# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import os import logging import mimetypes from ..base.handlers import APIHandler, IPythonHandler from ..utils import url_path_join from tornado import gen, web from tornado.concurrent import Future from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, PeriodicCallback from tornado.websocket import WebSocketHandler, websocket_connect from tornado.httpclient import HTTPRequest from tornado.escape import url_escape, json_decode, utf8 from ipython_genutils.py3compat import cast_unicode from jupyter_client.session import Session from traitlets.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable from .managers import GatewayClient # Keepalive ping interval (default: 30 seconds) GATEWAY_WS_PING_INTERVAL_SECS = int(os.getenv('GATEWAY_WS_PING_INTERVAL_SECS', 30)) class WebSocketChannelsHandler(WebSocketHandler, IPythonHandler): session = None gateway = None kernel_id = None ping_callback = None def check_origin(self, origin=None): return IPythonHandler.check_origin(self, origin) def set_default_headers(self): """Undo the set_default_headers in IPythonHandler which doesn't make sense for websockets""" pass def get_compression_options(self): # use deflate compress websocket return {} def authenticate(self): """Run before finishing the GET request Extend this method to add logic that should fire before the websocket finishes completing. """ # authenticate the request before opening the websocket if self.get_current_user() is None: self.log.warning("Couldn't authenticate WebSocket connection") raise web.HTTPError(403) if self.get_argument('session_id', False): self.session.session = cast_unicode(self.get_argument('session_id')) else: self.log.warning("No session ID specified") def initialize(self): self.log.debug("Initializing websocket connection %s", self.request.path) self.session = Session(config=self.config) self.gateway = GatewayWebSocketClient(gateway_url=GatewayClient.instance().url) @gen.coroutine def get(self, kernel_id, *args, **kwargs): self.authenticate() self.kernel_id = cast_unicode(kernel_id, 'ascii') yield super(WebSocketChannelsHandler, self).get(kernel_id=kernel_id, *args, **kwargs) def send_ping(self): if self.ws_connection is None and self.ping_callback is not None: self.ping_callback.stop() return self.ping(b'') def open(self, kernel_id, *args, **kwargs): """Handle web socket connection open to notebook server and delegate to gateway web socket handler """ self.ping_callback = PeriodicCallback(self.send_ping, GATEWAY_WS_PING_INTERVAL_SECS * 1000) self.ping_callback.start() self.gateway.on_open( kernel_id=kernel_id, message_callback=self.write_message, compression_options=self.get_compression_options() ) def on_message(self, message): """Forward message to gateway web socket handler.""" self.gateway.on_message(message) def write_message(self, message, binary=False): """Send message back to notebook client. This is called via callback from self.gateway._read_messages.""" if self.ws_connection: # prevent WebSocketClosedError if isinstance(message, bytes): binary = True super(WebSocketChannelsHandler, self).write_message(message, binary=binary) elif self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): msg_summary = WebSocketChannelsHandler._get_message_summary(json_decode(utf8(message))) self.log.debug("Notebook client closed websocket connection - message dropped: {}".format(msg_summary)) def on_close(self): self.log.debug("Closing websocket connection %s", self.request.path) self.gateway.on_close() super(WebSocketChannelsHandler, self).on_close() @staticmethod def _get_message_summary(message): summary = [] message_type = message['msg_type'] summary.append('type: {}'.format(message_type)) if message_type == 'status': summary.append(', state: {}'.format(message['content']['execution_state'])) elif message_type == 'error': summary.append(', {}:{}:{}'.format(message['content']['ename'], message['content']['evalue'], message['content']['traceback'])) else: summary.append(', ...') # don't display potentially sensitive data return ''.join(summary) class GatewayWebSocketClient(LoggingConfigurable): """Proxy web socket connection to a kernel/enterprise gateway.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GatewayWebSocketClient, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.kernel_id = None self.ws = None self.ws_future = Future() self.disconnected = False @gen.coroutine def _connect(self, kernel_id): # websocket is initialized before connection self.ws = None self.kernel_id = kernel_id ws_url = url_path_join( GatewayClient.instance().ws_url, GatewayClient.instance().kernels_endpoint, url_escape(kernel_id), 'channels' ) self.log.info('Connecting to {}'.format(ws_url)) kwargs = {} kwargs = GatewayClient.instance().load_connection_args(**kwargs) request = HTTPRequest(ws_url, **kwargs) self.ws_future = websocket_connect(request) self.ws_future.add_done_callback(self._connection_done) def _connection_done(self, fut): if not self.disconnected and fut.exception() is None: # prevent concurrent.futures._base.CancelledError self.ws = fut.result() self.log.debug("Connection is ready: ws: {}".format(self.ws)) else: self.log.warning("Websocket connection has been closed via client disconnect or due to error. " "Kernel with ID '{}' may not be terminated on GatewayClient: {}". format(self.kernel_id, GatewayClient.instance().url)) def _disconnect(self): self.disconnected = True if self.ws is not None: # Close connection self.ws.close() elif not self.ws_future.done(): # Cancel pending connection. Since future.cancel() is a noop on tornado, we'll track cancellation locally self.ws_future.cancel() self.log.debug("_disconnect: future cancelled, disconnected: {}".format(self.disconnected)) @gen.coroutine def _read_messages(self, callback): """Read messages from gateway server.""" while self.ws is not None: message = None if not self.disconnected: try: message = yield self.ws.read_message() except Exception as e: self.log.error("Exception reading message from websocket: {}".format(e)) # , exc_info=True) if message is None: if not self.disconnected: self.log.warning("Lost connection to Gateway: {}".format(self.kernel_id)) break callback(message) # pass back to notebook client (see self.on_open and WebSocketChannelsHandler.open) else: # ws cancelled - stop reading break if not self.disconnected: # if websocket is not disconnected by client, attept to reconnect to Gateway self.log.info("Attempting to re-establish the connection to Gateway: {}".format(self.kernel_id)) self._connect(self.kernel_id) loop = IOLoop.current() loop.add_future(self.ws_future, lambda future: self._read_messages(callback)) def on_open(self, kernel_id, message_callback, **kwargs): """Web socket connection open against gateway server.""" self._connect(kernel_id) loop = IOLoop.current() loop.add_future( self.ws_future, lambda future: self._read_messages(message_callback) ) def on_message(self, message): """Send message to gateway server.""" if self.ws is None: loop = IOLoop.current() loop.add_future( self.ws_future, lambda future: self._write_message(message) ) else: self._write_message(message) def _write_message(self, message): """Send message to gateway server.""" try: if not self.disconnected and self.ws is not None: self.ws.write_message(message) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Exception writing message to websocket: {}".format(e)) # , exc_info=True) def on_close(self): """Web socket closed event.""" self._disconnect() class GatewayResourceHandler(APIHandler): """Retrieves resources for specific kernelspec definitions from kernel/enterprise gateway.""" @web.authenticated @gen.coroutine def get(self, kernel_name, path, include_body=True): ksm = self.kernel_spec_manager kernel_spec_res = yield ksm.get_kernel_spec_resource(kernel_name, path) if kernel_spec_res is None: self.log.warning("Kernelspec resource '{}' for '{}' not found. Gateway may not support" " resource serving.".format(path, kernel_name)) else: self.set_header("Content-Type", mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0]) self.finish(kernel_spec_res) from ..services.kernels.handlers import _kernel_id_regex from ..services.kernelspecs.handlers import kernel_name_regex default_handlers = [ (r"/api/kernels/%s/channels" % _kernel_id_regex, WebSocketChannelsHandler), (r"/kernelspecs/%s/(?P.*)" % kernel_name_regex, GatewayResourceHandler), ]