# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This tokenizer has been copied from the ``tokenize.py`` standard library tokenizer. The reason was simple: The standard library tokenizer fails if the indentation is not right. To make it possible to do error recovery the tokenizer needed to be rewritten. Basically this is a stripped down version of the standard library module, so you can read the documentation there. Additionally we included some speed and memory optimizations here. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import string import re from collections import namedtuple import itertools as _itertools from codecs import BOM_UTF8 from parso.python.token import PythonTokenTypes from parso._compatibility import py_version from parso.utils import split_lines STRING = PythonTokenTypes.STRING NAME = PythonTokenTypes.NAME NUMBER = PythonTokenTypes.NUMBER OP = PythonTokenTypes.OP NEWLINE = PythonTokenTypes.NEWLINE INDENT = PythonTokenTypes.INDENT DEDENT = PythonTokenTypes.DEDENT ENDMARKER = PythonTokenTypes.ENDMARKER ERRORTOKEN = PythonTokenTypes.ERRORTOKEN ERROR_DEDENT = PythonTokenTypes.ERROR_DEDENT FSTRING_START = PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_START FSTRING_STRING = PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_STRING FSTRING_END = PythonTokenTypes.FSTRING_END TokenCollection = namedtuple( 'TokenCollection', 'pseudo_token single_quoted triple_quoted endpats whitespace ' 'fstring_pattern_map always_break_tokens', ) BOM_UTF8_STRING = BOM_UTF8.decode('utf-8') _token_collection_cache = {} if py_version >= 30: # Python 3 has str.isidentifier() to check if a char is a valid identifier is_identifier = str.isidentifier else: namechars = string.ascii_letters + '_' is_identifier = lambda s: s in namechars def group(*choices, **kwargs): capture = kwargs.pop('capture', False) # Python 2, arrghhhhh :( assert not kwargs start = '(' if not capture: start += '?:' return start + '|'.join(choices) + ')' def maybe(*choices): return group(*choices) + '?' # Return the empty string, plus all of the valid string prefixes. def _all_string_prefixes(version_info, include_fstring=False, only_fstring=False): def different_case_versions(prefix): for s in _itertools.product(*[(c, c.upper()) for c in prefix]): yield ''.join(s) # The valid string prefixes. Only contain the lower case versions, # and don't contain any permuations (include 'fr', but not # 'rf'). The various permutations will be generated. valid_string_prefixes = ['b', 'r', 'u'] if version_info >= (3, 0): valid_string_prefixes.append('br') result = set(['']) if version_info >= (3, 6) and include_fstring: f = ['f', 'fr'] if only_fstring: valid_string_prefixes = f result = set() else: valid_string_prefixes += f elif only_fstring: return set() # if we add binary f-strings, add: ['fb', 'fbr'] for prefix in valid_string_prefixes: for t in _itertools.permutations(prefix): # create a list with upper and lower versions of each # character result.update(different_case_versions(t)) if version_info <= (2, 7): # In Python 2 the order cannot just be random. result.update(different_case_versions('ur')) result.update(different_case_versions('br')) return result def _compile(expr): return re.compile(expr, re.UNICODE) def _get_token_collection(version_info): try: return _token_collection_cache[tuple(version_info)] except KeyError: _token_collection_cache[tuple(version_info)] = result = \ _create_token_collection(version_info) return result fstring_string_single_line = _compile(r'(?:[^{}\r\n]+|\{\{|\}\})+') fstring_string_multi_line = _compile(r'(?:[^{}]+|\{\{|\}\})+') def _create_token_collection(version_info): # Note: we use unicode matching for names ("\w") but ascii matching for # number literals. Whitespace = r'[ \f\t]*' whitespace = _compile(Whitespace) Comment = r'#[^\r\n]*' Name = r'\w+' if version_info >= (3, 6): Hexnumber = r'0[xX](?:_?[0-9a-fA-F])+' Binnumber = r'0[bB](?:_?[01])+' Octnumber = r'0[oO](?:_?[0-7])+' Decnumber = r'(?:0(?:_?0)*|[1-9](?:_?[0-9])*)' Intnumber = group(Hexnumber, Binnumber, Octnumber, Decnumber) Exponent = r'[eE][-+]?[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*' Pointfloat = group(r'[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*\.(?:[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*)?', r'\.[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*') + maybe(Exponent) Expfloat = r'[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*' + Exponent Floatnumber = group(Pointfloat, Expfloat) Imagnumber = group(r'[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*[jJ]', Floatnumber + r'[jJ]') else: Hexnumber = r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+' Binnumber = r'0[bB][01]+' if version_info >= (3, 0): Octnumber = r'0[oO][0-7]+' else: Octnumber = '0[oO]?[0-7]+' Decnumber = r'(?:0+|[1-9][0-9]*)' Intnumber = group(Hexnumber, Binnumber, Octnumber, Decnumber) Exponent = r'[eE][-+]?[0-9]+' Pointfloat = group(r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*', r'\.[0-9]+') + maybe(Exponent) Expfloat = r'[0-9]+' + Exponent Floatnumber = group(Pointfloat, Expfloat) Imagnumber = group(r'[0-9]+[jJ]', Floatnumber + r'[jJ]') Number = group(Imagnumber, Floatnumber, Intnumber) # Note that since _all_string_prefixes includes the empty string, # StringPrefix can be the empty string (making it optional). possible_prefixes = _all_string_prefixes(version_info) StringPrefix = group(*possible_prefixes) StringPrefixWithF = group(*_all_string_prefixes(version_info, include_fstring=True)) fstring_prefixes = _all_string_prefixes(version_info, include_fstring=True, only_fstring=True) FStringStart = group(*fstring_prefixes) # Tail end of ' string. Single = r"(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'" # Tail end of " string. Double = r'(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"' # Tail end of ''' string. Single3 = r"(?:\\.|'(?!'')|[^'\\])*'''" # Tail end of """ string. Double3 = r'(?:\\.|"(?!"")|[^"\\])*"""' Triple = group(StringPrefixWithF + "'''", StringPrefixWithF + '"""') # Because of leftmost-then-longest match semantics, be sure to put the # longest operators first (e.g., if = came before ==, == would get # recognized as two instances of =). Operator = group(r"\*\*=?", r">>=?", r"<<=?", r"//=?", r"->", r"[+\-*/%&@`|^!=<>]=?", r"~") Bracket = '[][(){}]' special_args = [r'\r\n?', r'\n', r'[:;.,@]'] if version_info >= (3, 0): special_args.insert(0, r'\.\.\.') Special = group(*special_args) Funny = group(Operator, Bracket, Special) # First (or only) line of ' or " string. ContStr = group(StringPrefix + r"'[^\r\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\r\n'\\]*)*" + group("'", r'\\(?:\r\n?|\n)'), StringPrefix + r'"[^\r\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\r\n"\\]*)*' + group('"', r'\\(?:\r\n?|\n)')) pseudo_extra_pool = [Comment, Triple] all_quotes = '"', "'", '"""', "'''" if fstring_prefixes: pseudo_extra_pool.append(FStringStart + group(*all_quotes)) PseudoExtras = group(r'\\(?:\r\n?|\n)|\Z', *pseudo_extra_pool) PseudoToken = group(Whitespace, capture=True) + \ group(PseudoExtras, Number, Funny, ContStr, Name, capture=True) # For a given string prefix plus quotes, endpats maps it to a regex # to match the remainder of that string. _prefix can be empty, for # a normal single or triple quoted string (with no prefix). endpats = {} for _prefix in possible_prefixes: endpats[_prefix + "'"] = _compile(Single) endpats[_prefix + '"'] = _compile(Double) endpats[_prefix + "'''"] = _compile(Single3) endpats[_prefix + '"""'] = _compile(Double3) # A set of all of the single and triple quoted string prefixes, # including the opening quotes. single_quoted = set() triple_quoted = set() fstring_pattern_map = {} for t in possible_prefixes: for quote in '"', "'": single_quoted.add(t + quote) for quote in '"""', "'''": triple_quoted.add(t + quote) for t in fstring_prefixes: for quote in all_quotes: fstring_pattern_map[t + quote] = quote ALWAYS_BREAK_TOKENS = (';', 'import', 'class', 'def', 'try', 'except', 'finally', 'while', 'with', 'return') pseudo_token_compiled = _compile(PseudoToken) return TokenCollection( pseudo_token_compiled, single_quoted, triple_quoted, endpats, whitespace, fstring_pattern_map, ALWAYS_BREAK_TOKENS ) class Token(namedtuple('Token', ['type', 'string', 'start_pos', 'prefix'])): @property def end_pos(self): lines = split_lines(self.string) if len(lines) > 1: return self.start_pos[0] + len(lines) - 1, 0 else: return self.start_pos[0], self.start_pos[1] + len(self.string) class PythonToken(Token): def __repr__(self): return ('TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start_pos=%r, prefix=%r)' % self._replace(type=self.type.name)) class FStringNode(object): def __init__(self, quote): self.quote = quote self.parentheses_count = 0 self.previous_lines = '' self.last_string_start_pos = None # In the syntax there can be multiple format_spec's nested: # {x:{y:3}} self.format_spec_count = 0 def open_parentheses(self, character): self.parentheses_count += 1 def close_parentheses(self, character): self.parentheses_count -= 1 if self.parentheses_count == 0: # No parentheses means that the format spec is also finished. self.format_spec_count = 0 def allow_multiline(self): return len(self.quote) == 3 def is_in_expr(self): return (self.parentheses_count - self.format_spec_count) > 0 def _close_fstring_if_necessary(fstring_stack, string, start_pos, additional_prefix): for fstring_stack_index, node in enumerate(fstring_stack): if string.startswith(node.quote): token = PythonToken( FSTRING_END, node.quote, start_pos, prefix=additional_prefix, ) additional_prefix = '' assert not node.previous_lines del fstring_stack[fstring_stack_index:] return token, '', len(node.quote) return None, additional_prefix, 0 def _find_fstring_string(endpats, fstring_stack, line, lnum, pos): tos = fstring_stack[-1] allow_multiline = tos.allow_multiline() if allow_multiline: match = fstring_string_multi_line.match(line, pos) else: match = fstring_string_single_line.match(line, pos) if match is None: return tos.previous_lines, pos if not tos.previous_lines: tos.last_string_start_pos = (lnum, pos) string = match.group(0) for fstring_stack_node in fstring_stack: end_match = endpats[fstring_stack_node.quote].match(string) if end_match is not None: string = end_match.group(0)[:-len(fstring_stack_node.quote)] new_pos = pos new_pos += len(string) if allow_multiline and (string.endswith('\n') or string.endswith('\r')): tos.previous_lines += string string = '' else: string = tos.previous_lines + string return string, new_pos def tokenize(code, version_info, start_pos=(1, 0)): """Generate tokens from a the source code (string).""" lines = split_lines(code, keepends=True) return tokenize_lines(lines, version_info, start_pos=start_pos) def _print_tokens(func): """ A small helper function to help debug the tokenize_lines function. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): for token in func(*args, **kwargs): yield token return wrapper # @_print_tokens def tokenize_lines(lines, version_info, start_pos=(1, 0)): """ A heavily modified Python standard library tokenizer. Additionally to the default information, yields also the prefix of each token. This idea comes from lib2to3. The prefix contains all information that is irrelevant for the parser like newlines in parentheses or comments. """ def dedent_if_necessary(start): while start < indents[-1]: if start > indents[-2]: yield PythonToken(ERROR_DEDENT, '', (lnum, 0), '') break yield PythonToken(DEDENT, '', spos, '') indents.pop() pseudo_token, single_quoted, triple_quoted, endpats, whitespace, \ fstring_pattern_map, always_break_tokens, = \ _get_token_collection(version_info) paren_level = 0 # count parentheses indents = [0] max = 0 numchars = '0123456789' contstr = '' contline = None # We start with a newline. This makes indent at the first position # possible. It's not valid Python, but still better than an INDENT in the # second line (and not in the first). This makes quite a few things in # Jedi's fast parser possible. new_line = True prefix = '' # Should never be required, but here for safety additional_prefix = '' first = True lnum = start_pos[0] - 1 fstring_stack = [] for line in lines: # loop over lines in stream lnum += 1 pos = 0 max = len(line) if first: if line.startswith(BOM_UTF8_STRING): additional_prefix = BOM_UTF8_STRING line = line[1:] max = len(line) # Fake that the part before was already parsed. line = '^' * start_pos[1] + line pos = start_pos[1] max += start_pos[1] first = False if contstr: # continued string endmatch = endprog.match(line) if endmatch: pos = endmatch.end(0) yield PythonToken( STRING, contstr + line[:pos], contstr_start, prefix) contstr = '' contline = None else: contstr = contstr + line contline = contline + line continue while pos < max: if fstring_stack: tos = fstring_stack[-1] if not tos.is_in_expr(): string, pos = _find_fstring_string(endpats, fstring_stack, line, lnum, pos) if string: yield PythonToken( FSTRING_STRING, string, tos.last_string_start_pos, # Never has a prefix because it can start anywhere and # include whitespace. prefix='' ) tos.previous_lines = '' continue if pos == max: break rest = line[pos:] fstring_end_token, additional_prefix, quote_length = _close_fstring_if_necessary( fstring_stack, rest, (lnum, pos), additional_prefix, ) pos += quote_length if fstring_end_token is not None: yield fstring_end_token continue pseudomatch = pseudo_token.match(line, pos) if not pseudomatch: # scan for tokens match = whitespace.match(line, pos) if pos == 0: for t in