from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re from collections import OrderedDict import copy import json import os from distutils.version import LooseVersion import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..core import DataFrame, Series from ..utils import (clear_known_categories, strip_unknown_categories, UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES) from ...bytes.compression import compress from ...base import tokenize from ...compatibility import PY3, string_types from ...delayed import delayed from ...bytes.core import get_fs_token_paths from ...bytes.utils import infer_storage_options from ...utils import import_required, natural_sort_key from .utils import _get_pyarrow_dtypes, _meta_from_dtypes __all__ = ('read_parquet', 'to_parquet') def _parse_pandas_metadata(pandas_metadata): """Get the set of names from the pandas metadata section Parameters ---------- pandas_metadata : dict Should conform to the pandas parquet metadata spec Returns ------- index_names : list List of strings indicating the actual index names column_names : list List of strings indicating the actual column names storage_name_mapping : dict Pairs of storage names (e.g. the field names for PyArrow) and actual names. The storage and field names will differ for index names for certain writers (pyarrow > 0.8). column_indexes_names : list The names for ```` or ``df.columns.names`` for a MultiIndex in the columns Notes ----- This should support metadata written by at least * fastparquet>=0.1.3 * pyarrow>=0.7.0 """ index_storage_names = pandas_metadata['index_columns'] index_name_xpr = re.compile(r'__index_level_\d+__') # older metadatas will not have a 'field_name' field so we fall back # to the 'name' field pairs = [(x.get('field_name', x['name']), x['name']) for x in pandas_metadata['columns']] # Need to reconcile storage and real names. These will differ for # pyarrow, which uses __index_leveL_d__ for the storage name of indexes. # The real name may be None (e.g. `` is None). pairs2 = [] for storage_name, real_name in pairs: if real_name and index_name_xpr.match(real_name): real_name = None pairs2.append((storage_name, real_name)) index_names = [name for (storage_name, name) in pairs2 if name != storage_name] # column_indexes represents # It was added to the spec after pandas 0.21.0+, and implemented # in PyArrow 0.8. It's not currently impelmented in fastparquet. column_index_names = pandas_metadata.get("column_indexes", [{'name': None}]) column_index_names = [x['name'] for x in column_index_names] # Now we need to disambiguate between columns and index names. PyArrow # 0.8.0+ allows for duplicates between df.index.names and df.columns if not index_names: # For PyArrow < 0.8, Any fastparquet. This relies on the facts that # 1. Those versions used the real index name as the index storage name # 2. Those versions did not allow for duplicate index / column names # So we know that if a name is in index_storage_names, it must be an # index name index_names = list(index_storage_names) # make a copy index_storage_names2 = set(index_storage_names) column_names = [name for (storage_name, name) in pairs if name not in index_storage_names2] else: # For newer PyArrows the storage names differ from the index names # iff it's an index level. Though this is a fragile assumption for # other systems... column_names = [name for (storage_name, name) in pairs2 if name == storage_name] storage_name_mapping = dict(pairs2) # TODO: handle duplicates gracefully return index_names, column_names, storage_name_mapping, column_index_names def _normalize_index_columns(user_columns, data_columns, user_index, data_index): """Normalize user and file-provided column and index names Parameters ---------- user_columns : None, str or list of str data_columns : list of str user_index : None, str, or list of str data_index : list of str Returns ------- column_names : list of str index_names : list of str out_type : {pd.Series, pd.DataFrame} """ specified_columns = user_columns is not None specified_index = user_index is not None out_type = DataFrame if user_columns is None: user_columns = list(data_columns) elif isinstance(user_columns, string_types): user_columns = [user_columns] out_type = Series else: user_columns = list(user_columns) if user_index is None: user_index = data_index elif user_index is False: # When index is False, use no index and all fields should be treated as # columns (unless `columns` provided). user_index = [] data_columns = data_index + data_columns elif isinstance(user_index, string_types): user_index = [user_index] else: user_index = list(user_index) if specified_index and not specified_columns: # Only `index` provided. Use specified index, and all column fields # that weren't specified as indices index_names = user_index column_names = [x for x in data_columns if x not in index_names] elif specified_columns and not specified_index: # Only `columns` provided. Use specified columns, and all index fields # that weren't specified as columns column_names = user_columns index_names = [x for x in data_index if x not in column_names] elif specified_index and specified_columns: # Both `index` and `columns` provided. Use as specified, but error if # they intersect. column_names = user_columns index_names = user_index if set(column_names).intersection(index_names): raise ValueError("Specified index and column names must not " "intersect") else: # Use default columns and index from the metadata column_names = data_columns index_names = data_index return column_names, index_names, out_type # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fastparquet interface def _read_fastparquet(fs, fs_token, paths, columns=None, filters=None, categories=None, index=None, infer_divisions=None): import fastparquet if isinstance(paths, fastparquet.api.ParquetFile): pf = paths elif len(paths) > 1: if infer_divisions is not False: # this scans all the files, allowing index/divisions and filtering pf = fastparquet.ParquetFile(paths,, sep=fs.sep) else: return _read_fp_multifile(fs, fs_token, paths, columns=columns, categories=categories, index=index) else: try: pf = fastparquet.ParquetFile(paths[0] + fs.sep + '_metadata',, sep=fs.sep) except Exception: pf = fastparquet.ParquetFile(paths[0],, sep=fs.sep) # Validate infer_divisions if os.path.split(pf.fn)[-1] != '_metadata' and infer_divisions is True: raise NotImplementedError("infer_divisions=True is not supported by the " "fastparquet engine for datasets that " "do not contain a global '_metadata' file") (meta, filters, index_name, out_type, all_columns, index_names, storage_name_mapping) = _pf_validation( pf, columns, index, categories, filters) rgs = [rg for rg in pf.row_groups if not (fastparquet.api.filter_out_stats(rg, filters, pf.schema)) and not (fastparquet.api.filter_out_cats(rg, filters))] name = 'read-parquet-' + tokenize(fs_token, paths, all_columns, filters, categories) dsk = {(name, i): (_read_parquet_row_group, fs, pf.row_group_filename(rg), index_names, all_columns, rg, out_type == Series, categories, pf.schema, pf.cats, pf.dtypes, pf.file_scheme, storage_name_mapping) for i, rg in enumerate(rgs)} if not dsk: # empty dataframe dsk = {(name, 0): meta} divisions = (None, None) return out_type(dsk, name, meta, divisions) if index_names and infer_divisions is not False: index_name = try: # is available in # current fastparquet installation? minmax = fastparquet.api.sorted_partitioned_columns(pf, filters) except TypeError: minmax = fastparquet.api.sorted_partitioned_columns(pf) if index_name in minmax: divisions = minmax[index_name] divisions = divisions['min'] + [divisions['max'][-1]] else: if infer_divisions is True: raise ValueError( ("Unable to infer divisions for index of '{index_name}'" " because it is not known to be " "sorted across partitions").format(index_name=index_name)) divisions = (None,) * (len(rgs) + 1) else: if infer_divisions is True: raise ValueError( 'Unable to infer divisions for because no index column' ' was discovered') divisions = (None,) * (len(rgs) + 1) if isinstance(divisions[0], np.datetime64): divisions = [pd.Timestamp(d) for d in divisions] return out_type(dsk, name, meta, divisions) def _pf_validation(pf, columns, index, categories, filters): """Validate user options against metadata in dataset columns, index and categories must be in the list of columns available (both data columns and path-based partitioning - subject to possible renaming, if pandas metadata is present). The output index will be inferred from any available pandas metadata, if not given. """ from fastparquet.util import check_column_names check_column_names(pf.columns, categories) check_column_names(pf.columns + list(pf.cats or []), columns) if isinstance(columns, tuple): # ensure they tokenize the same columns = list(columns) if pf.fmd.key_value_metadata: pandas_md = [x.value for x in pf.fmd.key_value_metadata if x.key == 'pandas'] else: pandas_md = [] if len(pandas_md) == 0: # Fall back to the storage information index_names = pf._get_index() if not isinstance(index_names, list): index_names = [index_names] column_names = pf.columns + list(pf.cats) storage_name_mapping = {k: k for k in column_names} elif len(pandas_md) == 1: index_names, column_names, storage_name_mapping, column_index_names = ( _parse_pandas_metadata(json.loads(pandas_md[0])) ) column_names.extend(pf.cats) else: raise ValueError("File has multiple entries for 'pandas' metadata") # Normalize user inputs if filters is None: filters = [] column_names, index_names, out_type = _normalize_index_columns( columns, column_names, index, index_names) if