Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: packaging Version: 20.8 Summary: Core utilities for Python packages Home-page: Author: Donald Stufft and individual contributors Author-email: License: BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0 Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.* Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst Requires-Dist: pyparsing (>=2.0.2) packaging ========= .. start-intro Reusable core utilities for various Python Packaging `interoperability specifications `_. This library provides utilities that implement the interoperability specifications which have clearly one correct behaviour (eg: :pep:`440`) or benefit greatly from having a single shared implementation (eg: :pep:`425`). .. end-intro The ``packaging`` project includes the following: version handling, specifiers, markers, requirements, tags, utilities. Documentation ------------- The `documentation`_ provides information and the API for the following: - Version Handling - Specifiers - Markers - Requirements - Tags - Utilities Installation ------------ Use ``pip`` to install these utilities:: pip install packaging Discussion ---------- If you run into bugs, you can file them in our `issue tracker`_. You can also join ``#pypa`` on Freenode to ask questions or get involved. .. _`documentation`: .. _`issue tracker`: Code of Conduct --------------- Everyone interacting in the packaging project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the `PSF Code of Conduct`_. .. _PSF Code of Conduct: Contributing ------------ The ``CONTRIBUTING.rst`` file outlines how to contribute to this project as well as how to report a potential security issue. The documentation for this project also covers information about `project development`_ and `security`_. .. _`project development`: .. _`security`: Project History --------------- Please review the ``CHANGELOG.rst`` file or the `Changelog documentation`_ for recent changes and project history. .. _`Changelog documentation`: Changelog --------- 20.8 - 2020-12-11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Revert back to setuptools for compatibility purposes for some Linux distros (`#363 `__) * Do not insert an underscore in wheel tags when the interpreter version number is more than 2 digits (`#372 `__) 20.7 - 2020-11-28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No unreleased changes. 20.6 - 2020-11-28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This release was subsequently yanked, and these changes were included in 20.7. * Fix flit configuration, to include LICENSE files (`#357 `__) * Make `intel` a recognized CPU architecture for the `universal` macOS platform tag (`#361 `__) * Add some missing type hints to `packaging.requirements` (issue:`350`) 20.5 - 2020-11-27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Officially support Python 3.9 (`#343 `__) * Deprecate the ``LegacyVersion`` and ``LegacySpecifier`` classes (`#321 `__) * Handle ``OSError`` on non-dynamic executables when attempting to resolve the glibc version string. 20.4 - 2020-05-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Canonicalize version before comparing specifiers. (`#282 `__) * Change type hint for ``canonicalize_name`` to return ``packaging.utils.NormalizedName``. This enables the use of static typing tools (like mypy) to detect mixing of normalized and un-normalized names. 20.3 - 2020-03-05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix changelog for 20.2. 20.2 - 2020-03-05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a bug that caused a 32-bit OS that runs on a 64-bit ARM CPU (e.g. ARM-v8, aarch64), to report the wrong bitness. 20.1 - 2020-01-24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a bug caused by reuse of an exhausted iterator. (`#257 `__) 20.0 - 2020-01-06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add type hints (`#191 `__) * Add proper trove classifiers for PyPy support (`#198 `__) * Scale back depending on ``ctypes`` for manylinux support detection (`#171 `__) * Use ```` where appropriate for ``packaging.tags`` (`#193 `__) * Expand upon the API provded by ``packaging.tags``: ``interpreter_name()``, ``mac_platforms()``, ``compatible_tags()``, ``cpython_tags()``, ``generic_tags()`` (`#187 `__) * Officially support Python 3.8 (`#232 `__) * Add ``major``, ``minor``, and ``micro`` aliases to ``packaging.version.Version`` (`#226 `__) * Properly mark ``packaging`` has being fully typed by adding a `py.typed` file (`#226 `__) 19.2 - 2019-09-18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Remove dependency on ``attrs`` (`#178 `__, `#179 `__) * Use appropriate fallbacks for CPython ABI tag (`#181 `__, `#185 `__) * Add manylinux2014 support (`#186 `__) * Improve ABI detection (`#181 `__) * Properly handle debug wheels for Python 3.8 (`#172 `__) * Improve detection of debug builds on Windows (`#194 `__) 19.1 - 2019-07-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add the ``packaging.tags`` module. (`#156 `__) * Correctly handle two-digit versions in ``python_version`` (`#119 `__) 19.0 - 2019-01-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix string representation of PEP 508 direct URL requirements with markers. * Better handling of file URLs This allows for using ``file:///absolute/path``, which was previously prevented due to the missing ``netloc``. This allows for all file URLs that ``urlunparse`` turns back into the original URL to be valid. 