import os from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from notebook.utils import url_path_join from notebook.tests.selenium.utils import wait_for_selector pjoin = os.path.join class PageError(Exception): """Error for an action being incompatible with the current jupyter web page. """ def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def url_in_tree(browser, url=None): if url is None: url = browser.current_url tree_url = url_path_join(browser.jupyter_server_info['url'], 'tree') return url.startswith(tree_url) def get_list_items(browser): """Gets list items from a directory listing page Raises PageError if not in directory listing page (url has tree in it) """ if not url_in_tree(browser): raise PageError("You are not in the notebook's file tree view." "This function can only be used the file tree context.") # we need to make sure that at least one item link loads wait_for_selector(browser, '.item_link') return [{ 'link': a.get_attribute('href'), 'label': a.find_element_by_class_name('item_name').text, 'element': a, } for a in browser.find_elements_by_class_name('item_link')] def only_dir_links(browser): """Return only links that point at other directories in the tree """ items = get_list_items(browser) return [i for i in items if url_in_tree(browser, i['link']) and i['label'] != '..'] def test_items(authenticated_browser): visited_dict = {} # Going down the tree to collect links while True: wait_for_selector(authenticated_browser, '.item_link') current_url = authenticated_browser.current_url items = visited_dict[current_url] = only_dir_links(authenticated_browser) try: item = items[0] item["element"].click() assert authenticated_browser.current_url == item['link'] except IndexError: break # Going back up the tree while we still have unvisited links while visited_dict: current_items = only_dir_links(authenticated_browser) current_items_links = [item["link"] for item in current_items] stored_items = visited_dict.pop(authenticated_browser.current_url) stored_items_links = [item["link"] for item in stored_items] assert stored_items_links == current_items_links authenticated_browser.back()