# PyScreeze # by Al Sweigart # https://github.com/asweigart/pyscreeze # BSD license """ So, apparently Pillow support on Ubuntu 64-bit has several additional steps since it doesn't have JPEG/PNG support out of the box. Description here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7648200/pip-install-pil-e-tickets-1-no-jpeg-png-support http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751455 """ __version__ = '0.1.21' import collections import datetime import os import subprocess import sys import time import errno try: from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageOps except ImportError: pass from contextlib import contextmanager try: import cv2, numpy useOpenCV = True RUNNING_CV_2 = cv2.__version__[0] < '3' except ImportError: useOpenCV = False RUNNING_PYTHON_2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 if useOpenCV: if RUNNING_CV_2: LOAD_COLOR = cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR LOAD_GRAYSCALE = cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE else: LOAD_COLOR = cv2.IMREAD_COLOR LOAD_GRAYSCALE = cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT = False # For version 0.1.19 I changed it so that ImageNotFoundException was raised # instead of returning None. In hindsight, this change came too late, so I'm # changing it back to returning None. But I'm also including this option for # folks who would rather have it raise an exception. USE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION = False scrotExists = False try: if sys.platform not in ('java', 'darwin', 'win32'): whichProc = subprocess.Popen( ['which', 'scrot'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) scrotExists = whichProc.wait() == 0 except OSError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ENOENT: # if there is no "which" program to find scrot, then assume there # is no scrot. pass else: raise if sys.platform == 'win32': from ctypes import windll # win32 DC(DeviceContext) Manager @contextmanager def __win32_openDC(hWnd): hDC = windll.user32.GetDC(hWnd) if hDC == 0: #NULL raise WindowsError("windll.user32.GetDC failed : return NULL") try: yield hDC finally: if windll.user32.ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC) == 0: raise WindowsError("windll.user32.ReleaseDC failed : return 0") Box = collections.namedtuple('Box', 'left top width height') Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', 'x y') RGB = collections.namedtuple('RGB', 'red green blue') class ImageNotFoundException(Exception): pass # This is an exception class raised when the locate functions fail. def _load_cv2(img, grayscale=None): # load images if given filename, or convert as needed to opencv # Alpha layer just causes failures at this point, so flatten to RGB. # RGBA: load with -1 * cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR to preserve alpha # to matchTemplate, need template and image to be the same wrt having alpha if grayscale is None: grayscale = GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT if isinstance(img, str): # The function imread loads an image from the specified file and # returns it. If the image cannot be read (because of missing # file, improper permissions, unsupported or invalid format), # the function returns an empty matrix # http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/modules/imgcodecs/doc/reading_and_writing_images.html if grayscale: img_cv = cv2.imread(img, LOAD_GRAYSCALE) else: img_cv = cv2.imread(img, LOAD_COLOR) if img_cv is None: raise IOError("Failed to read %s because file is missing, " "has improper permissions, or is an " "unsupported or invalid format" % img) elif isinstance(img, numpy.ndarray): # don't try to convert an already-gray image to gray if grayscale and len(img.shape) == 3: # and img.shape[2] == 3: img_cv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: img_cv = img elif hasattr(img, 'convert'): # assume its a PIL.Image, convert to cv format img_array = numpy.array(img.convert('RGB')) img_cv = img_array[:, :, ::-1].copy() # -1 does RGB -> BGR if grayscale: img_cv = cv2.cvtColor(img_cv, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: raise TypeError('expected an image filename, OpenCV numpy array, or PIL image') return img_cv def _locateAll_opencv(needleImage, haystackImage, grayscale=None, limit=10000, region=None, step=1, confidence=0.999): """ faster but more memory-intensive than pure python step 2 skips every other row and column = ~3x faster but prone