import itertools from operator import getitem import pytest from toolz import merge np = pytest.importorskip('numpy') import dask import dask.array as da from dask.array.slicing import (_sanitize_index_element, _slice_1d, new_blockdim, sanitize_index, slice_array, take, normalize_index, slicing_plan) from dask.array.utils import assert_eq, same_keys def test_slice_1d(): expected = {0: slice(10, 25, 1), 1: slice(None, None, None), 2: slice(0, 1, 1)} result = _slice_1d(100, [25] * 4, slice(10, 51, None)) assert expected == result # x[100:12:-3] expected = {0: slice(-2, -8, -3), 1: slice(-1, -21, -3), 2: slice(-3, -21, -3), 3: slice(-2, -21, -3), 4: slice(-1, -21, -3)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20] * 5, slice(100, 12, -3)) assert expected == result # x[102::-3] expected = {0: slice(-2, -21, -3), 1: slice(-1, -21, -3), 2: slice(-3, -21, -3), 3: slice(-2, -21, -3), 4: slice(-1, -21, -3)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20] * 5, slice(102, None, -3)) assert expected == result # x[::-4] expected = {0: slice(-1, -21, -4), 1: slice(-1, -21, -4), 2: slice(-1, -21, -4), 3: slice(-1, -21, -4), 4: slice(-1, -21, -4)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20] * 5, slice(None, None, -4)) assert expected == result # x[::-7] expected = {0: slice(-5, -21, -7), 1: slice(-4, -21, -7), 2: slice(-3, -21, -7), 3: slice(-2, -21, -7), 4: slice(-1, -21, -7)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20] * 5, slice(None, None, -7)) assert expected == result # x=range(115) # x[::-7] expected = {0: slice(-7, -24, -7), 1: slice(-2, -24, -7), 2: slice(-4, -24, -7), 3: slice(-6, -24, -7), 4: slice(-1, -24, -7)} result = _slice_1d(115, [23] * 5, slice(None, None, -7)) assert expected == result # x[79::-3] expected = {0: slice(-1, -21, -3), 1: slice(-3, -21, -3), 2: slice(-2, -21, -3), 3: slice(-1, -21, -3)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20] * 5, slice(79, None, -3)) assert expected == result # x[-1:-8:-1] expected = {4: slice(-1, -8, -1)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(-1, 92, -1)) assert expected == result # x[20:0:-1] expected = {0: slice(-1, -20, -1), 1: slice(-20, -21, -1)} result = _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(20, 0, -1)) assert expected == result # x[:0] expected = {} result = _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(0)) assert result # x=range(99) expected = {0: slice(-3, -21, -3), 1: slice(-2, -21, -3), 2: slice(-1, -21, -3), 3: slice(-2, -20, -3), 4: slice(-1, -21, -3)} # This array has non-uniformly sized blocks result = _slice_1d(99, [20, 20, 20, 19, 20], slice(100, None, -3)) assert expected == result # x=range(104) # x[::-3] expected = {0: slice(-1, -21, -3), 1: slice(-3, -24, -3), 2: slice(-3, -28, -3), 3: slice(-1, -14, -3), 4: slice(-1, -22, -3)} # This array has non-uniformly sized blocks result = _slice_1d(104, [20, 23, 27, 13, 21], slice(None, None, -3)) assert expected == result # x=range(104) # x[:27:-3] expected = {1: slice(-3, -16, -3), 2: slice(-3, -28, -3), 3: slice(-1, -14, -3), 4: slice(-1, -22, -3)} # This array has non-uniformly sized blocks result = _slice_1d(104, [20, 23, 27, 13, 21], slice(None, 27, -3)) assert expected == result # x=range(104) # x[100:27:-3] expected = {1: slice(-3, -16, -3), 2: slice(-3, -28, -3), 3: slice(-1, -14, -3), 4: slice(-4, -22, -3)} # This array has non-uniformly sized blocks result = _slice_1d(104, [20, 23, 27, 13, 21], slice(100, 27, -3)) assert expected == result # x=range(1000000000000) # x[1000:] expected = {0: slice(1000, 1000000000, 1)} expected.update({ii: slice(None, None, None) for ii in range(1, 1000)}) # This array is large result = _slice_1d(1000000000000, [1000000000] * 1000, slice(1000, None, None)) assert expected == result def test_slice_singleton_value_on_boundary(): assert _slice_1d(15, [5, 5, 5], 10) == {2: 0} assert _slice_1d(30, (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5), 10) == {2: 0} def test_slice_array_1d(): #x[24::2] expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0), (slice(24, 25, 2),)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 1), (slice(1, 25, 2),)), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 2), (slice(0, 25, 2),)), ('y', 3): (getitem, ('x', 3), (slice(1, 25, 2),))} result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', [[25] * 4], [slice(24, None, 2)]) assert expected == result #x[26::2] expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 1), (slice(1, 25, 2),)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 2), (slice(0, 25, 2),)), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 3), (slice(1, 25, 2),))} result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', [[25] * 4], [slice(26, None, 2)]) assert expected == result #x[24::2] expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0), (slice(24, 25, 2),)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 1), (slice(1, 25, 2),)), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 2), (slice(0, 25, 2),)), ('y', 3): (getitem, ('x', 3), (slice(1, 25, 2),))} result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', [(25, ) * 4], (slice(24, None, 2), )) assert expected == result #x[26::2] expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 1), (slice(1, 25, 2),)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 2), (slice(0, 25, 2),)), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 3), (slice(1, 25, 2),))} result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', [(25, ) * 4], (slice(26, None, 2), )) assert expected == result def test_slice_array_2d(): #2d slices: x[13::2,10::1] expected = {('y', 0, 0): (getitem, ('x', 0, 0), (slice(13, 20, 2), slice(10, 20, 1))), ('y', 0, 1): (getitem, ('x', 0, 1), (slice(13, 20, 2), slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 0, 2): (getitem, ('x', 0, 2), (slice(13, 20, 2), slice(None, None, None)))} result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', [[20], [20, 20, 5]], [slice(13, None, 2), slice(10, None, 1)]) assert expected == result #2d slices with one dimension: x[5,10::1] expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0, 0), (5, slice(10, 20, 1))), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 0, 1), (5, slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 0, 2), (5, slice(None, None, None)))} result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', ([20], [20, 20, 5]), [5, slice(10, None, 1)]) assert expected == result def test_slice_optimizations(): #bar[:] expected = {('foo', 0): ('bar', 0)} result, chunks = slice_array('foo', 'bar', [[100]], (slice(None, None, None),)) assert expected == result #bar[:,:,:] expected = {('foo', 0): ('bar', 0), ('foo', 1): ('bar', 1), ('foo', 2): ('bar', 2)} result, chunks = slice_array('foo', 'bar', [(100, 1000, 10000)], (slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None))) assert expected == result def test_slicing_with_singleton_indices(): result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', ([5, 5], [5, 5]), (slice(0, 