"""General utility methods""" # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import asyncio import sys import inspect from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Any, Union def check_ipython() -> None: # original from vaex/asyncio.py IPython = sys.modules.get('IPython') if IPython: IPython_version = tuple(map(int, IPython.__version__.split('.'))) # type: ignore if IPython_version < (7, 0, 0): raise RuntimeError(f'You are using IPython {IPython.__version__} ' # type: ignore 'while we require 7.0.0+, please update IPython') def check_patch_tornado() -> None: """If tornado is imported, add the patched asyncio.Future to its tuple of acceptable Futures""" # original from vaex/asyncio.py if 'tornado' in sys.modules: import tornado.concurrent if asyncio.Future not in tornado.concurrent.FUTURES: tornado.concurrent.FUTURES = \ tornado.concurrent.FUTURES + (asyncio.Future, ) # type: ignore def just_run(coro: Awaitable) -> Any: """Make the coroutine run, even if there is an event loop running (using nest_asyncio)""" # original from vaex/asyncio.py loop = asyncio._get_running_loop() if loop is None: had_running_loop = False try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: # we can still get 'There is no current event loop in ...' loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) else: had_running_loop = True if had_running_loop: # if there is a running loop, we patch using nest_asyncio # to have reentrant event loops check_ipython() import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply() check_patch_tornado() return loop.run_until_complete(coro) def run_sync(coro: Callable) -> Callable: """Runs a coroutine and blocks until it has executed. An event loop is created if no one already exists. If an event loop is already running, this event loop execution is nested into the already running one if `nest_asyncio` is set to True. Parameters ---------- coro : coroutine The coroutine to be executed. Returns ------- result : Whatever the coroutine returns. """ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return just_run(coro(*args, **kwargs)) wrapped.__doc__ = coro.__doc__ return wrapped async def ensure_async(obj: Union[Awaitable, Any]) -> Any: """Convert a non-awaitable object to a coroutine if needed, and await it if it was not already awaited. """ if inspect.isawaitable(obj): try: result = await obj except RuntimeError as e: if str(e) == 'cannot reuse already awaited coroutine': # obj is already the coroutine's result return obj raise return result # obj doesn't need to be awaited return obj