from base64 import b64encode, b64decode import copy import io import os import re import threading import asyncio import datetime import warnings import nbformat import sys import pytest import functools import xmltodict from .base import NBClientTestsBase from .. import NotebookClient, execute from ..exceptions import CellExecutionError from traitlets import TraitError from nbformat import NotebookNode from jupyter_client import KernelManager from jupyter_client.kernelspec import KernelSpecManager from nbconvert.filters import strip_ansi from testpath import modified_env from ipython_genutils.py3compat import string_types import concurrent.futures from queue import Empty from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock addr_pat = re.compile(r'0x[0-9a-f]{7,9}') ipython_input_pat = re.compile(r'') current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) class AsyncMock(Mock): pass def make_async(mock_value): async def _(): return mock_value return _() def normalize_base64(b64_text): # if it's base64, pass it through b64 decode/encode to avoid # equivalent values from being considered unequal try: return b64encode(b64decode(b64_text.encode('ascii'))).decode('ascii') except (ValueError, TypeError): return b64_text def run_notebook(filename, opts, resources=None): """Loads and runs a notebook, returning both the version prior to running it and the version after running it. """ with as f: input_nb =, 4) cleaned_input_nb = copy.deepcopy(input_nb) for cell in cleaned_input_nb.cells: if 'execution_count' in cell: del cell['execution_count'] cell['outputs'] = [] if resources: opts = {'resources': resources, **opts} executor = NotebookClient(cleaned_input_nb, **opts) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # suppress warning from jupyter_client's deprecated cleanup() warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) # Override terminal size to standardise traceback format with modified_env({'COLUMNS': '80', 'LINES': '24'}): output_nb = executor.execute() return input_nb, output_nb def run_notebook_wrapper(args): # since concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor doesn't have starmap, # we need to unpack the arguments return run_notebook(*args) async def async_run_notebook(filename, opts, resources=None): """Loads and runs a notebook, returning both the version prior to running it and the version after running it. """ with as f: input_nb =, 4) cleaned_input_nb = copy.deepcopy(input_nb) for cell in cleaned_input_nb.cells: if 'execution_count' in cell: del cell['execution_count'] cell['outputs'] = [] if resources: opts = {'resources': resources, **opts} executor = NotebookClient(cleaned_input_nb, **opts) # Override terminal size to standardise traceback format with modified_env({'COLUMNS': '80', 'LINES': '24'}): output_nb = await executor.async_execute() return input_nb, output_nb def prepare_cell_mocks(*messages, reply_msg=None): """ This function prepares a executor object which has a fake kernel client to mock the messages sent over zeromq. The mock kernel client will return the messages passed into this wrapper back from ``preproc.kc.iopub_channel.get_msg`` callbacks. It also appends a kernel idle message to the end of messages. """ parent_id = 'fake_id' messages = list(messages) # Always terminate messages with an idle to exit the loop messages.append({'msg_type': 'status', 'content': {'execution_state': 'idle'}}) def shell_channel_message_mock(): # Return the message generator for # self.kc.shell_channel.get_msg => {'parent_header': {'msg_id': parent_id}} return AsyncMock( return_value=make_async(NBClientTestsBase.merge_dicts( { 'parent_header': {'msg_id': parent_id}, 'content': {'status': 'ok', 'execution_count': 1}, }, reply_msg or {}, )) ) def iopub_messages_mock(): # Return the message generator for # self.kc.iopub_channel.get_msg => messages[i] return AsyncMock( side_effect=[ # Default the parent_header so mocks don't need to include this make_async( NBClientTestsBase.merge_dicts({'parent_header': {'msg_id': parent_id}}, msg) ) for msg in messages ] ) def prepared_wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def test_mock_wrapper(self): """ This inner function wrapper populates the executor object with the fake kernel client. This client has its iopub and shell channels mocked so as to fake the setup handshake and return the messages passed into prepare_cell_mocks as the execute_cell loop processes them. """ cell_mock = NotebookNode( source='"foo" = "bar"', metadata={}, cell_type='code', outputs=[] ) executor = NotebookClient({}) executor.nb = {'cells': [cell_mock]} # self.kc.iopub_channel.get_msg => message_mock.side_effect[i] message_mock = iopub_messages_mock() executor.kc = MagicMock( iopub_channel=MagicMock(get_msg=message_mock), shell_channel=MagicMock(get_msg=shell_channel_message_mock()), execute=MagicMock(return_value=parent_id), is_alive=MagicMock(return_value=make_async(True)) ) executor.parent_id = parent_id return func(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock) return test_mock_wrapper return prepared_wrapper def normalize_output(output): """ Normalizes outputs for comparison. """ output = dict(output) if 'metadata' in output: del output['metadata'] if 'text' in output: output['text'] = re.sub(addr_pat, '', output['text']) if 'text/plain' in output.get('data', {}): output['data']['text/plain'] = re.sub(addr_pat, '', output['data']['text/plain']) if 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json' in output.get('data', {}): output['data']['application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json']['model_id'] = '' if 'image/svg+xml' in output.get('data', {}): output['data']['image/svg+xml'] = xmltodict.parse(output['data']['image/svg+xml']) for