categories is None: categories = pf.categories elif isinstance(categories, string_types): categories = [categories] else: categories = list(categories) # TODO: write partition_on to pandas metadata... all_columns = list(column_names) all_columns.extend(x for x in index_names if x not in column_names) dtypes = pf._dtypes(categories) dtypes = {storage_name_mapping.get(k, k): v for k, v in dtypes.items()} meta = _meta_from_dtypes(all_columns, dtypes, index_names, [None]) # fastparquet doesn't handle multiindex if len(index_names) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot read DataFrame with MultiIndex.") elif len(index_names) == 0: index_names = None for cat in categories: if cat in meta: meta[cat] = pd.Series(pd.Categorical([], categories=[UNKNOWN_CATEGORIES]), index=meta.index) for catcol in pf.cats: if catcol in meta.columns: meta[catcol] = meta[catcol].cat.set_categories(pf.cats[catcol]) elif == catcol: meta.index = meta.index.set_categories(pf.cats[catcol]) if out_type == Series: assert len(meta.columns) == 1 meta = meta[meta.columns[0]] return (meta, filters, index_names, out_type, all_columns, index_names, storage_name_mapping) def _read_fp_multifile(fs, fs_token, paths, columns=None, categories=None, index=None): """Read dataset with fastparquet by assuming metadata from first file""" from fastparquet import ParquetFile from fastparquet.util import analyse_paths, get_file_scheme, join_path base, fns = analyse_paths(paths) parsed_paths = [join_path(p) for p in paths] scheme = get_file_scheme(fns) pf = ParquetFile(paths[0], pf.file_scheme = scheme pf.cats = _paths_to_cats(fns, scheme) (meta, _, index_name, out_type, all_columns, index_names, storage_name_mapping) = _pf_validation( pf, columns, index, categories, []) name = 'read-parquet-' + tokenize(fs_token, paths, all_columns, categories) dsk = {(name, i): (_read_pf_simple, fs, path, base, index_names, all_columns, out_type == Series, categories, pf.cats, pf.file_scheme, storage_name_mapping) for i, path in enumerate(parsed_paths)} divisions = (None, ) * (len(paths) + 1) return out_type(dsk, name, meta, divisions) def _read_pf_simple(fs, path, base, index_names, all_columns, is_series, categories, cats, scheme, storage_name_mapping): """Read dataset with fastparquet using ParquetFile machinery""" from fastparquet import ParquetFile pf = ParquetFile(path, relpath = path.replace(base, '').lstrip('/') for rg in pf.row_groups: for ch in rg.columns: ch.file_path = relpath pf.file_scheme = scheme pf.cats = cats pf.fn = base df = pf.to_pandas(all_columns, categories, index=index_names) if df.index.nlevels == 1: if index_names: = storage_name_mapping.get(index_names[0], index_names[0]) else: if index_names: df.index.names = [storage_name_mapping.get(name, name) for name in index_names] df.columns = [storage_name_mapping.get(col, col) for col in all_columns if col not in (index_names or [])] if is_series: return df[df.columns[0]] else: return df def _paths_to_cats(paths, scheme): """Extract out fields and labels from directory names""" # can be factored out in fastparquet from fastparquet.util import ex_from_sep, val_to_num, groupby_types cats = OrderedDict() raw_cats = OrderedDict() for path in paths: s = ex_from_sep('/') if scheme == 'hive': partitions = s.findall(path) for key, val in partitions: cats.setdefault(key, set()).add(val_to_num(val)) raw_cats.setdefault(key, set()).add(val) else: for i, val in enumerate(path.split('/')[:-1]): key = 'dir%i' % i cats.setdefault(key, set()).add(val_to_num(val)) raw_cats.setdefault(key, set()).add(val) for key, v in cats.items(): # Check that no partition names map to the same value after # transformation by val_to_num raw = raw_cats[key] if len(v) != len(raw): conflicts_by_value = OrderedDict() for raw_val in raw_cats[key]: conflicts_by_value.setdefault(val_to_num(raw_val), set()).add(raw_val) conflicts = [c for k in conflicts_by_value.values() if len(k) > 1 for c in k] raise ValueError("Partition names map to the same value: %s" % conflicts) vals_by_type = groupby_types(v) # Check that all partition names map to the same type after # transformation by val_to_num if len(vals_by_type) > 1: import warnings examples = [x[0] for x in vals_by_type.values()] warnings.warn("Partition names coerce to values of different" " types, e.g. %s" % examples) return {k: list(v) for k, v in cats.items()} def _read_parquet_file(fs, base, fn, index, columns, series, categories, cs, dt, scheme, storage_name_mapping, *args): """Read a single file with fastparquet, to be used in a task""" from fastparquet.api import ParquetFile from collections import OrderedDict name_storage_mapping = {v: k for k, v in storage_name_mapping.items()} if not isinstance(columns, (tuple, list)): columns = [columns,] series = True if index: index, = index if index not in columns: columns = columns + [index] columns = [name_storage_mapping.get(col, col) for col in columns] index = name_storage_mapping.get(index, index) cs = OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in cs.items() if k in columns]) pf = ParquetFile(fn, pf.file_scheme = scheme for rg in pf.row_groups: for ch in rg.columns: ch.file_path = fn.replace(base, "").lstrip('/') pf.fn = base df = pf.to_pandas(columns=columns, index=index, categories=categories) if df.index.nlevels == 1: if index: = storage_name_mapping.get(index, index) else: if index: df.index.names = [storage_name_mapping.get(name, name) for name in index] df.columns = [storage_name_mapping.get(col, col) for col in columns if col != index] if series: return df[df.columns[0]] else: return df def _read_parquet_row_group(fs, fn, index, columns, rg, series, categories, schema, cs, dt, scheme, storage_name_mapping, *args): from fastparquet.api import _pre_allocate from fastparquet.core import read_row_group_file from collections import OrderedDict name_storage_mapping = {v: k for k, v in storage_name_mapping.items()} if not isinstance(columns, (tuple, list)): columns = [columns,] series = True if index: index, = index if index not in columns: columns = columns + [index] columns = [name_storage_mapping.get(col, col) for col in columns] index = name_storage_mapping.get(index, index) cs = OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in cs.items() if k in columns]) df, views = _pre_allocate(rg.num_rows, columns, categories, index, cs, dt) read_row_group_file(fn, rg, columns, categories, schema, cs,, assign=views, scheme=scheme) if df.index.nlevels == 1: if index: = storage_name_mapping.get(index, index) else: if index: df.index.names = [storage_name_mapping.get(name, name) for name in index] df.columns = [storage_name_mapping.get(col, col) for col in columns if col != index] if series: return df[df.columns[0]] else: return df def _write_partition_fastparquet(df, fs, path, filename, fmd, compression, partition_on): from fastparquet.writer import partition_on_columns, make_part_file import fastparquet # Fastparquet mutates this in a non-threadsafe manner. For now we just copy # it before forwarding to fastparquet. fmd = copy.copy(fmd) if not len(df): # Write nothing for empty partitions rgs = None elif partition_on: if LooseVersion(fastparquet.__version__) >= '0.1.4': rgs = partition_on_columns(df, partition_on, path, filename, fmd, compression,, fs.mkdirs) else: rgs = partition_on_columns(df, partition_on, path, filename, fmd, fs.sep, compression,, fs.mkdirs) else: # Fastparquet current doesn't properly set `num_rows` in the output # metadata. Set it here to fix that. fmd.num_rows = len(df) with[path, filename]), 'wb') as fil: rgs = make_part_file(fil, df, fmd.schema, compression=compression, fmd=fmd) return rgs def _write_fastparquet(df, fs, fs_token, path, write_index=None, append=False, ignore_divisions=False, partition_on=None, compression=None, **kwargs): import fastparquet fs.mkdirs(path) sep = fs.sep object_encoding = kwargs.pop('object_encoding', 'utf8') if object_encoding == 'infer' or (isinstance(object_encoding, dict) and 'infer' in object_encoding.values()): raise ValueError('"infer" not allowed as object encoding, ' 'because this required data in memory.') divisions = df.divisions if write_index is True or write_index is None and df.known_divisions: df = df.reset_index() index_cols = [df.columns[0]] else: ignore_divisions = True index_cols = [] if append: try: pf = fastparquet.api.ParquetFile(path,, sep=sep) except (IOError, ValueError): # append for create append = False if append: if pf.file_scheme not in ['hive', 'empty', 'flat']: raise ValueError('Requested file scheme is hive, ' 'but existing file scheme is not.') elif ((set(pf.columns) != set(df.columns) - set(partition_on)) or (set(partition_on) != set(pf.cats))): raise ValueError('Appended columns not the same.\n' 'Previous: {} | New: {}' .format(pf.columns, list(df.columns))) elif (pd.Series(pf.dtypes).loc[pf.columns] != df[pf.columns].dtypes).any(): raise ValueError('Appended dtypes differ.\n{}' .format(set(pf.dtypes.items()) ^ set(df.dtypes.iteritems()))) else: df = df[pf.columns + partition_on] fmd = pf.fmd i_offset = fastparquet.writer.find_max_part(fmd.row_groups) if not ignore_divisions: minmax = fastparquet.api.sorted_partitioned_columns(pf) old_end = minmax[index_cols[0]]['max'][-1] if divisions[0] < old_end: raise ValueError( 'Appended divisions overlapping with the previous ones.\n' 'Previous: {} | New: {}'.format(old_end, divisions[0])) else: fmd = fastparquet.writer.make_metadata(df._meta, object_encoding=object_encoding, index_cols=index_cols, ignore_columns=partition_on, **kwargs) i_offset = 0 filenames = ['part.