# Classes which describe interfaces. from win32com.server.exception import Exception from win32com.server.util import ListEnumeratorGateway from win32com.axdebug import axdebug from win32com.axdebug.util import RaiseNotImpl, _wrap import pythoncom import win32com.server.connect import winerror class EnumDebugCodeContexts(ListEnumeratorGateway): """A class to expose a Python sequence as an EnumDebugCodeContexts Create an instance of this class passing a sequence (list, tuple, or any sequence protocol supporting object) and it will automatically support the EnumDebugCodeContexts interface for the object. """ _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IEnumDebugCodeContexts ] class EnumDebugStackFrames(ListEnumeratorGateway): """A class to expose a Python sequence as an EnumDebugStackFrames Create an instance of this class passing a sequence (list, tuple, or any sequence protocol supporting object) and it will automatically support the EnumDebugStackFrames interface for the object. """ _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IEnumDebugStackFrames ] class EnumDebugApplicationNodes(ListEnumeratorGateway): """A class to expose a Python sequence as an EnumDebugStackFrames Create an instance of this class passing a sequence (list, tuple, or any sequence protocol supporting object) and it will automatically support the EnumDebugApplicationNodes interface for the object. """ _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IEnumDebugApplicationNodes ] class EnumRemoteDebugApplications(ListEnumeratorGateway): _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IEnumRemoteDebugApplications ] class EnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads(ListEnumeratorGateway): _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads ] class DebugDocumentInfo: _public_methods_ = ["GetName", "GetDocumentClassId"] _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentInfo] def __init__(self): pass def GetName(self, dnt): """ Get the one of the name of the document dnt -- int DOCUMENTNAMETYPE """ RaiseNotImpl("GetName") def GetDocumentClassId(self): """ Result must be an IID object (or string representing one). """ RaiseNotImpl("GetDocumentClassId") class DebugDocumentProvider(DebugDocumentInfo): _public_methods_ = DebugDocumentInfo._public_methods_ + ["GetDocument"] _com_interfaces_ = DebugDocumentInfo._com_interfaces_ + [axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentProvider] def GetDocument(self): RaiseNotImpl("GetDocument") class DebugApplicationNode(DebugDocumentProvider): """Provides the functionality of IDebugDocumentProvider, plus a context within a project tree. """ _public_methods_ = """EnumChildren GetParent SetDocumentProvider Close Attach Detach""".split() + \ DebugDocumentProvider._public_methods_ _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentProvider] + \ DebugDocumentProvider._com_interfaces_ def __init__(self): DebugDocumentProvider.__init__(self) def EnumChildren(self): # Result is type PyIEnumDebugApplicationNodes RaiseNotImpl("EnumChildren") def GetParent(self): # result is type PyIDebugApplicationNode RaiseNotImpl("GetParent") def SetDocumentProvider(self, pddp): # PyIDebugDocumentProvider pddp # void result. RaiseNotImpl("SetDocumentProvider") def Close(self): # void result. RaiseNotImpl("Close") def Attach(self, parent): # PyIDebugApplicationNode # void result. RaiseNotImpl("Attach") def Detach(self): # void result. RaiseNotImpl("Detach") class DebugApplicationNodeEvents: """Event interface for DebugApplicationNode object. """ _public_methods_ = "onAddChild onRemoveChild onDetach".split() _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugApplicationNodeEvents] def __init__(self): pass def onAddChild(self, child): # PyIDebugApplicationNode # void result. RaiseNotImpl("onAddChild") def onRemoveChild(self, child): # PyIDebugApplicationNode # void result. RaiseNotImpl("onRemoveChild") def onDetach(self): # void result. RaiseNotImpl("onDetach") def onAttach(self, parent): # PyIDebugApplicationNode # void result. RaiseNotImpl("onAttach") class DebugDocument(DebugDocumentInfo): """The base interface to all debug documents. """ _public_methods_ = DebugDocumentInfo._public_methods_ _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugDocument] + DebugDocumentInfo._com_interfaces_ class DebugDocumentText(DebugDocument): """The interface to a text only debug document. """ _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentText] + \ DebugDocument._com_interfaces_ _public_methods_ = ["GetDocumentAttributes", "GetSize", "GetPositionOfLine", "GetLineOfPosition", "GetText", "GetPositionOfContext", "GetContextOfPosition"] + \ DebugDocument._public_methods_ def __init__(self): pass # IDebugDocumentText def GetDocumentAttributes(self): # Result is int (TEXT_DOC_ATTR) RaiseNotImpl("GetDocumentAttributes") def GetSize(self): # Result is (numLines, numChars) RaiseNotImpl("GetSize") def GetPositionOfLine(self, cLineNumber): # Result is int char position RaiseNotImpl("GetPositionOfLine") def