import sys try: from urllib import request as urllib2 except ImportError: import urllib2 from unittest import SkipTest import socket import ssl import gevent.testing as greentest from gevent.testing import DEFAULT_XPC_SOCKET_TIMEOUT from gevent.testing import util from gevent.testing import params @greentest.skipOnCI("Timing issues sometimes lead to a connection refused") class Test_wsgiserver(util.TestServer): server = '' URL = 'http://%s:8088' % (params.DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR,) PORT = 8088 not_found_message = b'

Not Found

' ssl_ctx = None _use_ssl = False def read(self, path='/'): url = self.URL + path try: kwargs = {} if self.ssl_ctx is not None: kwargs = {'context': self.ssl_ctx} response = urllib2.urlopen(url, None, DEFAULT_XPC_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, **kwargs) except urllib2.HTTPError: response = sys.exc_info()[1] result = '%s %s' % (response.code, response.msg), # XXX: It looks like under PyPy this isn't directly closing the socket # when SSL is in use. It takes a GC cycle to make that true. response.close() return result def _test_hello(self): status, data ='/') self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK') self.assertEqual(data, b"hello world") def _test_not_found(self): status, data ='/xxx') self.assertEqual(status, '404 Not Found') self.assertEqual(data, self.not_found_message) def _do_test_a_blocking_client(self): # We spawn this in a separate server because if it's broken # the whole server hangs with self.running_server(): # First, make sure we can talk to it. self._test_hello() # Now create a connection and only partway finish # the transaction sock = socket.create_connection(('localhost', self.PORT)) ssl_sock = None if self._use_ssl: ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock) sock_file = ssl_sock.makefile(mode='rwb') else: sock_file = sock.makefile(mode='rwb') # write an incomplete request sock_file.write(b'GET /xxx HTTP/1.0\r\n') sock_file.flush() # Leave it open and not doing anything # while the other request runs to completion. # This demonstrates that a blocking client # doesn't hang the whole server self._test_hello() # now finish the original request sock_file.write(b'\r\n') sock_file.flush() line = sock_file.readline() self.assertEqual(line, b'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n') sock_file.close() if ssl_sock is not None: ssl_sock.close() sock.close() def test_a_blocking_client(self): self._do_test_a_blocking_client() @greentest.skipOnCI("Timing issues sometimes lead to a connection refused") class Test_wsgiserver_ssl(Test_wsgiserver): server = '' URL = 'https://%s:8443' % (params.DEFAULT_LOCAL_HOST_ADDR,) PORT = 8443 _use_ssl = True if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): # Disable verification for our self-signed cert # on Python >= 2.7.9 and 3.4 ssl_ctx = ssl._create_unverified_context() @greentest.skipOnCI("Timing issues sometimes lead to a connection refused") class Test_webproxy(Test_wsgiserver): server = '' def _run_all_tests(self): status, data ='/') self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK') self.assertIn(b"gevent example", data) status, data ='/') self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK') self.assertIn(b'google', data.lower()) def test_a_blocking_client(self): # Not applicable raise SkipTest("Not applicable") # class Test_webpy(Test_wsgiserver): # server = '' # not_found_message = 'not found' # # def _test_hello(self): # status, data ='/') # self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK') # assert "Hello, world" in data, repr(data) # # def _test_long(self): # start = time.time() # status, data ='/long') # delay = time.time() - start # assert 10 - 0.5 < delay < 10 + 0.5, delay # self.assertEqual(status, '200 OK') # self.assertEqual(data, 'Hello, 10 seconds later') if __name__ == '__main__': greentest.main()