from pyOpenRPA.Robot import UIDesktop import os import time # Time wait operations from . import ConnectorExceptions # Exceptions classes from . import Connector from . import Processor # Module for process some functions on thr RDP # Main function # inThreadControlDict = {"ThreadExecuteBool":True} def RobotRDPActive(inGSettings, inThreadControlDict): # inGSettings = { # ... "RobotRDPActive": {} ... # } lL = inGSettings["Logger"] #Logger alias Processor.gSettings = inGSettings # Set gSettings in processor module mGSettingsRDPActiveDict = inGSettings["RobotRDPActive"] # Get configuration from global dict settings # Global error handler try: ######## Init the RDP List lNewRDPList = {} for lRDPSessionKeyStrItem in mGSettingsRDPActiveDict["RDPList"]: lConfigurationItem = mGSettingsRDPActiveDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStrItem] lAddToNewRDPDict = True if "SessionHex" not in lConfigurationItem: lAddToNewRDPDict = False # 2020.08.03 fix: Init the Session hex field. If no SessionHex - trash in structure - remove if lConfigurationItem["SessionHex"] is None or lConfigurationItem["SessionHex"] == "": # Minor fix - need for restore existed RDP sessions lConfigurationItem["SessionIsWindowExistBool"] = False # Flag that session is not started lConfigurationItem["SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool"] = False # Flag that session is not started lConfigurationItem["SessionHex"] = " 77777sdfsdf77777dsfdfsf77777777" # Flag that session is not started if lAddToNewRDPDict: lNewRDPList[lRDPSessionKeyStrItem] = lConfigurationItem mGSettingsRDPActiveDict["RDPList"] = lNewRDPList # Update the structure ########## # Run monitor - main loop # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # inGlobalDict = mGSettingsRDPActiveDict # Compatibility inListUpdateTimeout = 1 # Compatibility lFlagWhile = True lResponsibilityCheckLastSec = time.time() # Get current time for check interval while lFlagWhile: try: if inThreadControlDict["ThreadExecuteBool"] == True: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Check RDP window is OK - reconnect if connection was lost lUIOSelectorList = [] lRDPConfigurationDictList = [] # Prepare selectors list for check for lRDPSessionKeyStrItem in inGlobalDict["RDPList"]: lItem = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStrItem] lRDPConfigurationDictList.append(lItem) # Add RDP Configuration in list lUIOSelectorList.append([{"title_re": f"{lItem['SessionHex']}.*", "backend": "win32"}]) # Run wait command lRDPDissappearList = UIDesktop.UIOSelectorsSecs_WaitDisappear_List(lUIOSelectorList, inListUpdateTimeout) for lItem in lRDPDissappearList: # Reconnect if connection was lost lRDPConfigurationDict = lRDPConfigurationDictList[lItem] # Get RDP Configuration list lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionIsWindowExistBool"] = False # Set flag that session is disconnected # Check if RDP window is not ignored if not lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionIsIgnoredBool"]: try: Connector.Session(lRDPConfigurationDict, inScreenSize550x350Bool = True) lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionIsWindowExistBool"] = True # Flag that session is started if lL:"SessionHex: {str(lRDPConfigurationDict['SessionHex'])}:: Session has been initialized!") #Logging # catch ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotExistError except ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotExistError as e: lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionIsWindowExistBool"] = False # Set flag that session is disconnected if lL: lL.warning(f"SessionHex: {str(lRDPConfigurationDict['SessionHex'])}:: Session is not exist!") #Logging # general exceptions except Exception as e: if lL: lL.exception(f"!!! ATTENTION !!! Unrecognized error") #Logging pass # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Connector.SystemRDPWarningClickOk() # Click all warning messages # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Check if RDP session is full screen (if is not ignored) if inGlobalDict["FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr"] is not None: lRDPSessionKeyStr = inGlobalDict["FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr"] # Get the RDPSessionKeyStr if lRDPSessionKeyStr in inGlobalDict["RDPList"]: # Session Key is in dict lRDPConfigurationDict = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStr] #if not lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionIsIgnoredBool"]: # Session is not ignored # Check if full screen lIsFullScreenBool = Connector.SessionIsFullScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionHex"]) if not lIsFullScreenBool: # If not the full screen # Check all RDP window and minimize it for lRDPSessionKeyStrItem in inGlobalDict["RDPList"]: lRDPConfigurationDictItem = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStrItem] if Connector.SessionIsFullScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]): if inThreadControlDict["ThreadExecuteBool"] == True: # TEST FEATURE BEFORE ONE THREAD INTEGRATION Connector.SessionScreenSize_X_Y_W_H(inSessionHex=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"], inXInt=10, inYInt=10, inWInt=550, inHInt=350) # Prepare little window # Set full screen for new window if inThreadControlDict["ThreadExecuteBool"] == True: # TEST FEATURE BEFORE ONE THREAD INTEGRATION Connector.SessionScreenFull(inSessionHex=lRDPConfigurationDict["SessionHex"], inLogger= inGSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=inGlobalDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStrItem]) else: # Check all RDP window and minimize it for lRDPSessionKeyStrItem in inGlobalDict["RDPList"]: lRDPConfigurationDictItem = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStrItem] if Connector.SessionIsFullScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]) or Connector.SessionIsMinimizedScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]): # If window is minimized - restore # if window in full screen - resize if inThreadControlDict["ThreadExecuteBool"] == True: # TEST FEATURE BEFORE ONE THREAD INTEGRATION Connector.SessionScreenSize_X_Y_W_H(inSessionHex=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"], inXInt=10, inYInt=10, inWInt=550, inHInt=350) # Prepare little window # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Iterate the activity list in robot RDP active lActivityListNew = [] lActivityListOld = inGlobalDict["ActivityList"] inGlobalDict["ActivityList"] = [] for lActivityItem in lActivityListOld: lSubmoduleFunctionName = lActivityItem["DefNameStr"] if lSubmoduleFunctionName in dir(Processor): lActivityItemResult = None # init the variable try: # try to run function from lActivityItemResult = getattr(Processor, lSubmoduleFunctionName)( *lActivityItem["ArgList"], **lActivityItem["ArgDict"]) except Exception as e: if lL: lL.exception(f"RDP::main: Exception when run def in - activity will be ignored. Activity item: {lActivityItem}") #Logging lActivityItemResult = True # True - clear from repeat list lActivityItemResultType = type(lActivityItemResult) # Check if Result is bool if lActivityItemResultType is bool: if not lActivityItemResult: # Activity is not done - add to list (retry in future) lActivityListNew.append(lActivityItem) inGlobalDict["ActivityList"] = lActivityListNew # Override the value # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # except RuntimeError as e: # case noGUI error passed - do nothing if lL: lL.warning(f"Host session has lost the GUI") #Logging finally: # Wait for the next iteration time.sleep(0.7) # Scheduler.Scheduler(mGSettingsRDPActiveDict["Scheduler"]) # Init & Run Scheduler TODO remake in processor list # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #Monitor.Monitor(mGSettingsRDPActiveDict, 1) except Exception as e: if lL: lL.exception(f"!!! ATTENTION !!! Global error handler - look at code") #Logging