException(hr, interface._iid_, clsid=clsid) except E_NotImplemented: _warning("Unimplemented method %s.%s called", interface.__name__, mthname) return E_NOTIMPL except: _error("Exception in %s.%s implementation:", interface.__name__, mthname, exc_info=True) return ReportException(E_FAIL, interface._iid_, clsid=clsid) return S_OK if args_out: call_without_this.has_outargs = True return call_without_this class _MethodFinder(object): def __init__(self, inst): self.inst = inst # map lower case names to names with correct spelling. self.names = dict([(n.lower(), n) for n in dir(inst)]) def get_impl(self, interface, mthname, paramflags, idlflags): mth = self.find_impl(interface, mthname, paramflags, idlflags) if mth is None: return _do_implement(interface.__name__, mthname) return hack(self.inst, mth, paramflags, interface, mthname) def find_method(self, fq_name, mthname): # Try to find a method, first with the fully qualified name # ('IUnknown_QueryInterface'), if that fails try the simple # name ('QueryInterface') try: return getattr(self.inst, fq_name) except AttributeError: pass return getattr(self.inst, mthname) def find_impl(self, interface, mthname, paramflags, idlflags): fq_name = "%s_%s" % (interface.__name__, mthname) if interface._case_insensitive_: # simple name, like 'QueryInterface' mthname = self.names.get(mthname.lower(), mthname) # qualified name, like 'IUnknown_QueryInterface' fq_name = self.names.get(fq_name.lower(), fq_name) try: return self.find_method(fq_name, mthname) except AttributeError: pass propname = mthname[5:] # strip the '_get_' or '_set' prefix if interface._case_insensitive_: propname = self.names.get(propname.lower(), propname) # propput and propget is done with 'normal' attribute access, # but only for COM properties that do not take additional # arguments: if "propget" in idlflags and len(paramflags) == 1: return self.getter(propname) if "propput" in idlflags and len(paramflags) == 1: return self.setter(propname) _debug("%r: %s.%s not implemented", self.inst, interface.__name__, mthname) return None def setter(self, propname): # def set(self, value): try: # XXX this may not be correct is the object implements # _get_PropName but not _set_PropName setattr(self, propname, value) except AttributeError: raise E_NotImplemented() return instancemethod(set, self.inst, type(self.inst)) def getter(self, propname): def get(self): try: return getattr(self, propname) except AttributeError: raise E_NotImplemented() return instancemethod(get, self.inst, type(self.inst)) def _create_vtbl_type(fields, itf): try: return _vtbl_types[fields] except KeyError: class Vtbl(Structure): _fields_ = fields Vtbl.__name__ = "Vtbl_%s" % itf.__name__ _vtbl_types[fields] = Vtbl return Vtbl # Ugh. Another type cache to avoid leaking types. _vtbl_types = {} ################################################################ try: if == "ce": _InterlockedIncrement = windll.coredll.InterlockedIncrement _InterlockedDecrement = windll.coredll.InterlockedDecrement else: _InterlockedIncrement = windll.kernel32.InterlockedIncrement _InterlockedDecrement = windll.kernel32.InterlockedDecrement except AttributeError: import threading _lock = threading.Lock() _acquire = _lock.acquire _release = _lock.release # win 64 doesn't have these functions def _InterlockedIncrement(ob): _acquire() refcnt = ob.value + 1 ob.value = refcnt _release() return refcnt def _InterlockedDecrement(ob): _acquire() refcnt = ob.value - 1 ob.value = refcnt _release() return refcnt else: _InterlockedIncrement.argtypes = [POINTER(c_long)] _InterlockedDecrement.argtypes = [POINTER(c_long)] _InterlockedIncrement.restype = c_long _InterlockedDecrement.restype = c_long class LocalServer(object): _queue = None def run(self, classobjects): # Use windll instead of oledll so that we don't get an # exception on a FAILED hresult: result = windll.ole32.CoInitialize(None) if RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == result: # we're running in MTA: no message pump needed _debug("Server running in MTA") self.run_mta() else: # we're running in STA: need a message pump _debug("Server running in STA") if result >= 0: # we need a matching CoUninitialize() call for a successful # CoInitialize(). windll.ole32.CoUninitialize() self.run_sta() for obj in classobjects: obj._revoke_class() def run_sta(self): from comtypes import messageloop def run_mta(self): import queue self._queue = queue.Queue() self._queue.get() def Lock(self): oledll.ole32.CoAddRefServerProcess() def Unlock(self): rc = oledll.ole32.CoReleaseServerProcess() if rc == 0: if self._queue: self._queue.put(42) else: windll.user32.PostQuitMessage(0) class InprocServer(object): def __init__(self): self.locks = c_long(0) def Lock(self): _InterlockedIncrement(self.locks) def Unlock(self): _InterlockedDecrement(self.locks) def DllCanUnloadNow(self): if self.locks.value: return S_FALSE if COMObject._instances_: return S_FALSE return S_OK class COMObject(object): _instances_ = {} def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): self = super(COMObject, cls).