to miss; to compensate, the algorithm automatically reduces the confidence threshold by 5% (which helps but will not avoid all misses). limitations: - OpenCV 3.x & python 3.x not tested - RGBA images are treated as RBG (ignores alpha channel) """ if grayscale is None: grayscale = GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT confidence = float(confidence) needleImage = _load_cv2(needleImage, grayscale) needleHeight, needleWidth = needleImage.shape[:2] haystackImage = _load_cv2(haystackImage, grayscale) if region: haystackImage = haystackImage[region[1]:region[1]+region[3], region[0]:region[0]+region[2]] else: region = (0, 0) # full image; these values used in the yield statement if (haystackImage.shape[0] < needleImage.shape[0] or haystackImage.shape[1] < needleImage.shape[1]): # avoid semi-cryptic OpenCV error below if bad size raise ValueError('needle dimension(s) exceed the haystack image or region dimensions') if step == 2: confidence *= 0.95 needleImage = needleImage[::step, ::step] haystackImage = haystackImage[::step, ::step] else: step = 1 # get all matches at once, credit: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7670112/finding-a-subimage-inside-a-numpy-image/9253805#9253805 result = cv2.matchTemplate(haystackImage, needleImage, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) match_indices = numpy.arange(result.size)[(result > confidence).flatten()] matches = numpy.unravel_index(match_indices[:limit], result.shape) if len(matches[0]) == 0: if USE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: raise ImageNotFoundException('Could not locate the image (highest confidence = %.3f)' % result.max()) else: return # use a generator for API consistency: matchx = matches[1] * step + region[0] # vectorized matchy = matches[0] * step + region[1] for x, y in zip(matchx, matchy): yield Box(x, y, needleWidth, needleHeight) def _locateAll_python(needleImage, haystackImage, grayscale=None, limit=None, region=None, step=1): # setup all the arguments if grayscale is None: grayscale = GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT needleFileObj = None if isinstance(needleImage, str): # 'image' is a filename, load the Image object needleFileObj = open(needleImage, 'rb') needleImage = Image.open(needleFileObj) haystackFileObj = None if isinstance(haystackImage, str): # 'image' is a filename, load the Image object haystackFileObj = open(haystackImage, 'rb') haystackImage = Image.open(haystackFileObj) if region is not None: haystackImage = haystackImage.crop((region[0], region[1], region[0] + region[2], region[1] + region[3])) else: region = (0, 0) # set to 0 because the code always accounts for a region if grayscale: # if grayscale mode is on, convert the needle and haystack images to grayscale needleImage = ImageOps.grayscale(needleImage) haystackImage = ImageOps.grayscale(haystackImage) else: # if not using grayscale, make sure we are comparing RGB images, not RGBA images. if needleImage.mode == 'RGBA': needleImage = needleImage.convert('RGB') if haystackImage.mode == 'RGBA': haystackImage = haystackImage.convert('RGB') # setup some constants we'll be using in this function needleWidth, needleHeight = needleImage.size haystackWidth, haystackHeight = haystackImage.size needleImageData = tuple(needleImage.getdata()) haystackImageData = tuple(haystackImage.getdata()) needleImageRows = [needleImageData[y * needleWidth:(y+1) * needleWidth] for y in range(needleHeight)] # LEFT OFF - check this needleImageFirstRow = needleImageRows[0] assert len(needleImageFirstRow) == needleWidth, 'For some reason, the calculated width of first row of the needle image is not the same as the width of the image.' assert [len(row) for row in needleImageRows] == [needleWidth] * needleHeight, 'For some reason, the needleImageRows aren\'t the same size as the original image.' numMatchesFound = 0 # NOTE: After running tests/benchmarks.py on the following code, it seem that having a step # value greater than 1 does not give *any* significant performance improvements. # Since using a step higher than 1 makes for less accurate matches, it will be # set to 1. step = 1 # hard-code step as 1 until a way to improve it can be figured out. if step == 1: firstFindFunc = _kmp else: firstFindFunc = _steppingFind for y in range(haystackHeight): # start at the leftmost column for matchx in firstFindFunc(needleImageFirstRow, haystackImageData[y * haystackWidth:(y+1) * haystackWidth], step): foundMatch = True for searchy in range(1, needleHeight, step): haystackStart = (searchy + y) * haystackWidth + matchx if needleImageData[searchy * needleWidth:(searchy+1) * needleWidth] != haystackImageData[haystackStart:haystackStart + needleWidth]: foundMatch = False break if foundMatch: # Match found, report the x, y, width, height of where the matching region is in haystack. numMatchesFound += 1 yield Box(matchx + region[0], y + region[1], needleWidth, needleHeight) if limit is not None and numMatchesFound >= limit: # Limit has been reached. Close file handles. if needleFileObj is not None: needleFileObj.close() if haystackFileObj is not None: haystackFileObj.close() return # There was no limit or the limit wasn't reached, but close the file handles anyway. if needleFileObj is not None: needleFileObj.close() if haystackFileObj is not None: haystackFileObj.close() if numMatchesFound == 0: if USE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: raise ImageNotFoundException('Could not locate the image.') else: return def locate(needleImage, haystackImage, **kwargs): # Note: The gymnastics in this function is because we want to make sure to exhaust the iterator so that the needle and haystack files are closed in locateAll. kwargs['limit'] = 1 points = tuple(locateAll(needleImage, haystackImage, **kwargs)) if len(points) > 0: return points[0] else: if USE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: raise ImageNotFoundException('Could not locate the image.') else: return None def locateOnScreen(image, minSearchTime=0, **kwargs): """minSearchTime - amount of time in seconds to repeat taking screenshots and trying to locate a match. The default of 0 performs a single search. """ start = time.time() while True: try: screenshotIm = screenshot(region=None) # the locateAll() function must handle cropping to return accurate coordinates, so don't pass a region here. retVal = locate(image, screenshotIm, **kwargs) try: screenshotIm.fp.close() except AttributeError: # Screenshots on Windows won't have an fp since they came from # ImageGrab, not a file. Screenshots on Linux will have fp set # to None since the file has been unlinked pass if retVal or time.time() - start > minSearchTime: return retVal except ImageNotFoundException: if time.time() - start > minSearchTime: if USE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: raise else: return None def locateAllOnScreen(image, **kwargs): screenshotIm = screenshot(region=None) # the locateAll() function must handle cropping to return accurate coordinates, so don't pass a region here. retVal = locateAll(image, screenshotIm, **kwargs) try: screenshotIm.fp.close() except AttributeError: # Screenshots on Windows won't have an fp since they came from # ImageGrab, not a file. Screenshots on Linux will have fp set # to None since the file has been unlinked pass return retVal def locateCenterOnScreen(image, **kwargs): coords = locateOnScreen(image, **kwargs) return center(coords) def showRegionOnScreen(region, outlineColor='red', filename='_showRegionOnScreen.png'): from PIL import ImageDraw # this is the only function that needs this, and it's rarely called screenshotIm = screenshot() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(screenshotIm) region = (region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1]) # convert from (left, top, right, bottom) to (left, top, width, height) draw.rectangle(region, outline=outlineColor) screenshotIm.save(filename) def _screenshot_win32(imageFilename=None, region=None): try: im = ImageGrab.grab() except NameError: raise ImportError('Pillow module must be installed to use screenshot functions on Windows.') if region is not None: assert len(region) == 4, 'region argument must be a tuple of four ints' region = [int(x) for x in region] im = im.crop((region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1])) if imageFilename is not None: im.save(imageFilename) return im def _screenshot_osx(imageFilename=None, region=None): if imageFilename is None: tmpFilename = 'screenshot%s.png' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m%d_%H-%M-%S-%f')) else: tmpFilename = imageFilename subprocess.call(['screencapture', '-x', tmpFilename]) im = Image.open(tmpFilename) if region is not None: assert len(region) == 4, 'region argument must be a tuple of four ints' region = [int(x) for x in region] im = im.crop((region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1])) os.unlink(tmpFilename) # delete