import os from jedi._compatibility import unicode, force_unicode, all_suffixes from jedi.evaluate.cache import evaluator_method_cache from jedi.evaluate.base_context import ContextualizedNode from jedi.evaluate.helpers import is_string from jedi.common.utils import traverse_parents from jedi.parser_utils import get_cached_code_lines from jedi import settings from jedi import debug def _abs_path(module_context, path): if os.path.isabs(path): return path module_path = module_context.py__file__() if module_path is None: # In this case we have no idea where we actually are in the file # system. return None base_dir = os.path.dirname(module_path) path = force_unicode(path) return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, path)) def _paths_from_assignment(module_context, expr_stmt): """ Extracts the assigned strings from an assignment that looks as follows:: sys.path[0:0] = ['module/path', 'another/module/path'] This function is in general pretty tolerant (and therefore 'buggy'). However, it's not a big issue usually to add more paths to Jedi's sys_path, because it will only affect Jedi in very random situations and by adding more paths than necessary, it usually benefits the general user. """ for assignee, operator in zip(expr_stmt.children[::2], expr_stmt.children[1::2]): try: assert operator in ['=', '+='] assert assignee.type in ('power', 'atom_expr') and \ len(assignee.children) > 1 c = assignee.children assert c[0].type == 'name' and c[0].value == 'sys' trailer = c[1] assert trailer.children[0] == '.' and trailer.children[1].value == 'path' # TODO Essentially we're not checking details on sys.path # manipulation. Both assigment of the sys.path and changing/adding # parts of the sys.path are the same: They get added to the end of # the current sys.path. """ execution = c[2] assert execution.children[0] == '[' subscript = execution.children[1] assert subscript.type == 'subscript' assert ':' in subscript.children """ except AssertionError: continue cn = ContextualizedNode(module_context.create_context(expr_stmt), expr_stmt) for lazy_context in cn.infer().iterate(cn): for context in lazy_context.infer(): if is_string(context): abs_path = _abs_path(module_context, context.get_safe_value()) if abs_path is not None: yield abs_path def _paths_from_list_modifications(module_context, trailer1, trailer2): """ extract the path from either "sys.path.append" or "sys.path.insert" """ # Guarantee that both are trailers, the first one a name and the second one # a function execution with at least one param. if not (trailer1.type == 'trailer' and trailer1.children[0] == '.' and trailer2.type == 'trailer' and trailer2.children[0] == '(' and len(trailer2.children) == 3): return name = trailer1.children[1].value if name not in ['insert', 'append']: return arg = trailer2.children[1] if name == 'insert' and len(arg.children) in (3, 4): # Possible trailing comma. arg = arg.children[2] for context in module_context.create_context(arg).eval_node(arg): if is_string(context): abs_path = _abs_path(module_context, context.get_safe_value()) if abs_path is not None: yield abs_path @evaluator_method_cache(default=[]) def check_sys_path_modifications(module_context): """ Detect sys.path modifications within module. """ def get_sys_path_powers(names): for name in names: power = name.parent.parent if power.type in ('power', 'atom_expr'): c = power.children if c[0].type == 'name' and c[0].value == 'sys' \ and c[1].type == 'trailer': n = c[1].children[1] if n.type == 'name' and n.value == 'path': yield name, power if module_context.tree_node is None: return [] added = [] try: possible_names = module_context.tree_node.get_used_names()['path'] except KeyError: pass else: for name, power in get_sys_path_powers(possible_names): expr_stmt = power.parent if len(power.children) >= 4: added.extend( _paths_from_list_modifications( module_context, *power.children[2:4] ) ) elif expr_stmt is not None and expr_stmt.type == 'expr_stmt': added.extend(_paths_from_assignment(module_context, expr_stmt)) return added def discover_buildout_paths(evaluator, script_path): buildout_script_paths = set() for buildout_script_path in _get_buildout_script_paths(script_path): for path in _get_paths_from_buildout_script(evaluator, buildout_script_path): buildout_script_paths.add(path) return buildout_script_paths def _get_paths_from_buildout_script(evaluator, buildout_script_path): try: module_node = evaluator.parse( path=buildout_script_path, cache=True, cache_path=settings.cache_directory ) except IOError: debug.warning('Error trying to read buildout_script: %s', buildout_script_path) return from jedi.evaluate.context import ModuleContext module = ModuleContext( evaluator, module_node, buildout_script_path, code_lines=get_cached_code_lines(evaluator.grammar, buildout_script_path), ) for path in check_sys_path_modifications(module): yield path def _get_parent_dir_with_file(path, filename): for parent in traverse_parents(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(parent, filename)): return parent return None def _get_buildout_script_paths(search_path): """ if there is a 'buildout.cfg' file in one of the parent directories of the given module it will return a list of all files in the buildout bin directory that look like python files. :param search_path: absolute path to the module. :type search_path: str """ project_root = _get_parent_dir_with_file(search_path, 'buildout.cfg') if not project_root: return bin_path = os.path.join(project_root, 'bin') if not os.path.exists(bin_path): return for filename in os.listdir(bin_path): try: filepath = os.path.join(bin_path, filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as f: firstline = f.readline() if firstline.startswith('#!') and 'python' in firstline: yield filepath except (UnicodeDecodeError, IOError) as e: # Probably a binary file; permission error or race cond. because # file got deleted. Ignore it. debug.warning(unicode(e)) continue def dotted_path_in_sys_path(sys_path, module_path): """ Returns the dotted path inside a sys.path as a list of names. """ # First remove the suffix. for suffix in all_suffixes(): if module_path.endswith(suffix): module_path = module_path[:-len(suffix)] break else: # There should always be a suffix in a valid Python file on the path. return None if module_path.startswith(os.path.sep): # The paths in sys.path most of the times don't end with a slash. module_path = module_path[1:] for p in sys_path: if module_path.startswith(p): rest = module_path[len(p):] if rest: split = rest.split(os.path.sep) for string in split: if not string or '.' in string: return None return split return None