%i.parquet' % (i + i_offset) for i in range(df.npartitions)] write = delayed(_write_partition_fastparquet, pure=False) writes = [write(part, fs, path, filename, fmd, compression, partition_on) for filename, part in zip(filenames, df.to_delayed())] return delayed(_write_metadata)(writes, filenames, fmd, path, fs, sep) def _write_metadata(writes, filenames, fmd, path, fs, sep): """ Write Parquet metadata after writing all row groups See Also -------- to_parquet """ import fastparquet fmd = copy.copy(fmd) for fn, rg in zip(filenames, writes): if rg is not None: if isinstance(rg, list): for r in rg: fmd.row_groups.append(r) else: for chunk in rg.columns: chunk.file_path = fn fmd.row_groups.append(rg) fn = sep.join([path, '_metadata']) fastparquet.writer.write_common_metadata(fn, fmd,, no_row_groups=False) fn = sep.join([path, '_common_metadata']) fastparquet.writer.write_common_metadata(fn, fmd, # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PyArrow interface def _read_pyarrow(fs, fs_token, paths, columns=None, filters=None, categories=None, index=None, infer_divisions=None): from ...bytes.core import get_pyarrow_filesystem import pyarrow.parquet as pq # In pyarrow, the physical storage field names may differ from # the actual dataframe names. This is true for Index names when # PyArrow >= 0.8. # We would like to resolve these to the correct dataframe names # as soon as possible. if isinstance(categories, string_types): categories = [categories] elif categories is None: categories = [] else: categories = list(categories) if isinstance(columns, tuple): columns = list(columns) dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(paths, filesystem=get_pyarrow_filesystem(fs), filters=filters) if dataset.partitions is not None: partitions = [n for n in dataset.partitions.partition_names if n is not None] else: partitions = [] schema = dataset.schema.to_arrow_schema() has_pandas_metadata = schema.metadata is not None and b'pandas' in schema.metadata if has_pandas_metadata: pandas_metadata = json.loads(schema.metadata[b'pandas'].decode('utf8')) index_names, column_names, storage_name_mapping, column_index_names = ( _parse_pandas_metadata(pandas_metadata) ) else: index_names = [] column_names = schema.names storage_name_mapping = {k: k for k in column_names} column_index_names = [None] column_names += [p for p in partitions if p not in column_names] column_names, index_names, out_type = _normalize_index_columns( columns, column_names, index, index_names) all_columns = index_names + column_names # Find non-empty pieces non_empty_pieces = [] # Determine valid pieces _open = lambda fn: pq.ParquetFile(, mode='rb')) for piece in dataset.pieces: pf = piece.get_metadata(_open) # non_empty_pieces.append(piece) if pf.num_row_groups > 0: non_empty_pieces.append(piece) # Sort pieces naturally # If a single input path resulted in multiple dataset pieces, then sort # the pieces naturally. If multiple paths were supplied then we leave # the order of the resulting pieces unmodified if len(paths) == 1 and len(dataset.pieces) > 1: non_empty_pieces = sorted( non_empty_pieces, key=lambda piece: natural_sort_key(piece.path)) # Determine divisions if len(index_names) == 1: # Look up storage name of the single index column divisions_names = [storage_name for storage_name, name in storage_name_mapping.items() if index_names[0] == name] if divisions_names: divisions_name = divisions_names[0] else: divisions_name = None else: divisions_name = None divisions = _get_pyarrow_divisions(non_empty_pieces, divisions_name, schema, infer_divisions) # Build task dtypes = _get_pyarrow_dtypes(schema, categories) dtypes = {storage_name_mapping.get(k, k): v for k, v in dtypes.items()} meta = _meta_from_dtypes(all_columns, dtypes, index_names, column_index_names) meta = clear_known_categories(meta, cols=categories) if out_type == Series: assert len(meta.columns) == 1 meta = meta[meta.columns[0]] task_name = 'read-parquet-' + tokenize(fs_token, paths, all_columns) if non_empty_pieces: task_plan = { (task_name, i): (_read_pyarrow_parquet_piece, fs, piece, column_names, index_names, out_type == Series, dataset.partitions, categories) for i, piece in enumerate(non_empty_pieces) } else: meta = strip_unknown_categories(meta) task_plan = {(task_name, 0): meta} return out_type(task_plan, task_name, meta, divisions) def _to_ns(val, unit): """ Convert an input time in the specified units to nanoseconds Parameters ---------- val: int Input time value unit : str Time units of `val`. One of 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns' Returns ------- int Time val in nanoseconds """ factors = {'s': int(1e9), 'ms': int(1e6), 'us': int(1e3), 'ns': 1} try: factor = factors.get(unit) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported time unit '{unit}'".format(unit=unit)) return val * factor def _get_pyarrow_divisions(pa_pieces, divisions_name, pa_schema, infer_divisions): """ Compute DataFrame divisions from a list of pyarrow dataset pieces Parameters ---------- pa_pieces : list[pyarrow.parquet.ParquetDatasetPiece] List of dataset pieces. Each piece corresponds to a single partition in the eventual dask DataFrame divisions_name : str|None The name of the column to compute divisions for pa_schema : pyarrow.lib.Schema The pyarrow schema for the dataset infer_divisions : bool or None If True divisions must be inferred (otherwise an exception is raised). If False or None divisions are not inferred Returns ------- list """ # Local imports import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq if infer_divisions is True and pa.__version__ < LooseVersion('0.9.0'): raise NotImplementedError('infer_divisions=True requires pyarrow >=0.9.0') # Check whether divisions_name is in the schema # Note: get_field_index returns -1 if not found, but it does not accept None if infer_divisions is True: divisions_name_in_schema = divisions_name is not None and pa_schema.get_field_index(divisions_name) >= 0 if divisions_name_in_schema is False and infer_divisions is True: raise ValueError( 'Unable to infer divisions for because no index column was discovered') else: divisions_name_in_schema = None if pa_pieces and divisions_name_in_schema: # We have pieces and a valid division column. # Compute min/max for column in each row group min_maxs = [] last_max = None # Initialize index of divisions column within the row groups. # To be computed during while processing the first piece below for piece in pa_pieces: pf = piece.get_metadata(pq.ParquetFile) rg = pf.row_group(0) # Compute division column index rg_paths = [rg.column(i).path_in_schema for i in range(rg.num_columns)] try: divisions_col_index = rg_paths.index(divisions_name) except ValueError: # Divisions not valid min_maxs = None break col_meta = rg.column(divisions_col_index) stats = col_meta.statistics if stats.has_min_max and (last_max is None or last_max < stats.min): min_maxs.append((stats.min, stats.max)) last_max = stats.max else: # Divisions not valid min_maxs = None break if min_maxs: # We have min/max pairs divisions = [mn for mn, mx in min_maxs] + [min_maxs[-1][1]] # Handle conversion to pandas timestamp divisions index_field = pa_schema.field_by_name(divisions_name) if pa.types.is_timestamp(index_field.type): time_unit = index_field.type.unit divisions_ns = [_to_ns(d, time_unit) for d in divisions] divisions = [pd.Timestamp(ns) for ns in divisions_ns] # Handle encoding of bytes string if index_field.type == pa.string(): # Parquet strings are always encoded as utf-8 encoding = 'utf-8' divisions = [d.decode(encoding).strip() for d in divisions] else: if infer_divisions is True: raise ValueError( ("Unable to infer divisions for index of '{index_name}' because it is not known to be " "sorted across partitions").format(index_name=divisions_name_in_schema)) divisions = (None,) * (len(pa_pieces) + 1) elif pa_pieces: divisions = (None,) * (len(pa_pieces) + 1) else: divisions = (None, None) return divisions def _read_pyarrow_parquet_piece(fs, piece, columns, index_cols, is_series, partitions, categories): import pyarrow as pa with, mode='rb') as f: table = + columns, partitions=partitions, use_pandas_metadata=True, file=f) if pa.__version__ < LooseVersion('0.9.0'): df = table.to_pandas() for cat in categories: df[cat] = df[cat].astype('category') elif pa.__version__ < LooseVersion('0.11.0'): df = table.to_pandas(categories=categories) else: df = table.to_pandas(categories=categories, date_as_object=False) has_index = not isinstance(df.index, pd.RangeIndex) if not has_index and index_cols: # Index should be set, but it isn't df = df.set_index(index_cols) elif has_index and df.index.names != index_cols: # Index is set, but isn't correct # This can happen when reading in not every column in a multi-index df = df.reset_index(drop=False) if index_cols: df = df.set_index(index_cols) drop = list(set(df.columns).difference(columns)) if drop: df = df.drop(drop, axis=1) # Ensure proper ordering df = df.reindex(columns=columns, copy=False) if is_series: return df[df.columns[0]] else: return df[columns] _pyarrow_write_table_kwargs = {'row_group_size', 'version', 'use_dictionary', 'compression', 'use_deprecated_int96_timestamps', 'coerce_timestamps', 'flavor', 'chunk_size'} _pyarrow_write_metadata_kwargs = {'version', 'use_deprecated_int96_timestamps', 'coerce_timestamps'} def _write_pyarrow(df, fs, fs_token, path, write_index=None, append=False, ignore_divisions=False, partition_on=None, **kwargs): if append: raise NotImplementedError("`append` not implemented for " "`engine='pyarrow'`") if ignore_divisions: raise NotImplementedError("`ignore_divisions` not implemented for " "`engine='pyarrow'`") # We can check only write_table kwargs, as it is a superset of kwargs for write functions if set(kwargs).difference(_pyarrow_write_table_kwargs): msg = ("Unexpected keyword arguments: " + "%r" % list(set(kwargs).difference(_pyarrow_write_table_kwargs))) raise TypeError(msg) if write_index is None and df.known_divisions: write_index = True fs.mkdirs(path) template = fs.sep.join([path, 'part.