image of entire screen to save cropped version im.save(tmpFilename) else: # force loading before unlinking, Image.open() is lazy im.load() if imageFilename is None: os.unlink(tmpFilename) return im def _screenshot_linux(imageFilename=None, region=None): if not scrotExists: raise NotImplementedError('"scrot" must be installed to use screenshot functions in Linux. Run: sudo apt-get install scrot') if imageFilename is None: tmpFilename = '.screenshot%s.png' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m%d_%H-%M-%S-%f')) else: tmpFilename = imageFilename if scrotExists: subprocess.call(['scrot', tmpFilename]) im = Image.open(tmpFilename) if region is not None: assert len(region) == 4, 'region argument must be a tuple of four ints' region = [int(x) for x in region] im = im.crop((region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1])) os.unlink(tmpFilename) # delete image of entire screen to save cropped version im.save(tmpFilename) else: # force loading before unlinking, Image.open() is lazy im.load() if imageFilename is None: os.unlink(tmpFilename) return im else: raise Exception('The scrot program must be installed to take a screenshot with PyScreeze on Linux. Run: sudo apt-get install scrot') def _kmp(needle, haystack, _dummy): # Knuth-Morris-Pratt search algorithm implementation (to be used by screen capture) # build table of shift amounts shifts = [1] * (len(needle) + 1) shift = 1 for pos in range(len(needle)): while shift <= pos and needle[pos] != needle[pos-shift]: shift += shifts[pos-shift] shifts[pos+1] = shift # do the actual search startPos = 0 matchLen = 0 for c in haystack: while matchLen == len(needle) or \ matchLen >= 0 and needle[matchLen] != c: startPos += shifts[matchLen] matchLen -= shifts[matchLen] matchLen += 1 if matchLen == len(needle): yield startPos def _steppingFind(needle, haystack, step): for startPos in range(0, len(haystack) - len(needle) + 1): foundMatch = True for pos in range(0, len(needle), step): if haystack[startPos + pos] != needle[pos]: foundMatch = False break if foundMatch: yield startPos def center(coords): return Point(coords[0] + int(coords[2] / 2), coords[1] + int(coords[3] / 2)) def pixelMatchesColor(x, y, expectedRGBColor, tolerance=0): pix = pixel(x, y) if len(pix) == 3 or len(expectedRGBColor) == 3: #RGB mode r, g, b = pix[:3] exR, exG, exB = expectedRGBColor[:3] return (abs(r - exR) <= tolerance) and (abs(g - exG) <= tolerance) and (abs(b - exB) <= tolerance) elif len(pix) == 4 and len(expectedRGBColor) == 4: #RGBA mode r, g, b, a = pix exR, exG, exB, exA = expectedRGBColor return (abs(r - exR) <= tolerance) and (abs(g - exG) <= tolerance) and (abs(b - exB) <= tolerance) and (abs(a - exA) <= tolerance) else: assert False, 'Color mode was expected to be length 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA), but pixel is length %s and expectedRGBColor is length %s' % (len(pix), len(expectedRGBColor)) def pixel(x, y): if sys.platform == 'win32': # On Windows, calling GetDC() and GetPixel() is twice as fast as using our screenshot() function. with __win32_openDC(0) as hdc: # handle will be released automatically color = windll.gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, x, y) if color < 0: raise WindowsError("windll.gdi32.GetPixel faild : return {}".format(color)) # color is in the format 0xbbggrr https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd183449(v=vs.85).aspx bbggrr = "{:0>6x}".format(color) # bbggrr => 'bbggrr' (hex) b, g, r = (int(bbggrr[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(0, 6, 2)) return (r, g, b) else: # Need to select only the first three values of the color in # case the returned pixel has an alpha channel return RGB(*(screenshot().getpixel((x, y))[:3])) # set the screenshot() function based on the platform running this module if sys.platform.startswith('java'): raise NotImplementedError('Jython is not yet supported by PyScreeze.') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': screenshot = _screenshot_osx elif sys.platform == 'win32': screenshot = _screenshot_win32 try: from PIL import ImageGrab except ImportError: pass else: screenshot = _screenshot_linux grab = screenshot # for compatibility with Pillow/PIL's ImageGrab module. # set the locateAll function to use opencv if possible; python 3 needs opencv 3.0+ if useOpenCV: locateAll = _locateAll_opencv if not RUNNING_PYTHON_2 and cv2.__version__ < '3': locateAll = _locateAll_python else: locateAll = _locateAll_python