key, value in output.get('data', {}).items(): if isinstance(value, string_types): output['data'][key] = normalize_base64(value) if 'traceback' in output: tb = [ re.sub(ipython_input_pat, '', strip_ansi(line)) for line in output['traceback'] ] output['traceback'] = tb return output def assert_notebooks_equal(expected, actual): expected_cells = expected['cells'] actual_cells = actual['cells'] assert len(expected_cells) == len(actual_cells) for expected_cell, actual_cell in zip(expected_cells, actual_cells): # Uncomment these to help debug test failures better # from pprint import pprint # pprint(expected_cell) # pprint(actual_cell) expected_outputs = expected_cell.get('outputs', []) actual_outputs = actual_cell.get('outputs', []) normalized_expected_outputs = list(map(normalize_output, expected_outputs)) normalized_actual_outputs = list(map(normalize_output, actual_outputs)) assert normalized_expected_outputs == normalized_actual_outputs expected_execution_count = expected_cell.get('execution_count', None) actual_execution_count = actual_cell.get('execution_count', None) assert expected_execution_count == actual_execution_count def notebook_resources(): """ Prepare a notebook resources dictionary for executing test notebooks in the ``files`` folder. """ return {'metadata': {'path': os.path.join(current_dir, 'files')}} @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["input_name", "opts"], [ ("Other Comms.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Clear Output.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Empty Cell.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Factorials.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("HelloWorld.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Inline Image.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ( "Interrupt.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python", timeout=1, interrupt_on_timeout=True, allow_errors=True), ), ("JupyterWidgets.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Skip Exceptions with Cell Tags.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Skip Exceptions.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python", allow_errors=True)), ("SVG.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Unicode.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("UnicodePy3.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("update-display-id.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ("Check History in Memory.ipynb", dict(kernel_name="python")), ], ) def test_run_all_notebooks(input_name, opts): """Runs a series of test notebooks and compares them to their actual output""" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', input_name) input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(input_file, opts, notebook_resources()) assert_notebooks_equal(input_nb, output_nb) def test_parallel_notebooks(capfd, tmpdir): """Two notebooks should be able to be run simultaneously without problems. The two notebooks spawned here use the filesystem to check that the other notebook wrote to the filesystem.""" opts = dict(kernel_name="python") input_name = "Parallel Execute {label}.ipynb" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "files", input_name) res = notebook_resources() with modified_env({"NBEXECUTE_TEST_PARALLEL_TMPDIR": str(tmpdir)}): threads = [ threading.Thread(target=run_notebook, args=(input_file.format(label=label), opts, res)) for label in ("A", "B") ] [t.start() for t in threads] [t.join(timeout=2) for t in threads] captured = capfd.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" def test_many_parallel_notebooks(capfd): """Ensure that when many IPython kernels are run in parallel, nothing awful happens. Specifically, many IPython kernels when run simultaneously would encounter errors due to using the same SQLite history database. """ opts = dict(kernel_name="python", timeout=5) input_name = "HelloWorld.ipynb" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "files", input_name) res = NBClientTestsBase().build_resources() res["metadata"]["path"] = os.path.join(current_dir, "files") with warnings.catch_warnings(): # suppress warning from jupyter_client's deprecated cleanup() warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) # run once, to trigger creating the original context run_notebook(input_file, opts, res) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:, [(input_file, opts, res) for i in range(8)]) captured = capfd.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" def test_async_parallel_notebooks(capfd, tmpdir): """Two notebooks should be able to be run simultaneously without problems. The two notebooks spawned here use the filesystem to check that the other notebook wrote to the filesystem.""" opts = dict(kernel_name="python") input_name = "Parallel Execute {label}.ipynb" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "files", input_name) res = notebook_resources() with modified_env({"NBEXECUTE_TEST_PARALLEL_TMPDIR": str(tmpdir)}): tasks = [ async_run_notebook(input_file.format(label=label), opts, res) for label in ("A", "B") ] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) captured = capfd.