%i.parquet']) write = delayed(_write_partition_pyarrow, pure=False) first_kwargs = kwargs.copy() first_kwargs['metadata_path'] = fs.sep.join([path, '_common_metadata']) writes = [write(part, path, fs, template % i, write_index, partition_on, **(kwargs if i else first_kwargs)) for i, part in enumerate(df.to_delayed())] return delayed(writes) def _write_partition_pyarrow(df, path, fs, filename, write_index, partition_on, metadata_path=None, **kwargs): import pyarrow as pa from pyarrow import parquet t = pa.Table.from_pandas(df, preserve_index=write_index) if partition_on: parquet.write_to_dataset(t, path, partition_cols=partition_on, preserve_index=write_index, filesystem=fs, **kwargs) else: with, 'wb') as fil: parquet.write_table(t, fil, **kwargs) if metadata_path is not None: with, 'wb') as fil: # Get only arguments specified in the function kwargs_meta = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in _pyarrow_write_metadata_kwargs} parquet.write_metadata(t.schema, fil, **kwargs_meta) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # User API _ENGINES = {} def get_engine(engine): """Get the parquet engine backend implementation. Parameters ---------- engine : {'auto', 'fastparquet', 'pyarrow'}, default 'auto' Parquet reader library to use. Default is first installed in this list. Returns ------- A dict containing a ``'read'`` and ``'write'`` function. """ if engine in _ENGINES: return _ENGINES[engine] if engine == 'auto': for eng in ['fastparquet', 'pyarrow']: try: return get_engine(eng) except RuntimeError: pass else: raise RuntimeError("Please install either fastparquet or pyarrow") elif engine == 'fastparquet': import_required('fastparquet', "`fastparquet` not installed") _ENGINES['fastparquet'] = eng = {'read': _read_fastparquet, 'write': _write_fastparquet} return eng elif engine == 'pyarrow': pa = import_required('pyarrow', "`pyarrow` not installed") if LooseVersion(pa.__version__) < '0.8.0': raise RuntimeError("PyArrow version >= 0.8.0 required") _ENGINES['pyarrow'] = eng = {'read': _read_pyarrow, 'write': _write_pyarrow} return eng else: raise ValueError('Unsupported engine: "{0}".'.format(engine) + ' Valid choices include "pyarrow" and "fastparquet".') def read_parquet(path, columns=None, filters=None, categories=None, index=None, storage_options=None, engine='auto', infer_divisions=None): """ Read ParquetFile into a Dask DataFrame This reads a directory of Parquet data into a Dask.dataframe, one file per partition. It selects the index among the sorted columns if any exist. Parameters ---------- path : string, list or fastparquet.ParquetFile Source directory for data, or path(s) to individual parquet files. Prefix with a protocol like ``s3://`` to read from alternative filesystems. To read from multiple files you can pass a globstring or a list of paths, with the caveat that they must all have the same protocol. Alternatively, also accepts a previously opened fastparquet.ParquetFile() columns : string, list or None (default) Field name(s) to read in as columns in the output. By default all non-index fields will be read (as determined by the pandas parquet metadata, if present). Provide a single field name instead of a list to read in the data as a Series. filters : list List of filters to apply, like ``[('x', '>', 0), ...]``. This implements row-group (partition) -level filtering only, i.e., to prevent the loading of some chunks of the data, and only if relevant statistics have been included in the metadata. index : string, list, False or None (default) Field name(s) to use as the output frame index. By default will be inferred from the pandas parquet file metadata (if present). Use False to read all fields as columns. categories : list, dict or None For any fields listed here, if the parquet encoding is Dictionary, the column will be created with dtype category. Use only if it is guaranteed that the column is encoded as dictionary in all row-groups. If a list, assumes up to 2**16-1 labels; if a dict, specify the number of labels expected; if None, will load categories automatically for data written by dask/fastparquet, not otherwise. storage_options : dict Key/value pairs to be passed on to the file-system backend, if any. engine : {'auto', 'fastparquet', 'pyarrow'}, default 'auto' Parquet reader library to use. If only one