import sys from comtypes import automation, typeinfo, COMError from import typedesc from ctypes import c_void_p, sizeof, alignment try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set # Is the process 64-bit? is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32 ################################ def PTR(typ): return typedesc.PointerType(typ, sizeof(c_void_p)*8, alignment(c_void_p)*8) # basic C data types, with size and alignment in bits char_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("char", 8, 8) uchar_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("unsigned char", 8, 8) wchar_t_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("wchar_t", 16, 16) short_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("short int", 16, 16) ushort_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("short unsigned int", 16, 16) int_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("int", 32, 32) uint_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("unsigned int", 32, 32) long_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("long int", 32, 32) ulong_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("long unsigned int", 32, 32) longlong_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("long long int", 64, 64) ulonglong_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("long long unsigned int", 64, 64) float_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("float", 32, 32) double_type = typedesc.FundamentalType("double", 64, 64) # basic COM data types BSTR_type = typedesc.Typedef("BSTR", PTR(wchar_t_type)) SCODE_type = typedesc.Typedef("SCODE", int_type) VARIANT_BOOL_type = typedesc.Typedef("VARIANT_BOOL", short_type) HRESULT_type = typedesc.Typedef("HRESULT", ulong_type) VARIANT_type = typedesc.Structure("VARIANT", align=alignment(automation.VARIANT)*8, members=[], bases=[], size=sizeof(automation.VARIANT)*8) IDISPATCH_type = typedesc.Typedef("IDispatch", None) IUNKNOWN_type = typedesc.Typedef("IUnknown", None) DECIMAL_type = typedesc.Structure("DECIMAL", align=alignment(automation.DECIMAL)*8, members=[], bases=[], size=sizeof(automation.DECIMAL)*8) def midlSAFEARRAY(typ): return typedesc.SAFEARRAYType(typ) # faked COM data types CURRENCY_type = longlong_type # slightly wrong; should be scaled by 10000 - use subclass of longlong? DATE_type = double_type # not *that* wrong... COMTYPES = { automation.VT_I2: short_type, # 2 automation.VT_I4: int_type, # 3 automation.VT_R4: float_type, # 4 automation.VT_R8: double_type, # 5 automation.VT_CY: CURRENCY_type, # 6 automation.VT_DATE: DATE_type, # 7 automation.VT_BSTR: BSTR_type, # 8 automation.VT_DISPATCH: PTR(IDISPATCH_type), # 9 automation.VT_ERROR: SCODE_type, # 10 automation.VT_BOOL: VARIANT_BOOL_type, # 11 automation.VT_VARIANT: VARIANT_type, # 12 automation.VT_UNKNOWN: PTR(IUNKNOWN_type), # 13 automation.VT_DECIMAL: DECIMAL_type, # 14 automation.VT_I1: char_type, # 16 automation.VT_UI1: uchar_type, # 17 automation.VT_UI2: ushort_type, # 18 automation.VT_UI4: ulong_type, # 19 automation.VT_I8: longlong_type, # 20 automation.VT_UI8: ulonglong_type, # 21 automation.VT_INT: int_type, # 22 automation.VT_UINT: uint_type, # 23 automation.VT_VOID: typedesc.FundamentalType("void", 0, 0), # 24 automation.VT_HRESULT: HRESULT_type, # 25 automation.VT_LPSTR: PTR(char_type), # 30 automation.VT_LPWSTR: PTR(wchar_t_type), # 31 } #automation.VT_PTR = 26 # below #automation.VT_SAFEARRAY = 27 #automation.VT_CARRAY = 28 # below #automation.VT_USERDEFINED = 29 # below #automation.VT_RECORD = 36 #automation.VT_ARRAY = 8192 #automation.VT_BYREF = 16384 ################################################################ class Parser(object): def make_type(self, tdesc, tinfo): try: return COMTYPES[tdesc.vt] except KeyError: pass if tdesc.vt == automation.VT_CARRAY: typ = self.make_type(tdesc._.lpadesc[0].tdescElem, tinfo) for i in range(tdesc._.lpadesc[0].cDims): typ = typedesc.ArrayType(typ, tdesc._.lpadesc[0].rgbounds[i].lLbound, tdesc._.lpadesc[0].rgbounds[i].cElements-1) return typ elif tdesc.vt == automation.VT_PTR: typ = self.make_type(tdesc._.lptdesc[0], tinfo) return PTR(typ) elif tdesc.vt == automation.VT_USERDEFINED: try: ti = tinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(tdesc._.hreftype) except COMError as details: type_name = "__error_hreftype_%d__" % tdesc._.hreftype tlib_name = get_tlib_filename(self.tlib) if tlib_name is None: tlib_name = "unknown typelib" message = "\n\tGetRefTypeInfo failed in %s: %s\n\tgenerating type '%s' instead" % \ (tlib_name, details, type_name) import warnings warnings.warn(message, UserWarning); result = typedesc.Structure(type_name, align=8, members=[], bases=[], size=0) return result result = self.parse_typeinfo(ti) assert result is not None, ti.GetDocumentation(-1)[0] return result elif tdesc.vt == automation.VT_SAFEARRAY: # SAFEARRAY(), see Don Box pp.331f itemtype = self.make_type(tdesc._.lptdesc[0], tinfo) return midlSAFEARRAY(itemtype) raise NotImplementedError(tdesc.vt) ################################################################ # TKIND_ENUM = 0 def ParseEnum(self, tinfo, ta): ta = tinfo.GetTypeAttr() enum_name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0] enum = typedesc.Enumeration(enum_name, 32, 32) self._register(enum_name, enum) for i in range(ta.cVars): vd = tinfo.GetVarDesc(i) name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(vd.memid)[0] assert vd.varkind == typeinfo.VAR_CONST num_val = vd._.lpvarValue[0].value v = typedesc.EnumValue(name, num_val, enum) enum.add_value(v) return enum # TKIND_RECORD = 1 def ParseRecord(self, tinfo, ta): members = [] # will be filled later struct_name, doc, helpcntext, helpfile = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1) struct = typedesc.Structure(struct_name, align=ta.cbAlignment*8, members=members, bases=[], size=ta.cbSizeInstance*8) self._register(struct_name, struct) tlib, _ = tinfo.GetContainingTypeLib() tlib_ta = tlib.GetLibAttr() # If this is a 32-bit typlib being loaded in a 64-bit process, then the # size and alignment are incorrect. Set the size to None to disable # size checks and correct the alignment. if is_64bits and tlib_ta.syskind == typeinfo.SYS_WIN32: struct.size = None struct.align = 64 if ta.guid: struct._recordinfo_ = (str(tlib_ta.guid), tlib_ta.wMajorVerNum, tlib_ta.wMinorVerNum, tlib_ta.lcid, str(ta.guid)) for i in range(ta.cVars): vd = tinfo.GetVarDesc(i) name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(vd.memid)[0] offset = vd._.oInst * 8 assert vd.varkind == typeinfo.VAR_PERINSTANCE typ = self.make_type(vd.elemdescVar.tdesc, tinfo) field = typedesc.Field(name, typ, None, # bits offset) members.append(field) return struct # TKIND_MODULE = 2 def ParseModule(self, tinfo, ta): assert 0 == ta.cImplTypes # functions for i in range(ta.cFuncs): # We skip all function definitions. There are several # problems with these, and we can, for comtypes, ignore them. continue fd = tinfo.GetFuncDesc(i) dllname, func_name, ordinal = tinfo.GetDllEntry(fd.memid, fd.invkind) func_doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(fd.memid)[1] assert 0 == fd.cParamsOpt # XXX returns = self.make_type(fd.elemdescFunc.tdesc, tinfo) if fd.callconv == typeinfo.CC_CDECL: attributes = "__cdecl__" elif fd.callconv == typeinfo.CC_STDCALL: attributes = "__stdcall__" else: raise ValueError("calling convention %d" % fd.callconv) func = typedesc.Function(func_name, returns, attributes, extern=1) if func_doc is not None: func.doc = func_doc.encode("mbcs") func.dllname = dllname self._register(func_name, func) for i in range(fd.cParams): argtype = self.make_type(fd.lprgelemdescParam[i].tdesc, tinfo) func.add_argument(argtype) # constants for i in range(ta.cVars): vd = tinfo.GetVarDesc(i) name, var_doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(vd.memid)[0:2] assert vd.varkind == typeinfo.VAR_CONST typ = self.make_type(vd.elemdescVar.tdesc, tinfo) var_value = vd._.lpvarValue[0].value v = typedesc.Constant(name, typ, var_value) self._register(name, v) if var_doc is not None: v.doc = var_doc # TKIND_INTERFACE = 3 def ParseInterface(self, tinfo, ta): itf_name, itf_doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0:2] assert ta.cImplTypes <= 1 if ta.cImplTypes == 0 and itf_name != "IUnknown": # Windows defines an interface IOleControlTypes in ocidl.idl. # Don't known what artefact that is - we ignore it. # It's an interface without methods anyway. if itf_name != "IOleControlTypes": message = "Ignoring interface %s which has no base interface" % itf_name import warnings warnings.warn(message, UserWarning); return None itf = typedesc.ComInterface(itf_name, members=[], base=None, iid=str(ta.guid), idlflags=self.interface_type_flags(ta.wTypeFlags)) if itf_doc: itf.doc = itf_doc self._register(itf_name, itf) if ta.cImplTypes: hr = tinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(0) tibase = tinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(hr) itf.base = self.parse_typeinfo(tibase) assert ta.cVars == 0, "vars on an Interface?" members = [] for i in range(ta.cFuncs): fd = tinfo.GetFuncDesc(i) ## func_name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(fd.memid)[0] func_name, func_doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(fd.memid)[:2] assert fd.funckind == typeinfo.FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL returns = self.make_type(fd.elemdescFunc.tdesc, tinfo) names = tinfo.GetNames(fd.memid, fd.cParams+1) names.append("rhs") names = names[:fd.cParams + 1] assert len(names) == fd.cParams + 1 flags = self.func_flags(fd.wFuncFlags) flags += self.inv_kind(fd.invkind) mth = typedesc.ComMethod(fd.invkind, fd.memid, func_name, returns, flags, func_doc) mth.oVft = fd.oVft for p in range(fd.cParams): typ = self.make_type(fd.lprgelemdescParam[p].tdesc, tinfo) name = names[p+1] flags = fd.lprgelemdescParam[p]._.paramdesc.wParamFlags if flags & typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT: # XXX should be handled by VARIANT itself var = fd.lprgelemdescParam[p]._.paramdesc.pparamdescex[0].varDefaultValue default = var.value else: default = None mth.add_argument(typ, name, self.param_flags(flags), default) members.append((fd.oVft, mth)) # Sort the methods by oVft (VTable offset): Some typeinfo # don't list methods in VTable order. members.sort() itf.members.extend([m[1] for m in members]) return itf # TKIND_DISPATCH = 4 def ParseDispatch(self, tinfo, ta): itf_name, doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0:2] assert ta.cImplTypes == 1 hr = tinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(0) tibase = tinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(hr) base = self.parse_typeinfo(tibase) members = [] itf = typedesc.DispInterface(itf_name, members=members, base=base, iid=str(ta.guid), idlflags=self.interface_type_flags(ta.wTypeFlags)) if doc is not None: itf.doc = str(doc.split("\0")[0]) self._register(itf_name, itf) # This code can only handle pure dispinterfaces. Dual # interfaces are parsed in ParseInterface(). assert ta.wTypeFlags & typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FDUAL == 0 for i in range(ta.cVars): vd = tinfo.GetVarDesc(i) assert vd.varkind == typeinfo.VAR_DISPATCH var_name, var_doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(vd.memid)[0:2] typ = self.make_type(vd.elemdescVar.tdesc, tinfo) mth = typedesc.DispProperty(vd.memid, var_name, typ, self.var_flags(vd.wVarFlags), var_doc) itf.members.append(mth) # At least the EXCEL typelib lists the IUnknown and IDispatch # methods even for this kind of interface. I didn't find any # indication about these methods in the various flags, so we # have to exclude them by name. # CLF: 12/14/2012 Do this in a way that does not exclude other methods. # I have encountered typlibs where only "QueryInterface", "AddRef" # and "Release" are to be skipped. ignored_names = set(["QueryInterface", "AddRef", "Release", "GetTypeInfoCount", "GetTypeInfo", "GetIDsOfNames", "Invoke"]) for i in range(ta.cFuncs): fd = tinfo.GetFuncDesc(i) func_name, func_doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(fd.memid)[:2] if func_name in ignored_names: continue assert fd.funckind == typeinfo.FUNC_DISPATCH returns = self.make_type(fd.elemdescFunc.tdesc, tinfo) names = tinfo.GetNames(fd.memid, fd.cParams+1) names.append("rhs") names = names[:fd.cParams + 1] assert len(names) == fd.cParams + 1 # function name first, then parameter names flags = self.func_flags(fd.wFuncFlags) flags += self.inv_kind(fd.invkind) mth = typedesc.DispMethod(fd.memid, fd.invkind, func_name, returns, flags, func_doc) for p in range(fd.cParams): typ = self.make_type(fd.lprgelemdescParam[p].tdesc, tinfo) name = names[p+1] flags = fd.lprgelemdescParam[p]._.paramdesc.wParamFlags if flags & typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT: var = fd.lprgelemdescParam[p]._.paramdesc.pparamdescex[0].varDefaultValue default = var.value else: default = None mth.add_argument(typ, name, self.param_flags(flags), default) itf.members.append(mth) return itf def inv_kind(self, invkind): NAMES = {automation.DISPATCH_METHOD: [], automation.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT: ["propput"], automation.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF: ["propputref"], automation.