18.0 - 2018-09-26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improve error messages when invalid requirements are given. (`#129 `__) 17.1 - 2017-02-28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix ``utils.canonicalize_version`` when supplying non PEP 440 versions. 17.0 - 2017-02-28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Drop support for python 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3. * Define minimal pyparsing version to 2.0.2 (`#91 `__). * Add ``epoch``, ``release``, ``pre``, ``dev``, and ``post`` attributes to ``Version`` and ``LegacyVersion`` (`#34 `__). * Add ``Version().is_devrelease`` and ``LegacyVersion().is_devrelease`` to make it easy to determine if a release is a development release. * Add ``utils.canonicalize_version`` to canonicalize version strings or ``Version`` instances (`#121 `__). 16.8 - 2016-10-29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix markers that utilize ``in`` so that they render correctly. * Fix an erroneous test on Python RC releases. 16.7 - 2016-04-23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add support for the deprecated ``python_implementation`` marker which was an undocumented setuptools marker in addition to the newer markers. 16.6 - 2016-03-29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add support for the deprecated, PEP 345 environment markers in addition to the newer markers. 16.5 - 2016-02-26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a regression in parsing requirements with whitespaces between the comma separators. 16.4 - 2016-02-22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a regression in parsing requirements like ``foo (==4)``. 16.3 - 2016-02-21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a bug where ``packaging.requirements:Requirement`` was overly strict when matching legacy requirements. 16.2 - 2016-02-09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add a function that implements the name canonicalization from PEP 503. 16.1 - 2016-02-07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Implement requirement specifiers from PEP 508. 16.0 - 2016-01-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Relicense so that packaging is available under *either* the Apache License, Version 2.0 or a 2 Clause BSD license. * Support installation of packaging when only distutils is available. * Fix ``==`` comparison when there is a prefix and a local version in play. (`#41 `__). * Implement environment markers from PEP 508. 15.3 - 2015-08-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Normalize post-release spellings for rev/r prefixes. `#35 `__ 15.2 - 2015-05-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix an error where the arbitary specifier (``===``) was not correctly allowing pre-releases when it was being used. * Expose the specifier and version parts through properties on the ``Specifier`` classes. * Allow iterating over the ``SpecifierSet`` to get access to all of the ``Specifier`` instances. * Allow testing if a version is contained within a specifier via the ``in`` operator. 15.1 - 2015-04-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix a logic error that was causing inconsistent answers about whether or not a pre-release was contained within a ``SpecifierSet`` or not. 15.0 - 2015-01-02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add ``Version().is_postrelease`` and ``LegacyVersion().is_postrelease`` to make it easy to determine if a release is a post release. * Add ``Version().base_version`` and ``LegacyVersion().base_version`` to make it easy to get the public version without any pre or post release markers. * Support the update to PEP 440 which removed the implied ``!=V.*`` when using either ``>V`` or ``V`` or ````) operator. 14.3 - 2014-11-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Refactor specifier support so that it can sanely handle legacy specifiers as well as PEP 440 specifiers. * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Move the specifier support out of ``packaging.version`` into ``packaging.specifiers``. 14.2 - 2014-09-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add prerelease support to ``Specifier``. * Remove the ability to do ``item in Specifier()`` and replace it with ``Specifier().contains(item)`` in order to allow flags that signal if a prerelease should be accepted or not. * Add a method ``Specifier().filter()`` which will take an iterable and returns an iterable with items that do not match the specifier filtered out. 14.1 - 2014-09-08 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Allow ``LegacyVersion`` and ``Version`` to be sorted together. * Add ``packaging.version.parse()`` to enable easily parsing a version string as either a ``Version`` or a ``LegacyVersion`` depending on it's PEP 440 validity. 14.0 - 2014-09-05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Initial release. .. _`master`: