# This is a work in progress - see Demos/win32gui_menu.py # win32gui_struct.py - helpers for working with various win32gui structures. # As win32gui is "light-weight", it does not define objects for all possible # win32 structures - in general, "buffer" objects are passed around - it is # the callers responsibility to pack the buffer in the correct format. # # This module defines some helpers for the commonly used structures. # # In general, each structure has 3 functions: # # buffer, extras = PackSTRUCTURE(items, ...) # item, ... = UnpackSTRUCTURE(buffer) # buffer, extras = EmtpySTRUCTURE(...) # # 'extras' is always items that must be held along with the buffer, as the # buffer refers to these object's memory. # For structures that support a 'mask', this mask is hidden from the user - if # 'None' is passed, the mask flag will not be set, or on return, None will # be returned for the value if the mask is not set. # # NOTE: I considered making these structures look like real classes, and # support 'attributes' etc - however, ctypes already has a good structure # mechanism - I think it makes more sense to support ctype structures # at the win32gui level, then there will be no need for this module at all. # XXX - the above makes sense in terms of what is built and passed to # win32gui (ie, the Pack* functions) - but doesn't make as much sense for # the Unpack* functions, where the aim is user convenience. import sys import win32gui import win32con import struct import array import commctrl import pywintypes is64bit = "64 bit" in sys.version try: from collections import namedtuple def _MakeResult(names_str, values): names = names_str.split() nt = namedtuple(names[0], names[1:]) return nt(*values) except ImportError: # no namedtuple support - just return the values as a normal tuple. def _MakeResult(names_str, values): return values _nmhdr_fmt = "PPi" if is64bit: # When the item past the NMHDR gets aligned (eg, when it is a struct) # we need this many bytes padding. _nmhdr_align_padding = "xxxx" else: _nmhdr_align_padding = "" # Encode a string suitable for passing in a win32gui related structure # If win32gui is built with UNICODE defined (ie, py3k), then functions # like InsertMenuItem are actually calling InsertMenuItemW etc, so all # strings will need to be unicode. if win32gui.UNICODE: def _make_text_buffer(text): # XXX - at this stage win32gui.UNICODE is only True in py3k, # and in py3k is makes sense to reject bytes. if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError('MENUITEMINFO text must be unicode') data = (text+'\0').encode("unicode-internal") return array.array("b", data) else: def _make_text_buffer(text): if isinstance(text, str): text = text.encode("mbcs") return array.array("b", text+'\0') # make an 'empty' buffer, ready for filling with cch characters. def _make_empty_text_buffer(cch): return _make_text_buffer("\0" * cch) if sys.version_info < (3,0): def _make_memory(ob): return str(buffer(ob)) def _make_bytes(sval): return sval else: def _make_memory(ob): return bytes(memoryview(ob)) def _make_bytes(sval): return sval.encode('ascii') # Generic WM_NOTIFY unpacking def UnpackWMNOTIFY(lparam): format = "PPi" buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format)) return _MakeResult("WMNOTIFY hwndFrom idFrom code", struct.unpack(format, buf)) def UnpackNMITEMACTIVATE(lparam): format = _nmhdr_fmt + _nmhdr_align_padding if is64bit: # the struct module doesn't handle this correctly as some of the items # are actually structs in structs, which get individually aligned. format = format + "iiiiiiixxxxP" else: format = format + "iiiiiiiP" buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam) return _MakeResult("NMITEMACTIVATE hwndFrom idFrom code iItem iSubItem uNewState uOldState uChanged actionx actiony lParam", struct.unpack(format, buf)) # MENUITEMINFO struct # http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/WinUI/WindowsUserInterface/Resources/Menus/MenuReference/MenuStructures/MENUITEMINFO.asp # We use the struct module to pack and unpack strings as MENUITEMINFO # structures. We also have special handling for the 'fMask' item in that # structure to avoid the caller needing to explicitly check validity # (None is used if the mask excludes/should exclude the value) _menuiteminfo_fmt = '5i5PiP' def PackMENUITEMINFO(fType=None, fState=None, wID=None, hSubMenu=None, hbmpChecked=None, hbmpUnchecked=None, dwItemData=None, text=None, hbmpItem=None, dwTypeData=None): # 