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET: ["propget"]} return NAMES[invkind] def func_flags(self, flags): # map FUNCFLAGS values to idl attributes NAMES = {typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED: "restricted", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE: "source", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE: "bindable", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT: "requestedit", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND: "displaybind", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND: "defaultbind", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN: "hidden", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR: "usesgetlasterror", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM: "defaultcollelem", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT: "uidefault", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE: "nonbrowsable", # typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE: "???", typeinfo.FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND: "immediatebind"} return [NAMES[bit] for bit in NAMES if bit & flags] def param_flags(self, flags): # map PARAMFLAGS values to idl attributes NAMES = {typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FIN: "in", typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FOUT: "out", typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FLCID: "lcid", typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL: "retval", typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FOPT: "optional", # typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT: "", # typeinfo.PARAMFLAG_FHASCUSTDATA: "", } return [NAMES[bit] for bit in NAMES if bit & flags] def coclass_type_flags(self, flags): # map TYPEFLAGS values to idl attributes NAMES = {typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT: "appobject", # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE: typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED: "licensed", # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FPREDECLID: typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN: "hidden", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL: "control", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FDUAL: "dual", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE: "nonextensible", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION: "oleautomation", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED: "restricted", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE: "aggregatable", # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE: # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE # computed, no flag for this typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FREVERSEBIND: "reversebind", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FPROXY: "proxy", } NEGATIVE_NAMES = {typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE: "noncreatable"} return [NAMES[bit] for bit in NAMES if bit & flags] + \ [NEGATIVE_NAMES[bit] for bit in NEGATIVE_NAMES if not (bit & flags)] def interface_type_flags(self, flags): # map TYPEFLAGS values to idl attributes NAMES = {typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT: "appobject", # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE: typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED: "licensed", # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FPREDECLID: typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN: "hidden", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL: "control", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FDUAL: "dual", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE: "nonextensible", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION: "oleautomation", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED: "restricted", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE: "aggregatable", # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE: # typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE # computed, no flag for this typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FREVERSEBIND: "reversebind", typeinfo.TYPEFLAG_FPROXY: "proxy", } NEGATIVE_NAMES = {} return [NAMES[bit] for bit in NAMES if bit & flags] + \ [NEGATIVE_NAMES[bit] for bit in NEGATIVE_NAMES if not (bit & flags)] def var_flags(self, flags): NAMES = {typeinfo.VARFLAG_FREADONLY: "readonly", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FSOURCE: "source", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FBINDABLE: "bindable", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT: "requestedit", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND: "displaybind", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND: "defaultbind", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FHIDDEN: "hidden", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED: "restricted", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM: "defaultcollelem", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT: "uidefault", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE: "nonbrowsable", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE: "replaceable", typeinfo.VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND: "immediatebind" } return [NAMES[bit] for bit in NAMES if bit & flags] # TKIND_COCLASS = 5 def ParseCoClass(self, tinfo, ta): # possible ta.wTypeFlags: helpstring, helpcontext, licensed, # version, control, hidden, and appobject coclass_name, doc = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0:2] tlibattr = tinfo.GetContainingTypeLib()[0].GetLibAttr() coclass = typedesc.CoClass(coclass_name, str(ta.guid), self.coclass_type_flags(ta.wTypeFlags), tlibattr) if doc is not None: coclass.doc = doc self._register(coclass_name, coclass) for i in range(ta.cImplTypes): hr = tinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(i) ti = tinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(hr) itf = self.parse_typeinfo(ti) flags = tinfo.GetImplTypeFlags(i) coclass.add_interface(itf, flags) return coclass # TKIND_ALIAS = 6 def ParseAlias(self, tinfo, ta): name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0] typ = self.make_type(ta.tdescAlias, tinfo) alias = typedesc.Typedef(name, typ) self._register(name, alias) return alias # TKIND_UNION = 7 def ParseUnion(self, tinfo, ta): union_name, doc, helpcntext, helpfile = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1) members = [] union = typedesc.Union(union_name, align=ta.cbAlignment*8, members=members, bases=[], size=ta.cbSizeInstance*8) self._register(union_name, union) tlib, _ = tinfo.GetContainingTypeLib() tlib_ta = tlib.GetLibAttr() # If this is a 32-bit typlib being loaded in a 64-bit process, then the # size and alignment are incorrect. Set the size to None to disable # size checks and correct the alignment. if is_64bits and tlib_ta.syskind == typeinfo.SYS_WIN32: union.size = None union.align = 64 for i in range(ta.cVars): vd = tinfo.GetVarDesc(i) name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(vd.memid)[0] offset = vd._.oInst * 8 assert vd.varkind == typeinfo.VAR_PERINSTANCE typ = self.make_type(vd.elemdescVar.tdesc, tinfo) field = typedesc.Field(name, typ, None, # bits offset) members.append(field) return union ################################################################ def _typelib_module(self, tlib=None): if tlib is None: tlib = self.tlib # return a string that uniquely identifies a typelib. # The string doesn't have any meaning outside this instance. return str(tlib.GetLibAttr()) def _register(self, name, value, tlib=None): modname = self._typelib_module(tlib) fullname = "%s.%s" % (modname, name) if fullname in self.items: # XXX Can we really allow this? It happens, at least. if isinstance(value, typedesc.External): return # BUG: We try to register an item that's already registered. raise ValueError("Bug: Multiple registered name '%s': %r" % (name, value)) self.items[fullname] = value def parse_typeinfo(self, tinfo): name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0] modname = self._typelib_module() try: return self.items["%s.%s" % (modname, name)] except KeyError: pass tlib = tinfo.GetContainingTypeLib()[0] if tlib != self.tlib: ta = tinfo.GetTypeAttr() size = ta.cbSizeInstance * 8 align = ta.cbAlignment * 8 typ = typedesc.External(tlib, name, size, align, tlib.GetDocumentation(-1)[:2]) self._register(name, typ, tlib) return typ ta = tinfo.GetTypeAttr() tkind = ta.typekind if tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_ENUM: # 0 return self.ParseEnum(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_RECORD: # 1 return self.ParseRecord(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_MODULE: # 2 return self.ParseModule(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_INTERFACE: # 3 return self.ParseInterface(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_DISPATCH: # 4 try: # GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1) returns