from binascii import hexlify import errno import os import sys from os.path import join as pjoin from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from threading import Thread, Event from unittest.mock import patch from jupyterlab_server import LabServerApp, LabConfig from ..servertest import ServerTestBase from ..server import url_path_join import jupyter_core from traitlets.config import Config from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop here = os.path.dirname(__file__) class LabTestBase(ServerTestBase): Application = LabServerApp """The application being tested. Sub-classes should change this.""" @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() def tmp(*parts): path = os.path.join(, *parts) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise return path cls.home_dir = tmp('home') cls.data_dir = tmp('data') cls.config_dir = tmp('config') cls.runtime_dir = tmp('runtime') cls.lab_dir = tmp('lab') cls.app_settings_dir = tmp('appsettings') cls.lab_schemas = tmp('labschemas') cls.lab_settings = tmp('labsettings') cls.lab_workspaces = tmp('labworkspaces') cls.env_patch = patch.dict('os.environ', { 'HOME': cls.home_dir, 'PYTHONPATH': os.pathsep.join(sys.path), 'IPYTHONDIR': pjoin(cls.home_dir, '.ipython'), 'JUPYTER_NO_CONFIG': '1', # needed in the future 'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': cls.config_dir, 'JUPYTER_DATA_DIR': cls.data_dir, 'JUPYTER_RUNTIME_DIR': cls.runtime_dir, 'JUPYTERLAB_DIR': cls.lab_dir, 'JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR': cls.lab_settings }) cls.env_patch.start() cls.lab_config = LabConfig( app_settings_dir=cls.app_settings_dir, schemas_dir=cls.lab_schemas, user_settings_dir=cls.lab_settings, workspaces_dir=cls.lab_workspaces) cls.notebook_dir = tmp('notebooks') cls.path_patch = patch.multiple( jupyter_core.paths, SYSTEM_JUPYTER_PATH=[tmp('share', 'jupyter')], ENV_JUPYTER_PATH=[tmp('env', 'share', 'jupyter')], SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH=[tmp('etc', 'jupyter')], ENV_CONFIG_PATH=[tmp('env', 'etc', 'jupyter')], ) cls.path_patch.start() cls.config = cls.config or Config() cls.config.NotebookNotary.db_file = ':memory:' cls.token = hexlify(os.urandom(4)).decode('ascii') started = Event() def start_thread(): if 'asyncio' in sys.modules: import asyncio asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) app = cls.notebook = cls.Application( app_dir=cls.lab_dir, port=cls.port, port_retries=0, open_browser=False, config_dir=cls.config_dir, data_dir=cls.data_dir, runtime_dir=cls.runtime_dir, notebook_dir=cls.notebook_dir, base_url=cls.url_prefix, config=cls.config, allow_root=True, token=cls.token, lab_config=cls.lab_config ) # don't register signal handler during tests app.init_signal = lambda: None # clear log handlers and propagate to root for nose to capture it # needs to be redone after initialize, which reconfigures logging app.log.propagate = True app.log.handlers = [] app.initialize(argv=[]) app.log.propagate = True app.log.handlers = [] loop = IOLoop.current() loop.add_callback(started.set) try: app.start() finally: # set the event, so failure to start doesn't cause a hang started.set() app.session_manager.close() cls.notebook_thread = Thread(target=start_thread) cls.notebook_thread.daemon = True cls.notebook_thread.start() started.wait() cls.wait_until_alive() class APITester(object): """Wrapper for REST API requests""" url = '/' def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def _req(self, verb, path, body=None): response = self.request(verb, url_path_join(self.url, path), data=body) if 400 <= response.status_code < 600: try: response.reason = response.json()['message'] except Exception: pass response.raise_for_status() return response