'extras' are objects the caller must keep a reference to (as their # memory is used) for the lifetime of the INFO item. extras = [] # ack - dwItemData and dwTypeData were confused for a while... assert dwItemData is None or dwTypeData is None, \ "sorry - these were confused - you probably want dwItemData" # if we are a long way past 209, then we can nuke the above... if dwTypeData is not None: import warnings warnings.warn("PackMENUITEMINFO: please use dwItemData instead of dwTypeData") if dwItemData is None: dwItemData = dwTypeData or 0 fMask = 0 if fType is None: fType = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_FTYPE if fState is None: fState = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_STATE if wID is None: wID = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_ID if hSubMenu is None: hSubMenu = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_SUBMENU if hbmpChecked is None: assert hbmpUnchecked is None, \ "neither or both checkmark bmps must be given" hbmpChecked = hbmpUnchecked = 0 else: assert hbmpUnchecked is not None, \ "neither or both checkmark bmps must be given" fMask |= win32con.MIIM_CHECKMARKS if dwItemData is None: dwItemData = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_DATA if hbmpItem is None: hbmpItem = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_BITMAP if text is not None: fMask |= win32con.MIIM_STRING str_buf = _make_text_buffer(text) cch = len(text) # We are taking address of strbuf - it must not die until windows # has finished with our structure. lptext = str_buf.buffer_info()[0] extras.append(str_buf) else: lptext = 0 cch = 0 # Create the struct. # 'P' format does not accept PyHANDLE's ! item = struct.pack( _menuiteminfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuiteminfo_fmt), # cbSize fMask, fType, fState, wID, int(hSubMenu), int(hbmpChecked), int(hbmpUnchecked), dwItemData, lptext, cch, int(hbmpItem) ) # Now copy the string to a writable buffer, so that the result # could be passed to a 'Get' function return array.array("b", item), extras def UnpackMENUITEMINFO(s): (cb, fMask, fType, fState, wID, hSubMenu, hbmpChecked, hbmpUnchecked, dwItemData, lptext, cch, hbmpItem) = struct.unpack(_menuiteminfo_fmt, s) assert cb==len(s) if fMask & win32con.MIIM_FTYPE==0: fType = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_STATE==0: fState = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_ID==0: wID = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_SUBMENU==0: hSubMenu = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_CHECKMARKS==0: hbmpChecked = hbmpUnchecked = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_DATA==0: dwItemData = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_BITMAP==0: hbmpItem = None if fMask & win32con.MIIM_STRING: text = win32gui.PyGetString(lptext, cch) else: text = None return _MakeResult("MENUITEMINFO fType fState wID hSubMenu hbmpChecked " "hbmpUnchecked dwItemData text hbmpItem", (fType, fState, wID, hSubMenu, hbmpChecked, hbmpUnchecked, \ dwItemData, text, hbmpItem)) def EmptyMENUITEMINFO(mask = None, text_buf_size=512): # text_buf_size is number of *characters* - not necessarily no of bytes. extra = [] if mask is None: mask = win32con.MIIM_BITMAP | win32con.MIIM_CHECKMARKS | \ win32con.MIIM_DATA | win32con.MIIM_FTYPE | \ win32con.MIIM_ID | win32con.MIIM_STATE | \ win32con.MIIM_STRING | win32con.MIIM_SUBMENU # Note: No MIIM_TYPE - this screws win2k/98. if mask & win32con.MIIM_STRING: text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() else: text_addr = text_buf_size = 0 # Now copy the string to a writable buffer, so that the result # could be passed to a 'Get' function buf = struct.pack( _menuiteminfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuiteminfo_fmt), # cbSize mask, 0, #fType, 0, #fState, 0, #wID, 0, #hSubMenu, 0, #hbmpChecked, 0, #hbmpUnchecked, 0, #dwItemData, text_addr, text_buf_size, 0, #hbmpItem ) return array.array("b", buf), extra # MENUINFO struct _menuinfo_fmt = 'iiiiPiP' def PackMENUINFO(dwStyle = None, cyMax = None, hbrBack = None, dwContextHelpID = None, dwMenuData = None, fMask = 0): if dwStyle is None: dwStyle = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIM_STYLE if cyMax is None: cyMax = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIM_MAXHEIGHT if hbrBack is None: hbrBack = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIM_BACKGROUND if dwContextHelpID is