dedent_if_necessary(match.end()): yield t pos = match.end() new_line = False yield PythonToken( ERRORTOKEN, line[pos], (lnum, pos), additional_prefix + match.group(0) ) additional_prefix = '' pos += 1 continue prefix = additional_prefix + pseudomatch.group(1) additional_prefix = '' start, pos = pseudomatch.span(2) spos = (lnum, start) token = pseudomatch.group(2) if token == '': assert prefix additional_prefix = prefix # This means that we have a line with whitespace/comments at # the end, which just results in an endmarker. break initial = token[0] if new_line and initial not in '\r\n\\#': new_line = False if paren_level == 0 and not fstring_stack: i = 0 indent_start = start while line[i] == '\f': i += 1 # TODO don't we need to change spos as well? indent_start -= 1 if indent_start > indents[-1]: yield PythonToken(INDENT, '', spos, '') indents.append(indent_start) for t in dedent_if_necessary(indent_start): yield t if (initial in numchars or # ordinary number (initial == '.' and token != '.' and token != '...')): yield PythonToken(NUMBER, token, spos, prefix) elif initial in '\r\n': if any(not f.allow_multiline() for f in fstring_stack): # Would use fstring_stack.clear, but that's not available # in Python 2. fstring_stack[:] = [] if not new_line and paren_level == 0 and not fstring_stack: yield PythonToken(NEWLINE, token, spos, prefix) else: additional_prefix = prefix + token new_line = True elif initial == '#': # Comments assert not token.endswith("\n") additional_prefix = prefix + token elif token in triple_quoted: endprog = endpats[token] endmatch = endprog.match(line, pos) if endmatch: # all on one line pos = endmatch.end(0) token = line[start:pos] yield PythonToken(STRING, token, spos, prefix) else: contstr_start = (lnum, start) # multiple lines contstr = line[start:] contline = line break # Check up to the first 3 chars of the token to see if # they're in the single_quoted set. If so, they start # a string. # We're using the first 3, because we're looking for # "rb'" (for example) at the start of the token. If # we switch to longer prefixes, this needs to be # adjusted. # Note that initial == token[:1]. # Also note that single quote checking must come after # triple quote checking (above). elif initial in single_quoted or \ token[:2] in single_quoted or \ token[:3] in single_quoted: if token[-1] in '\r\n': # continued string # This means that a single quoted string ends with a # backslash and is continued. contstr_start = lnum, start endprog = (endpats.get(initial) or endpats.get(token[1]) or endpats.get(token[2])) contstr = line[start:] contline = line break else: # ordinary string yield PythonToken(STRING, token, spos, prefix) elif token in fstring_pattern_map: # The start of an fstring. fstring_stack.append(FStringNode(fstring_pattern_map[token])) yield PythonToken(FSTRING_START, token, spos, prefix) elif is_identifier(initial): # ordinary name if token in always_break_tokens: fstring_stack[:] = [] paren_level = 0 # We only want to dedent if the token is on a new line. if re.match(r'[ \f\t]*$', line[:start]): while True: indent = indents.pop() if indent > start: yield PythonToken(DEDENT, '', spos, '') else: indents.append(indent) break yield PythonToken(NAME, token, spos, prefix) elif initial == '\\' and line[start:] in ('\\\n', '\\\r\n', '\\\r'): # continued stmt additional_prefix += prefix + line[start:] break else: if token in '([{': if fstring_stack: fstring_stack[-1].open_parentheses(token) else: paren_level += 1 elif token in ')]}': if fstring_stack: fstring_stack[-1].close_parentheses(token) else: if paren_level: paren_level -= 1 elif token == ':' and fstring_stack \ and fstring_stack[-1].parentheses_count == 1: fstring_stack[-1].format_spec_count += 1 yield PythonToken(OP, token, spos, prefix) if contstr: yield PythonToken(ERRORTOKEN, contstr, contstr_start, prefix) if contstr.endswith('\n') or contstr.endswith('\r'): new_line = True end_pos = lnum, max # As the last position we just take the maximally possible position. We # remove -1 for the last new line. for indent in indents[1:]: yield PythonToken(DEDENT, '', end_pos, '') yield PythonToken(ENDMARKER, '', end_pos, additional_prefix) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) >= 2: path = sys.argv[1] with open(path) as f: code = f.read() else: code = sys.stdin.read() from parso.utils import python_bytes_to_unicode, parse_version_string if isinstance(code, bytes): code = python_bytes_to_unicode(code) for token in tokenize(code, parse_version_string()): print(token)