import inspect import types import sys from textwrap import dedent import operator as op from collections import namedtuple from jedi._compatibility import unicode, is_py3, builtins, \ py_version, force_unicode, print_to_stderr from jedi.evaluate.compiled.getattr_static import getattr_static MethodDescriptorType = type(str.replace) # These are not considered classes and access is granted even though they have # a __class__ attribute. NOT_CLASS_TYPES = ( types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.CodeType, types.FrameType, types.FunctionType, types.GeneratorType, types.GetSetDescriptorType, types.LambdaType, types.MemberDescriptorType, types.MethodType, types.ModuleType, types.TracebackType, MethodDescriptorType ) if is_py3: NOT_CLASS_TYPES += ( types.MappingProxyType, types.SimpleNamespace, types.DynamicClassAttribute, ) # Those types don't exist in typing. MethodDescriptorType = type(str.replace) WrapperDescriptorType = type(set.__iter__) # `object.__subclasshook__` is an already executed descriptor. object_class_dict = type.__dict__["__dict__"].__get__(object) ClassMethodDescriptorType = type(object_class_dict['__subclasshook__']) def _a_generator(foo): """Used to have an object to return for generators.""" yield 42 yield foo _sentinel = object() # Maps Python syntax to the operator module. COMPARISON_OPERATORS = { '==': op.eq, '!=':, 'is': op.is_, 'is not': op.is_not, '<':, '<=': op.le, '>':, '>=':, } _OPERATORS = { '+': op.add, '-': op.sub, } _OPERATORS.update(COMPARISON_OPERATORS) ALLOWED_DESCRIPTOR_ACCESS = ( types.FunctionType, types.GetSetDescriptorType, types.MemberDescriptorType, MethodDescriptorType, WrapperDescriptorType, ClassMethodDescriptorType, staticmethod, classmethod, ) def safe_getattr(obj, name, default=_sentinel): try: attr, is_get_descriptor = getattr_static(obj, name) except AttributeError: if default is _sentinel: raise return default else: if type(attr) in ALLOWED_DESCRIPTOR_ACCESS: # In case of descriptors that have get methods we cannot return # it's value, because that would mean code execution. return getattr(obj, name) return attr SignatureParam = namedtuple( 'SignatureParam', 'name has_default default has_annotation annotation kind_name' ) def compiled_objects_cache(attribute_name): def decorator(func): """ This decorator caches just the ids, oopposed to caching the object itself. Caching the id has the advantage that an object doesn't need to be hashable. """ def wrapper(evaluator, obj, parent_context=None): cache = getattr(evaluator, attribute_name) # Do a very cheap form of caching here. key = id(obj) try: cache[key] return cache[key][0] except KeyError: # TODO wuaaaarrghhhhhhhh if attribute_name == 'mixed_cache': result = func(evaluator, obj, parent_context) else: result = func(evaluator, obj) # Need to cache all of them, otherwise the id could be overwritten. cache[key] = result, obj, parent_context return result return wrapper return decorator def create_access(evaluator, obj): return evaluator.compiled_subprocess.get_or_create_access_handle(obj) def load_module(evaluator, dotted_name, sys_path): temp, sys.path = sys.path, sys_path try: __import__(dotted_name) except ImportError: # If a module is "corrupt" or not really a Python module or whatever. print_to_stderr('Module %s not importable in path %s.' % (dotted_name, sys_path)) return None except Exception: # Since __import__ pretty much makes code execution possible, just # catch any error here and print it. import traceback print_to_stderr("Cannot import:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) return None finally: sys.path = temp # Just access the cache after import, because of #59 as well as the very # complicated import structure of Python. module = sys.modules[dotted_name] return create_access_path(evaluator, module) class AccessPath(object): def __init__(self, accesses): self.accesses = accesses # Writing both of these methods here looks a bit ridiculous. However with # the differences of Python 2/3 it's actually necessary, because we will # otherwise have a accesses attribute that is bytes instead of unicode. def __getstate__(self): return self.accesses