# This is a simple serial port terminal demo. # # Its primary purpose is to demonstrate the native serial port access offered via # win32file. # It uses 3 threads: # - The main thread, which cranks up the other 2 threads, then simply waits for them to exit. # - The user-input thread - blocks waiting for a keyboard character, and when found sends it # out the COM port. If the character is Ctrl+C, it stops, signalling the COM port thread to stop. # - The COM port thread is simply listening for input on the COM port, and prints it to the screen. # This demo uses userlapped IO, so that none of the read or write operations actually block (however, # in this sample, the very next thing we do _is_ block - so it shows off the concepts even though it # doesnt exploit them. from win32file import * # The base COM port and file IO functions. from win32event import * # We use events and the WaitFor[Multiple]Objects functions. import win32con # constants. import msvcrt # For the getch() function. import threading import sys def FindModem(): # Snoop over the comports, seeing if it is likely we have a modem. for i in range(1,5): port = "COM%d" % (i,) try: handle = CreateFile(port, win32con.GENERIC_READ | win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, # exclusive access None, # no security win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, None) # It appears that an available COM port will always success here, # just return 0 for the status flags. We only care that it has _any_ status # flags (and therefore probably a real modem) if GetCommModemStatus(handle) != 0: return port except error: pass # No port, or modem status failed. return None # A basic synchronous COM port file-like object class SerialTTY: def __init__(self, port): if type(port)==type(0): port = "COM%d" % (port,) self.handle = CreateFile(port, win32con.GENERIC_READ | win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, # exclusive access None, # no security win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | win32con.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, None) # Tell the port we want a notification on each char. SetCommMask(self.handle, EV_RXCHAR) # Setup a 4k buffer SetupComm(self.handle, 4096, 4096) # Remove anything that was there PurgeComm(self.handle, PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR ) # Setup for overlapped IO. timeouts = 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 1000, 0, 1000 SetCommTimeouts(self.handle, timeouts) # Setup the connection info. dcb = GetCommState( self.handle ) dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200 dcb.ByteSize = 8 dcb.Parity = NOPARITY dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT SetCommState(self.handle, dcb) print("Connected to %s at %s baud" % (port, dcb.BaudRate)) def _UserInputReaderThread(self): overlapped = OVERLAPPED() overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, None) try: while 1: ch = msvcrt.getch() if ord(ch)==3: break WriteFile(self.handle, ch, overlapped) # Wait for the write to complete. WaitForSingleObject(overlapped.hEvent, INFINITE) finally: SetEvent(self.eventStop) def _ComPortThread(self): overlapped = OVERLAPPED() overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, None) while 1: # XXX - note we could _probably_ just use overlapped IO on the win32file.ReadFile() statement # XXX but this tests the COM stuff! rc, mask = WaitCommEvent(self.handle, overlapped) if rc == 0: # Character already ready! SetEvent(overlapped.hEvent) rc = WaitForMultipleObjects([overlapped.hEvent, self.eventStop], 0, INFINITE) if rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0: # Some input - read and print it flags, comstat = ClearCommError( self.handle ) rc, data = ReadFile(self.handle, comstat.cbInQue, overlapped) WaitForSingleObject(overlapped.hEvent, INFINITE) sys.stdout.write(data) else: # Stop the thread! # Just incase the user input thread uis still going, close it sys.stdout.close() break def Run(self): self.eventStop = CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) # Start the reader and writer threads. user_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._UserInputReaderThread) user_thread.start() com_thread = threading.Thread(target = self._ComPortThread) com_thread.start() user_thread.join() com_thread.join() if __name__=='__main__': print("Serial port terminal demo - press Ctrl+C to exit") if len(sys.argv)<=1: port = FindModem() if port is None: print("No COM port specified, and no modem could be found") print("Please re-run this script with the name of a COM port (eg COM3)") sys.exit(1) else: port = sys.argv[1] tty = SerialTTY(port) tty.Run()