from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numpy as np import pandas as pd from toolz import partial from ..utils import derived_from from .utils import is_categorical_dtype, PANDAS_VERSION def maybe_wrap_pandas(obj, x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if isinstance(obj, pd.Series): return pd.Series(x, index=obj.index, dtype=x.dtype) return pd.Index(x) return x class Accessor(object): """ Base class for pandas Accessor objects cat, dt, and str. Notes ----- Subclasses should define the following attributes: * _accessor * _accessor_name """ _not_implemented = set() def __init__(self, series): from .core import Series if not isinstance(series, Series): raise ValueError('Accessor cannot be initialized') self._validate(series) self._series = series def _validate(self, series): pass @staticmethod def _delegate_property(obj, accessor, attr): out = getattr(getattr(obj, accessor, obj), attr) return maybe_wrap_pandas(obj, out) @staticmethod def _delegate_method(obj, accessor, attr, args, kwargs): out = getattr(getattr(obj, accessor, obj), attr)(*args, **kwargs) return maybe_wrap_pandas(obj, out) def _property_map(self, attr): meta = self._delegate_property(self._series._meta, self._accessor_name, attr) token = '%s-%s' % (self._accessor_name, attr) return self._series.map_partitions(self._delegate_property, self._accessor_name, attr, token=token, meta=meta) def _function_map(self, attr, *args, **kwargs): meta = self._delegate_method(self._series._meta_nonempty, self._accessor_name, attr, args, kwargs) token = '%s-%s' % (self._accessor_name, attr) return self._series.map_partitions(self._delegate_method, self._accessor_name, attr, args, kwargs, meta=meta, token=token) @property def _delegates(self): return set(dir(self._accessor)).difference(self._not_implemented) def __dir__(self): o = self._delegates o.update(self.__dict__) o.update(dir(type(self))) return list(o) def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self._delegates: if isinstance(getattr(self._accessor, key), property): return self._property_map(key) else: return partial(self._function_map, key) else: raise AttributeError(key) class DatetimeAccessor(Accessor): """ Accessor object for datetimelike properties of the Series values. Examples -------- >>> s.dt.microsecond # doctest: +SKIP """ _accessor = pd.Series.dt _accessor_name = 'dt' class StringAccessor(Accessor): """ Accessor object for string properties of the Series values. Examples -------- >>> s.str.lower() # doctest: +SKIP """ _accessor = pd.Series.str _accessor_name = 'str' _not_implemented = {'get_dummies'} def _validate(self, series): if not (series.dtype == 'object' or ( is_categorical_dtype(series) and == 'object')): raise AttributeError("Can only use .str accessor with object dtype") @derived_from(pd.core.strings.StringMethods) def split(self, pat=None, n=-1): return self._function_map('split', pat=pat, n=n) @derived_from(pd.core.strings.StringMethods) def cat(self, others=None, sep=None, na_rep=None): from .core import Series, Index if others is None: raise NotImplementedError(" with `others == None`") valid_types = (Series, Index, pd.Series, pd.Index) if isinstance(others, valid_types): others = [others] elif not all(isinstance(a, valid_types) for a in others): raise TypeError("others must be Series/Index") return self._series.map_partitions(str_cat, *others, sep=sep, na_rep=na_rep, meta=self._series._meta) @derived_from(pd.core.strings.StringMethods) def extractall(self, pat, flags=0): # TODO: metadata inference here won't be necessary for pandas >= 0.23.0 meta = self._series._meta.str.extractall(pat, flags=flags) if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.23.0': index_name = meta.index = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[], []], labels=[[], []], names=[index_name, 'match']) return self._series.map_partitions(str_extractall, pat, flags, meta=meta, token='str-extractall') def __getitem__(self, index): return self._series.map_partitions(str_get, index, meta=self._series._meta) def str_extractall(series, pat, flags): return series.str.extractall(pat, flags=flags) def str_get(series, index): """ Implements series.str[index] """ return series.str[index] def str_cat(self, *others, **kwargs): return, **kwargs)