GetLineOfPosition(self, charPos): # Result is int, int (lineNo, offset) RaiseNotImpl("GetLineOfPosition") def GetText(self, charPos, maxChars, wantAttr): """Params charPos -- integer maxChars -- integer wantAttr -- Should the function compute attributes. Return value must be (string, attribtues). attributes may be None if(not wantAttr) """ RaiseNotImpl("GetText") def GetPositionOfContext(self, debugDocumentContext): """Params debugDocumentContext -- a PyIDebugDocumentContext object. Return value must be (charPos, numChars) """ RaiseNotImpl("GetPositionOfContext") def GetContextOfPosition(self, charPos, maxChars): """Params are integers. Return value must be PyIDebugDocumentContext object """ print(self) RaiseNotImpl("GetContextOfPosition") class DebugDocumentTextExternalAuthor: """Allow external editors to edit file-based debugger documents, and to notify the document when the source file has been changed. """ _public_methods_ = ["GetPathName", "GetFileName", "NotifyChanged"] _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentTextExternalAuthor] def __init__(self): pass def GetPathName(self): """Return the full path (including file name) to the document's source file. Result must be (filename, fIsOriginal), where - if fIsOriginalPath is TRUE if the path refers to the original file for the document. - if fIsOriginalPath is FALSE if the path refers to a newly created temporary file. raise Exception(winerror.E_FAIL) if no source file can be created/determined. """ RaiseNotImpl("GetPathName") def GetFileName(self): """Return just the name of the document, with no path information. (Used for "Save As...") Result is a string """ RaiseNotImpl("GetFileName") def NotifyChanged(self): """ Notify the host that the document's source file has been saved and that its contents should be refreshed. """ RaiseNotImpl("NotifyChanged") class DebugDocumentTextEvents: _public_methods_ = """onDestroy onInsertText onRemoveText onReplaceText onUpdateTextAttributes onUpdateDocumentAttributes""".split() _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents ] def __init__(self): pass def onDestroy(self): # Result is void. RaiseNotImpl("onDestroy") def onInsertText(self, cCharacterPosition, cNumToInsert): # Result is void. RaiseNotImpl("onInsertText") def onRemoveText(self, cCharacterPosition, cNumToRemove): # Result is void. RaiseNotImpl("onRemoveText") def onReplaceText(self, cCharacterPosition, cNumToReplace): # Result is void. RaiseNotImpl("onReplaceText") def onUpdateTextAttributes(self, cCharacterPosition, cNumToUpdate): # Result is void. RaiseNotImpl("onUpdateTextAttributes") def onUpdateDocumentAttributes(self,textdocattr): # TEXT_DOC_ATTR # Result is void. RaiseNotImpl("onUpdateDocumentAttributes") class DebugDocumentContext: _public_methods_ = [ 'GetDocument', 'EnumCodeContexts'] _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentContext ] def __init__(self): pass def GetDocument(self): """Return value must be a PyIDebugDocument object """ RaiseNotImpl("GetDocument") def EnumCodeContexts(self): """Return value must be a PyIEnumDebugCodeContexts object """ RaiseNotImpl("EnumCodeContexts") class DebugCodeContext: _public_methods_ = [ 'GetDocumentContext', 'SetBreakPoint'] _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IDebugCodeContext ] def __init__(self): pass def GetDocumentContext(self): """Return value must be a PyIDebugDocumentContext object """ RaiseNotImpl("GetDocumentContext") def SetBreakPoint(self, bps): """bps -- an integer with flags. """ RaiseNotImpl("SetBreakPoint") class DebugStackFrame: """Abstraction representing a logical stack frame on the stack of a thread.""" _public_methods_ = [ 'GetCodeContext', 'GetDescriptionString', 'GetLanguageString', 'GetThread', 'GetDebugProperty'] _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IDebugStackFrame ] def __init__(self): pass def GetCodeContext(self): """Returns the current code context associated with the stack frame. Return value must be a IDebugCodeContext object """ RaiseNotImpl("GetCodeContext") def GetDescriptionString(self, fLong): """Returns a textual description of the stack frame. fLong -- A flag indicating if the long name is requested. """ RaiseNotImpl("GetDescriptionString") def GetLanguageString(self): """Returns a short or long textual description of the language. fLong -- A flag indicating if the long name is requested. """ RaiseNotImpl("GetLanguageString") def GetThread(self): """ Returns the thread associated with this stack frame. Result must be a IDebugApplicationThread """ RaiseNotImpl("GetThread") def GetDebugProperty(self): RaiseNotImpl("GetDebugProperty") class DebugDocumentHost: """The interface from the IDebugDocumentHelper back to the smart host or language engine. This interface exposes host specific functionality such as syntax coloring. """ _public_methods_ = [ 'GetDeferredText', 'GetScriptTextAttributes', 'OnCreateDocumentContext', 'GetPathName', 'GetFileName', 'NotifyChanged'] _com_interfaces_ = [ axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentHost ] def __init__(self): pass