from dask.callbacks import Callback from dask.cache import Cache from dask.local import get_sync from dask.threaded import get from operator import add from time import sleep import pytest cachey = pytest.importorskip('cachey') flag = [] def inc(x): flag.append(x) return x + 1 def test_cache(): c = cachey.Cache(10000) cc = Cache(c) with cc: assert get({'x': (inc, 1)}, 'x') == 2 assert flag == [1] assert['x'] == 2 assert not cc.starttimes assert not cc.durations while flag: flag.pop() dsk = {'x': (inc, 1), 'y': (inc, 2), 'z': (add, 'x', 'y')} with cc: assert get(dsk, 'z') == 5 assert flag == [2] # no x present assert not def test_cache_with_number(): c = Cache(10000, limit=1) assert isinstance(c.cache, cachey.Cache) assert c.cache.available_bytes == 10000 assert c.cache.limit == 1 def test_cache_correctness(): # c = Cache(10000) da = pytest.importorskip('dask.array') from numpy import ones, zeros z = da.from_array(zeros(1), chunks=10) o = da.from_array(ones(1), chunks=10) with c: assert (z.compute() == 0).all() assert (o.compute() == 1).all() def f(duration, size, *args): sleep(duration) return [0] * size def test_prefer_cheap_dependent(): dsk = {'x': (f, 0.01, 10), 'y': (f, 0.000001, 1, 'x')} c = Cache(10000) with c: get_sync(dsk, 'y') assert c.cache.scorer.cost['x'] < c.cache.scorer.cost['y']