import types import os import sys import comtypes.client import import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if == "ce": # Windows CE has a hard coded PATH # XXX Additionally there's an OEM path, plus registry settings. # We don't currently use the latter. PATH = ["\\Windows", "\\"] else: PATH = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep) def _my_import(fullname): # helper function to import dotted modules import comtypes.gen if comtypes.client.gen_dir \ and comtypes.client.gen_dir not in comtypes.gen.__path__: comtypes.gen.__path__.append(comtypes.client.gen_dir) return __import__(fullname, globals(), locals(), ['DUMMY']) def _name_module(tlib): # Determine the name of a typelib wrapper module. libattr = tlib.GetLibAttr() modname = "_%s_%s_%s_%s" % \ (str(libattr.guid)[1:-1].replace("-", "_"), libattr.lcid, libattr.wMajorVerNum, libattr.wMinorVerNum) return "comtypes.gen." + modname def GetModule(tlib): """Create a module wrapping a COM typelibrary on demand. 'tlib' must be an ITypeLib COM pointer instance, the pathname of a type library, or a tuple/list specifying the arguments to a comtypes.typeinfo.LoadRegTypeLib call: (libid, wMajorVerNum, wMinorVerNum, lcid=0) Or it can be an object with _reg_libid_ and _reg_version_ attributes. A relative pathname is interpreted as relative to the callers __file__, if this exists. This function determines the module name from the typelib attributes, then tries to import it. If that fails because the module doesn't exist, the module is generated into the comtypes.gen package. It is possible to delete the whole comtypes\gen directory to remove all generated modules, the directory and the file in it will be recreated when needed. If comtypes.gen __path__ is not a directory (in a frozen executable it lives in a zip archive), generated modules are only created in memory without writing them to the file system. Example: GetModule("shdocvw.dll") would create modules named comtypes.gen._EAB22AC0_30C1_11CF_A7EB_0000C05BAE0B_0_1_1 comtypes.gen.SHDocVw containing the Python wrapper code for the type library used by Internet Explorer. The former module contains all the code, the latter is a short stub loading the former. """ pathname = None if isinstance(tlib, str): # pathname of type library if not os.path.isabs(tlib): # If a relative pathname is used, we try to interpret # this pathname as relative to the callers __file__. frame = sys._getframe(1) _file_ = frame.f_globals.get("__file__", None) if _file_ is not None: directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(_file_)) abspath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory, tlib)) # If the file does exist, we use it. Otherwise it may # still be that the file is on Windows search path for # typelibs, and we leave the pathname alone. if os.path.isfile(abspath): tlib = abspath logger.debug("GetModule(%s)", tlib) pathname = tlib tlib = comtypes.typeinfo.LoadTypeLibEx(tlib) elif isinstance(tlib, (tuple, list)): # sequence containing libid and version numbers logger.debug("GetModule(%s)", (tlib,)) tlib = comtypes.typeinfo.LoadRegTypeLib(comtypes.GUID(tlib[0]), *tlib[1:]) elif hasattr(tlib, "_reg_libid_"): # a COMObject implementation logger.debug("GetModule(%s)", tlib) tlib = comtypes.typeinfo.LoadRegTypeLib(comtypes.GUID(tlib._reg_libid_), *tlib._reg_version_) else: # an ITypeLib pointer logger.debug("GetModule(%s)", tlib.GetLibAttr()) # create and import the module mod = _CreateWrapper(tlib, pathname) try: modulename = tlib.GetDocumentation(-1)[0] except comtypes.COMError: return mod if modulename is None: return mod if sys.version_info < (3, 0): modulename = modulename.encode("mbcs") # create and import the friendly-named module try: mod = _my_import("comtypes.gen." + modulename) except Exception as details:"Could not import comtypes.gen.%s: %s", modulename, details) else: return mod # the module is always regenerated if the import fails"# Generating comtypes.gen.%s", modulename) # determine the Python module name fullname = _name_module(tlib) modname = fullname.split(".")[-1] code = "from comtypes.gen import %s\nglobals().update(%s.__dict__)\n" % (modname, modname) code += "__name__ = 'comtypes.gen.%s'" % modulename if comtypes.client.gen_dir is None: mod = types.ModuleType("comtypes.gen." + modulename) mod.__file__ = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(comtypes.gen.__path__[0]), "") exec(code, mod.__dict__) sys.modules["comtypes.gen." + modulename] = mod setattr(comtypes.gen, modulename, mod) return mod # create in file system, and import it ofi = open(os.path.join(comtypes.client.gen_dir, modulename + ".py"), "w") ofi.write(code) ofi.close() return _my_import("comtypes.gen." + modulename) def _CreateWrapper(tlib, pathname=None): # helper which creates and imports the real typelib wrapper module. fullname = _name_module(tlib) try: return sys.modules[fullname] except KeyError: pass modname = fullname.split(".")[-1] try: return _my_import(fullname) except Exception as details:"Could not import %s: %s", fullname, details) # generate the module since it doesn't exist or is out of date from import generate_module if comtypes.client.gen_dir is None: import io ofi = io.StringIO() else: ofi = open(os.path.join(comtypes.client.gen_dir, modname + ".py"), "w") # XXX use logging!"# Generating comtypes.gen.%s", modname) generate_module(tlib, ofi, pathname) if comtypes.client.gen_dir is None: code = ofi.getvalue() mod = types.ModuleType(fullname) mod.__file__ = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(comtypes.gen.__path__[0]), "") exec(code, mod.__dict__) sys.modules[fullname] = mod setattr(comtypes.gen, modname, mod) else: ofi.close() mod = _my_import(fullname) return mod ################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": # When started as script, generate typelib wrapper from .tlb file. GetModule(sys.argv[1])