5), 8)) expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0, 1), (slice(None, None, None), 3))} assert expected == result def test_slicing_with_newaxis(): result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', ([5, 5], [5, 5]), (slice(0, 3), None, slice(None, None, None))) expected = { ('y', 0, 0, 0): (getitem, ('x', 0, 0), (slice(0, 3, 1), None, slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 0, 0, 1): (getitem, ('x', 0, 1), (slice(0, 3, 1), None, slice(None, None, None)))} assert expected == result assert chunks == ((3,), (1,), (5, 5)) def test_take(): chunks, dsk = take('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20)], [5, 1, 47, 3], axis=0) expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0), (np.array([5, 1]),)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 2), (np.array([7]),)), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 0), (np.array([3]),))} np.testing.assert_equal(sorted(dsk.items()), sorted(expected.items())) assert chunks == ((2, 1, 1),) chunks, dsk = take('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20), (20, 20)], [ 5, 1, 47, 3], axis=0) expected = {('y', 0, 0): (getitem, ('x', 0, 0), (np.array([5, 1]), slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 0, 1): (getitem, ('x', 0, 1), (np.array([5, 1]), slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 1, 0): (getitem, ('x', 2, 0), (np.array([7]), slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 1, 1): (getitem, ('x', 2, 1), (np.array([7]), slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 2, 0): (getitem, ('x', 0, 0), (np.array([3]), slice(None, None, None))), ('y', 2, 1): (getitem, ('x', 0, 1), (np.array([3]), slice(None, None, None)))} np.testing.assert_equal(sorted(dsk.items()), sorted(expected.items())) assert chunks == ((2, 1, 1), (20, 20)) def test_take_sorted(): chunks, dsk = take('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20)], [1, 3, 5, 47], axis=0) expected = {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0), ([1, 3, 5],)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 2), ([7],))} np.testing.assert_equal(dsk, expected) assert chunks == ((3, 1),) chunks, dsk = take('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20), (20, 20)], [1, 3, 5, 37], axis=1) expected = merge(dict((('y', i, 0), (getitem, ('x', i, 0), (slice(None, None, None), [1, 3, 5]))) for i in range(4)), dict((('y', i, 1), (getitem, ('x', i, 1), (slice(None, None, None), [17]))) for i in range(4))) np.testing.assert_equal(dsk, expected) assert chunks == ((20, 20, 20, 20), (3, 1)) def test_slicing_chunks(): result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', ([5, 5], [5, 5]), (1, np.array([2, 0, 3]))) assert chunks == ((3,), ) result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', ([5, 5], [5, 5]), (slice(0, 7), np.array([2, 0, 3]))) assert chunks == ((5, 2), (3, )) result, chunks = slice_array('y', 'x', ([5, 5], [5, 5]), (slice(0, 7), 1)) assert chunks == ((5, 2), ) def test_slicing_with_numpy_arrays(): a, bd1 = slice_array('y', 'x', ((3, 3, 3, 1), (3, 3, 3, 1)), (np.array([1, 2, 9]), slice(None, None, None))) b, bd2 = slice_array('y', 'x', ((3, 3, 3, 1), (3, 3, 3, 1)), (np.array([1, 2, 9]), slice(None, None, None))) assert bd1 == bd2 np.testing.assert_equal(a, b) i = [False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True] index = (i, slice(None, None, None)) index = normalize_index(index, (10, 10)) c, bd3 = slice_array('y', 'x', ((3, 3, 3, 1), (3, 3, 3, 1)), index) assert