the custom portion # of a dispinterface, if it is dual href = tinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1) except COMError: # no dual interface return self.ParseDispatch(tinfo, ta) tinfo = tinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(href) ta = tinfo.GetTypeAttr() assert ta.typekind == typeinfo.TKIND_INTERFACE return self.ParseInterface(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_COCLASS: # 5 return self.ParseCoClass(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_ALIAS: # 6 return self.ParseAlias(tinfo, ta) elif tkind == typeinfo.TKIND_UNION: # 7 return self.ParseUnion(tinfo, ta) else: print("NYI", tkind) ## raise "NYI", tkind def parse_LibraryDescription(self): la = self.tlib.GetLibAttr() name, doc = self.tlib.GetDocumentation(-1)[:2] desc = typedesc.TypeLib(name, str(la.guid), la.wMajorVerNum, la.wMinorVerNum, doc) self._register(None, desc) ################################################################ def parse(self): self.parse_LibraryDescription() for i in range(self.tlib.GetTypeInfoCount()): tinfo = self.tlib.GetTypeInfo(i) self.parse_typeinfo(tinfo) return self.items class TlbFileParser(Parser): "Parses a type library from a file" def __init__(self, path): # XXX DOESN'T LOOK CORRECT: We should NOT register the typelib. self.tlib = typeinfo.LoadTypeLibEx(path)#, regkind=typeinfo.REGKIND_REGISTER) self.items = {} class TypeLibParser(Parser): def __init__(self, tlib): self.tlib = tlib self.items = {} ################################################################ # some interesting typelibs ## these do NOT work: # XXX infinite loop? ## path = r"mshtml.tlb" # has propputref # has SAFEARRAY # HRESULT Run(BSTR, SAFEARRAY(VARIANT)*, VARIANT*) ## path = "msscript.ocx" # has SAFEARRAY # HRESULT AddAddress(SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*, SAFEARRAY(BSTR)*) ## path = r"c:\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office\MSWORD8.OLB" # has propputref # has SAFEARRAY: # SAFEARRAY(unsigned char) FileSignatureInfo(BSTR, long, MsiSignatureInfo) ## path = r"msi.dll" # DispProperty # fails packing IDLDESC ## path = r"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\thomas\Desktop\tlb\win.tlb" # fails packing WIN32_FIND_DATA ## path = r"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\thomas\Desktop\tlb\win32.tlb" # has a POINTER(IUnknown) as default parameter value ## path = r"c:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\Speech\sapi.dll" ## path = r"hnetcfg.dll" ## path = r"simpdata.tlb" ## path = r"nscompat.tlb" ## path = r"stdole32.tlb" ## path = r"shdocvw.dll" ## path = r"c:\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office\MSO97.DLL" ## path = r"PICCLP32.OCX" # DispProperty ## path = r"MSHFLXGD.OCX" # DispProperty, propputref ## path = r"scrrun.dll" # propput AND propputref on IDictionary::Item ## path = r"C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\thomas\Desktop\tlb\threadapi.tlb" ## path = r"..\samples\BITS\bits2_0.tlb" ## path = r"c:\vc98\include\activscp.tlb" def get_tlib_filename(tlib): # seems if the typelib is not registered, there's no way to # determine the filename. from ctypes import windll, byref from comtypes import BSTR la = tlib.GetLibAttr() name = BSTR() try: windll.oleaut32.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib except AttributeError: # Windows CE doesn't have this function return None if 0 == windll.oleaut32.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib(byref(la.guid), la.wMajorVerNum, la.wMinorVerNum, 0, # lcid byref(name) ): return name.value.split("\0")[0] return None def _py2exe_hint(): # If the tlbparser is frozen, we need to include these import comtypes.persist import comtypes.typeinfo import comtypes.automation def generate_module(tlib, ofi, pathname): known_symbols = {} for name in ("comtypes.persist", "comtypes.typeinfo", "comtypes.automation", "comtypes._others", "comtypes", "ctypes.wintypes", "ctypes"): try: mod = __import__(name) except ImportError: if name == "comtypes._others": continue raise for submodule in name.split(".")[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, submodule) for name in mod.__dict__: known_symbols[name] = mod.__name__ p = TypeLibParser(tlib) if pathname is None: pathname = get_tlib_filename(tlib) items = p.parse() from .codegenerator import Generator gen = Generator(ofi, known_symbols=known_symbols, ) gen.generate_code(list(items.values()), filename=pathname) # -eof-