# coding=utf-8 # pynput # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Moses Palmér # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Utility functions and classes for the *Xorg* backend. """ # pylint: disable=R0903 # We implement stubs import contextlib import functools import itertools import operator import Xlib.display import Xlib.threaded import Xlib.XK from . import AbstractListener from .xorg_keysyms import SYMBOLS # Create a display to verify that we have an X connection def _check(): display = Xlib.display.Display() display.close() _check() del _check class X11Error(Exception): """An error that is thrown at the end of a code block managed by a :func:`display_manager` if an *X11* error occurred. """ pass @contextlib.contextmanager def display_manager(display): """Traps *X* errors and raises an :class:``X11Error`` at the end if any error occurred. This handler also ensures that the :class:`Xlib.display.Display` being managed is sync'd. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The *X* display. :return: the display :rtype: Xlib.display.Display """ errors = [] def handler(*args): """The *Xlib* error handler. """ errors.append(args) old_handler = display.set_error_handler(handler) try: yield display display.sync() finally: display.set_error_handler(old_handler) if errors: raise X11Error(errors) def _find_mask(display, symbol): """Returns the mode flags to use for a modifier symbol. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The *X* display. :param str symbol: The name of the symbol. :return: the modifier mask """ # Get the key code for the symbol modifier_keycode = display.keysym_to_keycode( Xlib.XK.string_to_keysym(symbol)) for index, keycodes in enumerate(display.get_modifier_mapping()): for keycode in keycodes: if keycode == modifier_keycode: return 1 << index return 0 def alt_mask(display): """Returns the *alt* mask flags. The first time this function is called for a display, the value is cached. Subsequent calls will return the cached value. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The *X* display. :return: the modifier mask """ if not hasattr(display, '__alt_mask'): display.__alt_mask = _find_mask(display, 'Alt_L') return display.__alt_mask def alt_gr_mask(display): """Returns the *alt* mask flags. The first time this function is called for a display, the value is cached. Subsequent calls will return the cached value. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The *X* display. :return: the modifier mask """ if not hasattr(display, '__altgr_mask'): display.__altgr_mask = _find_mask(display, 'Mode_switch') return display.__altgr_mask def numlock_mask(display): """Returns the *numlock* mask flags. The first time this function is called for a display, the value is cached. Subsequent calls will return the cached value. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The *X* display. :return: the modifier mask """ if not hasattr(display, '__numlock_mask'): display.__numlock_mask = _find_mask(display, 'Num_Lock') return display.__numlock_mask def keysym_is_latin_upper(keysym): """Determines whether a *keysym* is an upper case *latin* character. This is true only if ``XK_A`` <= ``keysym`` <= ` XK_Z``. :param in keysym: The *keysym* to check. """ return Xlib.XK.XK_A <= keysym <= Xlib.XK.XK_Z def keysym_is_latin_lower(keysym): """Determines whether a *keysym* is a lower case *latin* character. This is true only if ``XK_a`` <= ``keysym`` <= ` XK_z``. :param in keysym: The *keysym* to check. """ return Xlib.XK.XK_a <= keysym <= Xlib.XK.XK_z def keysym_group(ks1, ks2): """Generates a group from two *keysyms*. The implementation of this function comes from: Within each group, if the second element of the group is ``NoSymbol``, then the group should be treated as if the second element were the same as the first element, except when the first element is an alphabetic *KeySym* ``K`` for which both lowercase and uppercase forms are defined. In that case, the group should be treated as if the first element were the lowercase form of ``K`` and the second element were the uppercase form of ``K``. This function assumes that *alphabetic* means *latin*; this assumption appears to be consistent with observations of the return values from ``XGetKeyboardMapping``. :param ks1: The first *keysym*. :param ks2: The second *keysym*. :return: a tuple conforming to the description above """ if ks2 == Xlib.XK.NoSymbol: if keysym_is_latin_upper(ks1): return (Xlib.XK.XK_a + ks1 - Xlib.XK.XK_A, ks1) elif keysym_is_latin_lower(ks1): return (ks1, Xlib.XK.XK_A + ks1 - Xlib.XK.XK_a) else: return (ks1, ks1) else: return (ks1, ks2) def keysym_normalize(keysym): """Normalises a list of *keysyms*. The implementation of this function comes from: If the list (ignoring trailing ``NoSymbol`` entries) is a single *KeySym* ``K``, then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K NoSymbol K NoSymbol``. If the list (ignoring trailing ``NoSymbol`` entries) is a pair of *KeySyms* ``K1 K2``, then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K1 K2 K1 K2``. If the list (ignoring trailing ``NoSymbol`` entries) is a triple of *KeySyms* ``K1 K2 K3``, then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K1 K2 K3 NoSymbol``. This function will also group the *keysyms* using :func:`keysym_group`. :param keysyms: A list of keysyms. :return: the tuple ``(group_1, group_2)`` or ``None`` """ # Remove trailing NoSymbol stripped = list(reversed(list( itertools.dropwhile( lambda n: n == Xlib.XK.NoSymbol, reversed(keysym))))) if not stripped: return elif len(stripped) == 1: return ( keysym_group(stripped[0], Xlib.XK.NoSymbol), keysym_group(stripped[0], Xlib.XK.NoSymbol)) elif len(stripped) == 2: return ( keysym_group(stripped[0], stripped[1]), keysym_group(stripped[0], stripped[1])) elif len(stripped) == 3: return ( keysym_group(stripped[0], stripped[1]), keysym_group(stripped[2], Xlib.XK.NoSymbol)) elif len(stripped) >= 6: # TODO: Find out why this is necessary; using only the documented # behaviour may lead to only a US layout being used? return ( keysym_group(stripped[0], stripped[1]), keysym_group(stripped[4], stripped[5])) else: return ( keysym_group(stripped[0], stripped[1]), keysym_group(stripped[2], stripped[3])) def index_to_shift(display, index): """Converts an index in a *key code* list to the corresponding shift state. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The display for which to retrieve the shift mask. :param int index: The keyboard mapping *key code* index. :return: a shift mask """ return ( (1 << 0 if index & 1 else 0) | (alt_gr_mask(display) if index & 2 else 0)) def shift_to_index(display, shift): """Converts an index in a *key code* list to the corresponding shift state. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The display for which to retrieve the shift mask. :param int index: The keyboard mapping *key code* index. :retur: a shift mask """ return ( (1 if shift & 1 else 0) + (2 if shift & alt_gr_mask(display) else 0)) def keyboard_mapping(display): """Generates a mapping from *keysyms* to *key codes* and required modifier shift states. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The display for which to retrieve the keyboard mapping. :return: the keyboard mapping """ mapping = {} shift_mask = 1 << 0 group_mask = alt_gr_mask(display) # Iterate over all keysym lists in the keyboard mapping min_keycode = display.display.info.min_keycode keycode_count = display.display.info.max_keycode - min_keycode + 1 for index, keysyms in enumerate(display.get_keyboard_mapping( min_keycode, keycode_count)): key_code = index + min_keycode # Normalise the keysym list to yield a tuple containing the two groups normalized = keysym_normalize(keysyms) if not normalized: continue # Iterate over the groups to extract the shift and modifier state for groups, group in zip(normalized, (False, True)): for keysym, shift in zip(groups, (False, True)): if not keysym: continue shift_state = 0 \ | (shift_mask if shift else 0) \ | (group_mask if group else 0) # Prefer already known lesser shift states if keysym in mapping and mapping[keysym][1] < shift_state: continue mapping[keysym] = (key_code, shift_state) return mapping def symbol_to_keysym(symbol): """Converts a symbol name to a *keysym*. :param str symbol: The name of the symbol. :return: the corresponding *keysym*, or ``0`` if it cannot be found """ # First try simple translation keysym = Xlib.XK.string_to_keysym(symbol) if keysym: return keysym # If that fails, try checking a module attribute of Xlib.keysymdef.xkb if not keysym: try: return getattr(Xlib.keysymdef.xkb, 'XK_' + symbol, 0) except AttributeError: return SYMBOLS.get(symbol, (0,))[0] class ListenerMixin(object): """A mixin for *X* event listeners. Subclasses should set a value for :attr:`_EVENTS` and implement :meth:`_handle`. """ #: The events for which to listen _EVENTS = tuple() #: We use this instance for parsing the binary data _EVENT_PARSER = Xlib.protocol.rq.EventField(None) def _run(self): self._display_stop = Xlib.display.Display() self._display_record = Xlib.display.Display() with display_manager(self._display_stop) as dm: self._context = dm.record_create_context( 0, [Xlib.ext.record.AllClients], [{ 'core_requests': (0, 0), 'core_replies': (0, 0), 'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0), 'delivered_events': (0, 0), 'device_events': self._EVENTS, 'errors': (0, 0), 'client_started': False, 'client_died': False}]) # pylint: disable=W0702; we want to silence errors try: self._initialize(self._display_stop) self._mark_ready() if self.suppress: with display_manager(self._display_record) as dm: self._suppress_start(dm) self._display_record.record_enable_context( self._context, self._handler) except: # This exception will have been passed to the main thread pass finally: if self.suppress: with display_manager(self._display_stop) as dm: self._suppress_stop(dm) self._display_record.record_free_context(self._context) self._display_stop.close() self._display_record.close() # pylint: enable=W0702 def _stop_platform(self): if not hasattr(self, '_context'): self.wait() # pylint: disable=W0702; we must ignore errors try: with display_manager(self._display_stop) as dm: dm.record_disable_context(self._context) except: pass # pylint: enable=W0702 def _suppress_start(self, display): """Starts suppressing events. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The display for which to suppress events. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _suppress_stop(self, display): """Starts suppressing events. :param Xlib.display.Display display: The display for which to suppress events. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def _event_mask(self): """The event mask. """ return functools.reduce(operator.__or__, self._EVENTS, 0) @AbstractListener._emitter def _handler(self, events): """The callback registered with *X* for mouse events. This method will parse the response and call the callbacks registered on initialisation. :param events: The events passed by *X*. This is a binary block parsable by :attr:`_EVENT_PARSER`. """ if not self.running: raise self.StopException() data = events.data while data and len(data): event, data = self._EVENT_PARSER.parse_binary_value( data, self._display_record.display, None, None) self._handle(self._display_stop, event) def _initialize(self, display): """Initialises this listener. This method is called immediately before the event loop, from the handler thread. :param display: The display being used. """ pass def _handle(self, display, event): """The device specific callback handler. This method calls the appropriate callback registered when this listener was created based on the event. :param display: The display being used. :param event: The event. """ pass