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" def test_many_async_parallel_notebooks(capfd): """Ensure that when many IPython kernels are run in parallel, nothing awful happens. Specifically, many IPython kernels when run simultaneously would encounter errors due to using the same SQLite history database. """ opts = dict(kernel_name="python", timeout=5) input_name = "HelloWorld.ipynb" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "files", input_name) res = NBClientTestsBase().build_resources() res["metadata"]["path"] = os.path.join(current_dir, "files") # run once, to trigger creating the original context run_notebook(input_file, opts, res) tasks = [ async_run_notebook(input_file, opts, res) for i in range(4) ] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) captured = capfd.readouterr() assert captured.err == "" def test_execution_timing(): """Compare the execution timing information stored in the cell with the actual time it took to run the cell. Also check for the cell timing string format.""" opts = dict(kernel_name="python") input_name = "Sleep1s.ipynb" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "files", input_name) res = notebook_resources() input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(input_file, opts, res) def get_time_from_str(s): time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, time_format) execution_timing = output_nb['cells'][1]['metadata']['execution'] status_busy = get_time_from_str(execution_timing['iopub.status.busy']) execute_input = get_time_from_str(execution_timing['iopub.execute_input']) execute_reply = get_time_from_str(execution_timing['shell.execute_reply']) status_idle = get_time_from_str(execution_timing['iopub.status.idle']) cell_start = get_time_from_str(output_nb['cells'][2]['outputs'][0]['text']) cell_end = get_time_from_str(output_nb['cells'][3]['outputs'][0]['text']) delta = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=100) assert status_busy - cell_start < delta assert execute_input - cell_start < delta assert execute_reply - cell_end < delta assert status_idle - cell_end < delta def test_synchronous_setup_kernel(): nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() executor = NotebookClient(nb) with executor.setup_kernel(): # Prove it initalized client assert executor.kc is not None # Prove it removed the client (and hopefully cleaned up) assert executor.kc is None def test_startnewkernel_with_kernelmanager(): nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() km = KernelManager() executor = NotebookClient(nb, km=km) executor.start_new_kernel() kc = executor.start_new_kernel_client() # prove it initalized client assert kc is not None # since we are not using the setup_kernel context manager, # cleanup has to be done manually kc.shutdown() km.cleanup() kc.stop_channels() def test_start_new_kernel_history_file_setting(): nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() km = KernelManager() executor = NotebookClient(nb, km=km) kc = km.client() # Should start empty assert executor.extra_arguments == [] # Should assign memory setting for ipykernel executor.start_new_kernel() assert executor.extra_arguments == ['--HistoryManager.hist_file=:memory:'] # Should not add a second hist_file assignment executor.start_new_kernel() assert executor.extra_arguments == ['--HistoryManager.hist_file=:memory:'] # since we are not using the setup_kernel context manager, # cleanup has to be done manually kc.shutdown() km.cleanup() kc.stop_channels() class TestExecute(NBClientTestsBase): """Contains test functions for""" maxDiff = None def test_constructor(self): NotebookClient({}) def test_populate_language_info(self): nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() # Certainly has no language_info. executor = NotebookClient(nb, kernel_name="python") nb = executor.execute() assert 'language_info' in nb.metadata def test_empty_path(self): """Can the kernel be started when the path is empty?""" filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'HelloWorld.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = '' input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(filename, {}, res) assert_notebooks_equal(input_nb, output_nb) @pytest.mark.xfail( "python3" not in KernelSpecManager().find_kernel_specs(), reason="requires a python3 kernelspec", ) def test_empty_kernel_name(self): """Can kernel in nb metadata be found when an empty string is passed? Note: this pattern should be discouraged in practice. Passing in no kernel_name to NotebookClient is recommended instead. """ filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'UnicodePy3.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(filename, {"kernel_name": ""}, res) assert_notebooks_equal(input_nb, output_nb) with pytest.raises(TraitError): input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(filename, {"kernel_name": None}, res) def test_disable_stdin(self): """Test disabling standard input""" filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Disable Stdin.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(filename) input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(filename, dict(allow_errors=True), res) # We need to special-case this particular notebook, because the # traceback contains machine-specific stuff like where IPython # is installed. It is sufficient here to just check that an error # was thrown, and that it was a StdinNotImplementedError self.assertEqual(len(output_nb['cells']), 1) self.assertEqual(len(output_nb['cells'][0]['outputs']), 1) output = output_nb['cells'][0]['outputs'][0] self.assertEqual(output['output_type'], 'error') self.assertEqual(output['ename'], 'StdinNotImplementedError') self.assertEqual( output['evalue'], 'raw_input was called, but this frontend does not support input requests.', ) def test_timeout(self): """Check that an error is raised when a computation times out""" filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Interrupt.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(filename) with pytest.raises(TimeoutError) as err: run_notebook(filename, dict(timeout=1), res) self.assertEqual( str(err.value.args[0]), """A cell timed out while it was being executed, after 1 seconds. The message was: Cell execution timed out. Here is a preview of the cell contents: ------------------- while True: continue ------------------- """, ) def test_timeout_func(self): """Check that an error is raised when a computation times out""" filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Interrupt.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(filename) def timeout_func(source): return 10 with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): run_notebook(filename, dict(timeout_func=timeout_func), res) def test_kernel_death_after_timeout(self): """Check that an error is raised when the kernel is_alive is false after a cell timed out""" filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Interrupt.ipynb') with, 'r') as f: input_nb =, 4) res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(filename) executor = NotebookClient(input_nb, timeout=1) with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): executor.execute() km = executor.create_kernel_manager() async def is_alive(): return False km.is_alive = is_alive # Will be a RuntimeError or subclass DeadKernelError depending # on if jupyter_client or nbconvert catches the dead client first with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): input_nb, output_nb = executor.execute() def test_kernel_death_during_execution(self): """Check that an error is raised when the kernel is_alive is false during a cell execution. """ filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Autokill.ipynb') with, 'r') as f: input_nb =, 4) executor = NotebookClient(input_nb) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): executor.execute() def test_allow_errors(self): """ Check that conversion halts if ``allow_errors`` is False. """ filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Skip Exceptions.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(filename) with pytest.raises(CellExecutionError) as exc: run_notebook(filename, dict(allow_errors=False), res) self.assertIsInstance(str(exc.value), str) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): assert u"# üñîçø∂é" in str(exc.value) else: assert u"# üñîçø∂é".encode('utf8', 'replace') in str(exc.value) def test_force_raise_errors(self): """ Check that conversion halts if the ``force_raise_errors`` traitlet on NotebookClient is set to True. """ filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'Skip Exceptions with Cell Tags.ipynb') res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(filename) with pytest.raises(CellExecutionError) as exc: run_notebook(filename, dict(force_raise_errors=True), res) self.assertIsInstance(str(exc.value), str) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): assert u"# üñîçø∂é" in str(exc.value) else: assert u"# üñîçø∂é".encode('utf8', 'replace') in str(exc.value) def test_reset_kernel_client(self): filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'HelloWorld.ipynb') with as f: input_nb =, 4) executor = NotebookClient( input_nb, resources=self.build_resources(), ) executor.execute(cleanup_kc=False) # we didn't ask to reset the kernel client, a new one must have been created kc = executor.kc assert kc is not None executor.execute(cleanup_kc=False) # we didn't ask to reset the kernel client, the previously created one must have been reused assert kc == executor.kc executor.execute(reset_kc=True, cleanup_kc=False) # we asked to reset the kernel client, the previous one must have been cleaned up, # a new one must have been created assert kc != executor.kc def test_cleanup_kernel_client(self): filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'HelloWorld.ipynb') with as f: input_nb =, 4) executor = NotebookClient( input_nb, resources=self.build_resources(), ) executor.execute() # we asked to cleanup the kernel client (default is True) assert executor.kc is None executor.execute(cleanup_kc=False) # we didn't ask to reset the kernel client # a new one must have been created and should still be available assert executor.kc is not None def test_custom_kernel_manager(self): from .fake_kernelmanager import FakeCustomKernelManager filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'HelloWorld.ipynb') with as f: input_nb =, 4) cleaned_input_nb = copy.deepcopy(input_nb) for cell in cleaned_input_nb.cells: if 'execution_count' in cell: del cell['execution_count'] cell['outputs'] = [] executor = NotebookClient( cleaned_input_nb, resources=self.build_resources(), kernel_manager_class=FakeCustomKernelManager, ) # Override terminal size to standardise traceback format with modified_env({'COLUMNS': '80', 'LINES': '24'}): executor.execute() expected = FakeCustomKernelManager.expected_methods.items() for method, call_count in expected: self.assertNotEqual(call_count, 0, '{} was called'.format(method)) def test_process_message_wrapper(self): outputs = [] class WrappedPreProc(NotebookClient): def process_message(self, msg, cell, cell_index): result = super(WrappedPreProc, self).process_message(msg, cell, cell_index) if result: outputs.append(result) return result current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'HelloWorld.ipynb') with as f: input_nb =, 4) original = copy.deepcopy(input_nb) wpp = WrappedPreProc(input_nb) executed = wpp.execute() assert outputs == [{'name': 'stdout', 'output_type': 'stream', 'text': 'Hello World\n'}] assert_notebooks_equal(original, executed) def test_execute_function(self): # Test the execute() convenience API filename = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'HelloWorld.ipynb') with as f: input_nb =, 4) original = copy.deepcopy(input_nb) executed = execute(original, os.path.dirname(filename)) assert_notebooks_equal(original, executed) def test_widgets(self): """Runs a test notebook with widgets