locket.py ========= Locket implements a lock that can be used by multiple processes provided they use the same path. .. code-block:: python import locket # Wait for lock with locket.lock_file("path/to/lock/file"): perform_action() # Raise error if lock cannot be acquired immediately with locket.lock_file("path/to/lock/file", timeout=0): perform_action() # Raise error if lock cannot be acquired after thirty seconds with locket.lock_file("path/to/lock/file", timeout=30): perform_action() # Without context managers: lock = locket.lock_file("path/to/lock/file") try: lock.acquire() perform_action() finally: lock.release() Locks largely behave as (non-reentrant) `Lock` instances from the `threading` module in the standard library. Specifically, their behaviour is: * Locks are uniquely identified by the file being locked, both in the same process and across different processes. * Locks are either in a locked or unlocked state. * When the lock is unlocked, calling `acquire()` returns immediately and changes the lock state to locked. * When the lock is locked, calling `acquire()` will block until the lock state changes to unlocked, or until the timeout expires. * If a process holds a lock, any thread in that process can call `release()` to change the state to unlocked. * Behaviour of locks after `fork` is undefined.