bd1 == bd3 np.testing.assert_equal(a, c) def test_slicing_and_chunks(): o = da.ones((24, 16), chunks=((4, 8, 8, 4), (2, 6, 6, 2))) t = o[4:-4, 2:-2] assert t.chunks == ((8, 8), (6, 6)) def test_slicing_identities(): a = da.ones((24, 16), chunks=((4, 8, 8, 4), (2, 6, 6, 2))) assert a is a[slice(None)] assert a is a[:] assert a is a[::] assert a is a[...] assert a is a[0:] assert a is a[0::] assert a is a[::1] assert a is a[0:len(a)] assert a is a[0::1] assert a is a[0:len(a):1] def test_slice_stop_0(): # from gh-125 a = da.ones(10, chunks=(10,))[:0].compute() b = np.ones(10)[:0] assert_eq(a, b) def test_slice_list_then_None(): x = da.zeros(shape=(5, 5), chunks=(3, 3)) y = x[[2, 1]][None] assert_eq(y, np.zeros((1, 2, 5))) class ReturnItem(object): def __getitem__(self, key): return key @pytest.mark.skip(reason='really long test') def test_slicing_exhaustively(): x = np.random.rand(6, 7, 8) a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(3, 3, 3)) I = ReturnItem() # independent indexing along different axes indexers = [0, -2, I[:], I[:5], [0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [4, 2], I[::-1], None, I[:0], []] for i in indexers: assert_eq(x[i], a[i]), i for j in indexers: assert_eq(x[i][:, j], a[i][:, j]), (i, j) assert_eq(x[:, i][j], a[:, i][j]), (i, j) for k in indexers: assert_eq(x[..., i][:, j][k], a[..., i][:, j][k]), (i, j, k) # repeated indexing along the first axis first_indexers = [I[:], I[:5], np.arange(5), [3, 1, 4, 5, 0], np.arange(6) < 6] second_indexers = [0, -1, 3, I[:], I[:3], I[2:-1], [2, 4], [], I[:0]] for i in first_indexers: for j in second_indexers: assert_eq(x[i][j], a[i][j]), (i, j) def test_slicing_with_negative_step_flops_keys(): x = da.arange(10, chunks=5) y = x[:1:-1] assert (, 1) in y.dask[(, 0)] assert (, 0) in y.dask[(, 1)] assert_eq(y, np.arange(10)[:1:-1]) assert y.chunks == ((5, 3),) assert y.dask[(, 0)] == (getitem, (, 1), (slice(-1, -6, -1),)) assert y.dask[(, 1)] == (getitem, (, 0), (slice(-1, -4, -1),)) def test_empty_slice(): x = da.ones((5, 5), chunks=(2, 2), dtype='i4') y = x[:0] assert_eq(y, np.ones((5, 5), dtype='i4')[:0]) def test_multiple_list_slicing(): x = np.random.rand(6, 7, 8) a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(3, 3, 3)) assert_eq(x[:, [0, 1, 2]][[0, 1]], a[:, [0, 1, 2]][[0, 1]]) @pytest.mark.skipif(np.__version__ < '1.13.0', reason='boolean lists are not treated as boolean indexes') def test_boolean_list_slicing(): with pytest.raises(IndexError): da.asarray(range(2))[[True]] with pytest.raises(IndexError): da.asarray(range(2))[[False, False, False]] x = np.arange(5) ind = [True, False, False, False, True] assert_eq(da.asarray(x)[ind], x[ind]) # ind = [True] assert_eq(da.asarray([0])[ind], np.arange(1)[ind]) def test_boolean_numpy_array_slicing(): with pytest.raises(IndexError): da.asarray(range(2))[np.array([True])] with pytest.raises(IndexError): da.asarray(range(2))[np.array([False, False, False])] x = np.arange(5) ind = np.array([True, False, False, False, True]) assert_eq(da.asarray(x)[ind], x[ind]) # ind = np.array([True]) assert_eq(da.asarray([0])[ind], np.arange(1)[ind]) def test_empty_list(): x = np.ones((5, 5, 5), dtype='i4') dx = da.from_array(x, chunks=2) assert_eq(dx[[], :3, :2], x[[], :3, :2]) assert_eq(dx[:3, [], :2], x[:3, [], :2]) assert_eq(dx[:3, :2, []], x[:3, :2, []]) def test_uneven_chunks(): assert da.ones(20, chunks=5)[::2].chunks == ((3, 2, 3, 2),) def test_new_blockdim(): assert new_blockdim(20, [5, 5, 5, 5], slice(0, None, 2)) == [3, 2, 3, 