def __setstate__(self, value): self.accesses = value def create_access_path(evaluator, obj): access = create_access(evaluator, obj) return AccessPath(access.get_access_path_tuples()) def _force_unicode_decorator(func): return lambda *args, **kwargs: force_unicode(func(*args, **kwargs)) class DirectObjectAccess(object): def __init__(self, evaluator, obj): self._evaluator = evaluator self._obj = obj def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_repr()) def _create_access(self, obj): return create_access(self._evaluator, obj) def _create_access_path(self, obj): return create_access_path(self._evaluator, obj) def py__bool__(self): return bool(self._obj) def py__file__(self): try: return self._obj.__file__ except AttributeError: return None def py__doc__(self, include_call_signature=False): return force_unicode(inspect.getdoc(self._obj)) or u'' def py__name__(self): if not _is_class_instance(self._obj) or \ inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self._obj): # slots cls = self._obj else: try: cls = self._obj.__class__ except AttributeError: # happens with numpy.core.umath._UFUNC_API (you get it # automatically by doing `import numpy`. return None try: return force_unicode(cls.__name__) except AttributeError: return None def py__mro__accesses(self): return tuple(self._create_access_path(cls) for cls in self._obj.__mro__[1:]) def py__getitem__(self, index): if type(self._obj) not in (str, list, tuple, unicode, bytes, bytearray, dict): # Get rid of side effects, we won't call custom `__getitem__`s. return None return self._create_access_path(self._obj[index]) def py__iter__list(self): if type(self._obj) not in (str, list, tuple, unicode, bytes, bytearray, dict): # Get rid of side effects, we won't call custom `__getitem__`s. return [] lst = [] for i, part in enumerate(self._obj): if i > 20: # Should not go crazy with large iterators break lst.append(self._create_access_path(part)) return lst def py__class__(self): return self._create_access_path(self._obj.__class__) def py__bases__(self): return [self._create_access_path(base) for base in self._obj.__bases__] def py__path__(self): return self._obj.__path__ @_force_unicode_decorator def get_repr(self): builtins = 'builtins', '__builtin__' if inspect.ismodule(self._obj): return repr(self._obj) # Try to avoid execution of the property. if safe_getattr(self._obj, '__module__', default='') in builtins: return repr(self._obj) type_ = type(self._obj) if type_ == type: return type.__repr__(self._obj) if safe_getattr(type_, '__module__', default='') in builtins: # Allow direct execution of repr for builtins. return repr(self._obj) return object.__repr__(self._obj) def is_class(self): return inspect.isclass(self._obj) def ismethoddescriptor(self): return inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self._obj) def dir(self): return list(map(force_unicode, dir(self._obj))) def has_iter(self): try: iter(self._obj) return True except TypeError: return False def is_allowed_getattr(self, name): # TODO this API is ugly. try: attr, is_get_descriptor = getattr_static(self._obj, name) except AttributeError: return False, False else: if is_get_descriptor and type(attr) not in ALLOWED_DESCRIPTOR_ACCESS: # In case of descriptors that have get methods we cannot return # it's value, because that would mean code execution. return True, True return True, False def getattr(self, name, default=_sentinel): try: return self._create_access(getattr(self._obj, name)) except AttributeError: # Happens e.g. in properties of # PyQt4.QtGui.QStyleOptionComboBox.currentText # -> just set it to None if default is _sentinel: raise return self._create_access(default) def get_safe_value(self): if type(self._obj) in (bool, bytes, float, int, str, unicode, slice): return self._obj raise ValueError("Object is type %s and not simple" % type(self._obj)) def get_api_type(self): obj = self._obj if self.is_class(): return u'class' elif inspect.ismodule(obj): return u'module' elif inspect.isbuiltin(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj) \ or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj): return u'function' # Everything else... return u'instance' def get_access_path_tuples(self): accesses = [create_access(self._evaluator, o) for o in self._get_objects_path()] return [(access.py__name__(), access) for access in accesses] def _get_objects_path(self): def get(): obj = self._obj yield obj try: obj = obj.