and checks the widget state is saved.""" input_file = os.path.join(current_dir, 'files', 'JupyterWidgets.ipynb') opts = dict(kernel_name="python") res = self.build_resources() res['metadata']['path'] = os.path.dirname(input_file) input_nb, output_nb = run_notebook(input_file, opts, res) output_data = [ output.get('data', {}) for cell in output_nb['cells'] for output in cell['outputs'] ] model_ids = [ data['application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json']['model_id'] for data in output_data if 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json' in data ] wdata = output_nb['metadata']['widgets']['application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json'] for k in model_ids: d = wdata['state'][k] assert 'model_name' in d assert 'model_module' in d assert 'state' in d assert 'version_major' in wdata assert 'version_minor' in wdata class TestRunCell(NBClientTestsBase): """Contains test functions for NotebookClient.execute_cell""" @prepare_cell_mocks() def test_idle_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # Just the exit message should be fetched assert message_mock.call_count == 1 # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, 'parent_header': {'msg_id': 'wrong_parent'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, } ) def test_message_for_wrong_parent(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An ignored stream followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Ensure no output was written assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'status', 'header': {'msg_type': 'status'}, 'content': {'execution_state': 'busy'}, } ) def test_busy_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # One busy message, followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, }, ) def test_deadline_exec_reply(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): # exec_reply is never received, so we expect to hit the timeout. async def get_msg(timeout): await asyncio.sleep(timeout) raise Empty executor.kc.shell_channel.get_msg = get_msg executor.timeout = 1 with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) assert message_mock.call_count == 3 # Ensure the output was captured self.assertListEqual( cell_mock.outputs, [ {'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, {'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, ], ) @prepare_cell_mocks() def test_deadline_iopub(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): # The shell_channel will complete, so we expect only to hit the iopub timeout. message_mock.side_effect = Empty() executor.raise_on_iopub_timeout = True with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, }, ) def test_eventual_deadline_iopub(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): # Process a few messages before raising a timeout from iopub def message_seq(messages): for message in messages: yield message while True: yield Empty() message_mock.side_effect = message_seq(list(message_mock.side_effect)[:-1]) executor.kc.shell_channel.get_msg = Mock( return_value=make_async({'parent_header': {'msg_id': executor.parent_id}}) ) executor.raise_on_iopub_timeout = True with pytest.raises(TimeoutError): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) assert message_mock.call_count >= 3 # Ensure the output was captured self.assertListEqual( cell_mock.outputs, [ {'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, {'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, ], ) @prepare_cell_mocks( {'msg_type': 'execute_input', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_input'}, 'content': {}} ) def test_execute_input_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # One ignored execute_input, followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, }, ) def test_stream_messages(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An stdout then stderr stream followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 3 # Ensure the output was captured self.assertListEqual( cell_mock.outputs, [ {'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, {'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, ], ) @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, {'msg_type': 'clear_output', 'header': {'msg_type': 'clear_output'}, 'content': {}}, ) def test_clear_output_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A stream, followed by a clear, and then an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 3 # Ensure the output was cleared assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, { 'msg_type': 'clear_output', 'header': {'msg_type': 'clear_output'}, 'content': {'wait': True}, }, ) def test_clear_output_wait_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A stream, followed by a clear, and then an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 3 # Should be true without another message to trigger the clear self.assertTrue(executor.clear_before_next_output) # Ensure the output wasn't cleared yet assert cell_mock.outputs == [{'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, { 'msg_type': 'clear_output', 'header': {'msg_type': 'clear_output'}, 'content': {'wait': True}, }, { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}, }, ) def test_clear_output_wait_then_message_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An stdout stream, followed by a wait clear, an stderr stream, and then an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 4 # Should be false after the stderr message assert not executor.clear_before_next_output # Ensure the output wasn't cleared yet assert cell_mock.outputs == [{'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stderr', 'text': 'bar'}] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, }, { 