from __future__ import print_function from gevent import config import gevent.testing as greentest from gevent.testing import TestCase from gevent.testing import LARGE_TIMEOUT from gevent.testing.sysinfo import CFFI_BACKEND from gevent.testing.flaky import reraises_flaky_timeout class Test(TestCase): __timeout__ = LARGE_TIMEOUT repeat = 0 timer_duration = 0.001 def setUp(self): super(Test, self).setUp() self.called = [] self.loop = config.loop(default=False) self.timer = self.loop.timer(self.timer_duration, repeat=self.repeat) assert not self.loop.default def cleanup(self): # cleanup instead of tearDown to cooperate well with # self.timer.close() # cycle the loop so libuv close callbacks fire self.loop.destroy() self.loop = None self.timer = None def f(self, x=None): self.called.append(1) if x is not None: x.stop() def assertTimerInKeepalive(self): if CFFI_BACKEND: self.assertIn(self.timer, self.loop._keepaliveset) def assertTimerNotInKeepalive(self): if CFFI_BACKEND: self.assertNotIn(self.timer, self.loop._keepaliveset) def test_main(self): loop = self.loop x = self.timer x.start(self.f) self.assertTimerInKeepalive() self.assertTrue(, x) with self.assertRaises((AttributeError, ValueError)): x.priority = 1 self.assertEqual(x.pending, 0) self.assertEqual(self.called, [1]) self.assertIsNone(x.callback) self.assertIsNone(x.args) if x.priority is not None: self.assertEqual(x.priority, 0) x.priority = 1 self.assertEqual(x.priority, 1) x.stop() self.assertTimerNotInKeepalive() class TestAgain(Test): repeat = 1 def test_main(self): # Again works for a new timer x = self.timer x.again(self.f, x) self.assertTimerInKeepalive() self.assertEqual(x.args, (x,)) # XXX: On libev, this takes 1 second. On libuv, # it takes the expected time. self.assertEqual(self.called, [1]) x.stop() self.assertTimerNotInKeepalive() class TestTimerResolution(Test): # On CI, with *all* backends, sometimes we get timer values of # 0.02 or higher. @reraises_flaky_timeout(AssertionError) def test_resolution(self): # pylint:disable=too-many-locals # Make sure that having an active IO watcher # doesn't badly throw off our timer resolution. # (This was a specific problem with libuv) # from gevent._compat import perf_counter import socket s = socket.socket() self._close_on_teardown(s) fd = s.fileno() ran_at_least_once = False fired_at = [] def timer_counter(): fired_at.append(perf_counter()) loop = self.loop timer_multiplier = 11 max_time = self.timer_duration * timer_multiplier assert max_time < 0.3 for _ in range(150): # in libuv, our signal timer fires every 300ms; depending on # when this runs, we could artificially get a better # resolution than we expect. Run it multiple times to be more sure. io =, 1) io.start(lambda events=None: None) now = perf_counter() del fired_at[:] timer = self.timer timer.start(timer_counter) io.stop() io.close() timer.stop() if fired_at: ran_at_least_once = True self.assertEqual(1, len(fired_at)) self.assertTimeWithinRange(fired_at[0] - now, 0, max_time) if not greentest.RUNNING_ON_CI: # Hmm, this always fires locally on mocOS but # not an Travis? self.assertTrue(ran_at_least_once) if __name__ == '__main__': greentest.main()