from __future__ import unicode_literals import six import xml.dom.minidom as minidom from .base import FormattedText __all__ = [ 'HTML' ] class HTML(object): """ HTML formatted text. Take something HTML-like, for use as a formatted string. :: # Turn something into red. HTML('') # Italic, bold and underline. HTML('...') HTML('...') HTML('...') All HTML elements become available as a "class" in the style sheet. E.g. ``...`` can be styled, by setting a style for ``username``. """ def __init__(self, value): assert isinstance(value, six.text_type) self.value = value document = minidom.parseString('%s' % (value, )) result = [] name_stack = [] fg_stack = [] bg_stack = [] def get_current_style(): " Build style string for current node. " parts = [] if name_stack: parts.append('class:' + ','.join(name_stack)) if fg_stack: parts.append('fg:' + fg_stack[-1]) if bg_stack: parts.append('bg:' + bg_stack[-1]) return ' '.join(parts) def process_node(node): " Process node recursively. " for child in node.childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE: result.append((get_current_style(), else: add_to_name_stack = child.nodeName not in ('#document', 'html-root', 'style') fg = bg = '' for k, v in child.attributes.items(): if k == 'fg': fg = v if k == 'bg': bg = v if k == 'color': fg = v # Alias for 'fg'. # Check for spaces in attributes. This would result in # invalid style strings otherwise. if ' ' in fg: raise ValueError('"fg" attribute contains a space.') if ' ' in bg: raise ValueError('"bg" attribute contains a space.') if add_to_name_stack: name_stack.append(child.nodeName) if fg: fg_stack.append(fg) if bg: bg_stack.append(bg) process_node(child) if add_to_name_stack: name_stack.pop() if fg: fg_stack.pop() if bg: bg_stack.pop() process_node(document) self.formatted_text = FormattedText(result) def __repr__(self): return 'HTML(%r)' % (self.value, ) def __pt_formatted_text__(self): return self.formatted_text def format(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Like `str.format`, but make sure that the arguments are properly escaped. """ # Escape all the arguments. args = [html_escape(a) for a in args] kwargs = dict((k, html_escape(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()) return HTML(self.value.format(*args, **kwargs)) def __mod__(self, value): """ HTML('%s') % value """ if not isinstance(value, tuple): value = (value, ) value = tuple(html_escape(i) for i in value) return HTML(self.value % value) def html_escape(text): # The string interpolation functions also take integers and other types. # Convert to string first. if not isinstance(text, six.text_type): text = '{}'.format(text) return text.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace('"', '"')