'msg_type': 'clear_output', 'header': {'msg_type': 'clear_output'}, 'content': {'wait': True}, }, { 'msg_type': 'update_display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'update_display_data'}, 'content': {'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}}, }, ) def test_clear_output_wait_then_update_display_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An stdout stream, followed by a wait clear, an stderr stream, and then an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 4 # Should be false after the stderr message assert executor.clear_before_next_output # Ensure the output wasn't cleared yet because update_display doesn't add outputs assert cell_mock.outputs == [{'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, 'content': {'execution_count': 42}, } ) def test_execution_count_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An execution count followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 assert cell_mock.execution_count == 42 # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, 'content': {'execution_count': 42}, } ) def test_execution_count_message_ignored_on_override(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0, execution_count=21) # An execution count followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 assert cell_mock.execution_count == 21 # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'stream', 'header': {'msg_type': 'stream'}, 'content': {'execution_count': 42, 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}, } ) def test_execution_count_with_stream_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An execution count followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 assert cell_mock.execution_count == 42 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == [{'output_type': 'stream', 'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'foo'}] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'comm', 'header': {'msg_type': 'comm'}, 'content': {'comm_id': 'foobar', 'data': {'state': {'foo': 'bar'}}}, } ) def test_widget_comm_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A comm message without buffer info followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 self.assertEqual(executor.widget_state, {'foobar': {'foo': 'bar'}}) # Buffers should still be empty assert not executor.widget_buffers # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'comm', 'header': {'msg_type': 'comm'}, 'buffers': [b'123'], 'content': { 'comm_id': 'foobar', 'data': {'state': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'buffer_paths': ['path']}, }, } ) def test_widget_comm_buffer_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A comm message with buffer info followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 assert executor.widget_state == {'foobar': {'foo': 'bar'}} assert executor.widget_buffers == { 'foobar': [{'data': 'MTIz', 'encoding': 'base64', 'path': 'path'}] } # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'comm', 'header': {'msg_type': 'comm'}, 'content': { 'comm_id': 'foobar', # No 'state' 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, }, } ) def test_unknown_comm_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An unknown comm message followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Widget states should be empty as the message has the wrong shape assert not executor.widget_state assert not executor.widget_buffers # Ensure no outputs were generated assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'execute_result', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_result'}, 'content': { 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'execution_count': 42, }, } ) def test_execute_result_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An execute followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 assert cell_mock.execution_count == 42 # Should generate an associated message assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'execute_result', 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'execution_count': 42, } ] # No display id was provided assert not executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'execute_result', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_result'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'execution_count': 42, }, } ) def test_execute_result_with_display_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An execute followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 assert cell_mock.execution_count == 42 # Should generate an associated message assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'execute_result', 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'execution_count': 42, } ] assert 'foobar' in executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': {'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}}, } ) def test_display_data_without_id_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A display followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Should generate an associated message assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, } ] # No display id was provided assert not executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, }, } ) def test_display_data_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A display followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Should generate an associated message assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, } ] assert 'foobar' in executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, }, }, { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar_other'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo_other': 