2] def test_slicing_consistent_names(): x = np.arange(100).reshape((10, 10)) a = da.from_array(x, chunks=(5, 5)) assert same_keys(a[0], a[0]) assert same_keys(a[:, [1, 2, 3]], a[:, [1, 2, 3]]) assert same_keys(a[:, 5:2:-1], a[:, 5:2:-1]) assert same_keys(a[0, ...], a[0, ...]) assert same_keys(a[...], a[...]) assert same_keys(a[[1, 3, 5]], a[[1, 3, 5]]) assert same_keys(a[-11:11], a[:]) assert same_keys(a[-11:-9], a[:1]) assert same_keys(a[-1], a[9]) assert same_keys(a[0::-1], a[0:-11:-1]) def test_slicing_consistent_names_after_normalization(): x = da.zeros(10, chunks=(5,)) assert same_keys(x[0:], x[:10]) assert same_keys(x[0:], x[0:10]) assert same_keys(x[0:], x[0:10:1]) assert same_keys(x[:], x[0:10:1]) def test_sanitize_index_element(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): _sanitize_index_element('Hello!') def test_sanitize_index(): pd = pytest.importorskip('pandas') with pytest.raises(TypeError): sanitize_index('Hello!') np.testing.assert_equal(sanitize_index(pd.Series([1, 2, 3])), [1, 2, 3]) np.testing.assert_equal(sanitize_index((1, 2, 3)), [1, 2, 3]) def test_uneven_blockdims(): blockdims = ((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30), (100,)) index = (slice(240, 270), slice(None)) dsk_out, bd_out = slice_array('in', 'out', blockdims, index) sol = {('in', 0, 0): (getitem, ('out', 7, 0), (slice(28, 31, 1), slice(None))), ('in', 1, 0): (getitem, ('out', 8, 0), (slice(0, 27, 1), slice(None)))} assert dsk_out == sol assert bd_out == ((3, 27), (100,)) blockdims = ((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30),) * 2 index = (slice(240, 270), slice(180, 230)) dsk_out, bd_out = slice_array('in', 'out', blockdims, index) sol = {('in', 0, 0): (getitem, ('out', 7, 5), (slice(28, 31, 1), slice(29, 30, 1))), ('in', 0, 1): (getitem, ('out', 7, 6), (slice(28, 31, 1), slice(None))), ('in', 0, 2): (getitem, ('out', 7, 7), (slice(28, 31, 1), slice(0, 18, 1))), ('in', 1, 0): (getitem, ('out', 8, 5), (slice(0, 27, 1), slice(29, 30, 1))), ('in', 1, 1): (getitem, ('out', 8, 6), (slice(0, 27, 1), slice(None))), ('in', 1, 2): (getitem, ('out', 8, 7), (slice(0, 27, 1), slice(0, 18, 1)))} assert dsk_out == sol assert bd_out == ((3, 27), (1, 31, 18)) def test_oob_check(): x = da.ones(5, chunks=(2,)) with pytest.raises(IndexError): x[6] with pytest.raises(IndexError): x[[6]] with pytest.raises(IndexError): x[-10] with pytest.raises(IndexError): x[[-10]] with pytest.raises(IndexError): x[0, 0] @pytest.mark.parametrize('idx_chunks', [None, 3, 2, 1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('x_chunks', [None, (3, 5), (2, 3), (1, 2), (1, 1)]) def test_index_with_int_dask_array(x_chunks, idx_chunks): # test data is crafted to stress use cases: # - pick from different chunks of x out of order # - a chunk of x contains no matches # - only one chunk of x x = np.array([[10, 20, 30, 40, 50], [60, 70, 80, 90, 100], [110, 120, 130, 140, 150]]) idx = np.array([3, 0, 1]) expect = np.array([[40, 10, 20], [90, 60, 70], [140, 110, 120]]) if x_chunks is not None: x = da.from_array(x, chunks=x_chunks) if idx_chunks is not None: idx = da.from_array(idx, chunks=idx_chunks) assert_eq(x[:, idx], expect) assert_eq(x.T[idx, :], expect.T) @pytest.mark.parametrize('chunks', [1, 2, 3]) def test_index_with_int_dask_array_0d(chunks): # Slice by 0-dimensional array x = da.from_array([[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]], chunks=chunks) idx0 = da.from_array(1, chunks=1) assert_eq(x[idx0, :], x[1, :]) assert_eq(x[:, idx0], x[:, 