from __future__ import division import math __version__ = '1.0.3' # from def getLine(x1, y1, x2, y2): """Returns a list of (x, y) tuples of every point on a line between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). The x and y values inside the tuple are integers. Line generated with the Bresenham algorithm. Args: x1 (int, float): The x coordinate of the line's start point. y1 (int, float): The y coordinate of the line's start point. x2 (int, float): The x coordinate of the line's end point. y2 (int, float): The y coordiante of the line's end point. Returns: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), ...] Example: >>> getLine(0, 0, 6, 6) [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)] >>> getLine(0, 0, 3, 6) [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)] >>> getLine(3, 3, -3, -3) [(3, 3), (2, 2), (1, 1), (0, 0), (-1, -1), (-2, -2), (-3, -3)] """ x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2) points = [] issteep = abs(y2-y1) > abs(x2-x1) if issteep: x1, y1 = y1, x1 x2, y2 = y2, x2 rev = False if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = x2, x1 y1, y2 = y2, y1 rev = True deltax = x2 - x1 deltay = abs(y2-y1) error = int(deltax / 2) y = y1 ystep = None if y1 < y2: ystep = 1 else: ystep = -1 for x in range(x1, x2 + 1): if issteep: points.append((y, x)) else: points.append((x, y)) error -= deltay if error < 0: y += ystep error += deltax # Reverse the list if the coordinates were reversed if rev: points.reverse() return points def getPointOnLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, n): """Returns the (x, y) tuple of the point that has progressed a proportion n along the line defined by the two x, y coordinates. Args: x1 (int, float): The x coordinate of the line's start point. y1 (int, float): The y coordinate of the line's start point. x2 (int, float): The x coordinate of the line's end point. y2 (int, float): The y coordiante of the line's end point. n (float): Progress along the line. 0.0 is the start point, 1.0 is the end point. 0.5 is the midpoint. This value can be less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0. Returns: Tuple of floats for the x, y coordinate of the point. Example: >>> getPointOnLine(0, 0, 6, 6, 0) (0, 0) >>> getPointOnLine(0, 0, 6, 6, 1) (6, 6) >>> getPointOnLine(0, 0, 6, 6, 0.5) (3.0, 3.0) >>> getPointOnLine(0, 0, 6, 6, 0.75) (4.5, 4.5) >>> getPointOnLine(3, 3, -3, -3, 0.5) (0.0, 0.0) >>> getPointOnLine(3, 3, -3, -3, 0.25) (1.5, 1.5) >>> getPointOnLine(3, 3, -3, -3, 0.75) (-1.5, -1.5) """ x = ((x2 - x1) * n) + x1 y = ((y2 - y1) * n) + y1 return (x, y) def _checkRange(n): """Raises ValueError if the argument is not between 0.0 and 1.0. """ if not 0.0 <= n <= 1.0: raise ValueError('Argument must be between 0.0 and 1.0.') def linear(n): """A linear tween function Example: >>> linear(0.0) 0.0 >>> linear(0.2) 0.2 >>> linear(0.4) 0.4 >>> linear(0.6) 0.6 >>> linear(0.8) 0.8 >>> linear(1.0) 1.0 """ _checkRange(n) return n def easeInQuad(n): """A quadratic tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return n**2 def easeOutQuad(n): """A quadratic tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return -n * (n-2) def easeInOutQuad(n): """A quadratic tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if n < 0.5: return 2 * n**2 else: n = n * 2 - 1 return -0.5 * (n*(n-2) - 1) def easeInCubic(n): """A cubic tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return n**3 def easeOutCubic(n): """A cubic tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = n - 1 return n**3 + 1 def easeInOutCubic(n): """A cubic tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = 2 * n if n < 1: return 0.5 * n**3 else: n = n - 2 return 0.5 * (n**3 + 2) def easeInQuart(n): """A quartic tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return n**4 def easeOutQuart(n): """A quartic tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = n - 1 return -(n**4 - 1) def easeInOutQuart(n): """A quartic tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = 2 * n if n < 1: return 0.5 * n**4 else: n = n - 2 return -0.5 * (n**4 - 2) def easeInQuint(n): """A quintic tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return n**5 def easeOutQuint(n): """A quintic tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = n - 1 return n**5 + 1 def easeInOutQuint(n): """A quintic tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = 2 * n if n < 1: return 0.5 * n**5 else: n = n - 2 return 0.5 * (n**5 + 2) def easeInSine(n): """A sinusoidal tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return -1 * math.cos(n * math.pi / 2) + 1 def easeOutSine(n): """A sinusoidal tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return math.sin(n * math.pi / 2) def easeInOutSine(n): """A sinusoidal tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return -0.5 * (math.cos(math.pi * n) - 1) def easeInExpo(n): """An exponential tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if n == 0: return 0 else: return 2**(10 * (n - 1)) def easeOutExpo(n): """An exponential tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if n == 1: return 1 else: return -(2 ** (-10 * n)) + 1 def easeInOutExpo(n): """An exponential tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: n = n * 2 if n < 1: return 0.5 * 2**(10 * (n - 1)) else: n -= 1 # 0.5 * (-() + 2) return 0.5 * (-1 * (2 ** (-10 * n)) + 2) def easeInCirc(n): """A circular tween function that begins slow and then accelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return -1 * (math.sqrt(1 - n * n) - 1) def easeOutCirc(n): """A circular tween function that begins fast and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n -= 1 return math.sqrt(1 - (n * n)) def easeInOutCirc(n): """A circular tween function that accelerates, reaches the midpoint, and then decelerates. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = n * 2 if n < 1: return -0.5 * (math.sqrt(1 - n**2) - 1) else: n = n - 2 return 0.5 * (math.sqrt(1 - n**2) + 1) def easeInElastic(n, amplitude=1, period=0.3): """An elastic tween function that begins with an increasing wobble and then snaps into the destination. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return 1 - easeOutElastic(1-n, amplitude=amplitude, period=period) def easeOutElastic(n, amplitude=1, period=0.3): """An elastic tween function that overshoots the destination and then "rubber bands" into the destination. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if amplitude < 1: amplitude = 1 s = period / 4 else: s = period / (2 * math.pi) * math.asin(1 / amplitude) return amplitude * 2**(-10*n) * math.sin((n-s)*(2*math.pi / period)) + 1 def easeInOutElastic(n, amplitude=1, period=0.5): """An elastic tween function wobbles towards the midpoint. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n *= 2 if n < 1: return easeInElastic(n, amplitude=amplitude, period=period) / 2 else: return easeOutElastic(n-1, amplitude=amplitude, period=period) / 2 + 0.5 def easeInBack(n, s=1.70158): """A tween function that backs up first at the start and then goes to the destination. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return n * n * ((s + 1) * n - s) def easeOutBack(n, s=1.70158): """A tween function that overshoots the destination a little and then backs into the destination. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = n - 1 return n * n * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 1 def easeInOutBack(n, s=1.70158): """A "back-in" tween function that overshoots both the start and destination. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) n = n * 2 if n < 1: s *= 1.525 return 0.5 * (n * n * ((s + 1) * n - s)) else: n -= 2 s *= 1.525 return 0.5 * (n * n * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 2) def easeInBounce(n): """A bouncing tween function that begins bouncing and then jumps to the destination. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) return 1 - easeOutBounce(1 - n) def easeOutBounce(n): """A bouncing tween function that hits the destination and then bounces to rest. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if n < (1/2.75): return 7.5625 * n * n elif n < (2/2.75): n -= (1.5/2.75) return 7.5625 * n * n + 0.75 elif n < (2.5/2.75): n -= (2.25/2.75) return 7.5625 * n * n + 0.9375 else: n -= (2.65/2.75) return 7.5625 * n * n + 0.984375 def easeInOutBounce(n): """A bouncing tween function that bounces at the start and end. Args: n (float): The time progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Returns: (float) The line progress, starting at 0.0 and ending at 1.0. Suitable for passing to getPointOnLine(). """ _checkRange(n) if n < 0.5: return easeInBounce(n * 2) * 0.5 else: return easeOutBounce(n * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5