'metabar_other'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar_other'}, }, }, { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, }, }, ) def test_display_data_same_id_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A display followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 4 # Original output should be manipulated and a copy of the second now assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, }, { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo_other': 'metabar_other'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar_other'}, }, { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, }, ] assert 'foobar' in executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'update_display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'update_display_data'}, 'content': {'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}}, } ) def test_update_display_data_without_id_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An update followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Display updates don't create any outputs assert cell_mock.outputs == [] # No display id was provided assert not executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, }, }, { 'msg_type': 'update_display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'update_display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar2'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, }, }, ) def test_update_display_data_mismatch_id_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An update followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 3 # Display updates don't create any outputs assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, } ] assert 'foobar' in executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo': 'metabar'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar'}, }, }, { 'msg_type': 'update_display_data', 'header': {'msg_type': 'update_display_data'}, 'content': { 'transient': {'display_id': 'foobar'}, 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, }, }, ) def test_update_display_data_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # A display followed by an update then an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 3 # Original output should be manipulated assert cell_mock.outputs == [ { 'output_type': 'display_data', 'metadata': {'metafoo2': 'metabar2'}, 'data': {'foo': 'bar2', 'baz': 'foobarbaz'}, } ] assert 'foobar' in executor._display_id_map @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'error', 'header': {'msg_type': 'error'}, 'content': {'ename': 'foo', 'evalue': 'bar', 'traceback': ['Boom']}, } ) def test_error_message(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == [ {'output_type': 'error', 'ename': 'foo', 'evalue': 'bar', 'traceback': ['Boom']} ] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'error', 'header': {'msg_type': 'error'}, 'content': {'ename': 'foo', 'evalue': 'bar', 'traceback': ['Boom']}, }, reply_msg={ 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, # ERROR 'content': {'status': 'error'}, }, ) def test_error_and_error_status_messages(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): with self.assertRaises(CellExecutionError): executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Cell outputs should still be copied assert cell_mock.outputs == [ {'output_type': 'error', 'ename': 'foo', 'evalue': 'bar', 'traceback': ['Boom']} ] @prepare_cell_mocks( { 'msg_type': 'error', 'header': {'msg_type': 'error'}, 'content': {'ename': 'foo', 'evalue': 'bar', 'traceback': ['Boom']}, }, reply_msg={ 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, # OK 'content': {'status': 'ok'}, }, ) def test_error_message_only(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): # Should NOT raise executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 2 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == [ {'output_type': 'error', 'ename': 'foo', 'evalue': 'bar', 'traceback': ['Boom']} ] @prepare_cell_mocks( reply_msg={ 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, # ERROR 'content': {'status': 'error'}, } ) def test_allow_errors(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): executor.allow_errors = True # Should NOT raise executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 1 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( reply_msg={ 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, # ERROR 'content': {'status': 'error'}, } ) def test_raises_exception_tag(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): cell_mock.metadata['tags'] = ['raises-exception'] # Should NOT raise executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 1 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( reply_msg={ 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, # ERROR 'content': {'status': 'error'}, } ) def test_non_code_cell(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): cell_mock = NotebookNode(source='"foo" = "bar"', metadata={}, cell_type='raw', outputs=[]) # Should NOT raise nor execute any code executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 0 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == [] @prepare_cell_mocks( reply_msg={ 'msg_type': 'execute_reply', 'header': {'msg_type': 'execute_reply'}, # ERROR 'content': {'status': 'error'}, } ) def test_no_source(self, executor, cell_mock, message_mock): cell_mock = NotebookNode( # Stripped source is empty source=' ', metadata={}, cell_type='code', outputs=[], ) # Should NOT raise nor execute any code executor.execute_cell(cell_mock, 0) # An error followed by an idle assert message_mock.call_count == 0 # Should also consume the message stream assert cell_mock.outputs == []