def GetDeferredText(self, dwTextStartCookie, maxChars, bWantAttr): RaiseNotImpl("GetDeferredText") def GetScriptTextAttributes(self, codeText, delimterText, flags): # Result must be an attribute sequence of same "length" as the code. RaiseNotImpl("GetScriptTextAttributes") def OnCreateDocumentContext(self): # Result must be a PyIUnknown RaiseNotImpl("OnCreateDocumentContext") def GetPathName(self): # Result must be (string, int) where the int is a BOOL # - TRUE if the path refers to the original file for the document. # - FALSE if the path refers to a newly created temporary file. # - raise Exception(scode=E_FAIL) if no source file can be created/determined. RaiseNotImpl("GetPathName") def GetFileName(self): # Result is a string with just the name of the document, no path information. RaiseNotImpl("GetFileName") def NotifyChanged(self): RaiseNotImpl("NotifyChanged") # Additional gateway related functions. class DebugDocumentTextConnectServer: _public_methods_ = win32com.server.connect.IConnectionPointContainer_methods + win32com.server.connect.IConnectionPoint_methods _com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IConnectionPoint, pythoncom.IID_IConnectionPointContainer] # IConnectionPoint interfaces def __init__(self): self.cookieNo = -1 self.connections = {} def EnumConnections(self): RaiseNotImpl("EnumConnections") def GetConnectionInterface(self): RaiseNotImpl("GetConnectionInterface") def GetConnectionPointContainer(self): return _wrap(self) def Advise(self, pUnk): # Creates a connection to the client. Simply allocate a new cookie, # find the clients interface, and store it in a dictionary. interface = pUnk.QueryInterface(axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents,1) self.cookieNo = self.cookieNo + 1 self.connections[self.cookieNo] = interface return self.cookieNo def Unadvise(self, cookie): # Destroy a connection - simply delete interface from the map. try: del self.connections[cookie] except KeyError: return Exception(scode=winerror.E_UNEXPECTED) # IConnectionPointContainer interfaces def EnumConnectionPoints(self): RaiseNotImpl("EnumConnectionPoints") def FindConnectionPoint(self, iid): # Find a connection we support. Only support the single event interface. if iid==axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents: return _wrap(self) raise Exception(scode=winerror.E_NOINTERFACE) # ?? class RemoteDebugApplicationEvents: _public_methods_ = ["OnConnectDebugger","OnDisconnectDebugger","OnSetName","OnDebugOutput","OnClose","OnEnterBreakPoint","OnLeaveBreakPoint","OnCreateThread","OnDestroyThread","OnBreakFlagChange"] _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IRemoteDebugApplicationEvents] def OnConnectDebugger(self, appDebugger): """appDebugger -- a PyIApplicationDebugger """ RaiseNotImpl("OnConnectDebugger") def OnDisconnectDebugger(self): RaiseNotImpl("OnDisconnectDebugger") def OnSetName(self, name): RaiseNotImpl("OnSetName") def OnDebugOutput(self, string): RaiseNotImpl("OnDebugOutput") def OnClose(self): RaiseNotImpl("OnClose") def OnEnterBreakPoint(self, rdat): """rdat -- PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread """ RaiseNotImpl("OnEnterBreakPoint") def OnLeaveBreakPoint(self, rdat): """rdat -- PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread """ RaiseNotImpl("OnLeaveBreakPoint") def OnCreateThread(self, rdat): """rdat -- PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread """ RaiseNotImpl("OnCreateThread") def OnDestroyThread(self, rdat): """rdat -- PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread """ RaiseNotImpl("OnDestroyThread") def OnBreakFlagChange(self, abf, rdat): """abf -- int - one of the axdebug.APPBREAKFLAGS constants rdat -- PyIRemoteDebugApplicationThread RaiseNotImpl("OnBreakFlagChange") """ class DebugExpressionContext: _public_methods_ = ["ParseLanguageText", "GetLanguageInfo"] _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugExpressionContext] def __init__(self): pass def ParseLanguageText(self, code, radix, delim, flags): """ result is IDebugExpression """ RaiseNotImpl("ParseLanguageText") def GetLanguageInfo(self): """ result is (string langName, iid langId) """ RaiseNotImpl("GetLanguageInfo") class DebugExpression: _public_methods_ = ["Start", "Abort", "QueryIsComplete", "GetResultAsString", "GetResultAsDebugProperty"] _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IDebugExpression] def Start(self, callback): """ callback -- an IDebugExpressionCallback result - void """ RaiseNotImpl("Start") def Abort(self): """ no params result -- void """ RaiseNotImpl("Abort") def QueryIsComplete(self): """ no params result -- void """ RaiseNotImpl("QueryIsComplete") def GetResultAsString(self): RaiseNotImpl("GetResultAsString") def GetResultAsDebugProperty(self): RaiseNotImpl("GetResultAsDebugProperty") class ProvideExpressionContexts: _public_methods_ = ["EnumExpressionContexts"] _com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IProvideExpressionContexts] def EnumExpressionContexts(self): RaiseNotImpl("EnumExpressionContexts")