__new__(cls) if isinstance(self, c_void_p): # We build the VTables only for direct instances of # CoClass, not for POINTERs to CoClass. return self if hasattr(self, "_com_interfaces_"): self.__prepare_comobject() return self def __prepare_comobject(self): # When a CoClass instance is created, COM pointers to all # interfaces are created. Also, the CoClass must be kept alive as # until the COM reference count drops to zero, even if no Python # code keeps a reference to the object. # # The _com_pointers_ instance variable maps string interface iids # to C compatible COM pointers. self._com_pointers_ = {} # COM refcount starts at zero. self._refcnt = c_long(0) # Some interfaces have a default implementation in COMObject: # - ISupportErrorInfo # - IPersist (if the subclass has a _reg_clsid_ attribute) # - IProvideClassInfo (if the subclass has a _reg_clsid_ attribute) # - IProvideClassInfo2 (if the subclass has a _outgoing_interfaces_ # attribute) # # Add these if they are not listed in _com_interfaces_. interfaces = tuple(self._com_interfaces_) if ISupportErrorInfo not in interfaces: interfaces += (ISupportErrorInfo,) if hasattr(self, "_reg_typelib_"): from comtypes.typeinfo import LoadRegTypeLib self._COMObject__typelib = LoadRegTypeLib(*self._reg_typelib_) if hasattr(self, "_reg_clsid_"): if IProvideClassInfo not in interfaces: interfaces += (IProvideClassInfo,) if hasattr(self, "_outgoing_interfaces_") and \ IProvideClassInfo2 not in interfaces: interfaces += (IProvideClassInfo2,) if hasattr(self, "_reg_clsid_"): if IPersist not in interfaces: interfaces += (IPersist,) for itf in interfaces[::-1]: self.__make_interface_pointer(itf) def __make_interface_pointer(self, itf): methods = [] # method implementations fields = [] # (name, prototype) for virtual function table iids = [] # interface identifiers. # iterate over interface inheritance in reverse order to build the # virtual function table, and leave out the 'object' base class. finder = self._get_method_finder_(itf) for interface in itf.__mro__[-2::-1]: iids.append(interface._iid_) for m in interface._methods_: restype, mthname, argtypes, paramflags, idlflags, helptext = m proto = WINFUNCTYPE(restype, c_void_p, *argtypes) fields.append((mthname, proto)) mth = finder.get_impl(interface, mthname, paramflags, idlflags) methods.append(proto(mth)) Vtbl = _create_vtbl_type(tuple(fields), itf) vtbl = Vtbl(*methods) for iid in iids: self._com_pointers_[iid] = pointer(pointer(vtbl)) if hasattr(itf, "_disp_methods_"): self._dispimpl_ = {} for m in itf._disp_methods_: what, mthname, idlflags, restype, argspec = m ################# # What we have: # # restypes is a ctypes type or None # argspec is seq. of (['in'], paramtype, paramname) tuples (or # lists?) ################# # What we need: # # idlflags must contain 'propget', 'propset' and so on: # Must be constructed by converting disptype # # paramflags must be a sequence # of (F_IN|F_OUT|F_RETVAL, paramname[, default-value]) tuples # # comtypes has this function which helps: # def _encode_idl(names): # # convert to F_xxx and sum up "in", "out", # # "retval" values found in _PARAMFLAGS, ignoring # # other stuff. # return sum([_PARAMFLAGS.get(n, 0) for n in names]) ################# if what == "DISPMETHOD": if 'propget' in idlflags: invkind = 2 # DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET mthname = "_get_" + mthname elif 'propput' in idlflags: invkind = 4 # DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT mthname = "_set_" + mthname elif 'propputref' in idlflags: invkind = 8 # DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF mthname = "_setref_" + mthname else: invkind = 1 # DISPATCH_METHOD if restype: argspec = argspec + ((['out'], restype, ""),) self.__make_dispentry(finder, interface, mthname, idlflags, argspec, invkind) elif what == "DISPPROPERTY": # DISPPROPERTY have implicit "out" if restype: argspec += ((['out'], restype, ""),) self.__make_dispentry(finder, interface, "_get_" + mthname, idlflags, argspec, 2 # DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET ) if not 'readonly' in idlflags: self.