"""Tornado handlers for the tree view.""" # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from tornado import web import os from ..base.handlers import IPythonHandler, path_regex from ..utils import url_path_join, url_escape class TreeHandler(IPythonHandler): """Render the tree view, listing notebooks, etc.""" def generate_breadcrumbs(self, path): breadcrumbs = [(url_path_join(self.base_url, 'tree'), '')] parts = path.split('/') for i in range(len(parts)): if parts[i]: link = url_path_join(self.base_url, 'tree', url_escape(url_path_join(*parts[:i+1])), ) breadcrumbs.append((link, parts[i])) return breadcrumbs def generate_page_title(self, path): comps = path.split('/') if len(comps) > 3: for i in range(len(comps)-2): comps.pop(0) page_title = url_path_join(*comps) if page_title: return page_title+'/' else: return 'Home Page - Select or create a notebook' @web.authenticated def get(self, path=''): path = path.strip('/') cm = self.contents_manager if cm.dir_exists(path=path): if cm.is_hidden(path) and not cm.allow_hidden: self.log.info("Refusing to serve hidden directory, via 404 Error") raise web.HTTPError(404) breadcrumbs = self.generate_breadcrumbs(path) page_title = self.generate_page_title(path) self.write(self.render_template('tree.html', page_title=page_title, notebook_path=path, breadcrumbs=breadcrumbs, terminals_available=self.settings['terminals_available'], server_root=self.settings['server_root_dir'], shutdown_button=self.settings.get('shutdown_button', False) )) elif cm.file_exists(path): # it's not a directory, we have redirecting to do model = cm.get(path, content=False) # redirect to /api/notebooks if it's a notebook, otherwise /api/files service = 'notebooks' if model['type'] == 'notebook' else 'files' url = url_path_join( self.base_url, service, url_escape(path), ) self.log.debug("Redirecting %s to %s", self.request.path, url) self.redirect(url) else: raise web.HTTPError(404) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # URL to handler mappings #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- default_handlers = [ (r"/tree%s" % path_regex, TreeHandler), (r"/tree", TreeHandler), ]