# DDE support for Pythonwin # # Seems to work fine (in the context that IE4 seems to have broken # DDE on _all_ NT4 machines I have tried, but only when a "Command Prompt" window # is open. Strange, but true. If you have problems with this, close all Command Prompts! import win32ui import win32api, win32con from pywin.mfc import object from dde import * import sys, traceback class DDESystemTopic(object.Object): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app object.Object.__init__(self, CreateServerSystemTopic()) def Exec(self, data): try: # print "Executing", cmd self.app.OnDDECommand(data) except: t,v,tb = sys.exc_info() # The DDE Execution failed. print("Error executing DDE command.") traceback.print_exception(t,v,tb) return 0 class DDEServer(object.Object): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app object.Object.__init__(self, CreateServer()) self.topic = self.item = None def CreateSystemTopic(self): return DDESystemTopic(self.app) def Shutdown(self): self._obj_.Shutdown() self._obj_.Destroy() if self.topic is not None: self.topic.Destroy() self.topic = None if self.item is not None: self.item.Destroy() self.item = None def OnCreate(self): return 1 def Status(self, msg): try: win32ui.SetStatusText(msg) except win32ui.error: pass