# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import struct import os import atexit from time import time as now from threading import Thread from glob import glob try: from queue import Queue except ImportError: from Queue import Queue event_bin_format = 'llHHI' # Taken from include/linux/input.h # https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/event-codes.txt EV_SYN = 0x00 EV_KEY = 0x01 EV_REL = 0x02 EV_ABS = 0x03 EV_MSC = 0x04 def make_uinput(): import fcntl, struct # Requires uinput driver, but it's usually available. uinput = open("/dev/uinput", 'wb') UI_SET_EVBIT = 0x40045564 fcntl.ioctl(uinput, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_KEY) UI_SET_KEYBIT = 0x40045565 for i in range(256): fcntl.ioctl(uinput, UI_SET_KEYBIT, i) BUS_USB = 0x03 uinput_user_dev = "80sHHHHi64i64i64i64i" axis = [0] * 64 * 4 uinput.write(struct.pack(uinput_user_dev, b"Virtual Keyboard", BUS_USB, 1, 1, 1, 0, *axis)) uinput.flush() # Without this you may get Errno 22: Invalid argument. UI_DEV_CREATE = 0x5501 fcntl.ioctl(uinput, UI_DEV_CREATE) UI_DEV_DESTROY = 0x5502 #fcntl.ioctl(uinput, UI_DEV_DESTROY) return uinput class EventDevice(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self._input_file = None self._output_file = None @property def input_file(self): if self._input_file is None: try: self._input_file = open(self.path, 'rb') except IOError as e: if e.strerror == 'Permission denied': print('Permission denied ({}). You must be sudo to access global events.'.format(self.path)) exit() def try_close(): try: self._input_file.close except: pass atexit.register(try_close) return self._input_file @property def output_file(self): if self._output_file is None: self._output_file = open(self.path, 'wb') atexit.register(self._output_file.close) return self._output_file def read_event(self): data = self.input_file.read(struct.calcsize(event_bin_format)) seconds, microseconds, type, code, value = struct.unpack(event_bin_format, data) return seconds + microseconds / 1e6, type, code, value, self.path def write_event(self, type, code, value): integer, fraction = divmod(now(), 1) seconds = int(integer) microseconds = int(fraction * 1e6) data_event = struct.pack(event_bin_format, seconds, microseconds, type, code, value) # Send a sync event to ensure other programs update. sync_event = struct.pack(event_bin_format, seconds, microseconds, EV_SYN, 0, 0) self.output_file.write(data_event + sync_event) self.output_file.flush() class AggregatedEventDevice(object): def __init__(self, devices, output=None): self.event_queue = Queue() self.devices = devices self.output = output or self.devices[0] def start_reading(device): while True: self.event_queue.put(device.read_event()) for device in self.devices: thread = Thread(target=start_reading, args=[device]) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() def read_event(self): return self.event_queue.get(block=True) def write_event(self, type, code, value): self.output.write_event(type, code, value) import re from collections import namedtuple DeviceDescription = namedtuple('DeviceDescription', 'event_file is_mouse is_keyboard') device_pattern = r"""N: Name="([^"]+?)".+?H: Handlers=([^\n]+)""" def list_devices_from_proc(type_name): try: with open('/proc/bus/input/devices') as f: description = f.read() except FileNotFoundError: return devices = {} for name, handlers in re.findall(device_pattern, description, re.DOTALL): path = '/dev/input/event' + re.search(r'event(\d+)', handlers).group(1) if type_name in handlers: yield EventDevice(path) def list_devices_from_by_id(type_name): for path in glob('/dev/input/by-id/*-event-' + type_name): yield EventDevice(path) def aggregate_devices(type_name): # Some systems have multiple keyboards with different range of allowed keys # on each one, like a notebook with a "keyboard" device exclusive for the # power button. Instead of figuring out which keyboard allows which key to # send events, we create a fake device and send all events through there. uinput = make_uinput() fake_device = EventDevice('uinput Fake Device') fake_device._input_file = uinput fake_device._output_file = uinput # We don't aggregate devices from different sources to avoid # duplicates. devices_from_proc = list(list_devices_from_proc(type_name)) if devices_from_proc: return AggregatedEventDevice(devices_from_proc, output=fake_device) # breaks on mouse for virtualbox # was getting /dev/input/by-id/usb-VirtualBox_USB_Tablet-event-mouse devices_from_by_id = list(list_devices_from_by_id(type_name)) if devices_from_by_id: return AggregatedEventDevice(devices_from_by_id, output=fake_device) # If no keyboards were found we can only use the fake device to send keys. return fake_device def ensure_root(): if os.geteuid() != 0: raise ImportError('You must be root to use this library on linux.')