1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('chunks', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) def test_index_with_int_dask_array_nanchunks(chunks): # Slice by array with nan-sized chunks a = da.arange(-2, 3, chunks=chunks) assert_eq(a[a.nonzero()], np.array([-2, -1, 1, 2])) # Edge case: the nan-sized chunks resolve to size 0 a = da.zeros(5, chunks=chunks) assert_eq(a[a.nonzero()], np.array([])) @pytest.mark.parametrize('chunks', [2, 4]) def test_index_with_int_dask_array_negindex(chunks): a = da.arange(4, chunks=chunks) idx = da.from_array([-1, -4], chunks=1) assert_eq(a[idx], np.array([3, 0])) @pytest.mark.parametrize('chunks', [2, 4]) def test_index_with_int_dask_array_indexerror(chunks): a = da.arange(4, chunks=chunks) idx = da.from_array([4], chunks=1) with pytest.raises(IndexError): a[idx].compute() idx = da.from_array([-5], chunks=1) with pytest.raises(IndexError): a[idx].compute() @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', ['int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64']) def test_index_with_int_dask_array_dtypes(dtype): a = da.from_array([10, 20, 30, 40], chunks=-1) idx = da.from_array(np.array([1, 2]).astype(dtype), chunks=1) assert_eq(a[idx], np.array([20, 30])) def test_index_with_int_dask_array_nocompute(): """ Test that when the indices are a dask array they are not accidentally computed """ def crash(): raise NotImplementedError() x = da.arange(5, chunks=-1) idx = da.Array({('x', 0): (crash,)}, name='x', chunks=((2,), ), dtype=np.int64) result = x[idx] with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): result.compute() def test_index_with_bool_dask_array(): x = np.arange(36).reshape((6, 6)) d = da.from_array(x, chunks=(3, 3)) ind = np.asarray([True, True, False, True, False, False], dtype=bool) ind = da.from_array(ind, chunks=2) for index in [ind, (slice(1, 9, 2), ind), (ind, slice(2, 8, 1))]: x_index = dask.compute(index)[0] assert_eq(x[x_index], d[index]) def test_index_with_bool_dask_array_2(): x = np.random.random((10, 10, 10)) ind = np.random.random(10) > 0.5 d = da.from_array(x, chunks=(3, 4, 5)) dind = da.from_array(ind, chunks=4) index = [slice(1, 9, 1), slice(None)] for i in range(x.ndim): index2 = index[:] index2.insert(i, dind) index3 = index[:] index3.insert(i, ind) assert_eq(x[tuple(index3)], d[tuple(index2)]) @pytest.mark.xfail def test_cull(): x = da.ones(1000, chunks=(10,)) for slc in [1, slice(0, 30), slice(0, None, 100)]: y = x[slc] assert len(y.dask) < len(x.dask) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [(2,), (2, 3), (2, 3, 5)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('index', [(Ellipsis,), (None, Ellipsis), (Ellipsis, None), (None, Ellipsis, None)]) def test_slicing_with_Nones(shape, index): x = np.random.random(shape) d = da.from_array(x, chunks=shape) assert_eq(x[index], d[index]) indexers = [Ellipsis, slice(2), 0, 1, -2, -1, slice(-2, None), None] """ # We comment this out because it is 4096 tests @pytest.mark.parametrize('a', indexers) @pytest.mark.parametrize('b', indexers) @pytest.mark.parametrize('c', indexers) @pytest.mark.parametrize('d', indexers) def test_slicing_none_int_ellipses(a, b, c, d): if (a, b, c, d).count(Ellipsis) > 1: return shape = (2,3,5,7,11) x = np.arange( y = da.core.asarray(x) xx = x[a, b, c, d] yy = y[a, b, c, d] assert_eq(xx, yy) """ def test_slicing_integer_no_warnings(): # X = da.random.random((100, 2), (2, 2)) idx = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) with pytest.warns(None) as rec: X[idx].compute() assert