__objclass__ except AttributeError: pass else: yield obj try: # Returns a dotted string path. imp_plz = obj.__module__ except AttributeError: # Unfortunately in some cases like `int` there's no __module__ if not inspect.ismodule(obj): yield builtins else: if imp_plz is None: # Happens for example in `(_ for _ in []).send.__module__`. yield builtins else: try: # TODO use sys.modules, __module__ can be faked. yield sys.modules[imp_plz] except KeyError: # __module__ can be something arbitrary that doesn't exist. yield builtins return list(reversed(list(get()))) def execute_operation(self, other_access_handle, operator): other_access = other_access_handle.access op = _OPERATORS[operator] return self._create_access_path(op(self._obj, other_access._obj)) def needs_type_completions(self): return inspect.isclass(self._obj) and self._obj != type def get_signature_params(self): obj = self._obj if py_version < 33: raise ValueError("inspect.signature was introduced in 3.3") if py_version == 34: # In 3.4 inspect.signature are wrong for str and int. This has # been fixed in 3.5. The signature of object is returned, # because no signature was found for str. Here we imitate 3.5 # logic and just ignore the signature if the magic methods # don't match object. # 3.3 doesn't even have the logic and returns nothing for str # and classes that inherit from object. user_def = inspect._signature_get_user_defined_method if (inspect.isclass(obj) and not user_def(type(obj), '__init__') and not user_def(type(obj), '__new__') and (obj.__init__ != object.__init__ or obj.__new__ != object.__new__)): raise ValueError try: signature = inspect.signature(obj) except (RuntimeError, TypeError): # Reading the code of the function in Python 3.6 implies there are # at least these errors that might occur if something is wrong with # the signature. In that case we just want a simple escape for now. raise ValueError return [ SignatureParam(, has_default=p.default is not p.empty, default=self._create_access_path(p.default), has_annotation=p.annotation is not p.empty, annotation=self._create_access_path(p.annotation), kind_name=str(p.kind) ) for p in signature.parameters.values() ] def negate(self): return self._create_access_path(-self._obj) def dict_values(self): return [self._create_access_path(v) for v in self._obj.values()] def is_super_class(self, exception): return issubclass(exception, self._obj) def get_dir_infos(self): """ Used to return a couple of infos that are needed when accessing the sub objects of an objects """ # TODO is_allowed_getattr might raise an AttributeError tuples = dict( (force_unicode(name), self.is_allowed_getattr(name)) for name in self.dir() ) return self.needs_type_completions(), tuples def _is_class_instance(obj): """Like inspect.* methods.""" try: cls = obj.__class__ except AttributeError: return False else: return cls != type and not issubclass(cls, NOT_CLASS_TYPES) if py_version >= 35: exec(compile(dedent(""" async def _coroutine(): pass _coroutine = _coroutine() CoroutineType = type(_coroutine) _coroutine.close() # Prevent ResourceWarning """), 'blub', 'exec')) _coroutine_wrapper = _coroutine.__await__() else: _coroutine = None _coroutine_wrapper = None if py_version >= 36: exec(compile(dedent(""" async def _async_generator(): yield _async_generator = _async_generator() AsyncGeneratorType = type(_async_generator) """), 'blub', 'exec')) else: _async_generator = None class _SPECIAL_OBJECTS(object): FUNCTION_CLASS = types.FunctionType BOUND_METHOD_CLASS = type(DirectObjectAccess(None, None).py__bool__) MODULE_CLASS = types.ModuleType GENERATOR_OBJECT = _a_generator(1.0) BUILTINS = builtins COROUTINE = _coroutine COROUTINE_WRAPPER = _coroutine_wrapper ASYNC_GENERATOR = _async_generator def get_special_object(evaluator, identifier): obj = getattr(_SPECIAL_OBJECTS, identifier) return create_access_path(evaluator, obj)