import sys import pythoncom from win32com.axscript.server.error import Exception from win32com.axscript import axscript from win32com.axscript.server import axsite from win32com.server import util, connect import win32com.server.policy from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch from win32com.server.exception import COMException import unittest import win32com.test.util verbose = "-v" in sys.argv class MySite(axsite.AXSite): def __init__(self, *args): self.exception_seen = None axsite.AXSite.__init__(self, *args) def OnScriptError(self, error): self.exception_seen = exc = error.GetExceptionInfo() context, line, char = error.GetSourcePosition() if not verbose: return print(" >Exception:", exc[1]) try: st = error.GetSourceLineText() except pythoncom.com_error: st = None if st is None: st = "" text = st + "\n" + (" " * (char-1)) + "^" + "\n" + exc[2] for line in text.splitlines(): print(" >" + line) class MyCollection(util.Collection): def _NewEnum(self): return util.Collection._NewEnum(self) class Test: _public_methods_ = [ 'echo', 'fail' ] _public_attrs_ = ['collection'] def __init__(self): self.verbose = verbose self.collection = util.wrap( MyCollection( [1,'Two',3] )) self.last = "" self.fail_called = 0 # self._connect_server_ = TestConnectServer(self) def echo(self, *args): self.last = "".join([str(s) for s in args]) if self.verbose: for arg in args: print(arg, end=' ') print() def fail(self, *args): print("**** fail() called ***") for arg in args: print(arg, end=' ') print() self.fail_called = 1 # self._connect_server_.Broadcast(last) #### Connections currently wont work, as there is no way for the engine to #### know what events we support. We need typeinfo support. IID_ITestEvents = pythoncom.MakeIID("{8EB72F90-0D44-11d1-9C4B-00AA00125A98}") class TestConnectServer(connect.ConnectableServer): _connect_interfaces_ = [IID_ITestEvents] # The single public method that the client can call on us # (ie, as a normal COM server, this exposes just this single method. def __init__(self, object): self.object = object def Broadcast(self,arg): # Simply broadcast a notification. self._BroadcastNotify(self.NotifyDoneIt, (arg,)) def NotifyDoneIt(self, interface, arg): interface.Invoke(1000, 0, pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD, 1, arg) VBScript = """\ prop = "Property Value" sub hello(arg1) test.echo arg1 end sub sub testcollection if test.collection.Item(0) <> 1 then"Index 0 was wrong") end if if test.collection.Item(1) <> "Two" then"Index 1 was wrong") end if if test.collection.Item(2) <> 3 then"Index 2 was wrong") end if num = 0 for each item in test.collection num = num + 1 next if num <> 3 then"Collection didn't have 3 items") end if end sub """ PyScript = """\ # A unicode \xa9omment. prop = "Property Value" def hello(arg1): test.echo(arg1) def testcollection(): # test.collection[1] = "New one" got = [] for item in test.collection: got.append(item) if got != [1, "Two", 3]:"Didn't get the collection") pass """ # XXX - needs py3k work! Throwing a bytes string with an extended char # doesn't make much sense, but py2x allows it. What it gets upset with # is a real unicode arg - which is the only thing py3k allows! PyScript_Exc = """\ def hello(arg1): raise RuntimeError("exc with extended \xa9har") """ ErrScript = """\ bad code for everyone! """ state_map = { axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_UNINITIALIZED: "SCRIPTSTATE_UNINITIALIZED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED: "SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED: "SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED: "SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED: "SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CLOSED: "SCRIPTSTATE_CLOSED", } def _CheckEngineState(engine, name, state): got = engine.engine.eScript.GetScriptState() if got != state: got_name = state_map.get(got, str(got)) state_name = state_map.get(state, str(state)) raise RuntimeError("Warning - engine %s has state %s, but expected %s" % (name, got_name, state_name)) class EngineTester(win32com.test.util.TestCase): def _TestEngine(self, engineName, code, expected_exc = None): echoer = Test() model = { 'test' : util.wrap(echoer), } site = MySite(model) engine = site._AddEngine(engineName) try: _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) engine.AddCode(code) engine.Start() _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED) self.failUnless(not echoer.fail_called, "Fail should not have been called") # Now call into the scripts IDispatch ob = Dispatch(engine.GetScriptDispatch()) try: ob.hello("Goober") self.failUnless(expected_exc is None, "Expected %r, but no exception seen" % (expected_exc,)) except pythoncom.com_error: if expected_exc is None:"Unexpected failure from script code: %s" % (site.exception_seen,)) if expected_exc not in site.exception_seen[2]:"Could not find %r in %r" % (expected_exc, site.exception_seen[2])) return self.assertEqual(echoer.last, "Goober") self.assertEqual(str(ob.prop), "Property Value") ob.testcollection() self.failUnless(not echoer.fail_called, "Fail should not have been called") # Now make sure my engines can evaluate stuff. result = engine.eParse.ParseScriptText("1+1", None, None, None, 0, 0, axscript.SCRIPTTEXT_ISEXPRESSION) self.assertEqual(result, 2) # re-initialize to make sure it transitions back to initialized again. engine.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) engine.Start() _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED) # Transition back to initialized, then through connected too. engine.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) engine.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED) _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED) engine.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) engine.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED) _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED) engine.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED) _CheckEngineState(site, engineName, axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED) finally: engine.Close() engine = None site = None def testVB(self): self._TestEngine("VBScript", VBScript) def testPython(self): self._TestEngine("Python", PyScript) def testPythonUnicodeError(self): self._TestEngine("Python", PyScript) def testVBExceptions(self): self.assertRaises(pythoncom.com_error, self._TestEngine, "VBScript", ErrScript) def testPythonExceptions(self): expected = "RuntimeError: exc with extended \xa9har" self._TestEngine("Python", PyScript_Exc, expected) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()