__make_dispentry(finder, interface, "_set_" + mthname, idlflags, argspec, 4) # DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT # Add DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF also? def __make_dispentry(self, finder, interface, mthname, idlflags, argspec, invkind): # We build a _dispmap_ entry now that maps invkind and # dispid to implementations that the finder finds; # IDispatch_Invoke will later call it. paramflags = [((_encode_idl(x[0]), x[1]) + tuple(x[3:])) for x in argspec] # XXX can the dispid be at a different index? Check codegenerator. dispid = idlflags[0] impl = finder.get_impl(interface, mthname, paramflags, idlflags) self._dispimpl_[(dispid, invkind)] = impl # invkind is really a set of flags; we allow both # DISPATCH_METHOD and DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET (win32com uses # this, maybe other languages too?) if invkind in (1, 2): self._dispimpl_[(dispid, 3)] = impl def _get_method_finder_(self, itf): # This method can be overridden to customize how methods are # found. return _MethodFinder(self) ################################################################ # LocalServer / InprocServer stuff __server__ = None @staticmethod def __run_inprocserver__(): if COMObject.__server__ is None: COMObject.__server__ = InprocServer() elif isinstance(COMObject.__server__, InprocServer): pass else: raise RuntimeError("Wrong server type") @staticmethod def __run_localserver__(classobjects): assert COMObject.__server__ is None # XXX Decide whether we are in STA or MTA server = COMObject.__server__ = LocalServer() COMObject.__server__ = None @staticmethod def __keep__(obj): COMObject._instances_[obj] = None _debug("%d active COM objects: Added %r", len(COMObject._instances_), obj) if COMObject.__server__: COMObject.__server__.Lock() @staticmethod def __unkeep__(obj): try: del COMObject._instances_[obj] except AttributeError: _debug("? active COM objects: Removed %r", obj) else: _debug("%d active COM objects: Removed %r", len(COMObject._instances_), obj) _debug("Remaining: %s", list(COMObject._instances_.keys())) if COMObject.__server__: COMObject.__server__.Unlock() # ################################################################ ######################################################### # IUnknown methods implementations def IUnknown_AddRef(self, this, __InterlockedIncrement=_InterlockedIncrement, _debug=_debug): result = __InterlockedIncrement(self._refcnt) if result == 1: self.__keep__(self) _debug("%r.AddRef() -> %s", self, result) return result def _final_release_(self): """This method may be overridden in subclasses to free allocated resources or so.""" pass def IUnknown_Release(self, this, __InterlockedDecrement=_InterlockedDecrement, _debug=_debug): # If this is called at COM shutdown, _InterlockedDecrement() # must still be available, although module level variables may # have been deleted already - so we supply it as default # argument. result = __InterlockedDecrement(self._refcnt) _debug("%r.Release() -> %s", self, result) if result == 0: self._final_release_() self.__unkeep__(self) # Hm, why isn't this cleaned up by the cycle gc? self._com_pointers_ = {} return result def IUnknown_QueryInterface(self, this, riid, ppvObj, _debug=_debug): # XXX This is probably too slow. # riid[0].hashcode() alone takes 33 us! iid = riid[0] ptr = self._com_pointers_.get(iid, None) if ptr is not None: # CopyComPointer(src, dst) calls AddRef! _debug("%r.QueryInterface(%s) -> S_OK", self, iid) return CopyComPointer(ptr, ppvObj) _debug("%r.QueryInterface(%s) -> E_NOINTERFACE", self, iid) return E_NOINTERFACE def QueryInterface(self, interface): "Query the object for an interface pointer" # This method is NOT the implementation of # IUnknown::QueryInterface, instead it is supposed to be # called on an COMObject by user code. It allows to get COM # interface pointers from COMObject instances. ptr = self._com_pointers_.get(interface._iid_, None) if ptr is None: raise COMError(E_NOINTERFACE, FormatError(E_NOINTERFACE), (None, None, 0, None, None)) # CopyComPointer(src, dst) calls AddRef! result = POINTER(interface)() CopyComPointer(ptr, byref(result)) return result ################################################################ # ISupportErrorInfo::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo implementation def ISupportErrorInfo_InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(self, this, riid): if riid[0] in self._com_pointers_: return S_OK return S_FALSE ################################################################ # IProvideClassInfo::GetClassInfo implementation def IProvideClassInfo_GetClassInfo(self): try: self.