# GUI Application automation and testing library # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Mark Mc Mahon and Contributors # https://github.com/pywinauto/pywinauto/graphs/contributors # http://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/credits.html # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of pywinauto nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Implementation of the class to deal with an UI element (based on UI Automation API)""" from comtypes import COMError from six import integer_types, text_type from ctypes.wintypes import tagPOINT from .uia_defines import IUIA from .uia_defines import get_elem_interface from .handleprops import dumpwindow, controlid from .element_info import ElementInfo from .win32structures import RECT from .actionlogger import ActionLogger def elements_from_uia_array(ptrs, cache_enable=False): """Build a list of UIAElementInfo elements from IUIAutomationElementArray""" elements = [] for n in range(ptrs.Length): try: elements.append(UIAElementInfo(ptrs.GetElement(n), cache_enable)) except COMError: continue return elements class UIAElementInfo(ElementInfo): """UI element wrapper for IUIAutomation API""" def __init__(self, handle_or_elem=None, cache_enable=False): """ Create an instance of UIAElementInfo from a handle (int or long) or from an IUIAutomationElement. If handle_or_elem is None create an instance for UI root element. """ if handle_or_elem is not None: if isinstance(handle_or_elem, integer_types): # Create instane of UIAElementInfo from a handle self._element = IUIA().iuia.ElementFromHandle(handle_or_elem) elif isinstance(handle_or_elem, IUIA().ui_automation_client.IUIAutomationElement): self._element = handle_or_elem else: raise TypeError("UIAElementInfo object can be initialized " + \ "with integer or IUIAutomationElement instance only!") else: self._element = IUIA().root self.set_cache_strategy(cached=cache_enable) def _get_current_class_name(self): """Return an actual class name of the element""" try: cn = self._element.CurrentClassName return text_type('') if cn is None else cn except COMError: return text_type('') # probably element already doesn't exist def _get_cached_class_name(self): """Return a cached class name of the element""" if self._cached_class_name is None: self._cached_class_name = self._get_current_class_name() return self._cached_class_name def _get_current_handle(self): """Return an actual handle of the element""" try: return self._element.CurrentNativeWindowHandle except COMError: return None # probably element already doesn't exist def _get_cached_handle(self): """Return a cached handle of the element""" if self._cached_handle is None: self._cached_handle = self._get_current_handle() return self._cached_handle def _get_current_control_type(self): """Return an actual control type of the element""" try: return IUIA().known_control_type_ids[self._element.CurrentControlType] except COMError: return None # probably element already doesn't exist def _get_cached_control_type(self): """Return a cached control type of the element""" if self._cached_control_type is None: self._cached_control_type = self._get_current_control_type() return self._cached_control_type def _get_current_name(self): """Return an actual name of the element""" try: n = self._element.CurrentName return text_type('') if n is None else n except COMError: return text_type('') # probably element already doesn't exist def _get_cached_name(self): """Return a cached name of the element""" if self._cached_name is None: self._cached_name = self._get_current_name() return self._cached_name def _get_current_visible(self): """Return an actual visible property of the element""" try: return bool(not self._element.CurrentIsOffscreen) except COMError: return False # probably element already doesn't exist def _get_cached_visible(self): """Return a cached visible property of the element""" if self._cached_visible is None: self._cached_visible = self._get_current_visible() return self._cached_visible def _get_current_rich_text(self): """Return the actual rich_text of the element""" if not self.class_name: return self.name try: pattern = get_elem_interface(self._element, "Text") return pattern.DocumentRange.GetText(-1) except Exception: return self.name # TODO: probably we should raise an exception here def _get_cached_rich_text(self): """Return the cached rich_text of the element""" if self._cached_rich_text is None: self._cached_rich_text = self._get_current_rich_text() return self._cached_rich_text def set_cache_strategy(self, cached=None): """Setup a cache strategy for frequently used attributes""" if cached is True: # Refresh cached attributes self._cached_class_name = None self._cached_handle = None self._cached_control_type = None self._cached_name = None self._cached_visible = None self._cached_rich_text = None # Switch to cached attributes self._get_class_name = self._get_cached_class_name self._get_handle = self._get_cached_handle self._get_control_type = self._get_cached_control_type self._get_name = self._get_cached_name self._get_visible = self._get_cached_visible self._get_rich_text = self._get_cached_rich_text else: # Switch to actual (non-cached) attributes self._get_class_name = self._get_current_class_name self._get_handle = self._get_current_handle self._get_control_type = self._get_current_control_type self._get_name = self._get_current_name self._get_visible = self._get_current_visible self._get_rich_text = self._get_current_rich_text @property def element(self): """Return AutomationElement's instance""" return self._element @property def automation_id(self): """Return AutomationId of the element""" try: return self._element.CurrentAutomationId except COMError: return None # probably element already doesn't exist @property def control_id(self): """Return ControlId of the element if it has a handle""" if (self.handle): return controlid(self.handle) else: return None @property def process_id(self): """Return ProcessId of the element""" try: return self._element.CurrentProcessId except COMError: return None # probably element already doesn't exist @property def framework_id(self): """Return FrameworkId of the element""" try: return self._element.CurrentFrameworkId except COMError: return None # probably element already doesn't exist @property def runtime_id(self): """Return Runtime ID (hashable value but may be different from run to run)""" try: return self._element.GetRuntimeId() except COMError: return 0 @property def name(self): """Return name of the element""" return self._get_name() @property def class_name(self): """Return class name of the element""" return self._get_class_name() @property def control_type(self): """Return control type of element""" return self._get_control_type() @property def handle(self): """Return handle of the element""" return self._get_handle() @property def parent(self): """Return parent of the element""" parent_elem = IUIA().iuia.ControlViewWalker.GetParentElement(self._element) if parent_elem: return UIAElementInfo(parent_elem) else: return None def _get_elements(self, tree_scope, cond=IUIA().true_condition, cache_enable=False): """Find all elements according to the given tree scope and conditions""" try: ptrs_array = self._element.FindAll(tree_scope, cond) return elements_from_uia_array(ptrs_array, cache_enable) except(COMError, ValueError): ActionLogger().log("COM error: can't get elements") return [] def children(self, **kwargs): """Return a list of only immediate children of the element * **kwargs** is a criteria to reduce a list by process, class_name, control_type, content_only and/or title. """ cache_enable = kwargs.pop('cache_enable', False) cond = IUIA().build_condition(**kwargs) return self._get_elements(IUIA().tree_scope["children"], cond, cache_enable) def iter_children(self, **kwargs): """Return a generator of only immediate children of the element * **kwargs** is a criteria to reduce a list by process, class_name, control_type, content_only and/or title. """ cond = IUIA().build_condition(**kwargs) tree_walker = IUIA().iuia.CreateTreeWalker(cond) element = tree_walker.GetFirstChildElement(self._element) while element: yield UIAElementInfo(element) element = tree_walker.GetNextSiblingElement(element) def descendants(self, **kwargs): """Return a list of all descendant children of the element * **kwargs** is a criteria to reduce a list by process, class_name, control_type, content_only and/or title. """ cache_enable = kwargs.pop('cache_enable', False) depth = kwargs.pop('depth', None) cond = IUIA().build_condition(**kwargs) elements = self._get_elements(IUIA().tree_scope["descendants"], cond, cache_enable) elements = ElementInfo.filter_with_depth(elements, self, depth) return elements @property def visible(self): """Check if the element is visible""" return self._get_visible() @property def enabled(self): """Check if the element is enabled""" return bool(self._element.CurrentIsEnabled) @property def rectangle(self): """Return rectangle of the element""" bound_rect = self._element.CurrentBoundingRectangle rect = RECT() rect.left = bound_rect.left rect.top = bound_rect.top rect.right = bound_rect.right rect.bottom = bound_rect.bottom return rect def dump_window(self): """Dump window to a set of properties""" return dumpwindow(self.handle) @classmethod def from_point(cls, x, y): return cls(IUIA().iuia.ElementFromPoint(tagPOINT(x, y))) @classmethod def top_from_point(cls, x, y): current_elem = cls.from_point(x, y) current_parent = current_elem.parent while current_parent is not None and current_parent != cls(): current_elem = current_parent current_parent = current_elem.parent return current_elem @property def rich_text(self): """Return rich_text of the element""" return self._get_rich_text() def __eq__(self, other): """Check if 2 UIAElementInfo objects describe 1 actual element""" if not isinstance(other, UIAElementInfo): return False return bool(IUIA().iuia.CompareElements(self.element, other.element)) def __ne__(self, other): """Check if 2 UIAElementInfo objects describe 2 different elements""" return not (self == other)