len(rec) == 0 @pytest.mark.slow def test_slicing_none_int_ellipes(): shape = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11) x = np.arange( y = da.core.asarray(x) for ind in itertools.product(indexers, indexers, indexers, indexers): if ind.count(Ellipsis) > 1: continue assert_eq(x[ind], y[ind]) def test_None_overlap_int(): a, b, c, d = (0, slice(None, 2, None), None, Ellipsis) shape = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11) x = np.arange( y = da.core.asarray(x) xx = x[a, b, c, d] yy = y[a, b, c, d] assert_eq(xx, yy) def test_negative_n_slicing(): assert_eq(da.ones(2, chunks=2)[-2], np.ones(2)[-2]) def test_negative_list_slicing(): x = np.arange(5) dx = da.from_array(x, chunks=2) assert_eq(dx[[0, -5]], x[[0, -5]]) assert_eq(dx[[4, -1]], x[[4, -1]]) def test_permit_oob_slices(): x = np.arange(5) dx = da.from_array(x, chunks=2) assert_eq(x[-102:], dx[-102:]) assert_eq(x[102:], dx[102:]) assert_eq(x[:102], dx[:102]) assert_eq(x[:-102], dx[:-102]) def test_normalize_index(): assert normalize_index((Ellipsis, None), (10,)) == (slice(None), None) assert normalize_index(5, (np.nan,)) == (5,) assert normalize_index(-5, (np.nan,)) == (-5,) (result,) = normalize_index([-5, -2, 1], (np.nan,)) assert result.tolist() == [-5, -2, 1] assert normalize_index(slice(-5, -2), (np.nan,)) == (slice(-5, -2),) def test_take_semi_sorted(): x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,)) index = np.arange(15) % 10 y = x[index] assert y.chunks == ((5, 5, 5),) @pytest.mark.parametrize('chunks,index,expected', [ ( (5, 5, 5), np.arange(5, 15) % 10, [(1, np.arange(5)), (0, np.arange(5))] ), ( (5, 5, 5, 5), np.arange(20) // 2, [(0, np.arange(10) // 2), (1, np.arange(10) // 2)] ), ( (10, 10), [15, 2, 3, 15], [(1, [5]), (0, [2, 3]), (1, [5])] ), ]) def test_slicing_plan(chunks, index, expected): plan = slicing_plan(chunks, index) assert len(plan) == len(expected) for (i, x), (j, y) in zip(plan, expected): assert i == j assert len(x) == len(y) assert (x == y).all() def test_pathological_unsorted_slicing(): x = da.ones(100, chunks=10) # [0, 10, 20, ... 90, 1, 11, 21, ... 91, ...] index = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10).ravel(order='F') with pytest.warns(da.PerformanceWarning) as info: x[index] assert '10' in str(info.list[0]) assert 'out-of-order' in str(info.list[0]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('params', [(2, 2, 1), (5, 3, 2)]) def test_setitem_with_different_chunks_preserves_shape(params): """ Reproducer for Mutating based on an array with different chunks can cause new chunks to be used. We need to ensure those new chunk sizes are applied to the mutated array, otherwise the array won't generate the correct keys. """ array_size, chunk_size1, chunk_size2 = params x = da.zeros(array_size, chunks=chunk_size1) mask = da.zeros(array_size, chunks=chunk_size2) x[mask] = 1 result = x.compute() assert x.shape == result.shape def test_gh3579(): assert_eq(np.arange(10)[0::-1], da.arange(10, chunks=3)[0::-1]) assert_eq(np.arange(10)[::-1], da.arange(10, chunks=3)[::-1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('lock', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('asarray', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('fancy', [True, False]) def test_gh4043(lock, asarray, fancy): a1 = da.from_array(np.zeros(3,), chunks=1, asarray=asarray, lock=lock, fancy=fancy) a2 = da.from_array(np.ones(3,), chunks=1, asarray=asarray, lock=lock, fancy=fancy) al = da.stack([a1, a2]) assert_eq(al, al)