None: dwContextHelpID = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIM_HELPID if dwMenuData is None: dwMenuData = 0 else: fMask |= win32con.MIM_MENUDATA # Create the struct. item = struct.pack( _menuinfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuinfo_fmt), # cbSize fMask, dwStyle, cyMax, hbrBack, dwContextHelpID, dwMenuData) return array.array("b", item) def UnpackMENUINFO(s): (cb, fMask, dwStyle, cyMax, hbrBack, dwContextHelpID, dwMenuData) = struct.unpack(_menuinfo_fmt, s) assert cb==len(s) if fMask & win32con.MIM_STYLE==0: dwStyle = None if fMask & win32con.MIM_MAXHEIGHT==0: cyMax = None if fMask & win32con.MIM_BACKGROUND==0: hbrBack = None if fMask & win32con.MIM_HELPID==0: dwContextHelpID = None if fMask & win32con.MIM_MENUDATA==0: dwMenuData = None return _MakeResult("MENUINFO dwStyle cyMax hbrBack dwContextHelpID dwMenuData", (dwStyle, cyMax, hbrBack, dwContextHelpID, dwMenuData)) def EmptyMENUINFO(mask = None): if mask is None: mask = win32con.MIM_STYLE | win32con.MIM_MAXHEIGHT| \ win32con.MIM_BACKGROUND | win32con.MIM_HELPID | \ win32con.MIM_MENUDATA buf = struct.pack( _menuinfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuinfo_fmt), # cbSize mask, 0, #dwStyle 0, #cyMax 0, #hbrBack, 0, #dwContextHelpID, 0, #dwMenuData, ) return array.array("b", buf) ########################################################################## # # Tree View structure support - TVITEM, TVINSERTSTRUCT and TVDISPINFO # ########################################################################## # XXX - Note that the following implementation of TreeView structures is ripped # XXX - from the SpamBayes project. It may not quite work correctly yet - I # XXX - intend checking them later - but having them is better than not at all! _tvitem_fmt = "iPiiPiiiiP" # Helpers for the ugly win32 structure packing/unpacking # XXX - Note that functions using _GetMaskAndVal run 3x faster if they are # 'inlined' into the function - see PackLVITEM. If the profiler points at # _GetMaskAndVal(), you should nuke it (patches welcome once they have been # tested) def _GetMaskAndVal(val, default, mask, flag): if val is None: return mask, default else: if flag is not None: mask |= flag return mask, val def PackTVINSERTSTRUCT(parent, insertAfter, tvitem): tvitem_buf, extra = PackTVITEM(*tvitem) tvitem_buf = tvitem_buf.tostring() format = "PP%ds" % len(tvitem_buf) return struct.pack(format, parent, insertAfter, tvitem_buf), extra def PackTVITEM(hitem, state, stateMask, text, image, selimage, citems, param): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to mask = 0 mask, hitem = _GetMaskAndVal(hitem, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_HANDLE) mask, state = _GetMaskAndVal(state, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_STATE) if not mask & commctrl.TVIF_STATE: stateMask = 0 mask, text = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.TVIF_TEXT) mask, image = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE) mask, selimage = _GetMaskAndVal(selimage, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE) mask, citems = _GetMaskAndVal(citems, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN) mask, param = _GetMaskAndVal(param, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_PARAM) if text is None: text_addr = text_len = 0 else: text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text) text_len = len(text) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() buf = struct.pack(_tvitem_fmt, mask, hitem, state, stateMask, text_addr, text_len, # text image, selimage, citems, param) return array.array("b", buf), extra # Make a new buffer suitable for querying hitem's attributes. def EmptyTVITEM(hitem, mask = None, text_buf_size=512): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to if mask is None: mask = commctrl.TVIF_HANDLE | commctrl.TVIF_STATE | commctrl.TVIF_TEXT | \ commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE | commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | \ commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN | commctrl.TVIF_PARAM if mask & commctrl.TVIF_TEXT: text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() else: text_addr = text_buf_size = 0 buf = struct.pack(_tvitem_fmt, mask, hitem, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, # text 0, 0, 0, 0) return array.array("b", buf), extra def UnpackTVITEM(buffer): item_mask, item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, \ item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, item_selimage, \ item_cChildren, item_param = struct.unpack(_tvitem_fmt, buffer) # ensure only items listed by the mask are valid (except we assume the # handle is always valid - some notifications (eg, TVN_ENDLABELEDIT) set a # mask that doesn't include the handle, but the docs explicity say it is.) if not (item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_TEXT): item_textptr = item_cchText = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN): item_cChildren = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE): item_image = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_PARAM): item_param = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE): item_selimage = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_STATE): item_state = item_stateMask = None if item_textptr: text = win32gui.PyGetString(item_textptr) else: text = None return _MakeResult("TVITEM item_hItem item_state item_stateMask " "text item_image item_selimage item_cChildren item_param", (item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, text, item_image, item_selimage, item_cChildren, item_param)) # Unpack the lparm from a "TVNOTIFY" message def UnpackTVNOTIFY(lparam): item_size = struct.calcsize(_tvitem_fmt) format = _nmhdr_fmt + _nmhdr_align_padding if is64bit: format = format + "ixxxx" else: format = format + "i" format = format + "%ds%ds" % (item_size, item_size) buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format)) hwndFrom, id, code, action, buf_old, buf_new \ = struct.unpack(format, buf) item_old = UnpackTVITEM(buf_old) item_new = UnpackTVITEM(buf_new) return _MakeResult("TVNOTIFY hwndFrom id code action item_old item_new", (hwndFrom, id, code, action, item_old, item_new)) def UnpackTVDISPINFO(lparam): item_size = struct.calcsize(_tvitem_fmt) format = "PPi%ds" % (item_size,) buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format)) hwndFrom, id, code, buf_item = struct.unpack(format, buf) item = UnpackTVITEM(buf_item) return _MakeResult("TVDISPINFO hwndFrom id code item", (hwndFrom, id, code, item)) # # List view items _lvitem_fmt = "iiiiiPiiPi" def PackLVITEM(item=None, subItem=None, state=None, stateMask=None, text=None, image=None, param=None, indent=None): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to mask = 0 # _GetMaskAndVal adds quite a bit of overhead to this function. if item is None: item = 0 # No mask for item if subItem is None: subItem = 0 # No mask for sibItem if state is None: state = 0 stateMask = 0 else: mask |= commctrl.LVIF_STATE if stateMask is None: stateMask = state if image is None: image = 0 else: mask |= commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE if param is None: param = 0 else: mask |= commctrl.LVIF_PARAM if indent is None: indent = 0 else: mask |= commctrl.LVIF_INDENT if text is None: text_addr = text_len = 0 else: mask |= commctrl.LVIF_TEXT text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text) text_len = len(text) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() buf = struct.pack(_lvitem_fmt, mask, item, subItem, state, stateMask, text_addr, text_len, # text image, param, indent) return array.array("b", buf), extra def UnpackLVITEM(buffer): item_mask, item_item, item_subItem, \ item_state, item_stateMask, \ item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, \ item_param, item_indent = struct.unpack(_lvitem_fmt, buffer) # ensure only items listed by the mask are valid if not (item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_TEXT): item_textptr = item_cchText = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE): item_image = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_PARAM): item_param = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_INDENT): item_indent = None if not (item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_STATE): item_state = item_stateMask = None if item_textptr: text = win32gui.PyGetString(item_textptr) else: text = None return _MakeResult("LVITEM item_item item_subItem item_state " "item_stateMask text item_image item_param item_indent", (item_item, item_subItem, item_state, item_stateMask, text, item_image, item_param, item_indent)) # Unpack an "LVNOTIFY" message def UnpackLVDISPINFO(lparam): item_size = struct.calcsize(_lvitem_fmt) format = _nmhdr_fmt + _nmhdr_align_padding + ("%ds" % (item_size,)) buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format)) hwndFrom, id, code, buf_item = struct.unpack(format, buf) item = UnpackLVITEM(buf_item) return _MakeResult("LVDISPINFO hwndFrom id code item", (hwndFrom, id, code, item)) def UnpackLVNOTIFY(lparam): format = _nmhdr_fmt + _nmhdr_align_padding + "7i" if is64bit: format = format + "xxxx" # point needs padding. format = format + "P" buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format)) hwndFrom, id, code, item, subitem, newstate, oldstate, \ changed, pt_x, pt_y, lparam = struct.unpack(format, buf) return _MakeResult("UnpackLVNOTIFY hwndFrom id code item subitem " "newstate oldstate changed pt lparam", (hwndFrom, id, code, item, subitem, newstate, oldstate, changed, (pt_x, pt_y), lparam)) # Make a new buffer suitable for querying an items attributes. def EmptyLVITEM(item, subitem, mask = None, text_buf_size=512): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to if mask is None: mask = commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE | commctrl.LVIF_INDENT | commctrl.LVIF_TEXT | \ commctrl.LVIF_PARAM | commctrl.LVIF_STATE if mask & commctrl.LVIF_TEXT: text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() else: text_addr = text_buf_size = 0 buf = struct.pack(_lvitem_fmt, mask, item, subitem, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, # text 0, 0, 0) return array.array("b", buf), extra # List view column structure _lvcolumn_fmt = "iiiPiiii" def PackLVCOLUMN(fmt=None, cx=None, text=None, subItem=None, image=None, order=None): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to mask = 0 mask, fmt = _GetMaskAndVal(fmt, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_FMT) mask, cx = _GetMaskAndVal(cx, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH) mask, text = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.LVCF_TEXT) mask, subItem = _GetMaskAndVal(subItem, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM) mask, image = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE) mask, order= _GetMaskAndVal(order, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_ORDER) if text is None: text_addr = text_len = 0 else: text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() text_len = len(text) buf = struct.pack(_lvcolumn_fmt, mask, fmt, cx, text_addr, text_len, # text subItem, image, order) return array.array("b", buf), extra def UnpackLVCOLUMN(lparam): mask, fmt, cx, text_addr, text_size, subItem, image, order = \ struct.unpack(_lvcolumn_fmt, lparam) # ensure only items listed by the mask are valid if not (mask & commctrl.LVCF_FMT): fmt = None if not (mask & commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH): cx = None if not (mask & commctrl.LVCF_TEXT): text_addr = text_size = None if not (mask & commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM): subItem = None if not (mask & commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE): image = None if not (mask & commctrl.LVCF_ORDER): order = None if text_addr: text = win32gui.PyGetString(text_addr) else: text = None return _MakeResult("LVCOLUMN fmt cx text subItem image order", (fmt, cx, text, subItem, image, order)) # Make a new buffer suitable for querying an items attributes. def EmptyLVCOLUMN(mask = None, text_buf_size=512): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to if mask is None: mask = commctrl.LVCF_FMT | commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH | commctrl.LVCF_TEXT | \ commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM | commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE | commctrl.LVCF_ORDER if mask & commctrl.LVCF_TEXT: text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() else: text_addr = text_buf_size = 0 buf = struct.pack(_lvcolumn_fmt, mask, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, # text 0, 0, 0) return array.array("b", buf), extra # List view hit-test. def PackLVHITTEST(pt): format = "iiiii" buf = struct.pack(format, pt[0], pt[1], 0, 0, 0) return array.array("b", buf), None def UnpackLVHITTEST(buf): format = "iiiii" x, y, flags, item, subitem = struct.unpack(format, buf) return _MakeResult("LVHITTEST pt flags item subitem", ((x,y), flags, item, subitem)) def PackHDITEM(cxy = None, text = None, hbm = None, fmt = None, param = None, image = None, order = None): extra = [] # objects we must keep references to mask = 0 mask, cxy = _GetMaskAndVal(cxy, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_HEIGHT) mask, text = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.LVCF_TEXT) mask, hbm = _GetMaskAndVal(hbm, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_BITMAP) mask, fmt = _GetMaskAndVal(fmt, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_FORMAT) mask, param = _GetMaskAndVal(param, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_LPARAM) mask, image = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_IMAGE) mask, order = _GetMaskAndVal(order, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_ORDER) if text is None: text_addr = text_len = 0 else: text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text) extra.append(text_buffer) text_addr, _ = text_buffer.buffer_info() text_len = len(text) format = "iiPPiiPiiii" buf = struct.pack(format, mask, cxy, text_addr, hbm, text_len, fmt, param, image, order, 0, 0) return array.array("b", buf), extra # Device notification stuff # Generic function for packing a DEV_BROADCAST_* structure - generally used # by the other PackDEV_BROADCAST_* functions in this module. def PackDEV_BROADCAST(devicetype, rest_fmt, rest_data, extra_data=_make_bytes('')): # It seems a requirement is 4 byte alignment, even for the 'BYTE data[1]' # field (eg, that would make DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE 41 bytes, but we must # be 44. extra_data += _make_bytes('\0' * (4-len(extra_data)%4)) format = "iii" + rest_fmt full_size = struct.calcsize(format) + len(extra_data) data = (full_size, devicetype, 0) + rest_data return struct.pack(format, *data) + extra_data def PackDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE(handle, hdevnotify=0, guid=_make_bytes("\0"*16), name_offset=0, data=_make_bytes("\0")): return PackDEV_BROADCAST(win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE, "PP16sl", (int(handle), int(hdevnotify), _make_memory(guid), name_offset), data) def PackDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME(unitmask, flags): return PackDEV_BROADCAST(win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME, "II", (unitmask, flags)) def PackDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE(classguid, name=""): if win32gui.UNICODE: # This really means "is py3k?" - so not accepting bytes is OK if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Must provide unicode for the name") name = name.encode('unicode-internal') else: # py2k was passed a unicode object - encode as mbcs. if isinstance(name, str): name = name.encode('mbcs') # 16 bytes for the IID followed by \0 term'd string. rest_fmt = "16s%ds" % len(name) # _make_memory(iid) hoops necessary to get the raw IID bytes. rest_data = (_make_memory(pywintypes.IID(classguid)), name) return PackDEV_BROADCAST(win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE, rest_fmt, rest_data) # An object returned by UnpackDEV_BROADCAST. class DEV_BROADCAST_INFO: def __init__(self, devicetype, **kw): self.devicetype = devicetype self.__dict__.update(kw) def __str__(self): return "DEV_BROADCAST_INFO:" + str(self.__dict__) # Support for unpacking the 'lparam' def UnpackDEV_BROADCAST(lparam): if lparam == 0: return None hdr_format = "iii" hdr_size = struct.calcsize(hdr_format) hdr_buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, hdr_size) size, devtype, reserved = struct.unpack("iii", hdr_buf) # Due to x64 alignment issues, we need to use the full format string over # the entire buffer. ie, on x64: # calcsize('iiiP') != calcsize('iii')+calcsize('P') buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, size) extra = x = {} if devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE: # 2 handles, a GUID, a LONG and possibly an array following... fmt = hdr_format + "PP16sl" _, _, _, x['handle'], x['hdevnotify'], guid_bytes, x['nameoffset'] = \ struct.unpack(fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)]) x['eventguid'] = pywintypes.IID(guid_bytes, True) elif devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE: fmt = hdr_format + "16s" _, _, _, guid_bytes = struct.unpack(fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)]) x['classguid'] = pywintypes.IID(guid_bytes, True) x['name'] = win32gui.PyGetString(lparam + struct.calcsize(fmt)) elif devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME: # int mask and flags fmt = hdr_format + "II" _, _, _, x['unitmask'], x['flags'] = struct.unpack(fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)]) else: raise NotImplementedError("unknown device type %d" % (devtype,)) return DEV_BROADCAST_INFO(devtype, **extra)