library is installed, it will use that one; if both, it will use 'fastparquet' infer_divisions : bool or None (default). By default, divisions are inferred if the read `engine` supports doing so efficiently and the `index` of the underlying dataset is sorted across the individual parquet files. Set to ``True`` to force divisions to be inferred in all cases. Note that this may require reading metadata from each file in the dataset, which may be expensive. Set to ``False`` to never infer divisions. Examples -------- >>> df = dd.read_parquet('s3://bucket/my-parquet-data') # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- to_parquet """ is_ParquetFile = False try: import fastparquet if isinstance(path, fastparquet.api.ParquetFile): if != fastparquet.util.default_open: assert (re.match('.*://', path.fn)), \ ("ParquetFile: Path must contain protocol" + " (e.g., s3://...) when using other than the default" + " LocalFileSystem. Path given: " + path.fn) assert (engine in ['auto', 'fastparquet']), \ ("'engine' should be set to 'auto' or 'fastparquet' " + 'when reading from fastparquet.ParquetFile') is_ParquetFile = True except ImportError: pass if is_ParquetFile: read = get_engine('fastparquet')['read'] if path.fn.endswith('_metadata'): # remove '_metadata' from path urlpath = path.fn[:-len('_metadata')] else: urlpath = path.fn fs, fs_token, paths = get_fs_token_paths( urlpath, mode='rb', storage_options=storage_options ) paths = path else: read = get_engine(engine)['read'] fs, fs_token, paths = get_fs_token_paths( path, mode='rb', storage_options=storage_options ) if isinstance(path, string_types) and len(paths) > 1: # Sort paths naturally if multiple paths resulted from a single # specification (by '*' globbing) paths = sorted(paths, key=natural_sort_key) return read(fs, fs_token, paths, columns=columns, filters=filters, categories=categories, index=index, infer_divisions=infer_divisions) def to_parquet(df, path, engine='auto', compression='default', write_index=None, append=False, ignore_divisions=False, partition_on=None, storage_options=None, compute=True, **kwargs): """Store Dask.dataframe to Parquet files Notes ----- Each partition will be written to a separate file. Parameters ---------- df : dask.dataframe.DataFrame path : string Destination directory for data. Prepend with protocol like ``s3://`` or ``hdfs://`` for remote data. engine : {'auto', 'fastparquet', 'pyarrow'}, default 'auto' Parquet library to use. If only one library is installed, it will use that one; if both, it will use 'fastparquet'. compression : string or dict, optional Either a string like ``"snappy"`` or a dictionary mapping column names to compressors like ``{"name": "gzip", "values": "snappy"}``. The default is ``"default"``, which uses the default compression for whichever engine is selected. write_index : boolean, optional Whether or not to write the index. Defaults to True *if* divisions are known. append : bool, optional If False (default), construct data-set from scratch. If True, add new row-group(s) to an existing data-set. In the latter case, the data-set must exist, and the schema must match the input data. ignore_divisions : bool, optional If False (default) raises error when previous divisions overlap with the new appended divisions. Ignored if append=False. partition_on : list, optional Construct directory-based partitioning by splitting on these fields' values. Each dask partition will result in one or more datafiles, there will be no global groupby. storage_options : dict, optional Key/value pairs to be passed on to the file-system backend, if any. compute : bool, optional If True (default) then the result is computed immediately. If False then a ``dask.delayed`` object is returned for future computation. **kwargs Extra options to be passed on to the specific backend. Examples -------- >>> df = dd.read_csv(...) # doctest: +SKIP >>> to_parquet('/path/to/output/', df, compression='snappy') # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- read_parquet: Read parquet data to dask.dataframe """ partition_on = partition_on or [] if set(partition_on) - set(df.columns): raise ValueError('Partitioning on non-existent column') if compression != 'default': kwargs['compression'] = compression elif 'snappy' in compress: kwargs['compression'] = 'snappy' write = get_engine(engine)['write'] fs, fs_token, _ = get_fs_token_paths(path, mode='wb', storage_options=storage_options) # Trim any protocol information from the path before forwarding path = infer_storage_options(path)['path'] out = write(df, fs, fs_token, path, write_index=write_index, append=append, ignore_divisions=ignore_divisions, partition_on=partition_on, **kwargs) if compute: out.compute() return None return out if PY3: DataFrame.to_parquet.__doc__ = to_parquet.__doc__