__typelib except AttributeError: raise WindowsError(E_NOTIMPL) return self.__typelib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(self._reg_clsid_) ################################################################ # IProvideClassInfo2::GetGUID implementation def IProvideClassInfo2_GetGUID(self, dwGuidKind): # GUIDKIND_DEFAULT_SOURCE_DISP_IID = 1 if dwGuidKind != 1: raise WindowsError(E_INVALIDARG) return self._outgoing_interfaces_[0]._iid_ ################################################################ # IDispatch methods @property def __typeinfo(self): # XXX Looks like this better be a static property, set by the # code that sets __typelib also... iid = self._com_interfaces_[0]._iid_ return self.__typelib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(iid) def IDispatch_GetTypeInfoCount(self): try: self.__typelib except AttributeError: return 0 else: return 1 def IDispatch_GetTypeInfo(self, this, itinfo, lcid, ptinfo): if itinfo != 0: return DISP_E_BADINDEX try: ptinfo[0] = self.__typeinfo return S_OK except AttributeError: return E_NOTIMPL def IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames(self, this, riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId): # This call uses windll instead of oledll so that a failed # call to DispGetIDsOfNames will return a HRESULT instead of # raising an error. try: tinfo = self.__typeinfo except AttributeError: return E_NOTIMPL return windll.oleaut32.DispGetIDsOfNames(tinfo, rgszNames, cNames, rgDispId) def IDispatch_Invoke(self, this, dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr): try: self._dispimpl_ except AttributeError: try: tinfo = self.__typeinfo except AttributeError: # Hm, we pretend to implement IDispatch, but have no # typeinfo, and so cannot fulfill the contract. Should we # better return E_NOTIMPL or DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND? Some # clients call IDispatch_Invoke with 'known' DISPID_...' # values, without going through GetIDsOfNames first. return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND # This call uses windll instead of oledll so that a failed # call to DispInvoke will return a HRESULT instead of raising # an error. interface = self._com_interfaces_[0] ptr = self._com_pointers_[interface._iid_] return windll.oleaut32.DispInvoke( ptr, tinfo, dispIdMember, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr ) try: # XXX Hm, wFlags should be considered a SET of flags... mth = self._dispimpl_[(dispIdMember, wFlags)] except KeyError: return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND # Unpack the parameters: It would be great if we could use the # DispGetParam function - but we cannot since it requires that # we pass a VARTYPE for each argument and we do not know that. # # Seems that n arguments have dispids (0, 1, ..., n-1). # Unnamed arguments are packed into the DISPPARAMS array in # reverse order (starting with the highest dispid), named # arguments are packed in the order specified by the # rgdispidNamedArgs array. # params = pDispParams[0] if wFlags & (4 | 8): # DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT # DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF # # How are the parameters unpacked for propertyput # operations with additional parameters? Can propput # have additional args? args = [params.rgvarg[i].value for i in reversed(list(range(params.cNamedArgs)))] # MSDN: pVarResult is ignored if DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT or # DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF is specified. return mth(this, *args) else: # DISPATCH_METHOD # DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET # the positions of named arguments # # 2to3 has problems to translate 'range(...)[::-1]' # correctly, so use 'list(range)[::-1]' instead (will be # fixed in Python 3.1, probably): named_indexes = [params.rgdispidNamedArgs[i] for i in range(params.cNamedArgs)] # the positions of unnamed arguments num_unnamed = params.cArgs - params.cNamedArgs unnamed_indexes = list(reversed(list(range(num_unnamed)))) # It seems that this code calculates the indexes of the # parameters in the params.rgvarg array correctly. indexes = named_indexes + unnamed_indexes args = [params.rgvarg[i].value for i in indexes] if pVarResult and getattr(mth, "has_outargs", False): args.append(pVarResult) return mth(this, *args) ################################################################ # IPersist interface def IPersist_GetClassID(self): return self._reg_clsid_ __all__ = ["COMObject"]