""" sphinx.io ~~~~~~~~~ Input/Output files :copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import codecs import warnings from typing import Any, List from docutils import nodes from docutils.core import Publisher from docutils.frontend import Values from docutils.io import FileInput, Input, NullOutput from docutils.parsers import Parser from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser as RSTParser from docutils.readers import standalone from docutils.transforms import Transform from docutils.transforms.references import DanglingReferences from docutils.writers import UnfilteredWriter from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx40Warning, deprecated_alias from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment from sphinx.errors import FiletypeNotFoundError from sphinx.transforms import (AutoIndexUpgrader, DoctreeReadEvent, FigureAligner, SphinxTransformer) from sphinx.transforms.i18n import (Locale, PreserveTranslatableMessages, RemoveTranslatableInline) from sphinx.transforms.references import SphinxDomains from sphinx.util import UnicodeDecodeErrorHandler, get_filetype, logging from sphinx.util.docutils import LoggingReporter from sphinx.versioning import UIDTransform if False: # For type annotation from typing import Type # for python3.5.1 from sphinx.application import Sphinx logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SphinxBaseReader(standalone.Reader): """ A base class of readers for Sphinx. This replaces reporter by Sphinx's on generating document. """ transforms = [] # type: List[Type[Transform]] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: from sphinx.application import Sphinx if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], Sphinx): self._app = args[0] self._env = self._app.env args = args[1:] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def app(self) -> "Sphinx": warnings.warn('SphinxBaseReader.app is deprecated.', RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2) return self._app @property def env(self) -> BuildEnvironment: warnings.warn('SphinxBaseReader.env is deprecated.', RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2) return self._env def setup(self, app: "Sphinx") -> None: self._app = app # hold application object only for compatibility self._env = app.env def get_transforms(self) -> List["Type[Transform]"]: transforms = super().get_transforms() + self.transforms # remove transforms which is not needed for Sphinx unused = [DanglingReferences] for transform in unused: if transform in transforms: transforms.remove(transform) return transforms def new_document(self) -> nodes.document: """Creates a new document object which having a special reporter object good for logging. """ document = super().new_document() document.__class__ = addnodes.document # replace the class with patched version # substitute transformer document.transformer = SphinxTransformer(document) document.transformer.set_environment(self.settings.env) # substitute reporter reporter = document.reporter document.reporter = LoggingReporter.from_reporter(reporter) return document class SphinxStandaloneReader(SphinxBaseReader): """ A basic document reader for Sphinx. """ def setup(self, app: "Sphinx") -> None: self.transforms = self.transforms + app.registry.get_transforms() super().setup(app) def read(self, source: Input, parser: Parser, settings: Values) -> nodes.document: self.source = source if not self.parser: self.parser = parser self.settings = settings self.input = self.read_source(settings.env) self.parse() return self.document def read_source(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> str: """Read content from source and do post-process.""" content = self.source.read() # emit "source-read" event arg = [content] env.events.emit('source-read', env.docname, arg) return arg[0] class SphinxI18nReader(SphinxBaseReader): """ A document reader for i18n. This returns the source line number of original text as current source line number to let users know where the error happened. Because the translated texts are partial and they don't have correct line numbers. """ def setup(self, app: "Sphinx") -> None: super().setup(app) self.transforms = self.transforms + app.registry.get_transforms() unused = [PreserveTranslatableMessages, Locale, RemoveTranslatableInline, AutoIndexUpgrader, FigureAligner, SphinxDomains, DoctreeReadEvent, UIDTransform] for transform in unused: if transform in self.transforms: self.transforms.remove(transform) class SphinxDummyWriter(UnfilteredWriter): """Dummy writer module used for generating doctree.""" supported = ('html',) # needed to keep "meta" nodes def translate(self) -> None: pass def SphinxDummySourceClass(source: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Bypass source object as is to cheat Publisher.""" return source class SphinxFileInput(FileInput): """A basic FileInput for Sphinx.""" def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: kwargs['error_handler'] = 'sphinx' super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def read_doc(app: "Sphinx", env: BuildEnvironment, filename: str) -> nodes.document: """Parse a document and convert to doctree.""" # set up error_handler for the target document error_handler = UnicodeDecodeErrorHandler(env.docname) codecs.register_error('sphinx', error_handler) # type: ignore reader = SphinxStandaloneReader() reader.setup(app) filetype = get_filetype(app.config.source_suffix, filename) parser = app.registry.create_source_parser(app, filetype) if parser.__class__.__name__ == 'CommonMarkParser' and parser.settings_spec == (): # a workaround for recommonmark # If recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled, the parser invokes reST parser # internally. But recommonmark-0.4.0 does not provide settings_spec for reST # parser. As a workaround, this copies settings_spec for RSTParser to the # CommonMarkParser. parser.settings_spec = RSTParser.settings_spec input_class = app.registry.get_source_input(filetype) if input_class: # Sphinx-1.8 style source = input_class(app, env, source=None, source_path=filename, # type: ignore encoding=env.config.source_encoding) pub = Publisher(reader=reader, parser=parser, writer=SphinxDummyWriter(), source_class=SphinxDummySourceClass, # type: ignore destination=NullOutput()) pub.process_programmatic_settings(None, env.settings, None) pub.set_source(source, filename) else: # Sphinx-2.0 style pub = Publisher(reader=reader, parser=parser, writer=SphinxDummyWriter(), source_class=SphinxFileInput, destination=NullOutput()) pub.process_programmatic_settings(None, env.settings, None) pub.set_source(source_path=filename) pub.publish() return pub.document deprecated_alias('sphinx.io', { 'FiletypeNotFoundError': FiletypeNotFoundError, 'get_filetype': get_filetype, }, RemovedInSphinx40Warning, { 'FiletypeNotFoundError': 'sphinx.errors.FiletypeNotFoundError', 'get_filetype': 'sphinx.util.get_filetype', })